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From the album: Tinpact's Lamenters
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From the album: Tinpact's Lamenters
Testing yellow on a couple models.-
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From the album: TechCaptain's Images
Sgt. Tarcisius of the Angels Sorrowful
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From the album: Angels Sorrowful WIP
© Nicholas Wansbutter
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From the album: Angels Sorrowful WIP
- Tactical Marines
- Angels Sorrowful
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From the album: Angels Sorrowful WIP
- Tactical Marines
- Angels Sorrowful
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The Judiciars of the Charnel Guard are known, amongst their other titles, as the Custodi Sepulcrum, or Grave Wardens. Like their counterparts in other Ninth Legion Successors, they are both enforcers and executioners, dispensing judgement upon the weak and unrighteous. However, in addition to their other duties, the Grave Wardens also serve as the custodians of the Chapter's stasis crypts, watching over their brethren as they slumber between wars. Only the most disciplined and steadfast individuals are chosen for this onorous and lonely task, for they must be able to constantly resist the twin curses which infect the Charnel Guard's bloodline. High ranking members of the Chapter's mortuary cult, each Grave Warden bears a chained copy of the Tome of the Lost, a complete record of every battle brother who has fallen victim to the Flaw. They are also charged with administering the Emperor's Peace to those unfortunates who succumb to the so-called Unquiet Sleep, the curse unique to the Charnel Guard bloodline, and adding both names and deeds to the Tome so that their memory may live on. Unlike other Judiciars, the Grave Wardens favour the use of broad bladed war axes or cruciform swords that resemble the Charnel Guard's icon. In battle they are fast, deadly opponents bedecked in the skulls of their enemies, yet are perhaps most feared by their own brothers, for they represent the fate which ultimately awaits every member of the Chapter.
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Crimson Knights The Crimson Knights are a canon Chapter with little written about them that I’m using as base for an attempt to make a Space Marine Chapter notably knightly in feeling. I begun this project because even those there is much Space Marine armour that is inspired by knight armour do there not really exist any Chapter whose presentation really did say “knights” to my. For this I collected different concepts for how to make a Chapter knightly (can be seen here), but I feel a need to say that I made the collection not for the Crimson Knights, I’m just using them to see if some of the concepts I collected could work together and give a Chapter a knightly feeling. I’m doing the presentation in points form since I feel that makes it easier to get an overview and comment on specific parts: ORIGINS - Founding M35 - Blood Angels gene-seed. Via anybody? - Was Founded in order to defend a region of the Imperium against the predations of the Eldar. HOMEWORLD - The Crimson Knights’ homeworld is the distant world of Tembron on the galactic rim, a world once devastated by massive wars and now consisting of huge fortresses protecting the planet’s remaining population. - Tembron surface is wind-scoured and polluted wastes, dominated by massive, looming keeps where the feudal lords of this planet control and protect the peasants of their households. - Most of the land is desert or semi-desert, broken by tox-swamps and inland sludge-seas. Any arable land (by human standard) or clean(-ish) water springs have been taken by the population and are protected by large walls; those fortified life oasis are each ruled by a feudal lord. - The natives have lots of blood rituals – mixing blood to create blood-brothers; cutting yourself and swearing a blood oath; cutting yourself and smearing blood on your equipment for luck; – similar to the Crimson Knights, it's unknown if the Chapter influenced the natives or the other way around. - Most of the keeps are equipped with anti-air force guns, and one of the roles of the feudal lords are to keep the equipment ready and know how to use it for when xeno or renegade raiders attack. - The normal population are trained in the use of crossbows, spears and short sidearms, the lords are given full metal armour and trained in sword, lance, warhammer, and lasguns. - Technology is overall at a renaissance Europe level but lack black powder, and some more advanced technology. - While outlaw gangs, and packs of inbreed mutants (similar to hullghast and ghilliam) exist, and the lords sometime make war against each other, are the main threat the planets fauna - worms, scorpions, spiders and such of unusual size; Tembronian trolls; flesh eater scarabs, especially during migration times; etcetera. - The keeps are connected through ancient landships, controlled by the Martian priesthood, and (in the cases of keeps near each other) animal caravans. - All keep towns have yearly games of sportsmanship and physical feats, for all ages, followed by feasts, as a way to train everybody for when needed but also as a first step in recruiting aspirants. Those young that do well in the games during certain years gathered to participate in greater games where they are tested even more and in other ways to weed out the best who then are taken to the even next step and so on. - Tembron’s moon’s backside has the Chapter’s spaceport - The rest of the planets in the system have outposts to help detect incoming enemies and defend from them. BELIEFS - The Crimson Knights revere their primarch, Sanguinius, and fight as their noble forebears. - Honour and duty is everything. There are producers for those who have acted dishonorable to do their duty, or failed in their duty but kept their honour by doing so. Usually in the form of repention missions or quests, e.g. being sent to the Deathwatch. - Sometime a knight receives a vision, when that happens he speaks to a Chaplain and Librarian for guidance and scrutiny. If it’s decided that it was a true visions is the knight declared a “questing knight” and go out in the galaxy to fulfill the vision. Sometime fully alone, but usually accompanied by his squire and some more chapter-retainers, or followed by a group of fellow knights who has been given the right to partake in the quest. ORGANISATION - Largely as the Blood Angels - Few jump-packs - see “questing knight” under Belief. COMBAT DOCTRINE - The Chapter is known for their swiftly-moving assault forces and fierce assaults. - Warmaking are affairs of duty and all the rules of dueling don’t apply to warmaking, duels between champions/heroes on the battlefield is the exception – if the enemy breaks the honours of a duel then it’s no longer a duel and the rules of war ones again apply. COLOURS - It’s heraldry is a sword flanked by blood drops - Its livery primarily red with golden greaves. - Librarians are codex blue but with golden greaves. - Every full Astartes has a tilting shield that shows heraldry. You get the right to your own heraldry after deed making, until then does the shield show the company heraldry. Either make your own or pick one of the heraldries used by an earlier bearer of the gene-seed, or combine. It’s expected to incorporate at least some elements of the earlier bearer of the gene-seed’s heraldry in your own. Many young marines do foolish things to be able to have their own heraldry. It’s not allowed to use already existing heraldry as your own or part of your design unless you belong to the same linage. - Less Baroque/Rococo/Renascence bling than the BA CULTURE - The Crimson Knights revere their primarch, Sanguinius, and fight as their noble forebears, - Page and bowl haircuts mostly - Have lots of blood rituals – cutting yourself and swearing a blood oath; cutting yourself and smearing blood on your equipment for luck; “baptising” new wargear by smearing/pouring blood on it; draining their fresh dead of blood, that is later ritually consumed; – similar to Tembron’s natives, it's unknown if the Chapter influenced the natives or the other way around. - Names are Anglo-French and Germanic-Nordic mostly. No/few very Roman, Italian, Greek or angelic names. - Surnames are given to each Marine based on manner, notable deeds and/or personal heraldry. - Only send those knights who have dishonoured themselves to the Deathwatch, and see the service in the DW a redemption quest. Maybe Death Company markings on their DW painted armour? - Linage based on how old your gene-seed implant is. The older the linage the more noble, but also more is asked of you. Some linages are not allowed to continue because of dishonourable acts. - A gene-seed linage is given a linage-name, which is the first bearer of the gene-seed’s surname with an ‘de’, ‘von’, ‘as heck ’ added before it, and is placed after a marines surname, ex. Valdemar Longhilt de Thornberry - See the point about tilting shields and heraldry under Colours above. - Duels and challenges are affairs of honour and should be treated as such. - Warmaking are affairs of duty and all the rules of dueling don’t apply to warmaking, duels between champions/heroes on the battlefield is the exception – if the