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Everything posted by El-Diablo

  1. Superb. Glad you managed to get a frag cannon in somewhere, would be a shame to not get the unique Deathwatch equipment in.
  2. With the Apothecary i'd do one of two things - either keep it in the original position as it follows the line of the blade, or drop the sword arm. I'd be interested to see it with a dropped sword arm to be honest, would take a touch of aggression out of him and make him look a little more like a healer. Still a Marine, but a healer none the less. With that blade/head position as it stands it looks like the arm is floating. Thinking about it, I quite like the idea of the Sword Bearer being a mirror to the Lamenter, even if just the sides the weapons are on. Everyone knows a Sword Bearer swings a blade with his right arm ;)
  3. Thats a superb start to the Blade, the lightning has just the right amount of pop.
  4. I like it. A lot in fact. I wasn't too sure when you first explained the idea to me a while ago but now it's in the flesh I really like how he's coming together. A few thoughts - - Keep the banner. Not sure what it is (might be the movement along with the cloak) but it works. - Weapons - go with a Plasma Pistol and Power Sword. Given he's a Captain, regardless of age, give him some cool weapons. Not sure on which plasma i'd use but the Black Reach power sword is one of my favourite swords GW have done in a while. Need to get it on a Black Legionnaire at some point. - Arms - Arms look best when they are mirroring the legs - a raised left leg and a lowered right arm. I'd get the Pistol in a raised left hand and the sword in a lowered right hand. The upraised pointing pistol would help reinforce the cloak and banner direction too. I've got no real thoughts on a head yet, though the bare head in the recent Tactical Squad is nice.
  5. Really pleased you've gone back to the Castigators, been holding out hope you'd get some done for a while. You know where I am if you need to bounce ideas about.
  6. The wolf is certainly getting there, but apart from the head that you've already mentioned, i'd change the left arm to something held down to the side a bit more. Reason being that when you get both wolves on the base, the astartes arm in it's current state will block the animals face from most angles from the front. Given the face is the focal point on most things it'd be a shame to go to the extent of adding the wolf to the shared base and not be able to see it's face. First thing that comes to mind for a replacement would be a hand holding a piece of cloth or similar, as if the animal is catching a scent before a hunt. Morgaddon seems to be coming on pretty well too, big bastard though.....
  7. Some lovely work chap, like the ideas coming through so far. Couple of points on Morgaddon that have come to me - Im not sure he needs the cloak, or if you feel strongly about it, not one that big. As a minor warleader i'd of thought more along the lines of more trophies/racks. Wouldn't want to cover the details on the backwards jointed leg myself. Second is the pistol. Given the rest of the detail going on around the rest of the figure, the pistol looks a little plain. I'd try and either get a bit more detail on it (hanging icons, fetishes that kind of thing) or swap it out for one of the chaos pistols.
  8. Certainly a nice start on the Librarian, adding the cloth and pipe work to the body will solidify the front of the fig. I think for a weapon the staff works well, but i'd swap it out for the plastic librarian staff top - the Grey Knight staff is getting far too much use it's not looking unique enough any more.
  9. Some excellent ideas for heads there Kraut, i've been thinking about how to make the new Scions traitors myself but not had a solid idea yet. Using the flagellant legs is a great idea, could be combined with some choice Scion and chaos parts to make Dark Mechanicus Skitarii...
  10. So bright.......... Nicely done so far mate, they are going to look superb when they're finished. I think an appropriately OTT Raptor Lord is going to be a must leading these guys somewhere down the line.
  11. Thats a smooth job on the Soul Grinder Heinrich, even with the mold lines ;)
  12. Yup, thats better. The head is in scale now (one of the problems with the 3rd ed tac squad is the bare heads are so out of scale it's unreal) and the extra chain levels the fig out nicely.
  13. It's a mace head from the Chaos Knight kit. Brilliant work Kraut, you managed to get the bit I was concerned about (the chain) working really well. I'd of liked to of seen a bit more hanging loose on the end but thats personal preference. Speaking of personal preference, im not sure the head works. Not sure what exactly it is but something about it is off.
  14. The Helbrute looks to be coming together well, the autocannon conversion came out well. As for the new Gladiators, i'd run with the idea of conversions using the Rampager Squad load out since they appear in the current WE fluff. Think that might be the way I go when I do a couple of Berzerker squads myself, mixing up the Rampager kit and the WE upgrade kit.
  15. Excellent work on the current crop Kraut, some very characterful figures. Only problem I can see is where to stop - if you get to eight and do another couple thats only another six away from two, eight strong squads ;)
  16. The new Hashec looks superb, but I can't help thinking he looks a little unfinished next to the rest of the bikers. Can't quite place exactly what it is but for some reason im thinking contrast.
  17. Hmm, I think with the side nubs shaved down you could be allright, might be worth adding a lip of plasticard strip around the bottom to make it look similar to the Talos vials?
  18. Wow, I go away and paint some square bases for a few days and you start pumping out sonic weapons? Nicely done so far, though i'd urge you to get rid of the plasma flask at the top/rear of the weapon, it's a very recognisable element of the plasma cannon that could take away from the overall finish.
  19. Great stuff Heinrich, loads of character. Really should dip back into the box of Ravenwing i've got somewhere, seems to be another source of great bits.
  20. Excellent work Heinrich, lovely looking figure. Really need to get hold of a few of those Skaven blades, they'd look great on some Black Legion.
  21. but...but... each to their own eh Would be a boring world if everyone liked the same things eh. I was thinking about the very subject this morning - I think it's more about having a preconceived idea of what Slannesh CSMs are in my head (pink and black in case anyone was wondering ;) ), than the painting itself.
  22. Must admit im not overly sold on the blue just yet, but that may be down to the figs being wip. Excited to see how they turn out though ;)
  23. I've started using agitators in my own paints recently and they work a treat, particularly with Vallejo paints which can be pretty stubborn at times.
  24. Looks about right I think, thats pretty much what I mentioned in my last PM to you, though using brighter colours. That, alongside the modelled aspects might well be what does it.
  25. Got to agree with whats been said already, that brass needs to be darker for any weathering on it to work. If your working with Runelord Brass i'd probably go with a wash of Agrax or Devlan Mud followed by another layer in the recesses and around details to get a really deep colour before highlighting with Runelord, that way any oxidisation using Nihilakh Oxide will stand out nicely. One thing to be aware of is that Nihilakh dries darker than it looks wet so don't worry about the brightness. Applying it directly to the recesses and rivets will halp too, saves having to go back with another layer of Runelord to smooth it out. Thinking about the overall scheme though, i'd probably stick with your 'standard' scheme, but weather choice areas, such as the weapons, armour trim and any cloth, that way the main armour colour stays the same throughout. That plus the modelling should cover all the bases nicely.
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