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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Regicide - the Concept

The oldest of my unfinished Warhammer 40,000 projects is that of creating a chess set based on the game. I enjoyed playing chess long before WH40K and greatly appreciate finely crafted chess pieces. I began “working” on this project back in the ezBoard days of 3rd edition and have revisited it several times since then. At one point, I even started a larger project in which other members of the community were invited to submit their own WH40K-themed chess sets. That project was called “Regicide”

Brother Tyler

Brother Tyler

The Hobby Butterfly

+ A Gathering of Might + + A hotch-potch update of what's on the hobby desk. For whatever reason, the hobby butterfly has been fluttering from project to project and not settling. Rather than force it, I've been doing little bits here and there. + + Kroot Killteam +   + I like Killteam, and I like Kroot. With the new kit coming out imminently, I wanted to get ahead of the game and paint up some of these models. In particular, I wanted to make sure I had some krootho


apologist in General

An Intro...

I guess I should start with a little about my self and my hobby background.  It all started with this, my first miniature which I proudly bought for 50p from my FLGS back when I was 12, which I excitedly took home and badly painted with my dads Humbrol enamel paints. From then I was hooked, I had a group of friends who were similarly interested one of whom had a 2nd edition copy of Warhammer fantasy battles and so the collection began to grow to the first small army, playing battles on


drakheart in Intro

Warehouse to let, one careless owner

Finished up a piece of terrain this evening thats been sitting mostly finished for a while,The base model is a kids toy i got from a charity shop for 2 quid, originally bright blue and yellow i took the chance to test the green spray i picked up for my Sons of Horus juuuust in case it was awful but it worked well enough, used it on the doors and roof and worked up the walls in white.  297665450_10160178297585797_4152062382917534225_n I was struggling with how to finish it up, originally aimi


Noserenda in Terrain

Order of Battle Updates

Lord Kratus, the Hand of Khorne   Once the Champion of Bardül's Terminator bodyguard, Kratus clawed his way to fill the power vaccuum left by his master's Spawndom. As the former Hand of Khorne's body was being torn asunder, Kratus tore Bardül's chainfist - a symbol of his self-proclaimed title - from his warplate. Easily besting other challengers for the title, Kratus assumed his position as the leader of the Aksha'i Cruentes, and now intends to reunite the many Cruentes warbands


Cheex in Order of Battle

Hello there

I've been involved in the Warhammer 40,000 hobby to one degree or another since the very beginning. I've been a member of the Bolter & Chainsword community since the site's infancy - I joined when the site was less than a year old (at ezBoard) and there were fewer than 200 members. Most of my "hobby" time these days is dedicated to the site. There is a great team of staff members (administrators, moderators, sacristans, etc.) that I am privileged to serve with, all of them working to support

Brother Tyler

Brother Tyler in General

+ They that touch pitch shall be defiled +

There's very little I find more disheartening in this hobby than getting enthused over a story I've come up with only to find I don't enjoy making the characters I've described. As a result, most of my projects start with models that I want to make and loose ideas that gradually cohere and come into focus, rather than being rigidly pre-planned beforehand.   The background that I've been playing with is thus a bit patchy, and explores a couple of spaces that I find interesting about the S

Salamander Space Marine

‘They that touch pitch shall be defiled.’ -XVIII-   First in a bit of an experiment – we’ll see where we go. This marine is based on Heavy Intercessor legs, with a pile of Greenstuff. I’m going to have a play with home resin casting.


apologist in Converting

Back to Bahzhakhain

A Long Introduction  A blog! An honest to goodness blog! I have no clue how these things work, which is an embarrassing thing to admit as someone my age. I should definitely know.    Anyway hello! If you have found this blog by some misfortune welcome! I’ve been at this hobby since I was a wee lad. But I’m only just now getting to a point where I feel good enough about it to share, especially when it comes to painting and modeling. Don’t expect many to visits but I like the idea of h

Existing blogs

To kick off this B&C blog, I thought I'd collate links to my existing on-site blogs that use the discussion fora.  The Alien Wars Blood Angels in the Nova Terra Interregnum May You Live Forever A narrative Iron Hands blog Officio Monstrosa Iron Warriors during the siege of Terra The Praetors of Calth Ultramarines from Crusade to Scouring


apologist in General

First among blogs, first among traitors!

