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From the album: Inquisition
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Harken is a dangerous radical branded by some of his peers as a lunatic trying to wield power that he can't understand.© Frank J Agresti
- Inquisitor
- Inq28
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From the album: Ordo Xenos Killteam
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From the album: Ordo Xenos
Here is my updated version of my Homebrew Codex Astartes: Supplementum Red Hunters for 9e. This is a follow up to my draft Red Hunters and Exorcists Index Astartes with a newly completed for a Version 2. With this image you'll find a link to the PDFs which includes the lower res imageless version [REDHUNT PRINTCODEX.pdf] and the all bell and whistles version with the present 'holding' artwork [REDHUNT FULLCODEX.pdf] used for this version. In addition I'm also adding the full text here where the red hunt begins on a separate thread to be viewed without needing to download the link provided. CODEX ASTARTES: Supplementum Red Hunters Includes REDHUNT FULLCODEX.pdf and REDHUNT PRINTCODEX.pdf A big thank you to everyone who has commented on the draft index version with super appreciated comments, suggestions, playtest and encouragements! In particular #BrotherTyler here Bolter&Chainsword (the true chapter master of the Exorcists Chapter) and #Biblodankins over on Instagram (Lord Inquisitor, Ordo Corporatis). I really hope you enjoy this version and any more feedback is still super appreciated! Hopefully I'll have better artwork to replace the 'holding art' included in there right now. MechFace-
- adeptus astartes
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From the album: Gangur
Sword banner view -
From the album: Gangur
Left shoulder view -
From the album: Gangur
Right shoulder view -
From the album: Gangur
Sword view -
From the album: Gangur
Front view -
From the album: Deathwatch WiP
- inquisition
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After all the great feedback on the previous version of my Red Hunters Codex Supplement I'm back with the 3rd Version aka Fanhammer 40k Version. I wanted to tank everyone you messaged in and commented for the last version, and I'm pretty sure there are still going to be typos, but as always really great to hear feedback and ideas. This time around the fandex features more rules but also fanart, fanfiction, and even some models which I hope you'll really enjoy! I'm posting everything into the Liber Index Astartes forum (link below) but wanted to post this here as well as a thank you to responders from this forum as well. Let the Red Hunt Begin! Index Astartes Forum Topic - Codex Supplementum: Red Hunters (v3) (Fanhammer 40k 9Ed)
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File Name: Codex Supplementum: Red Hunters (v2) (9e) (homegrown) File Submitter: MECHFACE File Submitted: 30 Mar 2021 File Category: Warhammer 40,000 Here is my updated version of my Homebrew Codex Astartes: Supplementum Red Hunters for 9e. This is a follow up to my draft Red Hunters and Exorcists Index Astartes with a newly completed for a Version 2. With this image you'll find a link to the PDFs which includes the lower res imageless version [REDHUNT PRINTCODEX.pdf] and the all bell and whistles version with the present 'holding' artwork [REDHUNT FULLCODEX.pdf] used for this version. In addition I'm also adding the full text here where on a separate thread to be viewed without needing to download the link provided. Includes REDHUNT FULLCODEX.pdf and REDHUNT PRINTCODEX.pdf A big thank you to everyone who has commented on the draft index version with super appreciated comments, suggestions, playtest and encouragements! In particular #BrotherTyler here Bolter&Chainsword (the true chapter master of the Exorcists Chapter) and #Biblodankins over on Instagram (Lord Inquisitor, Ordo Corporatis). I really hope you enjoy this version and any more feedback is still super appreciated! Hopefully I'll have better artwork to replace the 'holding art' included in there right now. MechFace Click here to download this file
- adeptus astartes
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I just wanted to update my last post topic on Red Hunters and Exorcists Index Astartes with my newly completed Version 2 for the Homebrew Red Hunters 9e Codex Supplementum. I had trouble uploading the PDFs to the B&C files section for download but below you'll find a link to the PDFs which includes the lower res imageless version [REDHUNT PRINTCODEX.pdf] and the all bell and whistles version with the present 'holding' artwork [REDHUNT FULLCODEX.pdf] used for this version. In addition I'm also adding the full text as follow up posts on this thread to be viewed with needing to download the file from the links. CODEX ASTARTES: Supplementum Red Hunters [Direct Download Link] Includes REDHUNT FULLCODEX.pdf and REDHUNT PRINTCODEX.pdf A big thank you to everyone how commented on the draft index version with super appreciated comments, suggestions, playtest and encouragements! In particular #BrotherTyler here Bolter&Chainsword (the true chapter master of the Exorcists Chapter) and #Biblodankins over on Instagram (Lord Inquisitor, Ordo Corporatis). I really hope you enjoy this version and any more feedback is still super appreciated! Hopefully I'll have better artwork to replace the 'holding art' included in there right now. MechFace
