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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions


You may be aware that I have a keen interest in 3D printing. I still don't have a printer yet (intend to get a Mars 3 Pro) but I thought I might as well make a head start on some things to print when I do.   My initial projects have been a bit all over the place. For instance I dove in at the deep end and tried modelling up an entire Hierophant...   I later dialed things back a little and started work on a modular goblin kit (which will include 40K gretchin parts)...

Evil Eye

Evil Eye in 3D Sorcery

Ordo Psykana Strike Team of the Legio Bolter & Chainsword

I have vowed to complete a kill team of the Legio Bolter & Chainsword for the Knives in the Void painting challenge for 2022. Before you get all excited, I know my limitations. While the Legio B&C is ostensibly a "Codex" Chapter (inasmuch as a Chapter consisting of battle-brothers from all Chapters, and which doesn't quite follow the Codex Astartes in terms of overall organization can be), I've hedged my bets and am painting a kill team drawn from the Ordo Psykana of the Chapter. No, it'

Brother Tyler

Brother Tyler

Tau Game Pics

Collected some pics of my second Tau army during a pair of games. I threw in two Farsight models I actually completed before I went back to my Eldar.   Edit: My Tau gallery here at @B&C.                       

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics

More Hrud

First blog reaction is on the Hrud image. So I decided to find the other pics of the army. Blog limits make me have to use links.   I hope you enjoy.       More pics   Hrud wheels of doom troops in wait one of the big boys big guns will soon tire   battle lines rat rush incoming! everybody fall back!

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics

Dialing in the Green

My Death Guard transfer sheet finally came in! A bit of consideration while staring holes at the transfer sheet, then making uncomfortable amounts of eye contact the Black Books, then the being real happy strangers couldn't see me examining their Death Guard in detail over internet, I came to the decision that I had to lighten up the Castellan Green. I mixed in a bit of Pro Acryl Olive Flesh.   Central is just Castellan Green, the left and right are the lighter version. They'll end up


jaxom in Death Guard

Working on Corsairs

Doing some loose aeldari pirate/corsair thing. I'm expecting it to be a mix of stuff played as Ynnari if I ever go back to playing 40k. So no hurry.    These have been cleaned up a little, but I want this to be fairly quick to do when I get the urge.         The blue is Ahkelion Blue, dry brushed with Game Color Teal then Ulthuan Gray.   BTW, I hate assembling models more than ever.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in WIP


Came across this game photo from 2019. I was playing my Tau in a short campaign against my friend's Hrud. If you like this photo, leave a comment and I'll see if I can find some more. Sadly the army was sold in 2020.   .

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics


I started 40k in 1989 and have done a lot of work and played a lot of games. Since I've not actively been playing 40k for most of the past year, I haven't done much hobby wise.    I'll post stuff I'm working on and gradually consolidate stuff from older threads here.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Update

The wallet broke before the Guard did.

As per the title, I'm sure that will be a familiar statement amongst many collectors once the newly revealed Imperial Guard minis are released. Its been a long time since the Imperial Guard, or Astra Militarum if you're that way inclined, got new infantry sculpts for their main range. Granted we got a Death Korps of Krieg box recently, but the plastic Cadian range, which I'd say is their 'main' Guard range, has been showing its age for a long time now, and is way overdue for a refresh. I kn


Cyrox in General

The Human Behind the Mailed Fist

Hello folks,   I've been in a hobby mojo dip for the past few months, which has translated into 0% physical hobby progress and mounting frustration, in addition to the usual Hobby Butterfly Syndrome (or HBS for short). I have however managed a relatively stable online presence (if a bit sparse in terms of post count) over that time. With that in mind, I've decided to create this blog for which my objectives are: Get a post, preferably with at least one picture of personal hobby p


Dosjetka in Miscellaneous

Battle 12: 75PL vs GSC, Let It Burn

This battle occurred a few weeks ago, but real life got in the way. Sorry for the lack of updates! Regular scheduling is to follow.   I've also noticed that the recent formatting change on the B&C has deleted all of my paragraph breaks in previous entries, so I will eventually go back and fix them...eventually.   7 October, 2022   Burning with the power of the warp following his last encounter with the Imperial Knights, Kratus presses onwards through the dust-st


