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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Cadre Fireblade

KY'VASH RECON CADRE CADRE FIREBLADE Cadre Fireblade Shas'el Yr'anto.   Not all warriors of the Fire Caste seek to don the 'Mantle of the Hero' - a T'au Battlesuit - once their time amongst the infantry has come to an end. Those with the aptitude and inclination may instead remain on foot, leading the bulk of T'au military forces in up-armoured, quasi-powered armour based on the standard Firewarrior raiment. Such warriors are - usually, though not always - limited to the

So it begins….

Well a trip to my FLGS with my soon to be 11 year old (step)son did not end as I had expected.    Originally it was supposed to be a quick trip in for some paint but that did not happen. I let him walk around and check out the store and soon he found some models he liked…much to my surprise. He liked the bike models in eldar and marines, liked the Guard for being the military but ultimately he saw the ridge runner, jackals and the characters of the Genestealer cult.  He decided he wanted

JUNE - Where did that month just go?

How is it already July? What happened in June?    Let's get the elephant in the room out the way. This is going to be a short blog entry. Next to nothing hobby related has happened in June. The best photo I had for this month's cover is an unpainted Land Fortress. I haven't completed a single model this month, representing a bit of a stall in my mission to remove the pile of shame/opportunity.   But that's not to say it's all for bad reasons. It's largely down to the fact tha


Doobles57 in Grey pile

Greymanes Infernus Druht Leader (WIP)

The Greymanes wear their Chapter's colours with pride. Their battle-plate is predominantly a dark grey, with pauldron insets typically being red. However, a wide variance in heraldry is permitted and often seen amongst their ranks. Some Greymanes druhts might use pauldron heraldry akin to the pack markings of the Space Wolves, while others still use Codex-standard markings. As well, whether or not the Chapter's or Fyrd's markings are prominently displayed is left up to the individual Battle-Brot


SvenIronhand in Greymanes

"A Heretic may see the truth and seek redemption."

So after going through my Models the other day I have 3 built Penitent Engines, 1 built Mortifier, an unopened Penitent Engine/ Mortifier box, 6 Arco Flagellants, 17 Repentia, 2 Repentia Superiors, and both Blackstone Fortress Priests, plus a custom one.  So enough for a Penitent Host Detachment.  I need to get a few more models to round it out (I would like more Arco Flagellants) and want to convert multi piece Canoness into a "Repentia Canoness/ Palatine"     

Working on some canned fodder

Today I am doing some base coats on my thorakitai, some IVth command units, doing a test scheme for IVth allied mechanicum, and getting a commison done for the Zardu and his boys   Was doing a conversion for a myrmidax archmagos (the domitar in the pictures, but then this guy shows up for sale..... well... I can't revert my model back into a domitar, but I can probably convert him into an artalax? hmm...

The absence of faith is the mark of the weak.

As much as I love Horus Heresy and Necromunda, 40k is what got me into the hobby, along with my friend @The_Oni_of_Hindsight convincing me to play, was the cool armor of the Space Marines. As I began the journey of 40k, I found Sisters of Battle and I was hooked.....1997 seems so long ago...it was too.    Fast forward to now. Like many of us, I not happy with 10th Ed of 40k, for various reasons. With the drop of the Space Marines and losing all my battleline, since I played all Phobos

Call to arms- 2 weeks in

I mentioned in my last blog post that I was intending to participate in this years call to arms, well I've gone and done it! The extent of my pledge can be seen here: Call to arms 2024 - Drakheart   Whether I have bitten off more than I can chew remains to be seen, but after just over 2 weeks work, I think I'm making reasonable progress, just not sure if I'll be able to keep it up.     Anyway here's what I've managed to achieve so far:     I started


drakheart in Progress

Call To Arms Update #3

Well I hoped to get more done this weekend then I actually did but between the health issues, kids, errands, work issues, and in the end result I made a mental mistake that resulted in my not being able to prime the models. I washed the models put them in the tub to dry and because of the cats I put the lid on it.....which did not allow them to dry fully.      With the 4th of July this week here in the United States, I have a 4 day weekend so I plan on getting them all primed,


W.A.Rorie in Call to Arms

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Ghostkeel Stealth Battlesuit

KY'VASH RECON CADRE GHOSTKEEL STEALTH BATTLESUIT XV95- 'Ghostkeel' Battlesuit, piloted by Shas'vre Ay'aata.   The still-developing industrial base of Ky'Vash precludes the deployment of some of the largest, and most expensive T'au battlesuits, as does the operational preference of the Sept Fire Caste. Having developed an identity that favours a mix of stealth, ingenuity, and a certain rugged self-sufficiency the most dramatic of T'au hyper-weapons have proven to be a poo

Intermission 1 (Desert Bases)

Just a quick update from me today. Since I had a few moments in this busy week, I thought I'd tackle some low-hanging fruit for the Sigmar VI project and do some bases, this is generally because the Howling Griffons are Imperial and therefore lazy, where the Secessionists have to work for a living - er, I digress.   I haven't really done many of the desert-themed ones before, so it was something nicely different from the lunar Khymara set ups I've been working on, and the warm tones ar

Mazer Rackham

Mazer Rackham

Call To Arms Update #2

Cerebus built     Need to put arms and do their bases on 10 terminators and buy 3 more predators but I plan on getting a storage bin so I can get the tanks washed and dried so I can get them primed and base coated this weekend.