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- space marines
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From the album: BB's Sons of Medusa
A while back I was privileged to work with a group of fellow hobbyists here in the development of rules for using the Inquisition and Rogue Traders in the previous edition of Kill Team. You can see the designer's notes and links to the files here. While I've always wanted to update those rules for the new edition of Kill Team, the old rules were reliant upon the old Commanders or Rogue Traders expansions. With the inclusion of the Elucidian Starstriders in the Kill Team 2022 Annual, we may have a decent precedent for including characters like rogue traders and inquisitors in kill teams, toning things down a bit from the COMMANDER rules. My initial thoughts are: This would be a sort of expansion to allow for what we used to be able to do in the Inquisitor game, but updated based on model expansions and the new Kill Team game. While I would strive to balance it for the main game, my primary goal is to get the kill teams for this project balanced against each other for an Inquisimunda type of experience (i.e., without the main factions). Things would be toned down quite a bit from the previous effort. I'd still like to give players a lot of freedom, but the shift from points to fixed fire teams changes the dynamic a bit. Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, and Sisters of Silence would be excluded. Multiple kill teams would be created, allowing for different types of inquisitors, rogue traders, tech-priests, and prelates. So where the previous version of the rules allowed a player to choose an inquisitor's ordo and modify their command roster options accordingly, there would be a kill team specifically for an Ordo Malleus inquisitor, another for an Ordo Hereticus inquisitor, etc. While all of the inquisition kill teams would have broad similarities, each would have unique elements. I've just begun playing around with things, so I'm very interested in any input anyone might have.
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I don't know about the rest of you, but I've found that one of the benefits of lockdown and working from home has been the [ chance to / lack of excuses not to / opportunity to ] finally get around to many of those little side projects and distractions I've thought about. Admittedly, work has been pretty busy so I've been focused on small single-figure projects, rather than some of the vast armies I've seen others create. This Inquisitor kitbash is one such project. I am a huge obsessive fan of the Ciaphas Cain series, and this initially began as my attempt at creating a miniature of Inquisitor Amberley Vail. It was also a convenient excuse to try my hand at painting colours and techniques I don't normally do with my Iron Hands forces. However, due to a lack of official character art, my limited scultping talent, and a upcoming Crusade campaign, she became my own Inquisitor, Amalyn Trevelian. An inquisitor who tries to go about her duty discretely, rather than all-guns-blazing. So yeah, basically an unoriginal copy-paste clone "We don't all charge about like a grox in a china emporium. Some of us think it best that the enemies of mankind don't know that we're looking for them..." Enough waffling, picture time - My starting point was the female GSC Magus model - ever since it was released I'd thought it had the underpinnings of an excellent Inquisitor model. I initially thought about replacing the head altogether, but couldn't find any that I liked. So, out came the scalpel and fine sandpaper, and after some very careful surgery I'd managed to get the forehead looking a little less 'genestealer-y'. Sculpting the hair was a bit of an issue - Amberley's hair is described many times, but with no official art I had no idea what to go for. It was fairly academic in the end, as I can't sculpt hair - I was left with this.... 'look'. Not terrible, but definitely not Vail. With my group starting a narrative campaign it became easy to quickly change her from Amberley to Amalyn. Let's just call it a popular hair style amongst the nobility of the planet she's infiltrating... The GSC neck/shoulder armour was the next to go, replaced with my attempt at painting a fur stole. Again, not the greatest, but given my GS skills, it'll do. It does look better in person - for some reason the photos make it look far worse than it is. Weapon choice I went with a bolt pistol (as per Amberley) and the big staff (icon taken from the new plastic Canoness model). No idea how useful either will be in a campaign crawling with Orks, Tau and Death Guard, but we'll see. When it came to painting her, I decided to stick with the blue of Amerley Vail. Partly because I'd started painting the body before I sculpted the head, and partly because I don't normally paint such bright colours and fancied a challenge. The orange seemed like a nice spot colour to contrast with the blue and grey. For the head, I followed Darren Latham's excellent video. I'm far from perfect, but I honesty believe his tutorials have massively improved my painting. Anyway, that's enough from me. Cheers for looking!