enemy breaks the honours of a duel then it’s no longer a duel and the rules of war ones again apply. - A word given is a word that’s kept, no matter to whom. Alliances of dire need with enemies of the Imperium are never broken unless the other part breaks it first. - Lots of pseudo-French and other mainland European languages. - Lots of ranks and titles based on courtly titles - ex. Grand Panetier, Doorward, Master Herald, etc. - See “questing knight” under Belief. Lingua - Chapter Master = Lord Roi; - Chapter-retainers = chapter-serfs that directly interact with the knights - Battle-brother = sir knight, knight-brother, or just knight or brother when informal - Squire = a knights personal chapter-serf/s - The members of the 1:th Company are referred to as paladins DISPOSITION - Noble and honourable - Very formal and etiquette following - Natural air of aristocratic superiority? GENE-SEED - Stable. Shows no more tendencies to fall to the Red Thirst or Black Rage than the Blood Angels. HISTORY - Were Founded in M35, in order to defend a region of the Imperium against the predations of the Eldar. - This has led them to fight a series of battles against Craftworld Kaelor and the Chapter's 3rd Company Captain is regarded as a hero for leading a successful raid against a Craftworld. - This has earned the Captain and the Crimson Knights the enmity of the Eldar, and the Chapter is currently rebuilding their strength after suffering severe losses in battle. - In one such incident, the Chapter's forces were saved due to the timely intervention of an Imperial Navy Battlefleet and the Crimson Knights now count the Navy as one of their closest allies. - When the call for the defense of Baal against Hivefleet Leviathan came did they have long discussions about what to do, they had a duty to their homeworld and its people, and the sector they lay in, but they also had a duty to help defend Baal and the later was possibly of a greater need to the Imperium than the space they guarded. It was decided that they would leave the 1t0h Company and one representative of each of the other Companies with them on Tembron to defend it and it’s near space. - Was down to 53 Marines as of the coming of Guliman to Baal. Were gifted 200 of the Unnumbered Sons to replenish their ranks. RELATIONSHIPS - Blood Angles and fellow successors: idealise the BA but have little contact with them because of geographic reasons. Fellow successors are treated as family and since they all share the Flaw somebody they can actually somewhat relax around and speak freely with regarding the Flaw. But those kin-chapters that have gone down darker paths, from the CK perspective (like the Flesh Tearers, and the Angels Penitent), are evaded if possible but when not are they interacted with by all the laws of etiquettes but not one bit more than honour and duty demands. And if they have to fight together is the CK’s doctrine that darker brethren should be given such duties that don’t bring them, the CK and Sanguinius’ any dishonour, even if it mean that the other Chapter get the most of the glory – sadly do the need for glory of some CK lead to that this doctrine is not always followed. - Other Marine Chapters: Gets along well with fellow “good guy” Chapters (like the Ultramarines, Salamanders, Scythes of the Emperor) - Deathwatch: because of their history of sending their own that have dishonoured themselves in the service of duty to the DW do the CK often react to DW as if they all were dishonoured on a quest for redemption. - Imperial Guard/general human forces: [undecided] - Adeptus Mechanicus: [undecided] - Ecclesiarchy: [undecided] - Inquisition: [undecided] - Distrust the Navigator House Jeffhope and are constantly on the lookout for information that will prove their suspicions. As of yet has this lead to nothing that the House have not been able to blame on others or just corrupt individuals that have quickly been done away with. Some outside observers think the CK are just hunting shadows. +++++ Do people think I succeded in creating a knightly feeling? If anyone has thoughts or suggestions they'd like to share, I'm all ears
Ok, I haven't posted any new images of models since 2019. Since then I have acquired a new fancy air brush - the Iwata Revolution. I have also decided to strip my 6000 points of models to paint them in a colour I have wanted but didn't know how to make it until Turbo Dork released it. I have ordered Vallejo Black Gloss to under coat my models and will be using the Blue Raspberry as the base colour. I will be ret-conning my existing chapter to be blood angels successors. What is everyones' thoughts, should I keep the Sanguinary Guard and Death company in their original colours but slight variation in colour? Anyways, it's about to be a new year and i guess it's time for a new look for my army. Any recommendations on an old gold paint or should I use silver as my secondary colour? Anyways here's a blog to keep a track of my progress.
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THE STRIGOI CHAPTER NAME: ............... STRIGOI FOUNDING: ................... UNKNOWN [EVIDENCE INDICATES A PRE-M.35 FOUNDING] CHAPTER WORLD/DEPLOYMENT: ... MARAGRAD/CRUSADE CHAPTER FORTRESS MONASTERY: ......... ARX CREPUSCULA [LUNAR FORTRESS] GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): .... BLOOD ANGELS KNOWN DESCENDANTS: .......... NONE "Come not between the Dragon and His Wrath." - Strigoi Chapter Motto Terse of word and fell of deed, the Strigoi are distinguished by their potential for wanton carnage. Hubristic in their belief to fulfil the Emperor’s vision for the Blood, they are pariahs of the Sanguinary Brotherhood and parley with its members only under the direst of circumstances. Rare is the general who serves alongside this Chapter of their own volition and still, there are those who would petition them for aid. In spite of a lack of sodality, these Space Marines can be trusted to uproot and destroy the foes of mankind utterly, forever questing, restless like their fabled namesake. War must be waged with neither pause nor hesitation - Angels, after all, were not made for kindness. Whether time will make fools of Sanguinius’ unruly children or justify them in their bearing remains to be decided. ORIGINS Unknown Strigoi Astartes, ca. M.38 - Remembrancer's Sketch Of Wayward Sons To seek out solid information about the past of this distant Chapter is to invite disappointment. Tenuous cooperation with the Adeptus Administratum has yielded the most rudimentary of data and even the tomes penned to commemorate the Strigoi’s creation have been found redacted, the lore held within lost like so many other works of this darkest age. Although the hope of one day restoring such precious knowledge is a feeble one at best, those who yearn for it are not restricted to baseless supposition. Ten millennia of historical records, after action reviews and ancillary documents have left observant investigators with a hidden paper trail from which some enlightenment may yet be gleaned. An apocryphal account detailing hitherto undiscovered parts of the IX Primarch’s legacy, the Insignium Sanguis has remained under limited access since its discovery, being the result of research independent from Imperial authorities. The sheer wealth of information it provides cannot be denied, however, and so the work has been used in official dissertations despite repeated doubts in its authenticity. Its pages are the only ones to mention at any length an order of Space Marines “daubed in Unification’s stormy grey, for the Great Angel’s crimson was theirs to wear no longer.” To them, it ascribes “six hundred and sixteen greater brutalities committed In Nomine Imperatoris, lamented by the Adeptus Terra but needed one and all.” Many are the wars whose very existence now stands to question, supported by nothing save anecdotal evidence found beneath the Imperial Palace and, it is said, the honours inscribed upon the oldest of the Strigoi’s ancient dreadnought armours. Chapter history proper begins in M.35 as they were discovered fighting insurgencies following the secession of Nova Terra. Given their complete ignorance of these warriors’ mere existence (one among countless victims of Imperial bureaucracy, no doubt), the High Senate dispatched an Inquisitorial envoy to find and learn more of this unknown quantity. Their efforts were met with little success as they could barely determine a Blood Angels descent and purported ident-code (Cross-ref.: ‘Chapter 101’) before the Astartes departed, decrying the entire affair as “idle prattle.” So has most known intelligence on the Strigoi been gathered: collected piecemeal in the wake of unnumbered battlefields. It is not the only custom born that day, for their apparent skill at slaying traitors did not go unnoticed. Stamping out these would-be revolutions has caused the Chapter to hold a special grudge for those enemies hiding among subjects loyal to the Golden Throne; a hatred the Lords of the Imperium do not refuse to call upon. HOME WORLD Maragrad - The Crucible The Chapter is based in the Marag System, deep within the northern galactic arm. Nearly bereft of all sentient life, it serves as an ideal stronghold for a brotherhood as fiercely independent as theirs. Only the system’s eponymous capital planet provides ample ground for mankind to prosper, making it the Strigoi’s primary source of