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Well thought I might as well start a seperate one for my Nurgle daemons as slowly starting to expand more on them with how pretty bad my death guard are slowly starting on just using them as allied units but working on building a seperate daemons force so far just Rotigus and a couple of beasts but looking to add plague bearers drones and a few other Nurgle units
Since I have participated in and completed my Call to Arms pledges, I've really taken a liking to the WIP subforum. As I've finished with my Chaos pledges, I've decided to finally tackle the Kroot Fatstalkers I got last year. This is a continuation of the Kroot that I first started… 14ish years ago. I painted this guy right out of high school, alongside his 15 kin that came in the Carnivore set. Teenage me did not realize that unthinned Testors model car paint was NOT the paint for 40k minis. Then came BSF, in which Dayhek Grekh was 50% of why I bought the game After Grekh was done and I started developing an interest in Kill Team (pre-Farstalkers) I decided to strip half the Carnivores, get some Kroothounds and Krootox, and paint them in the same style Since I didn’t start basing until like a year ago, I think this group still count as WIP
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I recently started experimenting with oils, opting to smear a magenta/purple oil wash on my Great unclean one (on the tentacles, stomach and guts) with rather good results, if I do say so myself: So, yeah, oil washes are good, if you want to use them, but what if you don't? Well, have no fear, I still have some tips for you! There's a little oil wash on the back here, but much of the purple/magenta is actually done only with thinned acrylics and some washes and contrasts. AND, it was surprisingly easy, as I basically just splattered it on semi-randomly and let it dry, not caring if it dried slightly blotchy (in this case that was just a bonus, as it would look gross. On a less nurgley model, I would thin with contrast medium rather than water, to avoid splotchiness and keep the effect more subtle). My GUO did take a while to paint, but if you like it, I have some very good news for you: it didn't take very long and I didn't really do anything difficult or use any strange products or chemicals. Apart from the newly added effects, everything was done with a couple of brushes (some big cheap ones and my regular model brushes), regular GW acrylics, a couple of shades and contrasts, some sand and some Nurgle's rot for the base. I didn't do any fancy techniques like wetblending or the like either - in fact, many areas aren't really shaded or highlighted at all, if you look closely and I purposefully didn't even pick out all the little details (for artistic and laziness reasons). Here's how he looked before the oils (regrettably he's upside down, but I was living in a no-gravity environment at the time...) Assuming you like the result, I think the big thing to take away from my GUO is that painting models that are almost all skin/flesh doesn't need to be difficult at all, as long as you avoid the biggest pitfall of all: having all the skin be the same base colour, highlight and shade colour, because no matter how well you do it, it can easily come off as a bit boring and "plastic toy" looking. As far as I'm concerned, the only real key to making a big figure like this look good is to have different colours mixed in here and there, so the overall result is varied - it will look much more "natural", even if you're not a master of placing shadows and highlights, simply because real skin is not the same colour everywhere on your body (well, I assume not, I can only speak for myself, of course...). We don't get the same problem with smaller minis, simply because they're smaller, so the skin being the same colour everywhere isn't as noticeable. Here's another example: Incidentally, we see the same thing with terrain, where painting it like you would a regular miniature sometimes ends up looking worse than doing something much simpler that just looks better at that scale. But more about that in another post And to finish off, a couple of shots of some poxwalkers I'm experimenting on. One has had an all-over wash of the same purple/magenta wash taht I used on the GUO, another has had a more targeted application and the last one hasn't had any at all. As you can see, oil washes seem to have a lot of potential for painting skin and gross features, but it's not really a necessity at all, as long as you're not too afraid of putting different colours into the skin areas.