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- inquisitoramberley vail
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Hi guys, I've finished my first knight (pics coming soon, small version in my profile pic) and my second is on the way so I wanted to do some fluff for them. It ended up longer than I planned, but did tie in with a titan legion I will make sooner or later. I hope you enjoy, C&C welcome. The Threat from Beyond our Borders For thousands of years there have been members within the Inquisition that believe that there are horrors lying beyond the Imperial borders that might be of greater threat than any known xenos race or the Ruinous Powers. This lead for example to the Apocryphon Conclave of Orphite IV, where the Deathwatch was formed. Although this may have been the largest and most noticable event, many more precautions have been made by the Inquisition. One of the lesser known precautions is the establishment of a hidden base of operations far out in the Ghoul Stars, further beyond even than the Imperial planet of Desperation. The Ghoul Stars Watch The Ghoul Stars have been since ages past, and continue today, to be a wellspring of diverse xenos activities. The ancient tales of the Pale Wastings, whose nightmare-engines destroyed 11 Astartes chapters; The Bone Kingdom of Drazak, orks, the Cythor Fiends and then their mysterious vanishing, the entrance to Commorragh and other unearthly threats. The Inquisition has been aware of the threat of the Ghoul Stars for a long time and since the Pale Wastings in M34 has recognized it as an area of priority interest. The Recruitment of a Forgeworld In M35 the Inquisition saw an opportunity when the forgeworld of Tigrus was attacked by Warboss Arrgard the Defiler. The war was doomed from the start so the Inquisition made a deal with the Fabricator-General of Tigrus to evacuate en masse as many of their STC fragments, vital tech-priests and machinery as possible to allow them to rebuild their forgeworld anew, rather than let it all perish. In return the new forgeworld would supply the Inquisition for their war in the Ghoul Stars. Tigrus was an ancient forgeworld which developed both the Vanquisher cannon as well as the Fellblade Accelerator Cannon. After the flight from Tigrus, the Fabricator-General and his forces were relocated to a system of six planets orbiting a sun, deep in the Ghoul Stars. The system was named Precipice and a forgeworld was established on the world of Precipice II, which had several mineral rich moons orbiting it. Since M35 the Forgeworld of Precipice II has in secret, with the sponsorship of the Inquisition, rebuilt itself into a sizable forgeworld and has supplied the Inquisition for millennia with weapons, vehicles and has lent their own rebuilt titan legion, Legio Orcos, to the war effort in the Ghoul Stars. The Roving Knights The Inquisition had heard reports of groups of what sounded like imperial knights operating throughout the Ghoul Stars and beyond their borders. These reports were sporadic and not until late M36 did the Inquisition manage to piece together fragmentary stories to predict the next appearance of these roving knights. On the world of Rhidhol the Inquisition was finally able to make contact with these knights, discovering that they were the remaining fragments of several knight worlds destroyed around the time of the Pale Wastings. They had lived a nomadic life as a collection of various clans since then; travelling between worlds beyond the Ghoul Stars, raiding, bargaining, foraging or warring for supplies to keep their clans alive. The Inquisition offered them a world of their own with support from an in-system forgeworld in addition to Inquisitional backing, should they form under one house in service to the Inquisition. The roving clans accepted the offer and established their new house, House Jötnar, on the planet of Precipice III. House Jötnar The clans had been made up of several old knight houses which had settled on several planets in the Ghoul Stars