recruits. Of its history before the coming of the Chapter, little is known. Evidence seems to suggest that the star system was settled by human colonists not long before the dawn of the Age of Strife. It must have been this infamous era of warp-borne madness and burning worlds that tore the fledgling civilisation asunder and ground it down to its primitive remains. Maragrad would be rediscovered towards the end of the 30th millennium by Imperial expeditionaries. Having made the arduous journey into Ultima Segmentum, these dutiful pioneers lingered long enough to record their findings before leaving for the frontlines of the unfolding Horus Heresy, the world slipping into obscurity for centuries more. The Strigoi found a domain of gloaming beauty to call their own, untouched by the hand of industry and bedecked with mist-laden forests. Such worlds had been rare even in the days of the Great Crusade, and still, none within the Chapter spared a thought on their unusual find. Their attention lay beneath the sea of green, where a deadly clash of man and monster moulds prime material for the Adeptus Astartes. A world that fights human settlement with tooth and claw, Maragrad breeds a hardy people. Carving out meagre lives in the shadow of vicious nocturnal megafauna has evolved the native clansfolk into natural-born killers that rely on each other for strength in numbers, the one advantage left to them come Old Night’s end. To hunt their erstwhile predators has grown from mere necessity to become an integral part of their society where the creatures’ hides have become a sign of status, worn by none but the greatest of Maragrad’s champions. Such a warlike culture spoke to the grey-clad Space Marines as today, the death world’s young vie to be reforged as mighty soldiers of the skies. A Fortress Between the Stars Barring their recruitment drives, the Astartes have little contact with the Maragrans. Recluses by choice, they make a quality out of solitude, thoroughly illustrated by the bulwark of stone and metal that is their fortress-monastery. The Arx Crepuscula (Low Gothic transl.: Duskhold) is no creation of the Strigoi, its artless spires and black-metal ramparts having existed long before they first laid anchor at their new home world’s sole moon. Initially identified via auspex as a cluster of underground storage facilities, subsequent expeditions performed by veteran kill teams revealed the satellite had been hollowed out to accommodate a Terran star fort of ancient provenance. Though little power coursed through its systems and no trace of the structure’s occupants remained, the discovery was deemed a sign of the Emperor’s favour. Chapter 101 claimed their prize by right of conquest. Centuries later, the Duskhold still stands firm as a symbol of Imperial supremacy. That it is confined to Maragrad’s orbit does not impede its deadliness, far from it: no effort was spared to ensure the monastery’s defences can stymie any threat to the home world at considerable range. Its firepower is controlled by a small army of serfs, indentured menials that manage the daily goings-on of the keep and oversee the maintenance of it and its contents. The Hold is scarcely attended by more than a handful of Marines as endless war demands their attention elsewhere. This may go some way in explaining why many of the halls and passages remain unexplored to this day - indeed, with the Chapter preoccupied, hardly anyone has dared descend into the moon’s bottomless depths over the millennia. Of those driven enough to try, not all returned; their lives ending in one of the unnavigable, labyrinthine corridors. A fortunate few would see the light of day once more, however, sometimes clutching fragments of technology thought lost to time. Marag’s riches are kept far away from prying eyes not simply by means of the Duskold’s blistering weapons batteries; the space near the galactic core is also ripe with cosmic phenomena, making the knowledge of safe travelling routes an invaluable resource closely guarded by the Chapter. The System has remained unconquered for over five thousand years - nonetheless, there was certainly no shortage of attempts. GENE-SEED AND BELIEFS Addendum: The Waning On the fading of the self, the rebirth of heroes lost and the looming spell of death. +++ More to come. +++ Thirst Unslaked Sanguinius’ genetic template provides his sons with qualities unique among the Adeptus Astartes. The spawn of the IX Legion have proven themselves tenacious, uncannily resilient and possessed of the singular ability to recruit from almost anywhere as the Blood Angels themselves exemplify by transforming the rad-scarred nomads of Baal Secundus into potent warriors cast in their master’s fair image. Of course it is their more aberrant quirks for which the bloodline is famous; the twin flaws that have coloured their history for millennia. Most prominent of these is the Red Thirst, that primal craving for flesh and blood which has to be held in check constantly lest its bearers tear themselves apart. The Black Rage on the other hand manifests itself at the end of a battle-brother’s lifespan. Simultaneously the strongest tie to their Primarch and the greatest burden they possess, it forces them to experience their progenitor’s final moments in a delirium from which there is no escape. It is a wicked irony, then, that their very flesh ensures that these Space Marines die as they lived; caked in gore, screaming oaths to a father that cannot hear them. In the Strigoi, the Blood Angels and their ilk show themselves inextricably linked to their gene-wrought nature as they feed on the viscera of the battlefield dead. Indulging this archaic carno-ritualism likely provided the catalyst for their own mutations, rendering the curse in their genes visible to all. Several appear strained by some unseen effort as their faces, so famously reminiscent of their Primarch’s features, are marred by pallid, craggy skin. The more poetic among their censors have spoken of their ancestors’ sins writ large, whereas others see unforgivable deviancy in an order of unsavoury prominence. The somber practices of the Chapter are no mere attempt to still their urges. Cause for the excessive bloodletting is their belief that the Red Thirst is not part of their curse, but a boon bestowed upon them by the Emperor of Mankind. Knowing that His Imperium had need of both the cruel and the just, He charged them to visit terrible fury upon the alien, the daemon and the heretic, exacting the will needed to restrain their inner brute once the day is won. Such a path holds opportunities for glory and madness in equal fashion, but the Strigoi march on undeterred. Sanguinius’ blood boils in their veins by design, and to neglect its call is to neglect their duty. Credo Martialis To the dismay of Imperial officials, Strigoi ordinance does not halt at the defilement of enemy remains, dictating the consumption of their own slain in a morbid show of ancestor worship. Their memories preserved through the ill-understood workings of the omophagea, the fallen are granted a measure of immortality, an eternal life more vivid than the likes of unread records or corrupted pict-feeds could provide. Only the death of the last Strigoi could end their Chapter’s legacy: an ever-evolving archive of battlefield experience. An all-encompassing fixation on martial prowess has saturated most of the Strigoi’s myriad traditions. This is hardly a surprise given their belligerent nature, yet easily missed as their savage get belies any sophistication. From brief periods of meditation to the furor of live-fire drills, every facet of life within the Chapter is shaped by the desire to fashion battle-brothers with unparalleled control over their dark humours. Of particular note is the regular custom of gladiatoria, ritual combat serving not only to establish individual skill-at-arms but as an outlet for the mania perpetually gnawing at the Chapter’s spirits. Death is no stranger among the contestants despite the duels’ cathartic purpose, a circumstance that cannot be explained away entirely by debts of honour or slights avenged. As a Space Marine’s body is covered in battle scars and devotional tattoos, so too does their armour affirm their many achievements. All Strigoi are encouraged to add to and display their personal heraldry, adorning their suits with trophies, campaign badges and kill-tallies. The resulting prestige and reputation are fundamental to their warrior culture, pertaining directly to a Brother-Marine’s influence among his kin. Crude as it might appear, the system fosters bonds between Strigoi officers and their men as with the right crusade honour, even a humble brother of the line could have the ear of his Captain. The Chapter’s dogged single-mindedness has seen them disgraced among their fellow brothers of the Blood, a testament to the potential of Sanguinius’ gene-line squandered in the name of blind fanaticism. It is a cross they bear with bitter pride, unfaltering in their duty but disquieted all the same. Demi-Squad Matei - Strigoi 9th Company, 1st Squad (Tactical) TACTICS AND ORGANISATION Addendum: Chapter Arsenal Every war the Imperium wages is an endeavour of herculean proportions. To prevail, its armies need appropriate equipment and steady supply lines. Being a crusading force, the Strigoi are particularly hard-pressed to meet these requirements during their