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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions


[Ref. Trade Bastion 22-d.  Iracundian 13th Thrall Division engages enemy positions under cover of Leman Russ battle tanks.  In the background, Spc Jonah Rastonne interrogates Confessor Sgt Paula Odbelis and surviving members of Helloween Platoon.]   //FOUO//SANGUINE//ICEBORN//ICEPICK//DF   //OCCULUS//Data Harvest #95128764302800166.338.022M42 Clearance Level:  //SANGUINE//OH   From the desk of Lady Commandant Miriam Killian, Intelligence Officer Primus aboard T


Malphas in Dreadfall Expanse

Tanksgiving part 1

So my gaming group is planning "Tanksgiving" Traitor vs Loyalist Tank on Tank action in November the weekend near Thanksgiving. Dates and time are not set but looking at one of those days during that time. Each player will have  up to 3,000 pts of Tanks and models with starting in transports, exception Deep Strikers start in reserve and do not need transports. All infantry will be suffer the effects of the Virus bombing if not inside a transport. The idea is sorta like the Battle of Tallarn's ma


W.A.Rorie in Tanksgiving

Uriel Ventris, Captain of the Ultramarines 4th Company

Here is my recently finished figure of Uriel Ventris that I painted because it was March (for Maccragge!). All painted within one month, which is good for me.  Painted pretty much following the GW app colours, so nothing really special there. I decided on making the floor shiny, so attempted a bit of 'relection' of the blue armour on it, which works well enough for what I wanted (Golden Daemon winners need not worry!). The Power sword has some zappy sparks running up it, with a vague attempt m


Domhnall in Finished Models

Fade to Black......

Well its been awhile since I updated my blog.  But 2 Solar Auxila armies have started and there is a xenos threat on the horizon in my Local gaming group's HH battles. We have been working on converting one of the group members Nid' army in to 30k and it has been a lot of fun.   I am WAY behind in my build log and have yet to start my conversions on my foot infantry, my jump assault company or finished my purchasing my "Tanksgiving" 3000 pt list and it is 7 Months out. I need to Purcha

The real Doom of the Eldar - selecting a paint scheme

Hi folks,   I am not going to epilogate on this element of Lore that saw a Craftworld assaulted by space Bugs. I will instead focus on a kind of challenge I adressed to myself: try to find some alternative variations for Guardians outfits that will keep on remindind the Saim-Hann scheme while giving a little bit of variations. It is a kind of malediction or Doom as in the end the process I experienced is still unconclusive. Such a disgrace for the one on the Way...   Generall


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Snakes of Ithaka's return to the Phratry

The Iron Snakes The Iron Snakes Fear not the snake for his guile, nor his silence. Fear him for his speed at striking, The clenching strength of his coils, The armour of his scales, And the sharpness of his bite. Fear the snake, oh enemies of man, For his coils encircle us And his bright eyes, unblinking, Watch over us forever.   From The Lays of Proud Ithaka.     Time to start anew. It has been almost a year since I pos

Lord Solar in a Weekend: Bringing the Hobby Back

Lord Solar: Yes, I know. It's been done. We've all seen 100's of conversions of Lord Solar. Leave me alone. I felt the hobby inspiration. I had to go with it.    Construction - building off of my previous display boards. Base: went to mdf round 80mm base. This is no time for the slanted standard GW base. Shape: two half circles of cork, with styrene wrapped around the half-circle shape. The MDF base allowed me to glue the styrene to the flat edge. No water effects thi

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in 2024


Voidsman Marcin Malkir receiving battle damage reports from Docking Station 22d-A1. [Ref.302V.  Pict captured by Pictman Dephyd Harlowe]   //FOUO//SANGUINE//ICEBORN//ICEPICK//DF   //OCCULUS//Data Harvest #95128764302800166.338.022M42 Clearance Level:  //SANGUINE//OH   From the desk of Lady Commandant Miriam Killian, Intelligence Officer Primus aboard The Trident Imperator, Avenger-Class Grand Cruiser, Linebreaker Squadron Perseus   Operation Icep


Malphas in Dreadfall Expanse

Boarding Patrol Complete

Hi Folks,   It has been a while since I published in this blog. Not so long but longer than the weekly puvlishing rate I defined as a target of mine in January. Anyway, volume does not necesarilly means quality. And as far as quality is concerned, I am still struggling to raise the level of my contents...   This blog´s purpose was to follow up the cleaning of my Pile of Shame. Yet it looks like tha, recently, the Pile grew up mopre than it shrinked down. Too much stuff b