during the Age of Technology. They had been relatively friendly towards each other and helped each other fight off larger alien invasions when there was need. Their worlds however were either destroyed or overrun in M34 during the time of the Pale Wastings. A mass evacuation saved thousands of people from each planet and many of their knights as well. The people referred to themselves as “clans”, each clan representing a planet and the knights of the old houses did so too. They banded together and set off in their fleet eking a nomadic existence, never staying too long on any world they visited, preferring to gather supplies or launching temporary mining operations. They also bartered and traded when possible, raiding or warring when not. The old houses had been cut off from the rest of humanity for many millenniums and had always relied on themselves to repair and maintain their own knights and training their own Sacristans. Each Scion was required to train as a Sacristan before being allowed to pilot a knight. This served them well in the over two millenniums they were without a home world. Hierarchy has never been as rigid as in other houses, House Jötnar values merit over any lineage and they only have two ranks within the house “Chieftain”, or a regular knight: “Jötunn”. The Chieftain is the lord of the house and their battle commander, there are no set barons or ‘second-in-command’, but battlefield roles such as ‘Arbalester’ or ‘Preceptor’ might be assigned for the duration of an engagement. Veterans are listened to and obeyed on the merit of their accomplishments, not because they hold any specific ranks. The name chosen for the house “Jötnar” refers to the ancient stories they brought with them from Terra about large ogre-like beasts called jötnar, they often had ties with the land, sometimes being made of stone. The symbol of the house is the letter “J” in the ancient runic alphabet they brought from Terra. House Jötnar does not have any house colors, each Scion may have his knight armor painted and decorated in any colors he likes, but too much ostentation by a younger knight is usually met with jeering and mocking comments by veterans. Battle honors and markings are often added over time to the knight as well as their banners in any way a Scion sees fit. The house however does ask Scions to add the emblem of the house on their armor, where the back of the left shoulder has been seen as the traditional place to put it. Additionally they are required to add the symbol of the Inquisition to their armors, in honor of them saving their people and uniting the clans. Forgeworld Precipice II keeps House Jötnar stocked with a large variety of knight armor patterns and the house has become larger than any of their individual houses have ever been. The house is enormously grateful to the forgeworld and has vowed to them that they will let their own world fall before the forgeworld. The close friendship and respect between the two worlds has resulted in House Jötnar maintaining a permanent garrison within the main city of the planet. House Jötnar has also fought in countless engagements alongside the Legio Orcus, which has come to be nicknamed “Þursar” by the knights, which are mythological giants and cousins to Jötnar. The Legio has welcomed this nickname and their titans now all wear a “Þ” rune to symbolize this fraternity. House Jötnar fights to this day alongside the Inquisition and their allies, with Legio Orcus and Forgeworld Precipice II around and beyond the Ghoul Stars. Their wars have raged for over 5000 years, but while the enemies of mankind are at the gates, they will not falter, they will not fail. Gallery for the first ready knight:
- imperial knights
- inquisition
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I've decided to rebuild my old sororitas army, mostly for fun since their army list kind of sucks now, although I suppose they can be an allied detachment. So anyway, I'm starting off with superheavy support in the form of a Knight Paladin.