long voyages through hostile territory. As a result, the Chapter’s armoury is highly compartmentalised. Their strike cruisers and battle barges maintain separate stocks of transport vehicles, bikes and assorted materiel, leaving the great vaults of the Duskhold rather empty. The bulk of these items is produced by the forge-wrights of Medea Prime, a Mechanicus-held world bound to the Chapter through treatises recalled by none save their venerable dreadnoughts. Only through the artifice of the Medean synod are the Strigoi able to procure the arms they desire, preferring resilience and ease of repair over the conveniences of more sophisticated wargear. Especially noteworthy in this regard is their impressive fleet of Land Raiders, allowing each line company to call upon a number of these long-lived lords of war. Grit and Ferocity Any conflict involving the Strigoi is an unsubtle and grisly affair. Their inherited bloodlust compels them to seek their foes out as fast as possible, rending them to pieces in the mayhem of close combat. Most often, this translates into massed infantry assaults supported by mobile heavy weaponry, making rapid personal transportation crucial to the Chapter’s battle doctrine. Drop pods, Impulsors and even flights of Thunderhawks weathering opposing firepower before disgorging squads of Space Marines at close range are a sight most familiar to onlookers. Line units carry additional melee armaments as a result, wielding an assortment of chainblades, serrated combat knives and short-range pistols as often as boltguns and -rifles. Jump pack-equipped troops enjoy particular eminence, their speed weaponizing the bearer’s sheer mass to crush their mark underfoot. Intense as they are, these deployments leave any mortal allies far behind them; a consequence that serves the Chapter well enough. The Strigoi form the tip of the Imperium’s sword, striking a single, crippling blow that leaves their victims helpless in the face of imminent annihilation. Deep inside enemy lines, the warriors of the Chapter gladly undo the mental locks keeping their Thirst in check, wreaking havoc with an apathy for collateral damage that borders on the callous. Nobler souls may have attempted to dispel these tales, denounce them as insult to their honour or silence the defamers. Entirely unphased by such claims, the Strigoi embraced their ill repute, now synonymous with bloody subjugation. Yet the most dreadful aspect of their craft is witnessed after the fighting is done, when the Marines gather the bodies of the slain and their priests recite the litany of purification. Only then do they give way to the acts earning them the byname Voratores Mortem - the Eaters of the Dead. Hierarchy of the Host Over the course of their long and storied existence, the chapter has developed an organisational structure divergent from codex standard. Based on the guidelines presented by Primarch Guilliman, the Strigoi are divided into ten companies, each with a nominal strength of 100 Space Marines. Of these, eight are outfitted as battle companies, a circumstance attributed to the Strigoi’s pragmatism and insatiable hunger for war. Providing them with additional flexibility, the adjustments allow the Space Marines to hold multiple fronts scattered throughout the galaxy, scout- and veteran formations being deployed as the situation demands. These are ideal conditions. In truth, the Strigoi are continuously undermanned as they endure the ravages of blood and battle, amounting to less than 700 full-fledged Astartes. Battle companies are fleeting things, fracturing and absorbing one another as their numbers wax and wane. There is little to be done against this severe attrition bar upholding an aggressive recruiting policy spanning all their tributary fiefs. Maragran culture may consider conscription an honour but from the noisome hives of Vilis to the scorched plains of Daumathar, rancour reigns the day ships bearing skulls and blood drops hang in the sky. Unique Formations Like their progenitors, the Strigoi field an array of specialist units and officers. Being of a less spiritual bent, the distinction of these Marines is invariably owed to their exceptional characteristics and unusual obligations. None of them truly operate outside of the command hierarchy of the Chapter, though all stand - in different ways - alone. The Impalers - Observed to act as the equivalent of the Sanguinary Guard, the Impalers have devolved into an instrument of violence rather than virtue. Their members are undoubtedly the Chapter’s most murderous elements brought together, armed and armoured with the finest wargear available. Impaler charges are fearsome things accompanied by frenzied howls and a thirst for blood that comes too easily to even these Astartes, a trait that has caused the assault cadre to remain a source of concern despite their undeniable efficiency. The Wardens - Informally referred to as Opsequiari, these sullen figures are much akin to the Chaplains of other Space Marine Chapters. Alongside serving in their roles as war-priests, ritual guides and retainers of the Strigoi’s most precious relics, it is they who must watch their fellows for traces of madness. In this matter they are the sole authority within the Chapter, expunging rogue elements at their own discretion. A Warden must therefore be a brother of unbreakable resolve, else the weight of his duties utterly crushes him. The Death Company - The Chapter’s afflicted are called the Morituri, for the sentence of all who wear red saltires is death. Dispersed among the Chapter’s strike forces, each group is overseen by a Warden intended to escort them into their last battle. With the readiness at which Strigoi officers throw these lost souls into ‘Forlorn Hope’-assaults, estimating their strength is nigh-impossible. Some have looked to the pits of the Chapter’s fortress-monastery in search of answers, its darkness parted by the fitful cries of caged beasts... INSIGNIUM ASTARTES Brother Alek - Strigoi 2nd Company, 5th Squad (Tactical) Appearance Strigoi power armour typically bears the grey of unpainted ceramite mixed with fields of white, black and gunmetal. Even with the significance of their chosen colours - or lack thereof - unknown, they underline the Astartes’ cold, disparaging demeanour. Conversely, the rest of their heraldry betrays the beast beneath. The rugged, bullish type V warplate they favour emanates the same violence the Chapter has quickly become synonymous with, its characteristic molecular bonding studs having found their way onto many other suits since. The beauteous blood drop pendants, icons and trappings of the Angels are made symbols of their sinister intent, joined by grim reminders of mortality. Flensed, hollow-eyed skulls are chained to belts and shoulder plates, oath papers and armorials promise an unquiet death to those who would fall upon the realms of man. True to their ad-hoc nature, the Strigoi have long ago resolved to use only the most crucial markings to denote their strategic disposition. Usually borne on the right pauldron are the appropriate symbols for either veteran status, battleline-, close support- or heavy support duty while company designations are foregone completely. Squad numeration is limited to the respective sergeants’ armour, lessening the effort of merging depleted squads and serving to identify unit leaders. Chapter Badge The sigil of the Strigoi is the Vultus Monstrum. Displayed here is the visage of the victorious predator, tearing its eyes from its quarry to stare down another adversary - a warning and an unspoken challenge both. NOTABLE PERSONNEL Hidden Content Ionel Ardelan - Commander of the Strigoi, ‘The Graven Man’, Archein of Contempt A veteran of more than four hundred years, Ionel Ardelan is the Strigoi’s stern-faced Chapter Master, Lord of the Duskhold and Domnitor of Marag. He is the eighty-first heir to the position, the most recent in a long line of butcher-kings shrouded in death and infamy. His word has killed worlds, burned species and ground empires to dust. Ardelan was recruited from amidst the press-gangs of Vilis before being transferred to the monastery for induction. Braving the rigorous tests of mind and body required of Strigoi neophytes, he began his tenure in the ranks of the scout company. Ardelan would soon make his talent for assault tactics known throughout the far-flung fleets of the Chapter, surviving several of their fiercest campaigns in recent history. Such actions include the Broken Cross, the Glorian Insurrection and the Third Althoran War, over which he held full operational command as Captain of the 9th Company. Any other virtue Ardelan possessed had little effect on the vast cult of personality his brothers built around him - befitting an icon of the Strigoi, his sheer martial prowess begot his exalted position. Ardelan donned the mantle of Chapter Master following the Arclight Reclamation, a boarding action in the year 857.M41. Having cornered Iron Warriors of the 165th Grand Battalion, the Strigoi led a costly attack to seize a ship stolen in the wake of the Great Scouring. He rallied his severely decimated troops for a final push onto the command deck, completing the mission and avenging his predecessor Vallen, slain early on in the fighting. As the traitors broke away, the right of succession fell to Ardelan, who immediately set to rebuilding his Chapter’s strength. And rebuild he did. Decades after his ascension, the deeds of Commander Ardelan have grown to assume a near-legendary status among his warriors. His swordsmanship, exemplary by any standard, is only eclipsed by his expertise as a general. Perhaps it is natural for a descendant of the Blood Angels that this becomes particularly apparent on the offensive, where Ardelan applies attack patterns of his own making to combine inhuman ferocity and calculated violence in an implacable show of force. Even off the field, the Chapter Master surrounds himself with war. Sequestered away aboard the Arclight, that venerable battle barge he himself saw restored to the Imperium, he reviews casualty reports, coordinates fleet movements and receives uncounted pleas for aid. Those close to Ardelan can see the marks of his solemn burden; a haunted air to his piercing gaze, a sense of foreboding that accompanies every curt order given. Rumours of damning truths and gifts of foresight have persisted for ages, but if the dour Commander truly has been privy to some secret prophecy, it is impossible to ascertain whether he labours to fulfil it, or stave it off…
