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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions
  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment

Oil Weathering and Oil-Pens (9/23/22)

Weathering and trick technique, do they work? Before (black oil wash with sediment on base colors): After: Woo, it worked! Ahem. I was buying pens the other day and saw there were oil-based Sharpies. This reminded me of something I had heard about using markers to do the trim work on Chaos models (particularly Heldrakes). So I picked up a gold one because Death Guard love their brass and the actual brass marker was really dark. I'll do a little h


jaxom in Death Guard

Battle 8: 50PL vs Necrons vs Imperial Knights, Race to Recover

9 September, 2022 A desperate call has pierced the silence of Hive Secundus. Thought to be a dead city and ignored by the rest of Imperial command, the Space Marines of the Ashen Ghosts chapter dispatched a small detachment to investigate the hive. Now, after weeks of vox silence, an urgent call to arms has been heard all across the world of Janus - even by their enemies - as a facility of extreme importance has been discovered. Several forces now converge on the desolate city, eager to unc


Cheex in Battle Reports

Dread finished and a new start

It's taken me a bit to get back into the Blogging mind set mainly because of the long form framework. With FB, Insta...etc, you post a picture, quick blurb and be done with it, extremely easy to become lazy with words. You gain insta-gratification with "likes" or "Follows" but really, at least to me, they have never meant anything. Sure as a hobbyist getting hundreds of likes for a model you completed felt good at first but knowing some people just click on it because their finger is pre-program


Spazmolytic in Alpha Dreadnought

Accountability September

So September White Dwarf has been here a lil while which means accountability time was like... last week but hey ho, better late than never :P  Bingo 2022 September  The Sons of Horus have been covered off here already but i finished the Vindicare and his perch, as previously mentioned i wanted to go for a badly damaged but painted statue as a bit of a challenge and to stand out a bit. Though ive since seen a version with the statue fallen which is a much better idea! Happy with how he came


Noserenda in Accountability

Battle 11: 50PL vs Imperial Knights, Eldritch Encounter

Or: It's Fistin' Time! 22 September, 2022 After a series of stinging defeats and anaemic offerings to the Blood Father, the World Eaters are eager for a worthy fight. Kratus, in particular, is determined to prove his worth as a successor to the Hand of Khorne. As scattered bands of Cruentes stalk the streets, they encounter a scouting force of Imperial Knights, presenting them with an opportunity to take some worthy trophies. Since the last battle, I used Repair and Recuperate to


Cheex in Battle Reports

Thrax Gorechosen

In today's episode of "What Painted Thing Will Cheex Redo Next?", we have an older eBay rescue that I had already rescued, but wanted to rescue again: Thrax Gorechosen, the Exalted Champion of the Gorefather! This model is a kitbash of many models together. The base model is the current Exalted Champion (formerly the "Aspiring Champion" from Dark Vengeance), with a head from the AoS Skullreapers/Wrathmongers kit, arms from the AoS Blood Warriors kit, backpack from an old metal Chaos Lord, a


Cheex in Hobby Progress

Battle 10: 75PL vs Custodes, Strike for Supplies

Or: Maybe Don't Choose To Go Second Against Custodes Next Time 16 September, 2022 After being surrounded by the foul xenos forces, the World Eaters only manage to fall back thanks to the enemy armies' preoccupation with each other. Returning in force and hoping to catch these enemies off-guard, the Cruentes are surprised to not see Necrons or xenos mutants, but instead the transhuman might of the Adeptus Custodes.  After the last battle, I used the Repair and Recuperate requisitio


Cheex in Battle Reports

Battle 9: 50PL vs GSC vs Necrons, Opportunity Strikes

Or: The One Where I Realised Rhinos Kinda Suck When Forced to Use Strategic Reserves 16 September, 2022 As forces from all factions present on Janus trickle into the Hive Secundus, more engagements break out. The indomitable Necron advance pursues the regrouping World Eaters, however sensors on both sides start pinging with the presence of new enemies... Kratus and his lieutenant, Thrax the Exalted Champion, lead Dreior's Berzerkers and Gorm's Berzerkers, backed by Bardûl the Helb


Cheex in Battle Reports

Further progress.....

Not sure progress is the right word as a nice shiny box full of goodies arrived, adding much more to my pile of shame: So I got stuck in and assemebled an undercoated the Kroot, even made a custom Pech token using a eagle from the bits box. Not sure I'm going to keep the Imperial Navy team, so left them on the sprue. Clipped and assembled all the terrain in the box, very impressed with the kit , highly detailed, but also means it's going to take longer to paint. Now only got find time


drakheart in Progress

Coldforge – challenge event

It's that time again – time for a new invitational challenge event themed around the War of the False Primarch. Please do help to spread the word. Tag is: #warzonecoldforge Full details are through this link to the +Death of a Rubricist+ blog; but summarised here: Build and paint between one and three models to illuminate one of the many battles that raged over planet Coldforge during the War of the False Primarch Post a picture of – and any lore you've written for –