I needed a break from Scions and with the announcement of more Primaris coming down the pipe I figured I'd hold off on painting more power armour. I wanted something I could finish quickly because I don't want to get bogged down. A 1-2 day palette cleanser as it were. I've had some Nurgle kits about since Dark Imperium came out as I thought it might be fun to supplement the Death Guard in there. This has to be the most satisfying unit I've painted in such a swift time. I assembled it and primed it yesterday and got the unit painted up today. No portions required more than three steps to do and a lot of the smaller steps that aren't on all the models I managed to keep down to two steps. The details are crisp enough that it's pretty easy not to stray onto areas you don't want painted. White Primer Spray Gryph-Charger Grey Contrast Paint Athonian Camoshade wash Light Drybrush of Pallid Wych Flesh Those three steps take care of a huge portion of the model. Any sloppiness is easy to paint over or can be worked into blending up colours. Pallid Wych Flesh on the toe nails, horns, exposed bone, and teeth - The horns kind of get an edge highlight and kind of get a blend; I did it by eye. Corax White on the eyes Nuln Oil or Purple recess wash around tummy teeth. Mechrite Red on the tongues and guts (followed by Baal Red wash and Evil Sunz Red hightlight between other steps) Mechanicus Standard Grey on the swords Heavy Drybrush Administratum Grey Only a single highlight step for the guts and that's not really an edge hightlight. Champion The head bundle was done by heavily diluting a light green paint and putting it on the heads and once it was dry hitting the entire bundle with Guilliaman Flesh contrast paint. Guts and Gut Nurgling Here's an example of the Mechrite Red - Baal Red Wash - Evil Sunz Highlight on the guts. The gut nurgling was Warpstone Green and a Thraka Green wash. I've definitely caught the bug - pun intended and wallowed in like a filthy nurgling - and I look forward to doing another unit after my next Scion unit.
“Carnax-7, a world that will soon be forgotten by the ignoble followers of the False Emperor. Lines of feculent trenches fill this muddy world, reinforced by several Astra Militarum regiments. Impressive siege-works and engines speak edicts of fire and flame into the sky and down upon our forces. But we are patient, for we know that all things will end eventually. This is the painful lesson being taught to the false worshippers here now. Their siege-works, their lives; all will decay before us. Brought to ruin upon the tolling of the bells. And I can hear them ringing now.” - Princeps Belzaii of House Khlorys, She Who Tolls For The Dead, the Mayfly Queen of Ner’gahl, the Swarming Sin of Salvir, the Pallbearer of Carnax-7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Howdy y'all! This is gunna be the start of WIP thread for my Chaos Knights that I've started working on to help me focus in on the project. Long time lurker here and witness to many of the classic knight threads here over the years that inspired me to not just collect Knights, but push my skills to make them the best I can! So far, I'm closing out on finishing up a Wardog that is serving as a rough test scheme for the House, and so far, feeling really good about it! I'm gunna look into updating this thread whenever I have something to add with posts regarding kitbashing, modeling, painting, or even basing if people are interested in the trench basing I'm trying to convey. Any comments, critiques, and advice is definitely welcome! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those curious about the quote at the beginning, the thought process behind the force is a Chaos Knight House aligned to Nurgle assisting in the siege of Carnax-7; a fortress world of my own creation within Imperium Nihilus. I have some ideas for perhaps a small accompanying force of Death Guard and maybe even an Astra Militarum regiment for them to face off against, but I've told myself I am going to hold off on that until I have a fully finished and playable list of models (2k points). Thankfully don't need too many when collecting Knights! Up next is a Cerastus Knight Lancer that I'm converting to become a Fly-Prince of House Khlorys, or the Court of Flies as they are known amongst the followers of the Plague Lord. Perhaps the Lancer will even be the Princeps Belzaii herself!
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From the album: Death Guard
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From the album: Death Guard
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From the album: Death Guard
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From the album: Death Guard
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From the album: Halandaar's Death Guard
From the album: Halandaar's Death Guard
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From the album: Halandaar's Death Guard
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From the album: Halandaar's Death Guard
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From the album: Halandaar's Death Guard
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From the album: Halandaar's Death Guard
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From the album: Aldurukh archive
Mortarion, the Deathlord, the Reaper, and Grave King. Primarch of the XIV legion, Death Guard. -
20181122 204139 HDR~2
GreaterChickenofTzeentch posted a gallery image in Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus/Black Legion
From the album: GreaterChickenofTzeentchBlackLegion
Nurgle-Marked Terminator Sorcerer WIP for Black Lions-
- Black Legion Chaos Space Marines
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ETL Vow group shot, completed vow
Large and Moving Torb posted a gallery image in Death Guard & Nurgle
From the album: Death Guard
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Lord of Contagion and Nurgle Chaos Spawn, completed
Large and Moving Torb posted a gallery image in Death Guard & Nurgle
From the album: Death Guard
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Lord of Contagion and Nurgle Chaos Spawn, midway through
Large and Moving Torb posted a gallery image in Death Guard & Nurgle
From the album: Death Guard
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From the album: 40k Death Guard
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From the album: 40k Death Guard
- Death Guard
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From the album: 40k Death Guard
- Death Guard
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