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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

The Aksha'i Cruentes: The Bloodthirsty Legions

THE CRUENTES   Arkrath, the Hand of Khorne DAEMON PRINCE, 11PL       For ten thousand years, the Astartes who would become Arkrath, Kratus, has led his warband of Chosen Terminators. Entering the Long War as a veteran warrior in the ranks of the XII Legion's Terminator elite, Kratus was frequently found in the most bloody of battles. This boldness amassed for him a significant following of Terminators, and they adopted the moniker of Red Butchers, once a reviled and piti


Cheex in Order of Battle

Zero bits challenge

One thing that has always bothered me since I started the hobby back in 2018 is how many spare parts you can end up with after building your miniatures. With infantry/characters this typically means extra heads, arms/weapons or gear that are useful for customization purposes or to make slightly different forces, but which end up on sprue or on your bits box.   Since I dislike wasting stuff I have decided some time ago to put in practice a self imposed zero bits challenge, with the


GreenScorpion in DYI

Cosmic Chorus Army Showcase

Cross posting some pictures from the Hall of Honor > Army Showcase thread. I didn't take a ton of close ups, those can be found elsewhere on the B&C.   Comments and criticism welcome.   Characters   Shadowseer   Solitaire   Troops     Fast Attack       Heavy Support   Dedicated Transports           Tra

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

Let's talk about existing Crusades and new Codexes

With Codex: World Eaters just around the corner, I thought it was time to bring up the topic of how to approach a new codex release with an existing Crusade.   The natural reaction to any new Codex might be to simply start again, but I find that solution extremely unsatisfying. Being a narrative format, it would be disappointing to simply throw out all the narrative development I've put into this force so far.   On the other hand, the Chaos Warband rules for CSM are pretty po


Cheex in Order of Battle

Murdax's New Butchers

Terminators have to be some of my favourite models in the game. Personal tank armour? Hell yeah!   I've been sitting on a couple of boxes of the newer Chaos Terminators for some time, but have been hesitant to build them with Codex: World Eaters around the corner, especially since some earlier rumours suggested that there wouldn't be any Terminators at all. Now that we've seen all the releases and have multiple leaks indicating that Terminators are still in, I feel a lot more comfortab


Cheex in Hobby Progress

Arkrath the Ascended, Hand of Khorne

Took a month, but Arkrath is finally done!     Painting red Daemonic flesh when the model is also wearing red armour is always tricky, so I went with the option of painting the flesh like a redder version of his moral skin tone.      Of course, had to slather on the blood for the oversized chainfist!     I expanded on the rock that the Daemon Prince model comes with, making it feel more like the type of rocks the rest of the army uses.


Cheex in Hobby Progress

Battle 15: 75PL vs Space Marines, Pandemic Locale

25 November, 2022 With Kratus's ascension into the Daemon Prince Arkrath, his forces have been seized with a renewed vigor for bloodshed. No longer caring about the relic bounty hidden beneath the city, the Cruentes have turned their attentions to simply butchering their way through the hordes of mutants and xenos pouring from underground, ordering their fleet to bombard the whole city from low orbit. In their lord's wake, wisps of unreality coalesce into Neverborn allies as the followers o


Cheex in Battle Reports

DIY, recycling and reusing

Nowadays there is so much garbage entering our houses on a regular basis and many of those things are not necessarily recycled given a proper treatment once they are used, but some things are too useful to go to waste, so this blog is a compilation of examples on how things can be given a new life and in this particular case used for wargaming miniatures, terrain, dioramas and so on. The examples show here are in different stages of WIP, so the end result can certainly look different, but h


GreenScorpion in DYI

Showcase: Terrain, Scenery, and Fortifications

Pics of some of the terrain my group plays on. Our terrain gets recycled and repainted quite frequently but we never put unpainted work on the table.   Forgeworld's mystic terrain foresaw the future because contrast paint was made for these models.          And a Drukhari shrine       Moving to the urban setting where we play most of our games, here's some pregame shots.         Som

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Terrain

They live!

Success! My termagant sculpts have been printed, and they're delightful! I still need to sculpt some weapons for them, but they work with the plastic gaunt weapons as a stop-gap. This was quite a learning experience, and I hadn't quite appreciated just how...spindly they would be. On the plus side, Elegoo ABS-Like 2.0 is very durable and they don't feel like they're going to break. In hindsight I'll not add quite so many tiny bits in future as they're just so small that they get

Evil Eye

Evil Eye in 3D Sorcery

From the gestation chambers they came...

