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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Grave Wardens Modeling Done (9/1/22)

Next, going to lay down some paint on the Tactical Squad. It's going to be most of the pre-oil wash steps. The problem is that I was going to order the Death Guard decal sheet along with the energy heavy weapon kit. However, it wasn't released as an immediate follow up to launch. Now the decal sheet is out of stock. It's not a big deal. This is going to mostly be figuring out if I need to keep the bolters separate from the arms for painting. Once I figure that out, I can assemble more infantry.


jaxom in Death Guard

Hobby Butterfly - and now for something completely different: a Death Cult Assassin

I'm a patron of one of Polish miniature painters - Samuel Skiba-Wojnach - and part of a painting group for a bout a year now. As such, it happens that we paint a miniature together that comes from different setting then WH40k. However I like to incorporate them whenever possible into my 40k collection, because it's both fun and an opportunity to work on my skills outside the comfort zone of Blood Angels' red. And black.... and white.... and gold..... and blue...   Anyway a mini I painted in


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Some Quick WIP's

Hey all, I don't know about you but I'm a rather slow hobbyist. 1 figure can take me whats seems like an eternity, manly due to the abundance of things that life throws your way but there is some laziness in there too! I'm hoping this blog helps push me past this stage and into an area that can have me turn out a figure a week if not faster.  So without further ado......    Cerberus as he stands now, still has a ways to go but am happy with the progress so far. For the in between stage


Spazmolytic in Cerberus

Accountability August

Bingo 2022 august  Sooo the last couple of years ive been using the White dwarf hobby bingo, (Or now, technically a variant of it?) to keep account of all the things ive finished. Its been very useful as a spur to complete stuff over the long dark between events so i kept it up. I made my own grid this year because GW didnt make the new one available online for whatever reason and i do an accountability post most months on my FB, i figured it also made sense to do it here, on the day my copy


Noserenda in Accountability

Battle 7: 50PL vs Imperial Knights, Tech Hunt

27 August, 2022 With the Cruentes' supply lines well and truly solidified (Warfleet Glory has been at 7 for several games now), Kratus has set about raising as many edifices to the glory of the Bloodfather as possible. However, in this small satellite city of Hive Secundus, a cultist coven has alerted the Cruentes of a hidden cache of Mechanicus artefacts. Eager to add these to his arsenal, Kratus leads a force to recover them - and pile some skulls in the process. Fortunately for his warri


Cheex in Battle Reports

Hobby Butterfly - trying to make Terminators "better" -WIP-part2

Found myself some hobby time during the weekend and managed to finish the cloth surplices and plates extensions for the Terminators. Once that cured, I added the waist chains, fasteners, some bling in the form of acrylic tear-drops (nail decoriations) in various places and even built up some bases. So without further ado here is the whole squad as it is now: I think the Sergeant in the middle could also use some kind of icon on the top of the hood to further distinguish him. Or perhap


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Hobby Butterfly - trying to make Terminators "better" -WIP-part1

With the Primaris range came problems for some of the most iconic units of the 40k universe, the Terminators. They just don't look good next to new sculpts. Especially the Indomitus sculpts.  I've been having an idea of upscaling them for quite some time, but never really gathered the courage to try. That is probably in no small part because I want to keep as much of the original sculpts as possible. I had some ideas... and then HH startex box dropped and I found myself in possession of the


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Starting off

Hello folks!  I've been wanting to start wih something nice and smooth. Something about my hobby way or history but in the end I just couldn't get to it properly. So instead I chose to start with where I am at the moment. I own a considerable force of Blood Angels - my first 40k love. I have around 12.000 pts worth of painted models and a solid chunk of those is my 5th Company, the Daemonbanes. It's almost ready barring a few bodies and I plan to showcase them here slowly while I updat


Majkhel in Blood Angels

First demi squad sorted

Been making a bit of progress since the sun stopped trying to kill us all :D First up as i finally made a decision on basing (Desert to match the current other member of the drop out filled group project) i based the apothecaries i recommissioned from unfinished Iron warriors as testers. 302176213_10160193461300797_8508922370391818114_n  Then on to Infantry, which by effectively raw chance turned out to be my super flex recon/veteran squad(s) the first 5 of which have turned out alright i t


Noserenda in Sons of Horus

Cerberus, Brother of the Blade, member of the 50-22nd

Well hey there again, my second post is taking form. Before I start plotting down the head cannon for my Alpha Legion, I thought that maybe I should have some hobby to go with it.  So Cerberus is a thought I had of creating a duellist champion for my Alpha's. His lore would be, is he one of a trio of duellists where the enemy doesn't know that 2 others are lurking close by to pounce and cause their demise! Or does he have 3 souls living within his mind which makes him seem very unhinged to


Spazmolytic in Cerberus

A hose by any other name, penultimate Grave Warden modelling update (8/26/22)

My second to last major project was Astra Militarum and I have a lot of infantry special weapons left over (as evidenced by the grenade launchers). Each flamer tank is good for two terminators. A modelling or jeweler's saw to get a clean cut in half, remove the little curving bit which would sit on the Guardsman's shoulder, clean mold lines, then slightly file down the end that will be facing the power fist side. You'll notice there's a triangular side. This is perfect for fitting into


jaxom in Death Guard

Blood Priest Baruda

In another stunning example of hobby butterflyism, I've decided to work on something completely different to what's already on my desk. But this was just a quick update of a model I have been meaning to fix.   I haven't been happy with the composition of Baruda's model for some time. The original intention was that the huge icon would represent the Banner of Rage relic, but it just really felt like it unbalanced the model - and this was exacerbated by his slightly side-heavy pose (and