Hobby Butterfly - trying to make Terminators "better" -WIP-part3-final

With the first member of the up-scaled Cataphractii painted, I'm kinda surprised to say that the project is complete  I already said in my previous entry, that I'm satisfied with the build. However seeing the result in full color gives that extra layer of confirmation and pleasure. Finis coronat opus if my High Gothic serves me right? Now the nearest goal is to paint the remaining 4 members of the squad. There is another 5 waiting in the sprues too if I fancy.  As far as tryin


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Current Projects and *rough* % Completion

Warhammer 40k; Primaris - Iron Snakes 20% Complete (as at Sept 22) Badab War Firstborn - Astral Claws 10% (as at Sept 22) Badab War Firstborn - Lamenters 15% (as at Sept 22) Badab War Firstborn - Mantis Warriors 5% (as at Sept 22) Badab War Firstborn - Executioners 25% (as at Sept 22) Badab War - Tyrants Legion 0% (as at Sept 22) Tyranids 75% (as at Sept 22) Necrons 85% (as at Sept 22) CSM Red Corsairs 55% (as at Sept 22)   Horus Heresy;

Recon squad finished up, bonus statuary.

First Squad finished, i grouped all the bare heads in this half and it pained me :D Turns out after a few years mostly painting SoS my marine face skills have atrophied a bit but i felt a Veteran Recon squad would be full of the types to go bareheaded in a warzone with a big beard!  301502463_10160198129495797_1345052255596126435_n  Still, not my best work overall but perfect is the enemy of finished and their assecories came out alright which is gratifying lol 302335850_10160198129340797_4


Noserenda in Sons of Horus

Oh good lord! I made a Space Marine!

What goes around comes around, it seems...After having started the hobby with Tyranids, and having joined this forum doing Chaos Space Marines, I am now finding myself making the subject of this forum's origins- a loyal servant of the Emperor, a Space Marine! This was largely done on account of getting the Firestrike Turret as a gift from a friend, who knew I liked 40K but didn't really know much about it. Whilst the turret itself is an immeasurably helpful source of gun/turret-y bits, the

Evil Eye

Evil Eye in INQ28 Nonsense

About last weekend...

Last Saturday saw my most recent battle against one of my oldest friends and long time opponent Graham, it was a 2000pt game using the open war card deck and got the domination objective, with long table edge deployment and storms as the twist reducing movement and advances by 1".  I ended up winning quite convincingly with my opponent conceeding at the end of his second turn, reallising I was already ahead on victory points and he didn't have enough models left at that stage to be ab


drakheart in Analysis

Rekrootment drive

+ Kroot – Kindred of the Bloody Moon + Kroot. Kroot. Krooooooot! These charismatic aliens have entranced me since they were previewed, years ago. I even went as far as writing a rather ham-fisted attempt at a Codex that I sent in to the GW studio, and received a very kind hand-written reply from Andy Chambers. Like their Tau sinister overlords absolutely equal trusted partners, I've started – and failed – a few attempts at a Kroot army; as I've never quite been able to capture what I wanted


apologist in Kroot

A Little Progress

Had a few extra minutes this past long weekend to start on some of the weathering this chap will receive.  Time will be more restricted as these fall months go on so finding the time between fishing & hunting will be sparse but I am going to try for 1 hour per day. Most of these hours will get spent looking at the model to figure if I've missed something then likely 10 minutes of actual paint time.   I was going for more of a car heat shield look over the exhaust, not 100% ha


Spazmolytic in Alpha Dreadnought

Why can't I resist new things?

As the title says, why can't I resist new things?  When the return of the Squats was teased on April Fools Day, and then confirmed shortly afterwards as the Leagues of Votann, I got very excited! The Squats were actually coming back - this was an army that was around when I first discovered the GW universe, and it reminded of those good times that you always look back on fondly. I ended up making a couple of videos about it which went down quite well, and I looked forward to seeing wha


Cyrox in General

Hobby progress

Though I'd give you a quick update on what Ive been working on. Completed:   CSM legionaires kill team   Aeldari rangers Nearly finished: Heavy intercessors, just need to finish edge highlighting and add weathering. To be painted: A couple of 3d printedapaothecaries and the killzone moroch terrain behind them primed and redy for paint. New: This bad boy arrived in the post yesterday so I assembled him and printed what


drakheart in Progress

Berzerker Champions Revisited

No battles this week, but lots of hobby progress! I've mentioned before that some of the models in this force are very, very old. Remaking these classic models has been on my To Do list for a long time, and the release of the Chaos Space Marine Chosen box as a standalone kit gave me the impetus to finally dive into it.   Validon   Validon's original model was based on the metal Khârn the Betrayer - I had received multiples of the model in a trade about 16+ years ago, so


Cheex in Hobby Progress

Who am I? An introduction.

Here we go then.   I've been into this crazy hobby since the Second Edition release of Warhammer 40,000, so about 1993 when i started I think. That was my first starter set and I still have fond memories of 2nd edition. I was at high school at the time and my friends all enjoyed the hobby - they were the ones that got me into it, and my first actual purchase was White Dwarf 168 and a metal Space Marine Captain, followed a week later by the 2nd Edition 40K starter box and White Dwarf 16


Cyrox in General

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