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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Huzzah I posses the power to cut foam

So I recently bought a proxxon hot wire cutter in a fit of realising I'm hitting 30 and have never made a foam ruin.   Using my very big jiggly totally not smooth wrinkle less brain I decided the best way to go about doing this was drop a hundred quid on something I'd never seen before.      Well after a few hours this afternoon I'm happy to report I kinda know how to work it.   My goal now is to melt my way through many a sheet until I have a 3rd ed esque city

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in Terrain wip

Apr 10 2023 WIP - Dorn, Uniform, Servo-Skull

Rogal Dorn #1. Casting Defect Texture. Previously I laid down the Tamiya putty texture, and added some brass handles. I lost my metal files somewhere... so the flame cuts still need re-working. Using various files, sandpaper, and a hobby knife creates a varied texture. This is too uniform. I'll either re-work it, or hit it hard on Rogal Dorn #2. In law, legal briefs are never done, just due. Just the same in Hobby, there's always more to do--but, I need an army ready for 10th edition upcom

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Well that was odd few months.......

So its been a crazy few months in my personal life. The end result has made me a better person and I am very happy the direction my life is going.  But I did bust out the brush and dice getting the Adepta Sororitas out for some boarding action and resumed painting.  Unfortunately I may have to repaint the less than 10 models completed to match the robe technique I'm using for the black robes. 


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Making the Uniform of the Death Korps of Krieg 143rd Siege Artillery Reg.

10 Year badge today?! Well then.   Making the Mask The Russian GP-5 is a great start. I watched 'Iron warrior's' youtube video and that talked me into making a foam face section with the GP-5 parts. He apparently had followed from Janovich on Etsy and youtube. So, I ordered some 5mil foam and got to work. I'd never done any work with this flexible foam; it's all new. Iron warrior also has a downloadable stencil you can buy to just cut out the mask section. This is very handy. I ha

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 7 - The Ritual Site; Campaign Streamers, & Operations Order

I'm going to have to set this up in the basement tonight to get better pics...   WORK IN PROGRESS PICS So, the initial considerations were (1) truck space; (2) tournament imposed (convention center space) limit to 12x structural 3x5' bases; (3) man portability; and (4) entering the technical display category. We figured we wouldn't get a structural display spot as they are limited, and really couldn't transport it anyway, so we'd just go in the 3x2 category. So, I set about making

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

April 2023 WIP - Creed, Dorn, & Kasrkins

10th Ed. Blues Well, I can wait and paint nothing. Or, I can cast a wide net, hoping something, anything, I paint is actually usable in the new rules. Well, the old malcador infernus will keep coming out to play until she's relegated to legends... but for the most part I think I want fundamentals ready for June 2023: Commander, Infantry, heavy weapons, special weapons, vox, leman russes, etc. I mean the other option is to sit and paint nothing, wait for a meta to emerge and race to catch it

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 6 - Forging the Narrative

Narrative Army List. I wanted an actual story to accompany the board. Getting the lore to match up to my armies is more difficult than one would think. Why is Agrippina supplying this? Why is Krieg part of this mission? Anyway, the basic narrative is that Angron is being summoned on Armageddon. I've got the whole thing written out, but in short - 10's of thousands sacrificed in blood daily. Full Divisions are going mad and in open rebellion. Thousands of psykers mind's have exploded (the cl

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 5 - Adepticon Showcase, After Action Review

Showcase. We made it two years running! So, after games 1-3, we got the invite to set up from 8:30-11:30PM in the corridor to the event hall with the other displays. It's great to talk with hobbyists over techniques and all their current projects. Notably, the lighting is much dimmer than in the convention hall for the team tournament. So, flame effects show much better.  I wore the Krieg uniform for quite a while, but eventually it was just too hot and I’d been on my feet since

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 4 - Spotlights, Sandbags, and 143rd Siege Reg. Uniform

Krieg Display Board 2023. Spotlights. This year I wanted spotlights. The forgeworld version are long OOP, and when they show up on ebay every other year they're about $50+. Zinge makes great spotlights. However, I also need a stand for the spotlight. Kromlech makes a great heavy weapon base with a tri-pod. It's a bit too tall for my liking, but it'll work. I chose to put it on a 65mm base because I wanted to hook up electrical. I gave it a quick zenithal with the airbrush on Castellan

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Chaos Knights Round 2!

After the absolute kicking I received from Ted's Chaos Knights, I was eager to temper myself against them once more and see if I can beat them - he's the only person in my club to beat my Blood Angels so far, and they won't stand for it! The last game was an absolute whitewash, something like 40 - 95, and so I wanted to approach this one a little better, and using basically the same army I used before. We tried to set up the terrain more like GW's tourney maps, with the 4 large obscuring pieces


Xenith in Battle Report

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 3 - More 40k Zeppelin Construction

Warhammer 40k Zeppelin... So, the Rob Hawkins blog entry from 2013 (appropriately entitled "Oh the Humanity") really remains the key inspiration.    Length You can see it's actually fairly big. It's also then a pain to transport on it's own. Lots of fiddly bits on the bottom. Unfortunately I also wanted double heavy stubber emplacements on the top, matching old WW1 artwork. This doesn't really work for transport. It needs to lay on one side. And though it does stand upright..

