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  1. 'The sorrows of Badab. Death of the Master. And now this.' 'A season of fire approaches. And the Salamanders will not be found wanting.' + In The Dust of Armageddon + + A narrative project log + +++ +EDIT+ [Now this has become a proper project, I've edited the original post – the original is below.] I'm interested in exploring the Salamanders during the Second War for Armageddon (BfA2). Largely, the reason for this is that I've got a Salamanders itch that needs scratching, so I thought I'd turn to the Pantheon Council to see if you can offer any advice or thoughts on the undertaking. (There's a broader club on this too, if the general events appeal to you.) Of particular interest to me is a chance to try freehanding lots of heraldry. More specifically, the Salamanders are one of those Chapters with which – barring the most obvious characteristics – I'm pretty unfamiliar, and so it's proving a nice fresh area for me to explore. Being non-Codex, I think there's (fittingly) a few rich veins of lore to be mined and brought out through this project. I've looked over the (very useful) Salamanders Resources sticky thread, but I'd very much appreciate any notes or insights you can offer about this particular time period. +++ The general lore on the Salamanders during BfA2 is relatively scanty: A very old artwork (and apologies for its small size!), showing an unusually pale-skinned Salamander. Because of its age, 'big things' like this can be glossed over, and aren't of particular interest to me, but the details – like the heraldry and specific markings – are. I'd appreciate it if you can offer any insights, thoughts or speculation on what any of these markings mean. There are some nice juicy bits and bobs here, and in the years since this was written, we've had more info on what the Salamanders were doing on either side. For example: Three years prior, Tu'Shan became Chapter Master. Do we know who was Chapter Master previously? What position did Tu'Shan occupy before ascending to becoming the Chapter Master? Captain of the First? The Badab War was in recent memory (roughly thirty years earlier) – I'd like to have some veterans of that conflict, or battle markings. We're told only the Second Company was involved in the Badab War, so if I want to do this, am I stuck with using Second Company markings, or can you think of a compelling reason that a Salamander might transfer Company, or fight in mixed companies? Is this is a big no-no for the Salamanders' peculiar organisation? The bulk of the Sixth Company, and Vulkan He'Stan, are not available for Armageddon, as (barring wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey warp stuff) they're fighting in the Tochran Crusade. Besides these, is there any reason any other part of the Chapter would not be present? Can you speculate on who would be left to defend Nocturne and Prometheus if the majority of the Chapter is deployed? Thanks in advance, and please do feel free to be discursive, or throw in ideas, concepts, markings or questions of your own relating to the period. The more ideas, the better! :)
  2. Hello, I've made an army list here, http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344336-salamanders-2000-points/ and I was wondering before I go out and buy the Leviathan model with siege claw and storm cannon would it be better to run 2 contemptors with power fits and Kheres assault cannons. Which do you think would be best?
  3. Hi guys, so got a doubles tournament coming up in August and decided on Raven Guard, my partner is taking Salamanders. Obviously I have no control over what my partner takes, however it looks solid: Praetor, Cataphractii Armour, Paragon Blade, Dragon Scale Shield 5 Firedrakes 2 x 10 man tacticals Spartan 2 x Predator - melta turret, flame sponsons. My list looks like this currently: ROW: Decapitation Strike + Alvarex Maun - Cameoline -145pts + Contemptor-Cortus - Dreadnought Chainfist, Close combat weapon, 2 x grav guns - 175pts + Mor Deythan - Artificer Armour on Shade, 5 x combi weapon - flamers?, Rhino - dozer blade - 220pts + 2 x Tactical Squad - 10 man, Artificer Armour, Power sword, vexilla - 330pts (165pts each) + Anvillus Dreadclaw - 115pts + Seeker Squad - 10 man, Artificer Armour - 265pts + Fire Raptor Gunship - Armoured Ceramite, Reaper Auto Cannons, Hellstrike Missiles - 250pts Total: 1500pts The plan was for Maun to join the seekers and infiltrate somewhere with good vantage points. 2 Tacticals to infiltrate into cover near objectives to either claim them first turn or wait out/provide fire support. The Contemptor drops in the anvillus first turn, flat outs to cover near one of my opponents big tanks or a priority target. Mor Deythan infiltrate, scout in their rhino, move 6", disembark 6" and use fatal strike to unload 5 twin linked, rending flamers at something first turn Seekers to unload AP2 on any terminators etc Dreadclaw drops the Contemptor 2nd turn to go eat a tank of tie up a difficult unitwhile other elements move into position. Fire raptor comes in 2nd turn (re rollable 3+) and starts smoking tanks and power armour. All this hopefully alongside the inevitable advance of the Salamanders where hopefully (if our opponent is smart) they'll be chucking a lot of firepower at the Spartan. With the option to re roll the dice to see who deploys first/ goes first and a re roll to seize the initative, should cause some havoc across the board as a lot of moving parts and differing target priority. Let me know any opinions Cheers
  4. Got a match in over the Holidays and was very excited to tryout a Behemoth build with a full unit of Melee Warriors. Another great match that was very back and forth, which for me, I wouldn't have any other way! Hope you all had a great holiday and got a chance to get some hobby time in. I'm working on a narrative campaign that will provide a switch of the style of games we showcase and also give a exciting story to follow along with. Tyranids Vs Salamanders Matched Play 2000 Pts