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Hidden Content THE SANGUINE GARGOYLES CHAPTER NAME: .............. Sanguine Gargoyles GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ... Blood AngelsPREDECESSOR: ............... Sanguinius FOUNDING: .................. 21st [991.M35] CHAPTER MASTER: ............ Commander Ambrogio HOMEWORLD: ................. Levidan Destroyed [CRUSADING CHAPTER] FORTRESS MONASTERY: ........ Battle Barge Angelus Fortis; Battle Barge Golden Spear COLORS: .................... Dark gray, w/ left shoulder painted red SPECIALTY: ................. Blitzkrieg assaults KNOWN DESCENDANTS: ......... None STRENGTH: .................. Under strength BATTLE-CRY: ................ "By the blood of our brethren!" "They stand sentinel among the stars, stoically enduring their unending vigil. Yet when a world is threatened they hurtle from above, falling upon their foes with terrible vengeance, and a fury born of The Angel." -Unknown Imperial Citizen <<First letter of first word>> Initial paragraphs cover the general background of the Chapter, starting with an overview of the Chapter's earliest history and some pivotal events later history.>> <<description of the Chapter's homeworld>> <<A paragraph or two on the Chapter's organization (short paragraph if Codex-adherent, longer if the Chapter has some degree of deviation)>> <<Paragraphs to describe the key distinguishing characteristics of the Chapter>> <<Paragraph to describe the Chapter’s fleet and combat organizations>> <<Paragraph to describe the Chapter’s heraldry and appearance>> Brother Nero in Power Armor Sanguine Gargoyles 3rd Battle Company, 7th Tactical Squad Captain Baldassare in Terminator ArmorCommander, Assault Squad Baldassare Sanguine Gargoyles 1st Veteran Company, 1st Assault Squad <<description of the Chapter's combat doctrine>> <<description of the Chapter's gene-seed source, mutations, and defects>> <<description of the Chapter's interaction with the Legio>> <<Battle/Operation/Campaign Name>> [###.M##] <<A few paragraphs to describe the battle/operation/campaign and why it was notable for the Chapter>> <<Battle/Operation/Campaign Name>> [###.M##] <<A few paragraphs to describe the battle/operation/campaign and why it was notable for the Chapter>> <<Battle/Operation/Campaign Name>> [###.M##] <<A few paragraphs to describe the battle/operation/campaign and why it was notable for the Chapter>> COMBAT SQUAD DONATO 1ST VETERAN COMPANY Captain Mikael DonatoCommander, Vanguard Assault Squad Donato Sanguine Gargoyles 1st Veteran Company, 3rd Assault Squad <<image URL>> Brother <<(or other title)>> <<Battle-brother's name>> <<A few lines of information (make sure you hard return each line)>> <<image URL>> Brother <<(or other title)>> <<Battle-brother's name>> <<A few lines of information (make sure you hard return each line)>> <<image URL>> Brother <<(or other title)>> <<Battle-brother’s name>> <<A few lines of information (make sure you hard return each line)>> <<image URL>> Brother <<(or other title)>> <<Battle-brother's name>> <<A few lines of information (make sure you hard return each line)>>
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Hi guys, rather new to this end of the forum so please bear with me! I have been building and painting my successor chapter for a number of years now and battling the enemies of the emperor on many tabletops. I recently decided to note down the lore for my chapter and id greatly appreciate a look over from some folks just to make sure there are no glaring mistakes. I have typed up over 6,500 words so rather than post itall (unless that would be better?) ill post it over the next few days or weeks in more manageable chunks. Any feedback, thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated! Also quick question, I saved a painter image of my chapters colours to my BaC gallery but im unsure how to post get that into a forum post. Any help for a novice would be greatly appreciated! Chapter Name- RED EAGLES ▪ GENE-SEED Blood Angels ▪ FOUNDING: 1st/ 4th ▪ CHAPTER MASTER: Lord Legatus Alfonso Vespasianus (The Young Eagle) ▪ CHAPTER WORLD: Miliatum Secundus. ▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY: The Eyrie (Broken Blade) ▪ FLAGSHIP: The Reforged Blade ▪ MAIN COLOURS: Red and Gold ▪ SPECIALITY: Shock and Awe assault balanced with defence in depth. Fleet combat. ▪ BATTLE CRY: “LET US SOAR” ▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: 600 ▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: Talons of Sanguinius (MIA) ▪ ALLEGIANCE: Oaths of loyalty are sworn to Sanguinius first and the Emperor second ORIGIN OF THE CHAPTER: During the Great Crusade, the 99th Chapter (Hereby known as Red Eagles), were members of Sanguinius’s host and fought alongside their Primarch. When during “The War of Murder” Sanguinius was attacked by a host of Xenos creatures when the assault Vanguard became scattered due to a powerful storm. Alone aside from his sanguinary guard the Primarch was beset on all sides when Chapter master Agricola of the Red Eagles disobeyed orders and deployed on their lord’s station with his entire chapter. Relying on the skill of his pilots the chapter deployed around the Primarch forming a ceramite wall protecting Sanguinius from the tide of Xenos creatures around him. Fighting with their Primarch and elements of the sanguinary guard, the force formed a defensive perimeter and held out until the rest of the assault force regrouped. Honouring the actions of the Red Eagles, their current roster were granted gold helmets symbolizing the gratitude of their Primarch. From this point onward the Red Eagles often served as a reserve force, waiting in low orbit before deploying to capitalize on breakthroughs, halt enemy reinforcements or reinforce weak points in the line. Due to this skill set the chapter’s flight crews and assault companies became extremely proficient, providing more golden helmed veterans than most other chapters. The chapter followed Sanguinius from Signus Prime to Terra fighting on the walls of the imperial palace at the eternity gate where again the Eagles found themselves fighting with their liege lord nearby. Under the leadership of Master Agricola the Eagles poured fire into the traitors who approached Sanguinius. It was at this stage, during a lull in the combat, Sanguinius drank from Agricola’s chalice, offered to him by the Chapter master, which remains in the possession of the legion to this day. During the battle for Terra, on the walls of the palace, many rivalries were established which last to this day. The Eagles had been rivals of the World Eaters before the heresy began, their hatred rising from the excessive brutality employed by Angron’s sons. On the walls of the palace, that enmity became one marked in blood. Angrons sons were followed by members of the Death Guard who tried to take the walls. The eagles matched their diseased strength with righteous fury, sending traitorous bodies to the ground below. However, the greatest hatred was reserved for the Sons of Horus. Before the heresy there had been strong links between the Angels and the Luna Wolves. A member of Horus’s Legion had fought with the Eagles, attached for a period of time to share knowledge and build links between them. Agamemnon Hydrake had been a popular comrade in arms who had fought side by side with the eagles during the great crusade. When he departed, he took with him a power sword, forged and crafted by the officers of the Eagles as a gift to honour their shared experience. Agamemnon spat on his former comrades. During the siege Agamemnon tied captured Eagles to the front of his warband’s rhino’s and combat vehicles, forcing the Eagles to kill their own brothers as the traitors approached the walls. After this particular engagement, there was a noted darkening in the mentality of the Eagles. Agricola was cautioned by Raldoran for failing to fully control his Chapter as the Eagles became more and more reactive, regularly sallying from the wall to raid the Siege Camps of the traitors and only withdrawing from combat after being repeatedly ordered too by the Legions High Command. When Sanguinius was struck down by Horus aboard his flagship, the eagles felt personally responsible