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

A look on 2022, the current status of 2023 and some plans for the future

While the years before 2022 were mostly focused on building a lot and doing a little bit of painting, in 2022 I focused much of my hobby time on painting stuff. In part it was due to changes in my professional and personal life, as I finally got the chance of working remotely rather than having to change city (or country) every few years and the stability of staying in one place along with my collection made things much easier. Even though the work related change only happened mid of the

Krieg Display Board 2023 pt 2 - Building a Defense Line and Trenches

Krieg Diorama 2023 Ok, still catching up to where we are presently. So, back to the making of the board itself.    Constraints/limitations.  Space. Firstly, space is an issue. I'll need to transport this by vehicle. My truck only fits so much. I have to drive 7 hours to Adepticon. It's cramped. I have a truck bed, but March does not have pleasant weather in Minnesota/Wisconsin/Illinois.  Rules. Second, the rules of the tournament only allow certain sizes. I suppose ea

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Krieg Display Board 2023 Pt 1 - Making a 40k Zeppelin

Death Korps of Krieg Display Board 2023 - Adepticon and Beyond.  So, I'm catching up from work these past two months. 100+ hours in, but never finished. Anyway, step one, I'm building a blimp display board this year. Last year was great. I got a lot of really great feedback at Adepticon and on B&C. People were really kind. But, the question is how to improve it? The problem with going to a new army is that I have to paint a new army, and make a new display, and learn all the rules. Huge

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2023

Purity seal

Not quite a mini but is 40k. Have finished another purity seal. This one for my post apoc airsoft loadout. More learnt on this one and given new ideas for next one. Seems stifinging fabric with paint is a winner that prevents the fonts inks or paints bleeding and charing edges seals the stitching together nicely. Must plan out my fonts wording better for the next one

Brother Nathan

Brother Nathan in Purity seal

Hobby Goals for 2023

So in my various painting logs, I tallied all the painted points and models I managed to complete in 2022 and then set some optimistic objectives for models I'd like to get painted to round out some armies in 2023 - turns out that several small goals across nids, eldar necrons and Titanicus add up fast... Thankfully the warlord is maybe 10% of the year total, and that's all done bar the basing. This is also before I get to the Alpha Legion I want to paint. If I add in gift-warhammer I've receive


Xenith in 2023

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Chaos Knights

So another quick battle report write up, this time I had a game against the Chaos Knights of a fellow local club goer. This guy kicked my ass last time against my Eldar, so I thought I'd bring out the Blood Angels to see if they could fare any better. Spoiler: They didn't.   1500 Blood Angels Arks of Omen (Elites): Primaris Chaplain on Bike - Warlord (gift of foresight), relic (Armour indomitus - 2+, 3++, +1W), angel exemplar (artificer - mantle) mantra of strength Sanguinary


Xenith in Battle Report

The Warlord Walks!

So after the renewed enthusiasm for AT that came from getting a game in at WHW, I've decided I need to get the rest of my titans built - so far in the pile of shame were the 2020 christmas box maniple - a warlord, reaver and 2 hounds. Lacking any larger titans, I decided to tackle the warlord first, assembling, breaking the toes a lot to try and make him stride forwards, then spraying with a lot of leadbelcher.    Paint job at 80%, missing transfers. I didn't like how I did the checks


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

Master of possession wip updated... greenstuff

So i got green stuff started. Some parts im very happy with others not so much. The backpack id want to swap for a more ornate one... may have the one... somewhere but placeholder. The staff i think is perfect. Happy with cables too. Prob should have done gs work pre assembly. Would have liked to bulk arms but think easily look wrong. Leg armour... i dont think will look right til paintedthe horns beside helm arnt great and need shaped a bit when hardened. If they dont look right will see if i c

This hasn't started well....

So it's March and this is entry one on the blog....the plan is off to a rocky start. I largely blame this on having a baby - definitely eats into the hobby time!   The is the current WIP area of my desk:   No less than 5 armies represented in a small space. I'm a hobby magpie, and I'm not ashamed of it, but it can be an issue.  The big impact of reduced hobby time, is that I find it easy to find time to build. Not for extensive conversions etc, but building is an e


Doobles57 in Grey pile

Cornelivs Maximvs Allies - Dwarves (count as Astra Militarum)

In the Cornelivs Maximvs books that I have written the dwarves are mentioned as being allied to the imperial forces, so as part of my attempt to build forces that represent my books, I have built and painted some Einherjar from Wargames Atlantic to represent them. In addition, the dwarves have a somewhat symbiotic relationship with a species of sentient giant spiders and they often fight side by side, so I got some of the dwarves to be mounted on giant spiders (also from Wargames Atlantic) for r


GreenScorpion in Cornelivs Maximvs

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