  5. Got a match in with a classic opponent of mine, the Salamanders! Always a great time when the sons of Vulkan throw down with my Tyranids. Was nice to have them back on the channel after a long break from this pairing. With this, I had to bust out Old One Eye as its been too long since he has seen the table for me. Enjoy, Tyranids Vs Salamanders 2000 Pts Retrieval Mission
  6. Hey everyone, we are back for another Battle Report. Just in time to kick off your Saturday morning with another rematch with the Tyranids and Salamanders. This time I brought a Prime/Warrior centered list. I planb on building upon the list and seeing how a Levi list compares to running them as Jormy. The Salamanders tryout a Intercessor heavy force to put a stop to their biomass consuming rivals. I also am working on a bit of a different format for the report. This time we recap at the end of movement, psychic/shooting, and then at the end of the turn. I apologize if it was a bit choppy at first, but we are working on smoothing out the format. Please leave a comment and let us know what you thought about the battle. Tyranids Vs Salamanders 2000 Pts The Scouring
  7. We're back for a rematch! I switched up my list to tryout a Leviathan list using a dual Acid Fex. Fixed up some camera issues so it is much more clear and easier to follow along with. Please let me know what you think, and a subscribe would mean a lot! Lastly, if you notice any rule errors, please let us know. Still learning and always looking to make sure we are improving. Tyranids Vs Salamanders 1500 Pts Scorched Earth Mission
  8. Hey everyone, we are back for another report! This time we upped the points to 2000 and are using the new board dimensions. This was one of the closest matches we have had on the channel. Let me know what you think and I would really appreciate it if you dropped a sub. Tyranids Vs Salamanders 2000 Pts Eternal War: Vital Intelligence
  9. The Tyranid and Salamander clash rages on! The Leviathan fleet receives reinforcements from a Kronos Patrol while the Salamanders reorganize and change up their force to take the Tyranids down once and for all. I've added in army lists to the video and video description. Still working on getting the CP/VP overlays added in, but hopefully it will be done too. There were some minor audio issues with my opponent due to my camera mic not having good range. Will work on moving closer to improve the audio between both of us. Appreciate your support in watching. Please subscribe and leave a comment if you enjoyed the report. See you in the next video. Tyranids Vs Salamanders 1500 Pts Front-line Warfare Mission
  10. Greetings all, well since I'm new I'll introduce myself, The name is Cole, I'm a Dark Angel fan and old collator, and I'm setting off on a new project coming back in to the hobby afar a long time absence, been wanting to make my own home brew chapter for a while now, and since the primies have come out I thought get my self acquainted, also I'm been getting in to the Salamanders as well so its not just a green thing lol, just two very grate chapters I believe any tips trick and ideas please don't be afraid to pass it on its been a very long time I believe since 3d Edition. Cheers.
  11. Had a chance to get another batrep in yesterday. I introduced a new scoring recap at the end of each battle round. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed this new addition, or if you found it was hard to read. It is still a work in progress! The Salamanders face off against the Tyranids in our first Incursion match of 9th Edition and on the channel. With a smaller table size, the action was fast and intense. A great battle with some legendary moments made for a tight battle between these old foes. Tyranids Vs Salamanders 1000 Pts Crossfire (GT 2020)
  12. Hey all, we are back for a rematch of the Ultramarines and Salamanders. The last match was a nail biter right down to end of the game, so if you missed that one, be sure to take a look at the channel. This rematch definitely kept the same energy alive which made for a great game. Be sure to watch until the end to see the very exciting conclusion. We hope you enjoy this report! There is lots more to come. Ultramarines Vs Salamanders 2000 Pts Priority Target (GT 2020)
  13. Hey everyone, its time for another battle report! With both the Ultramarines and Salamanders failing to stop the Tyranid Hive Fleet Ghidra, their respective commanders have setup a training simulation to develop their skills. These two respected Chapters face off in a battle to discover weaknesses and strengths that they can improve upon to prepare for the next engagement with the Tyranids. This was one of the most exciting and intense reports on the channel. Be sure to watch to the end for the exciting conclusion! Ultramarines Vs Salamanders 2000 Pts Surround and Destroy
  14. The Super Tyrant list returns with some slight modifications. I tried adding in a Mawloc and x2 Lictors into the list to see how they could perform with secondary objectives/distraction from my main force. The Salamanders force made some adjustments from the previous list and are looking to once and for all take down their Tyranid nemesis. Will they prevail?! Watch and find out. Stay tuned for the next battle report coming later this week as the Ultramarines make their return to the channel. Tyranids Vs Salamanders 2000 Pts Overrun (GT 2020)
  15. From the album: Salamanders progress

    first 5 marines done
  16. Lanky27


    From the album: Salamanders progress

    this is my first test subject for paint schemes
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