lamenting they had not gone with the Primarch to protect him. When Horus was in turn cast down and the traitorous legions became unorganized, the Eagles charged from their positions pursuing the traitors to their landing ships before attempting to board their own transports to pursue the enemy into the warp. Before the traitors left Terra, Agricola himself chased Agamemnon down. In a duel which caused combatants from both sides to halt as they watched a contest of arms which had rarely been matched in skill and intensity, both former brothers battled it out. After initially losing the upper hand, something within Agricola changed after Agamemnon taunted the leader of the Eagles over the death of their Primarch. With a speed, intensity and disregard for his own safety which had not been seen in the Chapter Master before, Agricola cut Agamemnon in two, the once gifted sword shattering from an overhead blow which Agricola delivered. Perhaps the blade chose itself chose to shatter rather than be wielded by a traitor. They were prevented from continuing their pursuit until the codex Astartes was introduced to the loyalist legions in the wake of the heresy where the 99th chapter was separated from the rest of the legion. The Red Eagles had a strength of around 600 and donned a gold helmet to commemorate their actions on Murder, and a black fist so to remember their failure to protect their lord, and their duty to bring death to those who sought it. Almost immediately they boarded their vessels and began hunting the traitors through the galaxy, particularly the Sons of Horus. After fighting alongside them during the War of Murder their betrayal was felt even more keenly by the Red Eagles who hunted their once comrades destroying any that they found. It was at this point the Eagles pursued a warband by the name of “The eternal Hydra” into the warp never to be heard from again. In hindsight, it is abundantly clear that Chapter Master Agricola, alongside many of the high command, were some of the first to fall to the black rage, thus explaining their incredible zeal and simple bloody minded tactics during the period following the defence of the Palace. When pursuing the traitor fleets into the warp, the Eagles were alone in their charge as all other loyalist forces held position. Orders to hold position were met with a solitary statement from the bridge. “I am coming Horus. I am coming.” Chief Librarian Marcus was a lowly initiate when he followed his Chapter Master into the warp. Millenia later interred in dreadnought armour Marcus seldom speaks of the battle that raged in the warp. The small squadron of Red Eagle ships were surrounded immediately by daemons and traitor ships. In a desperate attempt to survive the Eagles brought their ships together and formed them into one large interconnected hulk of armour plating, gun batteries and launch bays. In a battle which lasted 365 days the Eagles held their ground bravely, every step bought in herectic blood. As all seemed lost, Captain Marius separated the Flag ship from the hulk and towed the hulk through a rift in the warp. The psychic power of brother Marcus was awoken that day, guiding the remaining eagles towards the rift while Marius defended him from desperate attack. When Marius was asked why he chose to leave the warp he replied simply: “I saw our father. I was on one knee, my armour rent and torn, I wanted it to end. I was so tired, we had not rested since before the Eternity gate, my body simply failed me and I welcomed the numbness in my mind. I closed my eyes but suddenly I felt a soft finger on my chin. It was him, he smiled and bid me rise. He said to me “Brother Marius rise for me as I will one day rise for you.” He gestured out of the Bridge window and where he pointed I saw the rift which Marcus had sensed. When I looked back he was gone and where he had stood my blade rested in the floor, the hilt pointing towards me as if it knew I would rise.” While the battle in the warp lasted 365 days, 1500 years passed in the Imperium. During their absence, after waiting 500 years the high lords of terra removed the chapter from the records, not wanting to acknowledge the loss of a full chapter so soon after their formation. However more than 1000 years after their disappearance a lone battle barge emerged, towing behind it a hulk of broken and battered vessels, severely damaged, from the warp bearing long forgotten symbols and heraldry. Less than 100 battle brothers were left on the Battle barge “Crimson Sword” and the hulk. Immediately put into quarantine by elements of the Ultramarines, who were the first to find the eagles adrift in the galaxy, sent word to both Terra and Baal. Representatives arrived and began examining the marines, finding that although scarred and few in number, they were still combat effective and eager to serve. At first the Eagles were to be slain, as surely even astartes could not come through over 1000 years in the warp unscathed and un marred by the taint of chaos. However, the Blood Angels protested and eventually the representatives from Terra agreed, deciding to reform the chapter as one of the many formed in the recent fourth founding. Re gifted the planet that they had originally been granted the Eagles limped to their planet of Miliatum Secundus in the Miliatum sector, between the forge world of Mezoa and the Pelegron cluster. The Eagles have continued to serve since M32 with great distinction.
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+++INCOMING TRANSMISSION+++ +++FID Indicator - ALPHA+++ +++Via Astropath 7NBS2069LVP1+++ +++Via Astropath 8849042+++ +++Via Astropath 100496-B7+++ +++Thought for the day: Drink deep of victory and remember the fallen.+++ +++Begin message+++ My noble and revered cousins of the Legio, Attached for your consideration, you will find a datafile containing the summation of the honorable and resolute Astartes Chapter, the Sanguine Gargoyles. It is a most esteemed honor to have been entrusted with compiling this Index, with the hope of inclusion in the Liber Astartes. Within the datafile you will find my own annotations; please forgive my additions, but I do not feel my Librarium staff quite captured the soul of my beloved Chapter, and I felt the need to elaborate and explain certain aspects I felt were noteworthy. Once again, I humbly thank you for the opportunity to honor my Brothers in blood and arms of the Sanguine Gargoyles. May the Emperor ever watch over you. Your humble servant, Azkael Chief Librarian of the Sanguine Gargoyles +++Begin Datafile+++ Index Astartes Chapter Datafile CHAPTER NAME: .............. Sanguine Gargoyles GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ... IXth Legion (Blood Angels) FOUNDING: .................. 21st, 991.M35; Ultima, 999.M41 [Rebirth] CHAPTER MASTER: ............ Lucian, Master of the Crag HOMEWORLD: ................. Fleet-Based SEGMENTUM: ................. Obscurus/Solar/Ultima FORTRESS MONASTERY: ........ The Crag, Battle Barge COLORS: .................... Dark gray w/ crimson right shoulder pad SPECIALTY: ................. Lightning Strikes, Stealth KNOWN DESCENDANTS: ......... None STRENGTH: .................. Nominal (estimated) BATTLE-CRY: ................ "For the Unremembered!" The steadfast warriors of the Sanguine Gargoyles Chapter stand amongst the ranks of the Emperor's finest, ever ready to deliver His wrath and justice upon those that would seek to subvert the Imperium. HOMEWORLD The Aerie - Where Segmentums Solar, Obscurus, and Ultima meet - Gothic Sector - Looking to Roost Voidborne Livery of the Saviors of the Chalice HISTORY The First Millenium - 21st Founding - Founded as the Saviors of the Chalice - Training Cadre permanently seconded to Saviors --- Sanguinary Priest, Chaplain, Librarian, Blood Angels Captain, five Veterans (with TDA), Veteran Scout Sergeant, ten Marines - Building strength - Auxiliary/support force The Mutant - Genetic mutations cripple the Chapter - Changes progressed slowly at first, almost naturally - 5th Black Crusade appeared to exacerbate mutations Death of a Chapter - Already weakened Chapter decimated by Black Legion forces - Reduced to less than 200 brothers From the Ashes - Gene-seed stabilized - Slow recruiting - Ultima Founding --- Primaris reinforcements --- Rubicon Primaris Notable Engagements ca. XXX.MXX: ca. XXX.MXX: ca. XXX.MXX: ca. M42: Genetic Mutation Data archives list the known, stable, gene-seed mutations the Sanguine Gargoyles currently suffer from. No known cure or treatment for any of them has been found thus far: Melanchromic Organ Malfunction [some Astartes' skin bears grayish discoloration; severe cases have stone like growths over large portions of their bodies.] Mutated Catalepsean Node [Essentially this causes what is effectively extreme insomnia; all members of the Chapter suffer this mutation.] Non-Functioning Betcher's Gland [All members of the Chapter suffer from this mutation, as well as calcification of the vocal cords, which appears to be one side effect of the mutation. However, the severity of calcification varies widely from one Astartes to the next. One might be unintelligible when he talks, nothing but the sound of cascading rocks issuing from his throat; another might simply have a rich baritone voice; a third might offer a barely audible whisper.] The Apothecarion and the Ordos Biologis have been unable to decipher why only