Welcome to my little project log for House Jötnar & Legio Orcus I'm a casual painter and I'd been away from the hobby for 10 years when I began painting my first knight. So I am learning as I go, trying out some things and basically just enjoying my evenings pretending to be an inquisitor commanding a forgeworld, a titan legion and colony of a knight household out in the Ghoul Stars. I'll keep this first post as my "notice board" for any info on what I'm doing now and post links to new knights and pictures of finished models. Current WIP (23 June 2017): 1. Cleaning my Warhound Titan! 2. First Knight Lancer "Hræsvelgur" (Corpse Eater): Finished painting armor plate base color/shading and 3 flags. Next up: try out rusting effects on his shins and toes 3. First Warden "Gangur" (He Who Goes Berserk): Finished! ...just need to gloss varnish his armor plates 4. Improve fluff History of House Jötnar, Forgeworld Tigrus and Legio Orcus (to be updated) The Threat from Beyond our Borders For thousands of years there have been members within the Inquisition that believe that there are horrors lying beyond the Imperial borders that might be of greater threat than any known xenos race or the Ruinous Powers. This lead for example to the Apocryphon Conclave of Orphite IV, where the Deathwatch was formed. Although this may have been the largest and most noticable event, many more precautions have been made by the Inquisition. One of the lesser known precautions is the establishment of a hidden base of operations far out in the Ghoul Stars, further beyond even than the Imperial planet of Desperation. The Ghoul Stars Watch The Ghoul Stars have been since ages past, and continue today, to be a wellspring of diverse xenos activities. The ancient tales of the Pale Wastings, whose nightmare-engines destroyed 11 Astartes chapters; The Bone Kingdom of Drazak, orks, the Cythor Fiends and then their mysterious vanishing, the entrance to Commorragh and other unearthly threats. The Inquisition has been aware of the threat of the Ghoul Stars for a long time and since the Pale Wastings in M34 has recognized it as an area of priority interest. The Recruitment of a Forgeworld In M35 the Inquisition saw an opportunity when the forgeworld of Tigrus was attacked by Warboss Arrgard the Defiler. The war was doomed from the start so the Inquisition made a deal with the Fabricator-General of Tigrus to evacuate en masse as many of their STC fragments, vital tech-priests and machinery as possible to allow them to rebuild their forgeworld anew, rather than let it all perish. In return the new forgeworld would supply the Inquisition for their war in the Ghoul Stars. Tigrus was an ancient forgeworld which developed both the Vanquisher cannon as well as the Fellblade Accelerator Cannon. After the flight from Tigrus, the Fabricator-General and his forces were relocated to a system of six planets orbiting a sun, deep in the Ghoul Stars. The system was named Precipice and a forgeworld was established on the world of Precipice II, which had several mineral rich moons orbiting it. Since M35 the Forgeworld of Precipice II has in secret, with the sponsorship of the Inquisition, rebuilt itself into a sizable forgeworld and has supplied the Inquisition for millennia with weapons, vehicles and has lent their own rebuilt titan legion, Legio Orcos, to the war effort in the Ghoul Stars. The Roving Knights The Inquisition had heard reports of groups of what sounded like imperial knights operating throughout the Ghoul Stars and beyond their borders. These reports were sporadic and not until late M36 did the Inquisition manage to piece together fragmentary stories to predict the next appearance of these roving knights. On the world of Rhidhol the Inquisition was finally able to make contact with these knights, discovering that they were the remaining fragments of several knight worlds destroyed around the time of the Pale Wastings. They had lived a nomadic life as a collection of various clans since then; travelling between worlds beyond the Ghoul Stars, raiding, bargaining, foraging or warring for supplies to keep their clans alive. The Inquisition offered them a world of their own with support from an in-system forgeworld in addition to Inquisitional backing, should they form under one house in service to the Inquisition. The roving clans accepted the offer and established their new house, House Jötnar, on the planet of Precipice III. House Jötnar The clans had been made up of several old knight houses which had settled on several planets in the Ghoul Stars during the Age of Technology. They had been relatively friendly towards each other and helped each other fight off larger alien invasions when there was need. Their worlds however were either destroyed or overrun in M34 during the time of the Pale Wastings. A mass evacuation saved thousands of people from each planet and many of their knights as well. The people referred to themselves as “clans”, each clan representing a planet and the knights of the old houses did so too. They banded together and set off in their fleet eking a nomadic existence, never staying too long on any world they visited, preferring to gather supplies or launching temporary mining operations. They also