W.A.Rorie in Call to Arms

Homebrew Lore: The Mavor Sub-Sector

The gate to the Eastern Fringe. The front-lines against the Tau, the Grendl, what have you. The frontier. Mavor is this and much more, to many people and even more numerous peoples, both humans and foul xenos. Here, the Imperium presses against its very limits, against the bounds of the Astronomican. It is a space of conflict, of expansion, and often, horrific human tragedy.    Notable Worlds New Albia [Chapter Homeworld], Homeworld of the Greymanes Chapter. Immram [PERDITA


SvenIronhand in Greymanes

General Update and what next post Call to Arms

It has been 10 days since I have posted....... time for an update   Well I got the main gun built and mounted on my Cerebus and that's all the real hobby stuff I was able to accomplish in that time.  I did get to see and hang out for with my local gaming group 06/22 for a few hours but not long enough to play a game, mainly it was to hang out an pick up my preorders, my part of our group orders, and drop off stuff I traded/ were giving to them. I gave up my AOS Sigmarite army that I wa


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Update

Session Four (w/Models)

SESSION FOUR:   I was harping on about doing a medical diorama based on the Howling Griffons actions at Khymara, and thought I had the parts, but I do not. However, I do have legacy models I will never use, belonging to armies I no longer have - I might have mentioned that. Anyway, I got to reading again, and found the segment about the death of Chaplain Armand Titus, hero of the Caradryad Campaign, which was the last action the Griffons prosecuted before the Badab War. Now, Khymara wa

Mazer Rackham

Mazer Rackham

I’ve Dropped the Ball!

Man did I fail hard and immediately at posting once a month! Good news and bad news. Good news, I’ve kept intermittently painting through the first year of grad school. Bad news, I didn’t get anything photographed until just a few weeks back! Here’s a collection of some completed models and some WIPs from the last year. 

The Beginning of a 2E Style Order of Our Martyred Lady army

Still WIP, but I'm liking how she's turning out.   The hair/cloak outside is Necromancer Cloak given 2 coats of Nuln Oil and highlights of 1:1 Necromancer Cloak to Uniform Grey. That was the most involved part.   Armor is TTC Death Reaper given highlights of Thunderhawk Blue.   Gloves are TTC Boar Hide.   Inside of the Cloak is TTC Demon Red, to add some contrast.  


SvenIronhand in Sisters

Da Assembled Krew - Getting the Green Tide rolling

Had to wait a few days for it, but the final bits for the project came in. Also I guess this now officially doubles to track my Call to Arms entry The Felgore's team prominently features a shaman, and fortunately for me GW made the perfect weirdboy for the beastsnaggaz. Unfortunately its only sold as part of the kill-rig, lucky for me a broken one was being sold as part of a larger lot over on r/miniswap. A bit of work with a knife and some plasticard and my shaman had arrived.  I must've b


zulu.tango in Da Khromeboyz

Greymanes Prēost

This fella's undercoat was a little frosty, but as I am told, that's common in the summertime (especially here in the Deep South).  Prēost — The equivalents of Chaplains within the ranks of the Greymanes. Their head is the Heah-Prēost, whose office combines the duties of the Chief Apothecary, Reclusiarch, and Master of Sanctity. Whilst the Chaplaincy and Apothecary are effectively one organization, the remits of a singular Prēost are either spiritual or medical, and never combined. Their roles


SvenIronhand in Greymanes

WIP Chaplain

I've had this Chaplain lying about for a while. I was feeling down and lonely earlier, so I decided to prime him and start basecoating.  Vallejo Model Color Buff on the 'ribcage'. TTC Boar Hide for leathern parts. TTC Death Reaper for the Armor A mix of Boar Hide + Doom Death Black for the robes, to get a dark brown.   I do have a bit more progress than this to show off later, but I haven't taken any pictures of it yet.


SvenIronhand in Greymanes

Solar Auxilia Leman Russ

I couldn't resist picking up the new Solar Auxilia Leman Russ when it came out in plastic (plus I will be able to see how compatible the Anvil Gothic Void heads are with SA plastic bodies):      It is a bit further along than this but I don't have any photos.    I really like the build experience so far, everything slots together so neatly which is nice. I will be making this one a Vanquisher but will also magnetise the hull weapons for a bit of flexibility. 


Harrowmaster in Solar Auxilia

Iron Hands Tanks

I have finished off painting the Land raider phobos for my Cataphractii Terminators:    I have also made a start on the Sicaran Battle Tank:    Once these are done, I will move onto the Predator and the remaining Rhino before tackling the infantry (some of whom are fully painted). 


Harrowmaster in Varantis

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