some members of the Chapter suffer certain mutations while others don't. But hope still remains that a solution might be found, for once every few generations, a battle brother suffers none of the Chapter's genetic mutations. GENE-SEED The Line of Sanguinius - IXth Legion Gene-seed; direct descendants of the Blood Angels - Altered gene stock; fewer cases of Red Thirst/Black Rage The Gargoyle's Touch - Librarium prays over every generation of recruits; every few generations, one or rarely two aspirants receive some sort of minor vision or "memory" from the days of the Heresy (not so profound and enthralling as the Black Rage)/(or perhaps there is a benign minor physical manifestation, like a faint halo or wreath of light); such aspirants are named Untouched by the Chief Librarian, for it is immediately known they will bear none of the mutations their brothers suffer from. Bloodlust At first, the warriors of the Saviors of the Chalice seemed better able to resist or control the urges of the Red Thirst. Even so, some of their number still fell victim to the bloodlust felt by all sons of Sanguinius. Most brothers recovered from the Thirst, but there were still those who didn't. Those few unfortunate souls would be placed in stasis until such a time as they could be delivered to the Blood Angels' Tower of the Lost. Though unorthodox, this arrangement was made due to the space-faring nature of the Saviors. After the genetic degradation of the Chapter, the Gargoyles saw far higher numbers of brothers falling to the Red Thirst. Many of those affected flew into an even more berserk fury than normally seen, and consequently this lead to more Astartes unable to break free of its grip. With the Chapter rebuilding itself after its decimation, pilgrimages to Baal became far less practical, and the Gargoyles instead retrofitted The Crag with an expanded cryo-stasis deck. Here the first of the Unremembered would be kept, and the stasis deck became known as the Catacombs, where the damned and the almost-dead slumber until roused for war. The Rage Within While the genetic alterations intended to "fix" their gene-seed appeared to have given the Saviors of the Chalice a modicum of control of the Red Thirst, it didn't appear to have any effect on the frequency with which the Black Rage overwhelmed them. The Saviors often fielded only a small Death Company in a given battle, unwilling to unleash the full fury of those given over to the Black Rage in all but the most dire situations. Such a decision was made for two notable reasons; first, it was to shield those not of the Chapter or its enemies from the brutal savagery of the Death company. The second was to protect the Saviors from excessive scrutiny by agents outside of the Chapter, and of the Adeptus Astartes as a whole. The Sanguine Gargoyles field a much larger Death Company, termed the Unremembered, than the previous incarnation of the Chapter. It is presently unknown whether the genetic mutation suffered by the Gargoyles affected their susceptibility to the Rage, or if perhaps the confrontations with Abaddon's warbands and his heinous deeds during the 5th Black Crusade triggered the change. Currently, the Unremembered confined to stasis in the Catacombs number around Company strength, though this fluctuates with every new engagement. The largest formation of the Death Company in the Chapter's history, past or present, was marshalled during the climax of hostilities with Abaddon's forces, when the Saviours of the Chalice fell. Revenants After the mutation of the Chapter's gene-seed, and with the chapter in near-ruin, a glimmer of salvation appeared. It took the form of a small number of brothers, seemingly untouched by the ravages inflicted upon their brethren. These warriors formed the core of the Chapter's forces during its dark years of recovery. After the Chapter had rebuilt its numbers enough to venture on its own once more, the Sanguinary Guard changed its name, to honor the warriors who brought the Chapter back from death. Just as with all Chapters descended from the IXth, the Revenants stand apart from the structure of the Chapter's main force. They are the most highly skilled and venerated of the Gargoyles' brothers, each a Chapter legend in his own right, surviving innumerable battles against all manner of foe. There are no specific requirements to become a Revenant; instead, spots are awarded based on merit and skill, regardless of rank within the Chapter. Like all iterations of the Sanguinary Guard, the Revenants each bear a Glaive Encarmine and Angelus Boltgun. Unlike the others, however, the Revenants eschew the golden armor of their forebears; instead they color their armor and matching tabard a ghostly gray, with a dark bronze helm and chest emblem. Additionally, only the Praetor and his squad wear the iconic winged jump packs; the other Revenants wear a modified version of the Mk.VII pack. [it is a curiosity worth noting that, throughout the millennia, a high percentage of brothers unmaligned by the Chapter's gene flaws have gone on to become Revenants. It remains to be seen if there is a correlation between these two occurences, or if they are merely coincidental.] CULTURE Neither he Sanguine Gargoyles, nor their precursors the Saviors of the Chalice, have ever had an actual 'homeworld.' Though the latter had begun the final deliberations on claiming Bowden IV, it was ripped from their grasp. Before and since, the Chapter has relied on periods of piecemeal recruitment, Chapter Demeanor: See But Don't Be Seen Chapter Flaw: We Stand Alone Chapter Beliefs: Revere the Primarch Special Equipment: Blessed wargear, Modified Jump Packs, Rare Weaponry (plasma) Codex Adherence Though the Sanguine Gargoyles diverge from the path laid out by the Codex Astartes, they do so more out of tradition born of necessity rather than an outright choice to forge their own way. The Chapter diverges in two main ways; its chain of command, and its troop and fleet organization. The former came about due to the impromptu restructuring required after nearly being wiped out. The latter is a more current change, stemming from the integration of Primaris Astartes into the Chapter. Both aspects conjoin to form a potent fighting force, lead by dual Commanders dedicated to the Emperor and the men in their charge. The Gargoyles' Wings - Firstborn Wing; Commander Lamonte - Primaris Wing; Commander Bellon --- The two Captains share equal rank in the Coven; only by dint of experience and length of service does Captain Lamonte hold any real seniority. The two leaders maintain a very open discourse with each other, working alongside one another for the prosecution of their foes, and to supreme effect - Each Wing is responsible for its own brothers, but both Commanders have authority to step in on either side if the need were to ever arise. The Gargoyles' Talons - No Scout Company; newly inducted Firstborn recruits are immediately placed into 7th Flight, where they train in all forms and manners of combat. They remain there until, through death and promotion, spots open within the 3rd through 6th Flights that need to be filled. 7th Flight Commander Captain Pheron, the rest of the Chapter's Flight Captains, and an individual's squad Sergeant all discuss the talents, strengths and weaknesses of a candidate, before assigning him to his new Flight. In times of need, this discussion is forgone, and candidates are placed at the needs of the Chapter - Primaris Marines; newly inducted Primaris recruits are immediately placed and train in squads of the 2nd through 6th Flights chosen for them based on the needs of the Chapter - Each Flight designed around one specific focus of combat, rather than each Flight being its own microcosm. Demi-companies, called "strikes" by the Gargoyles, are created ad hoc to better suit the nature of each engagement, and may draw upon the brothers of several Flights to complete their task. Others may simply require the specialized handiwork of a single Flight. Flight of the Gargoyles The Unremembered ORGANIZATION AND TACTICS Chapter Leadership, "The Conclave" - Chapter Master; Lucian, Master of the Pandemonium - Sanguinary High Priest; Armand the Anointed [Master of the Apothecarion] - Primus; Philippe the Benevolent [Master of Sanctity, and Lord Executioner] - The Gargoyle; Azkael [Chief Librarian] - Firstborn Wing Commander; Captain Lamonte - Primaris Wing Commander; Captain Bellon the Young - Praetor of the Revenants; Praetor Damascus The mantle of leadership falls to the battle commanders, heads of the High Offices, and the Chapter Master; the Conclave. They decide the way war is waged by their battle brothers. The when, the where, the how. Sometimes several of these war councils are held before a decision is made, arguments and counter-arguments mulled over and compromises considered. The Master of the Pandemonium has the authority to override the voting if it otherwise stands tied, if not enough votes are or can be cast, or when certain actions be taken upon request of an outside authority. Such choices are well measured, not made lightly or given to frivolity. Members of the Conclave are permitted to wear robes of cream over their armor. To aid in the efforts to make war in the name of the Emperor and Mankind, the Conclave is supported by the Prefecture, the Sanguine Gargoyles' Masters of the Chapter. Chapter Council, "The Prefecture" - Master