bartered and traded when possible, raiding or warring when not. The old houses had been cut off from the rest of humanity for many millenniums and had always relied on themselves to repair and maintain their own knights and training their own Sacristans. Each Scion was required to train as a Sacristan before being allowed to pilot a knight. This served them well in the over two millenniums they were without a home world. Hierarchy has never been as rigid as in other houses, House Jötnar values merit over any lineage and they only have two ranks within the house “Chieftain”, or a regular knight: “Jötunn”. The Chieftain is the lord of the house and their battle commander, there are no set barons or ‘second-in-command’, but battlefield roles such as ‘Arbalester’ or ‘Preceptor’ might be assigned for the duration of an engagement. Veterans are listened to and obeyed on the merit of their accomplishments, not because they hold any specific ranks. The name chosen for the house “Jötnar” refers to the ancient stories they brought with them from Terra about large ogre-like beasts called jötnar, they often had ties with the land, sometimes being made of stone. The symbol of the house is the letter “J” in the ancient runic alphabet they brought from Terra. House Jötnar does not have any house colors, each Scion may have his knight armor painted and decorated in any colors he likes, but too much ostentation by a younger knight is usually met with jeering and mocking comments by veterans. Battle honors and markings are often added over time to the knight as well as their banners in any way a Scion sees fit. The house however does ask Scions to add the emblem of the house on their armor, where the back of the left shoulder has been seen as the traditional place to put it. Additionally they are required to add the symbol of the Inquisition to their armors, in honor of them saving their people and uniting the clans. Forgeworld Precipice II keeps House Jötnar stocked with a large variety of knight armor patterns and the house has become larger than any of their individual houses have ever been. The house is enormously grateful to the forgeworld and has vowed to them that they will let their own world fall before the forgeworld. The close friendship and respect between the two worlds has resulted in House Jötnar maintaining a permanent garrison within the main city of the planet. House Jötnar has also fought in countless engagements alongside the Legio Orcus, which has come to be nicknamed “Þursar” by the knights, which are mythological giants and cousins to Jötnar. The Legio has welcomed this nickname and their titans now all wear a “Þ” rune to symbolize this fraternity. House Jötnar fights to this day alongside the Inquisition and their allies, with Legio Orcus and Forgeworld Precipice II around and beyond the Ghoul Stars. Their wars have raged for over 5000 years, but while the enemies of mankind are at the gates, they will not falter, they will not fail. TLDR: It's a Nordic themed Imperial Knight and Titan army in service to the Inquisition in the Ghoul Stars. Lots of runes, =][= symbols and skulls and each knight has his own color scheme.
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- loyalist
- imperial knights
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My First Diorama, Gretchin Servitor breaks free.
Neotericity posted a topic in + WORKS IN PROGRESS +
Howdy folks, I've been back into the hobby for a couple years now and have slowly been putting more things into my arsenal for painting. Mostly just tricks to get things to a workable standard, I enjoy playing the game but appreciate the spectacle as well so try to balance the two. I churned out +70 guardsmen over the course of a week and needed a break from just painting infinite riflemen. Is this staring into madness?? I still had quarantine levels of energy for painting and wanted to do something different. I decided to try my hand at my first diorama as an entry for Auspex Tactic's painting competition. The piece is completed so I will finish this log fairly quickly just going to split it up a bit. I chose a Gretchin servitor from the techpriest Grombrindal kit. He became the Ordo Xenos escapee taking vengeance on his creators. The rule I made for myself was to not buy anything for this project and to use whatever I could find in the house. I wanted a forgotten room in an Inquisition facility with a viewing booth and medical ish lab. I started pulling out bits that might work in a lab scene, power units, rebreather, brackets, etc.. I used an empty dropper bottle as the tank for the servitor , chopping off the top so it could sit flat. And unfortunately didn't have scrap wood in the house so went with a cardboard box to form a tri-wall using a conveniently sized metal plate I found in the basement and superglued it in as the floor to give the base weight. I really dislike working with cardboard, especially after putting some hours into this project. I'd definitely prefer to use something hardier next time that will last longer. The viewing window ended up being cut poorly and needing quite a lot of reinforcement to support the plastic container and the wall. But it was all part of the process and got done in the end. The