More 3D stuff is abound- I've been working on some definitely-positively-100%-not-termagants for printing. They're going to be poseable, with ball-sockets at the hips, waist, tail, neck and shoulders (all four of them) and plenty of alternate parts. So far I have the core body, legs and tails.   The main arms should be compatible with the official gaunt kit parts (so you can put printed arms on plastic bodies and vice versa).   All the parts so far in an e

Evil Eye

Evil Eye in 3D Sorcery


Having finally acquired a 3D printer- to be exact an Elegoo Mars 3 Pro- I've been having fun testing it out. I've done three prints so far, the first being the default rook models, followed by a few Tyranid things from MyMiniFactory, including Hive Delta's free Carnifaux body (which is awesome!). However, I was itching to try and print something I'd made myself, so I went a bit mad and sculpted up 5 'niddy beetle wing sets in the span of a few hours. I then printed 4 of them (one was

Evil Eye

Evil Eye in 3D Sorcery

Kratus is dead

For weeks, Kratus's physical form had been in flux. His movement was not a fluid motion, as if viewed through a pict feed at a low framerate. In the blink of an eye, Kratus would appear in a totally different position; blink again, and he might appear to have never moved, as if he were totally disconnected from reality.   Kratus has offered many a worthy skull to the Blood God's throne, felling skilled warriors and titanic Knights alike. It was the foul xenoform known as the Salt Wyrm


Cheex in Campaign Narrative

DIY Simple Bridges

Terrain is always a good way to help decorated the battlefield with something interesting, even though it is often not the centre piece on most hobbyists plans. Although there is a relatively good selection of terrain available in hard plastic, resin, PVC, MDF/HDF or even in cardboard, terrain is a good opportunity to make something custom with locally available materials, most of them often seen as garbage.   For those who might have seen some of my posts on the Astra Militarum s


GreenScorpion in DYI

Renegade Open 2022 - Part Three

I attended the Renegade Open held in Plymouth, MN on 19 November. I walked through most of the events with friends over about an hour. I saw the 40K Friendly, the Barbicon Front (Horus Heresy) event, and Operation (Bolt Action). Here's some photos and commentary from my visit.   Part One: The GW stuff Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff Part Three: Swag and conclusion   Part Three: Swag and Conclusion   After taking some pics, I headed to the vendor roo

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

Renegade Open 2022 - Part Two

I attended the Renegade Open held in Plymouth, MN on 19 November. I walked through most of the events with friends over about an hour. I saw the 40K Friendly, the Barbicon Front (Horus Heresy) event, and Operation (Bolt Action). Here's some photos and commentary from my visit.   Part One: The GW stuff Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff Part Three: Swag and conclusion   Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff   I love the B&C, but I love mini gaming in gen

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

Renegade Open 2022 - Part One

I attended the Renegade Open held in Plymouth, MN on 19 November. I walked through most of the events with friends over about an hour. I saw the 40K Friendly, the Barbicon Front (Horus Heresy) event, and Operation :cuss: (Bolt Action). Here's some photos and commentary from my visit.   Part One: The GW stuff Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff Part Three: Swag and conclusion   Part One: The GW Stuff   The Renegade Open is one of the larger local tourname

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

Redemptor Dreadnought - Painting Progress Report #2

Photo update 2/2 - I managed to paint the model. The next entry will show a the model, together with a finished base, in better quality photos. However, I know that I need to take break from this draining project and focus on other things for the time being.   Weapons:           And my finished Redemptor Dreadnought Conversion              

Brother Christopher

Brother Christopher in Conversions

Battle 14: 75PL vs Genestealer Cults, Weaken the Defences

Or: I really need to make a proper urban-themed board for this narrative campaign that is set in a bloody city...   18 November, 2022 The sharp claws hunting us from the shadows have all but confirmed it: an ancient relic is buried under the surface of Hive Secundus, one that is of particular significance to the World Eaters. Rumour and hearsay had led them to this place, and it is time to claim the prize. The final preparations must be made to bombard this city and reach the relic w


Cheex in Battle Reports

Path of the Righteous - Phase II

It's been a hot minute since I provided much of an update to my Order of Battle! It also took a couple of months longer than intended to advance to the next phase of the Path of the Righteous that my force has begun.   A quick reminder: these are optional rules from White Dward 472-476 from earlier this year. They follow your force at it walks a path of pure zeal, potentially leading to damnation in the process. These issues can be found in the Warhammer Vault, if you are a WH+ subscri


Cheex in Order of Battle

Ordo Scientia - The True and Proper Record of the Findings of Inquisitor Hedrek

"My name is Inquisitor Anrede Hedrek and like my compatriots I am unique in the truest sense of the word as you will come to comprehend. Like so many ancient and specialised branches of the great Imperium to the other Ordo of the great Inquisition we are of little significance to the greater whole. For who would think to question the existence of such an insignificant sub section hidden away in a forgotten office deep within the vast and labyrinthian depths of the record halls of the great Admin


Doghouse in Ordo Scientia

Battle 13: 50PL vs Imperial Knights, Forces in Disarray

11 November, 2022   With news of Hive Secundus housing something powerful, several armies are converging on the city. Kratus, having been thwarted in breaking into the catacombs himself, has resolved to instead locate the weakest crust of the inner city and simply bombard it from space, cracking it open and exposing the bounty within.   The Cruentes believe they have found the perfect position. The only problem is that a strike force of Imperial Knights stand in their way.


Cheex in Battle Reports

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