Cheex in Hobby Progress

Path of the Righteous - Phase I

This is something I've been wanting to do since the start of the year: the Aksha'i Cruentes are embarking on the Path of the Righteous.   Now that I'm comfortable with the Crusade rules in the CSM codex, I feel like this is a logical and characterful step for the Cruentes. They've always been a zealous bunch, and now with the death of Bardûl and the rising star of Kratus, I think it's a good time to start folding these rules into my army. Baruda is clearly pushing more of his influence


Cheex in Order of Battle

+ Some Things Are best Left Forgotten +

In addition to my off-site general blog, +Death of a Rubricist+, I also run +Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten+, which is a single-topic narrative blog themed around the War of the False Primarch. This started as a tiny snippet in Imperial Armour 10, I think; and it's since expanded into a large setting. The latest update deal with Warzone: Null, but if you're into narrative 40k, I encourage you to have a read through. Here's a general primer to get you started.. The project is

Grave Wardens Almost Done (8/22/22)

Let's see how the whole blog thing goes. In my last WIP update, I had done some GS work. I've done more. I used a template for chainmail to get the pattern and placed it over the stripped down leather strips. Once dry, any excess was removed. The inner shoulder pads were dry-fitted and glued into place. This gave me all I needed to assemble the bodies (Mk6 included for scale). I'm a bit annoyed at myself for the one on the far left. I didn't realize that one arm wen


jaxom in Death Guard

New Berzerkers and Champions

I've been playing this army for quite a long time. Almost as long as the soon-to-be obsolete plastic Berzerker kit, in fact; I think it came out about a year before I picked up my first Chaos Battleforce box back in the day.   Over the years, I have collected entirely too many Berzerkers made from that old kit. At last count, there were something like 80-odd painted Berzerkers, and about as many unpainted. Unfortunately, that kit is now getting a little long in the tooth (so to speak),


Cheex in Hobby Progress

Cheex's Hobby Tips: Chaos-style damaged power cabling

While putting together some new Berzerker Champions, I found myself needing to reposition some power fists. I could've easily just used some guitar wire, but I wanted it to look more like the damaged cabling you often see on newer Chaos models. After thinking on it for a bit, I had an epiphany: heat shrink.   Heat shrink is used in electronics to repair damaged wire insulation or to bundle multiple insulated wires together (amongst other uses). When it reaches a certain temperature, th


Cheex in Hobby Progress

My armies

Thought I would list out all the different forces in my vast collection  with a rough idea of the points total of each based on the current lists I keep in Battlescribe, just to give you an idea.  +Dark Angels +  - approx 4500pts  Dark Angels were my first love in the original Rogue Trader days with the then black painted RTB01 plastic beakie marines being my first unit (even if they were later repainted as Nightlords with the addition of a few spikes). This collection is not really a


drakheart in Intro

Regicide - the Concept

The oldest of my unfinished Warhammer 40,000 projects is that of creating a chess set based on the game. I enjoyed playing chess long before WH40K and greatly appreciate finely crafted chess pieces. I began “working” on this project back in the ezBoard days of 3rd edition and have revisited it several times since then. At one point, I even started a larger project in which other members of the community were invited to submit their own WH40K-themed chess sets. That project was called “Regicide”

Brother Tyler

Brother Tyler

The Hobby Butterfly

+ A Gathering of Might + + A hotch-potch update of what's on the hobby desk. For whatever reason, the hobby butterfly has been fluttering from project to project and not settling. Rather than force it, I've been doing little bits here and there. + + Kroot Killteam +   + I like Killteam, and I like Kroot. With the new kit coming out imminently, I wanted to get ahead of the game and paint up some of these models. In particular, I wanted to make sure I had some krootho


apologist in General

An Intro...

I guess I should start with a little about my self and my hobby background.  It all started with this, my first miniature which I proudly bought for 50p from my FLGS back when I was 12, which I excitedly took home and badly painted with my dads Humbrol enamel paints. From then I was hooked, I had a group of friends who were similarly interested one of whom had a 2nd edition copy of Warhammer fantasy battles and so the collection began to grow to the first small army, playing battles on


drakheart in Intro

Warehouse to let, one careless owner

Finished up a piece of terrain this evening thats been sitting mostly finished for a while,The base model is a kids toy i got from a charity shop for 2 quid, originally bright blue and yellow i took the chance to test the green spray i picked up for my Sons of Horus juuuust in case it was awful but it worked well enough, used it on the doors and roof and worked up the walls in white.  297665450_10160178297585797_4152062382917534225_n I was struggling with how to finish it up, originally aimi


Noserenda in Terrain

Order of Battle Updates

Lord Kratus, the Hand of Khorne   Once the Champion of Bardül's Terminator bodyguard, Kratus clawed his way to fill the power vaccuum left by his master's Spawndom. As the former Hand of Khorne's body was being torn asunder, Kratus tore Bardül's chainfist - a symbol of his self-proclaimed title - from his warplate. Easily besting other challengers for the title, Kratus assumed his position as the leader of the Aksha'i Cruentes, and now intends to reunite the many Cruentes warbands


Cheex in Order of Battle

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