So first entry! I bounce around like a right hobby butterfly these days due to a lack of goals or budget and the current heatwaves have really impacted me painting (or moving much) after a crushingly keen start to the year ill likely cover in a future blog if i keep this up :D   So more on topic, im not sure how the images will display so i will talk generally... My Sons of Horus force is set during the Siege, after the events of Saturnine and they are pretty well corrupt at this point. Th


Noserenda in Sons of Horus

Battle 6: 50PL Incursion vs Deffskulls

12 August, 2022 Eager to collect as much loot as possible, greenskins have launched an all-out attack on the Cruentes' position in the industrial outskirts of Hive Prime. Our sources tell us that these greenskins call themselves the Death Skulls. This pleases Khorne.   Leading the initial defence is Thrax Gorechosen, the Exalted Champion. He is accompanied by the Berzerker squads led by Validon and Dreior, as well as the Helbrute Xarian the Bloody Idiot and Bardûl the Wretched Foo


Cheex in Battle Reports

Battle 5: 25PL Skirmish vs Death Guard, Infiltrate the Ring

5 August, 2022 Kratus once again lead a small Combat Patrol against the Death Guard, this time accompanied by his lieutenant, Thrax, Dreior's Berzerkers, and a small mob of Cultists. The mission was to punch through the enemy line to cause as much havoc as possible. For my Agenda, I chose to initiate yet another Blasphemous Ritual to earn some more Glory for Khorne.   Unfortunately, I had been painting Kratus's model and completely forgot to bring him along, so a random Terminator


Cheex in Battle Reports

Battle 3: 50PL Incursion vs Custodes, Entrapment

29 July, 2022 This was the inaugural battle under Kratus's leadership. He led five Red Butcher terminators, two squads of five Berzerkers in a Rhino, one squad of eight Berzerkers on foot. He was accompanied by Baruda the Dark Apostle and a small mob of Cultists.   My Agendas for this mission were to kill enemy characters for XP and Personal Glory, and sabotage terrain in the enemy deployment zone.   The Cruentes were "ambushing" the Custodes as the latter attempted to l


Cheex in Battle Reports

Battle 4: 25PL Skirmish vs Custodes, Run Them Down

29 July, 2022 Kratus led this force, backed by Validon and his seven Berzerkers, and Xarian the Bloody Idiot. I chose the Eye of the Gods Agenda again for a little more Personal Glory. Following directly on from the previous battle, the Custodes of the Golden Eagle rallied to chase down the Cruentes. Not wanting to run from a fight, the World Eaters turned to engage.     Seizing the initiative (aka, losing the roll-off and my opponent wanting me to get closer), Vali


Cheex in Battle Reports

Order of Battle Updates

Aside from the obvious change in leadership, there have been some updates since the last battle.   In our campaign, for the first two weeks we had a special rule in place:     This was essentially a 2-for-the-price-of-1 deal on increasing supplies after fighting a Combat Patrol game. I found that in previous Crusades, our group would just play 50PL/1000pt games but not bother spending resources to expand their supplies, to the point where Crusade became almost synonymo


Cheex in Order of Battle

Battle 2: 25PL Skirmish vs Necrons, Cut Supply Lines

22 July, 2022 While hunting for new prey, the Cruentes discovered a cache of useful technology they could secure for bartering with the Dark Mechanicum. As they were securing the site, a Necron force led by Illuminor Szeras attacked their position.   Bardûl personally led this force, and was once more accompanied by Dreior and Gorm's two small Berzerker squads, as well as Xarian the Helbrute. The mission forced me to split my army in two parts, and forced me to deploy my whole arm


Cheex in Battle Reports

Battle 1: 25PL Skirmish vs Death Guard, Survey and Secure

15 July, 2022 The first battle the Cruentes took part in for this Crusade was 25PL against a mate's Death Guard. This was his first 40k game, so we kept the mission to a simple one from Beyond the Veil. I chose the Agenda that would get me Dark God Glory points for performing an action at the centre of the board.   The story behind this mission is that our forces are jointly invading an Imperial world that has until recently been isolated by Warp storms. As Imperial reinforcements


Cheex in Battle Reports

Prologue: War Zone Lalor

With the Blogs feature unlocked, I have decided to move my previous efforts from the World Eaters subforum to my own little corner of the B&C. Here I plan to catalogue my force's trials and tribulations as we carve our way through our group's own sub-sector of space.   War Zone Lalor is entirely a homebrew setting, with the background having been produced over three separate Crusade campaigns that our group has played over the past couple of years.   Background The Great


Cheex in Campaign Narrative

Notable Members

Bardûl, the Hand of Khorne   Formerly a member of the World Eaters' elite Terminator squads, Bardûl rose to prominence when the former master of the Cruentes, Achaeus, descended irrevocably into madness. Leading his most trusted Terminators against the blood-maddened tyrant, Bardûl attacked Achaeus on his command deck. Despite grievous injuries, Bardûl pushed past his adversary's defences and rammed his chainfist into the Astartes's innards.   He was not automatically granted


Cheex in Order of Battle

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