surgery table was cardstock from a warhammer box with the ends of four of my cheap synthetic beater brushes clipped off for table legs. I don't feel too bad as they come in packs of 50 and are still useable for the uses they have now as stir sticks or glue applicators. Then just three pieces of sprue cut into 3 metal slates to make a cold uninviting slab. The helmet and rifle are going to be turned into part of a pile of ash. Bits of equipment that didn't quite melt under the promethium blaze of sweet Gretchin revenge. I tried not to think too hard about why these inquisitors kept their experimental xenos robot murder flamer in a tank that couldn't withstand the blaze of very same weapon they installed. I ended up just chalking it up to administrative failure, maybe the factory started cheaping out on materials to meet quotas or profit, or any multitude points of failure within the vast Imperium. Anyways this was the beginning of the build and as with most things in the hobby, I was quite skeptical at the start and was ready to scrap the entire thing at multiple points, mostly involving that window and some of the scratch built props. But most of these were fairly minor in the end and could have been fixed with some minor adjustments. Which in the case of the structure was selecting cardboard as a material, limiting myself to what was available in the house being the main factor. I'll get in to some other lessons learned in the next post. Hopefully this posts alright not sure how the image upload works, been a while since I've used this forum and dont post often.- 9 replies
- imperial guard
- diorama
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This is a random WIP, but I decided to create something a bit Blanche-y for 40k/INQ28/SW:A from the Darkoath Chieftan model from Silver Tower. I've only really just started on him, but I'm loving the direction of travel so far. Without further ado: I'll get some more pics soon so you can see the backpack I've built and also the bits of GS work I've been doing on him to make him feel a bit more 40k / Blanche-y. Any and all suggestions to improve would be much appreciated! WotF
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- chainsword
- technobarbarian
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Greetings fellow commanders! After a long absence from the hobby (since 5th edition) I feel really drawn back into it with the release of 8th edition. Always wanting to start a Guard Army, an idea started to form in my mind: I wanted to play a ''crusading pilgrim'' Guard force whose commanders relinquished command to an inquisitor who likes nothing more than getting up close, spray holy promethium and inhale the rewarding smell of burning xenos and heretics. So I devised an army list of a mobile and aggressive force that includes a spearhead of multiple hellhounds and flamer chimeras, who take the first incoming blows as they screen a huge force of advancing infantry equiped with flamers and plasma, backed up by a small long range support division. I might even throw in a couple of cyclops demolition vehicles (converted to have suicidal drivers seeking redemption for their sins) for the heck of it. The catachan regimental doctrine comes out, and I'm pretty excited: that's a very fitting doctrine for an army based on a heavy flamer and inferno cannon assault! But here's the thing: I like modelling and painting my army as much as playing it, and visually the catachans are just not attractive for me to work on. With their short legs, broad backs and enormous biceps they look like a human-ork crossbreed, or abhumans at the very least. Added to that, I doubt their line will get updated soon (for how many years have people been begging GW for plastic sisters!?). The prospect of painting a 100 of these guys turns me off. I was actually thinking of using Cadian miniatures and give a bunch of them catachan arms by just buying some catachan bits, like this: My footsloggers: My Inquisitor: So my first question is: would that be accepable for in store or tournament play, or do you I HAVE to use catachan models to make use of the catachan doctrine? My second question, and here I am pushing it a bit too much perhaps. Fitting with the general theme of a faith based crusading force, it would be cool to use Ministorum Priests as officer stand-ins and Mistresses of Repentance as Commissar stand-ins (forwards, or get whipped to death!). Would that be ok or is that violating WYSIWYG common sense too much? I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions! Suggestions for fluffy conversions are welcome too! Once the codex comes out I might upload a draft army list for this army of flame loving zealots.. Cheers!
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- astra militarum
- inquisition
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Inquisition Demonhost Model Suggestions
Inquisitor Red posted a topic in + THE IMPERIUM OF MANKIND +
Hey guys, So with the advent of Inquisitor Eisenhorn getting a model release, and his special rules leakage of him being able to summon demon hosts. Does anyone has any cool demon host model suggestions? 21 replies
- inquisition
- eisenhorn
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