of the Forge; High Prefect Solarus [Chief Techmarine] - Master of Reconnaissance; Prefect Zaphiel [2nd Flight Captain] - Master of the Marches; Prefect Mercutio [3rd Flight Captain] - Master of the Fleet; Prefect Namora [4th Flight Captain] - Master of the Arsenal; Prefect Valenti [5th Flight Captain] - Master of Relics; Prefect Ithakus [6th Flight Captain] - Master of Recruits; Prefect Tovaani [7th Flight Captain] The Prefects are the Conclave's council of advisors. In this circle, everyone is equal, except the High Prefect. The Chief Techmarine bears this title through honor-ties with the Adeptus Mechanicus, and though the role does confer a small measure of overall leadership, it is often used to bring certain aspects of the Chapter to the Conclave's attention in a timely fashion. Each Prefect is the head of his department, reporting on its readiness for the upcoming battle as their expertise is required. Those Prefects chosen to make war may then nominate a proxy to act for them, or choose to have their position vote in abstention. Those Prefects not called to war join the Conclave in the war council. Members of the Prefecture are permitted to wear robes of deep crimson, though the Chief Techmarine will undoubtedly wear the trappings of his own vaunted station. Chapter Disposition The Chapter's strength is divided into seven Flights. [Flights are similar to the Great Companies the Wolves of Russ prefer. I've edited the datafile to include a sublist containing the breakdown of each unit, so that it may be skipped over by those who choose to do so.] Combat Doctrine Infiltration, Recon, and Stealth Lightning Strikes RECRUITMENT - Only recruit from feral and death worlds and penal colonies; may recruit from a hive world in emergency - "Kidnap" recruits in the cover of night; numerous local myths and legends spawned by practice - Recruit in "phases": each world is only subject to recruitment every so often, perhaps generations, but the chapter is always recruiting; myths and legends have sprung up on tribal/fuedal worlds about the Gargoyles RELATIONS Noteworthy Allies - Order of the Shrouded Martyr - Penal Legion Theta-Delta-Beta; "Coe's Irregulars" - Adeptus Mechanicus; [non-standard hierarchy within Chapter] Hated Enemies - Abaddon and the Black Legion --- Valorous Host Warband - Ka'Bhanda Livery of the Sanguine Gargoyles APPEARANCE Livery Prior to their rebirth as the Sanguine Gargoyles, the Saviors of the Chalice wore alabaster white armor with crimson pauldrons and gold detailing and decoration. Following the traditions of their brethren, helmets identified a warrior's squad type, with individual squad markings worn on the right knee pad. The Chapter Badge was worn on the left pauldron, while company markings and personal heraldry were worn on the right. Veteran status was denoted by a golden helm and pauldron trim. After the Ultima Founding and the rebirth of the Chapter, the Sanguine Gargoyles bear new colors. Their armor is a dark, stone gray, with the right pauldron painted crimson, but they still retain the gold decoration and detailing of their former colors, albeit in matted and subdued hues. Members of the Librarium, Reclusiam, and Sanguinary Priesthood follow their orders' traditional coloring, with the right pauldron painted the same dark stone gray as their battle-brothers' armor. Squad types are still identified by helmet color, however squad markings and personal heraldry are no longer worn. Instead. brothers take to engraving their armor with various designs of personal meaning and importance, and many suits of armor worn by veterans are covered in gold and silver filigree. Flights are announced on the pauldron trim, and veteran status is once more denoted by golden helms. Chapter Badge White wings, outstretched behind a golden chalice, was the original badge of the Saviors of the Chalice. Since their transformation, the Sanguine Gargoyles' emblem bears only a small resemblance to their original; instead of angel-like wings, black bat-like wings spread open, with a blood drop replacing the chalice. It is most often worn on the right pauldron, though some brothers wear it on the left instead. Members of the Reclusiam, the Librarium, and the Sanguinary Priesthood wear the Chapter Badge, as well as the Chapter's suits of Terminator armor, bear the Badge on the right pauldron. CHAPTER ARSENAL Dreadnoughts Carmine, Librarian Dreadnought - Dreadnought Force Weapon - Blood Fist with Storm Bolter Verson, Furioso Dreadnought - Frag Cannon - Blood Fist with Heavy Flamer Venerable Quintus; Venerable Hellfire Dreadnought - Paired Twin-Linked Lascannons Liones, Ironclad Furioso Dreadnought - Paired Blood Talons, with Heavy Flamer and Meltagun Zice; Death Company Dreadnought - Paired Blood Talons, with Storm Bolter and Meltagun Venerable Derceus; Venerable Death Company Chaplain Dreadnought - Plasma Cannon - "Stonefist" Chapter Fleet As a Crusading Chapter, the Sanguine Gargoyles possess a larger fleet than other Chapters might, though not its vessels all are commanded by Astartes. Though not nearly a match in scale, it is reminiscent of the vast fleets of the Great Crusade in regards to its composition. The Gargoyles' fleet is a blend of the Astartes' flotilla, the remnants of Penal Legion Theta-Delta-Beta's troop fleet, a few Explorator vessels from the Adeptus Mechanicus, and a permanent detail from the Order of the Shrouded Martyr (including their Dominator-class Cruiser, the Dominus Irae), plus the swarms of the fleet's attendant ships. The Gargoyles command the battle barges and strike cruisers while the rest of the fleet, with the exception of the Sororitas vessels, is commanded by Imperial Navy personnel. This arrangement between the Chapter and the Navy ensures the Gargoyles can prosecute their enemies as they desire, and the Navy gets to do its job, without either side getting in the other's way. The fleet of the Sanguine Gargoyles is split into three smaller fleets. The Main Fleet makes war, wherever it may take them. Up to five separate, flight-strength campaigns could be supported individually, though it is most often the case that numerous small-scale operations are taking place around one or two larger scale engagements. Additionally, The Rook heads a small splinter fleet, a fast strike force intended to neutralize the most dangerous threats present, or to offer Flight-strength support as rapidly as possible. The last of the fleets, the Fledgling Fleet, traverses the trail of outposts the Gargoyles have set up in their region, termed by the Chapter the "Aeyrie." The members of Seventh Flight see to the Chapter's recruiting as part of their training duties, and they draw aspirants from a handful of such outposts. [Once again, I have added a sublist beloew containing the breakdown of the Sanguine Gargoyles' fleet disposition, for your perusal.] Reliquary - Angel's Light [Ryza pattern "Sunspite" plasma pistol; badge of office of the Gargoyle} - Aza'zel [Relic force sword; badge of office of the Gargoyle] - The Dread Spear [A relic spear of unknown origin, made from a xenos metal with a marble-like appearance; badge of office of the Master of the Pandemonium] - Stonefist [A Blood Fist crafted using the shattered remnants of Brother Derces' Crozius Arcanum, with a built-in meltagun] - Death Masks [i think everyone with clearance to read this will already have knowledge of the death masks worn by those of the Angel's line.] +++End Datafile+++ +++Closing Thought: The Emperor protects.+++ +++End Message+++
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- Sanguine Gargoyles
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Greetings Fraters of the B&C. Here are some pics of the army I'm currently painting up and I apologize for the picture overload, but this is my first time. Be gentle. My Chapter is a Successor from the Dark Angels/Angels of Vengeance. Most of my army is undergoing repainting to get it in line with the color scheme I have revised for my units (New scheme posted): Battle Companies: Normal marine: Vet. Sergeant (can be a Deathwalker Candidate or a former Deathwalker): or Company Vets: Command squads (majority will be former Deathwalkers, one or two may be Candidates that are about to be inducted into the 1st Company) & Company Master: 2nd Company - Boneseekers Normal biker (generally considered "more" veteran): Boneseekers Veterans (similar to the Company Veterans idea - I'm hoping there is a new 2nd Company Vets squad in a new Codex): Vet. Sergeant (will all be Deathwalker Candidates or returning Deathwalkers): or Command squads (per Battle companies) & Master of the 2nd (this will probably be a little more unique than this in some way, but look very similar): 1st Company - Deathwalkers Normal Termie: Sergeant, Command Squad (will look the same, but with a red helm stripe) Master of the 1st (trying to come up with something slightly more unique for him) Current Army Shot (minus WIP Landspeeder): The horde cometh: Predator: Dreadnought: With Missile Launcher replacing DCCW: We don't talk about the poor lone Assault Marine. His greaves and chainsword are still the wrong color and none of his compatriots have had any love (they are all still waiting to be repainted).
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- Stoneburners Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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