Cheex in Battle Reports

Hobby Butterfly - tools of war - Flamer

Looking for inspiration for another painting project I started rummaging through my plastic sprues looking for simple things to add here and there to my BA force. I built 2 ABR Intercessors as a result but I wanted to share with you something else that kinda happened on it's own. Remember that odd Flamer guy Black Templars got all of a sudden during their last model release? Well now I have my own Design is not perfect, but it's bigger (as all things Primaris should be) and it was f


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

The Chaos Lord's New Greave

I didn't get to play a game last week, so instead I got some more hobby done! I hesitate to call it progress, since it's really just a distraction from getting stuff done that's been sitting in the Pile of Opportunity for too long, but hey, it was fun.   Not content to just say "Kratus has bionics under his armour now", I went online and found a cheap ($1) bionic leg STL, fired up the old Photon Mono and made Kratus a new leg to represent his recent battle scar.    


Cheex in Hobby Progress

Sicaran Done!

Well brothers & sisters the Sicaran is in the books now! I completed this in what is record time for me. Normally a model like this would take me a month likely two but cranked it out in a few weeks. This is mainly due to my other hobbies not producing right now, I don't Salmon fish and the fall Steelhead aren't really running yet plus the large migration of waterfowl hasn't been cold enough to drive them south however likely the biggest factor is that BCK has this contest going on here curr


Spazmolytic in Sicaran

Regiments of Aidaca

A warm and overpopulated planet, Aidaca is the origin of some of the most well disciplined regiments in the region. Their loyalty makes them well suited to garrison all sorts of important locations, including centres of industry and other locations of value. Used to living in places with high temperatures, the regiments of Aidaca are commonly seen wearing long coats over their armour, in order to help them endure the colder temperatures of the majority of the imperial colonies. Although they are

Hobby Butterfly - trying to make Terminators "better" - but this time it's Tartaros

Sooo I wanted to take a break from Terminators after the last one, but this happened: Blood Angels Praetor in Tartaros Terminator armor was in my drawer for some time now. I love the model and now with the experience I got from the Cataphractii, I feel more confident to try and upscale him too. Cutting the waist section wasn't easy and unfortunately whole abdomen section will need to be resculpted. No hiding things with cloth this time as I want to preserve the lovely detail of the breastpl


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

From books to miniatures part 2

While the miniature version of the forces under Cornelivs is significantly smaller in number than what is in the books, it is still a relatively large collection of figures, so I was able to represent different sub forces within those fighting at his side. Today I will focus mostly on the warriors that were originally part of the militias defending some of the worlds where Cornelivs went to destroy the alien cults that were undermining the local populations. The basic look for the mili

From books to miniatures and vice-versa

Beyond my love for reading and writing, I like to build and paint miniatures, mostly 28mm scale models. Over the years, as I wrote the story of Cornelivs Maximvs I kept acquiring and building miniatures to represent some of the groups in books and some physical models actually influenced the characters in the books. The army started with a small set of miniatures from Games Workshop that I decided to use to represent the miners from Airom, Septimus and also some of the gangsters from Rolauq

McFarlane Flayed one. Bigger, Longer, More cuts!

310364531_10160260017210797_1337376972874118920_n  Big boy! I got the unpainted Flayed one for Christmas this year and its been on my desk (and accountability grid) since. There wasnt a huge amount of material on painting them, especially the flayed one, at the time (Though its better now) and playing with the thing, posing it, rubber ducking it and generally pack bonding made me loathe to rip its arms and legs off to give the conventional action figure basecoating. Id also originally planned


Noserenda in Macfarlanes

Kill Team project......

I'm about to start a new job and have had a couple of weeks off since leaving the last one. The idea was to use some of the time painting to clear a bit of my backlog, but as with most of my hobby projects, I thought of something new to do and immeadiatly got sidetracked by that idea. The big idea was simply this, to build and paint a number of kill teams, enough to have a slection so I could invite some friends round for a short kill team campaign and have teams ready to go without all the hass


drakheart in Progress

Finishing up the modeling for a Chaplain

I did some work today on cleaning some parts, tentative list building, and getting Chaplain Gerud Vahlas, the Witch-Breaker, ready for priming. The gap on the right pauldron/cloak portion is because they're held on with poster tac. I'm going to paint the cape and power pack separate from the rest of the model. The Death Guard are more about function than frippery, but with the recent praetor reveals I felt okay with including a cape. It also made it easier on me, because I think I'm ou


jaxom in Death Guard

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