Tackling my T’au - Stormsurge Part 6

Basically a photo gallery of the finished model. The armour panels had a final edge highlight of Skarsnik Green, while the gold areas were highlighted first with liberator gold and then mithril silver (very old Citadel pot). Red areas are highlighted with Evil Sunz Scarlet and then Fire Dragon Bright.   In case anyone is interested, the smoke coming from the Leman Russ is an old trick of mine, harking back to my teens when my mum used to make teddy bears. The smoke is actually

Tackling my T’au - Stormsurge Part 5

So a big jump in progress here from the last blog, because the Stormsurge is finished! I didn’t manage to take photos at every stage because I was pushing hard to get it done for the 12 months of hobby, but I’ll include what stages I can. Base coating of all areas: Sotek Green, Gehenna’s Gold and Khorne Red:    Then the first layer of highlighting in Temple Guard Blue. This colour really starts to lift the model.     All over:     I

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Stealth Battlesuit Team

KY'VASH RECON CADRE STEALTH BATTLESUIT TEAM Stealth Battlesuit Team 01 - Shas'ui in XV25 Stealth Battlesuits with Burst Cannons, led by Shas'vre in XV25 Stealth Battlesuit with Fusion Blaster.   Considered the natural progression for those Fire Caste warriors who serve as Pathfinders, elevation to the rank of Shas'ui allows - and, in fact, demands - training as a Stealth Battlesuit pilot. The XV25, only recently having made it to Ky'Vash alongside other more 'modern' bat

MAR - They're just for an allied detachment........for now

Soooooo........Solar Auxilia..........   Mistakes were made.   "No I don't need any Solar Auxilia. You never painted the 20 resin ones you had and sold 2 years ago." "They are lovely though. And all being plastic makes it much more affordable(ish)." "I don't need another army. There's barely a 30K scene left near me these days. Multiple armies for it are overkill." "Allied detachments are a thing......Cthonian Headhunters are a thing......"   And so 2


Doobles57 in Grey pile

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Firesight Sniper Team - Part 2

KY'VASH RECON CADRE FIRESIGHT SNIPER TEAMS Firesight Sniper Teams 01-03    Firesight Sniper Team 02 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter Firesight Sniper Team 02 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter Firesight Sniper Team 03 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter Firesight Sniper Team 03 - Shas'la with Longshot Pulse Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter

The Iron Snakes

It's been almost a year since I have posted anything on this blog and my 4th company project fizzled out as real life took hold for the majority of last year. So I decided that for 2024 I am determined to get back on the hobby horse as it where.   The intention is to set aside 2 nights a week to sit down and do some hobby and with this I have switched my focus from 40k to Kill Team as I think that getting several kill teams painted up is more manageable then a full 40k army.   

Snakes of Ithaka

Snakes of Ithaka in Iron Snakes

Supplementary File: Imaging Disc 115987-XXHAWKWINDXX-SX994285-9: IMPERIAL NAVY REF.MS001

Subsector Map: Malchan Sub     Map Key White w/ Blue Halo - Founding World Blue - Hive World Orange - Frontier World Yellow - Feudal World Gold - Shrine World Plum - Death World Red - Forge World Dark Green - Fortress World Light Green - Agri-World . . . Sisyphus Ultramax - Prison Planet   Sector Locations: Malchar Prime Volsuna Grendal Incarniax Pendraeg Bevar


Malphas in Malchan Subsector

Battle Zone Moroch complete

Hi Folks,   March is coming to its end soon, and I used the days left to build up some old Guardians I ahve since the early 2000. one Defender and one Storm squad. I bought on a budget some platforms on Ebay to complete these chaps and get them aligned with 10th Ed rules.   Meanwhile, I also progressed, up to full completion, on the Moroch set of my Plodding Along vow.   I had left the fences and the landing pad. The former are really really boring to paint. Ge


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Firesight Sniper Team

KY'VASH RECON CADRE FIRESIGHT SNIPER TEAM Firesight Sniper Team 01 - Shas'la with Longshot Pule Rifle Variant & Shas'la Spotter.   While the Fire Caste of Ky'Vash make use of drones, like all T'au militaries, certain roles usually reserved for these sub-sapient AI constructs have instead been filled by specialist teams of Shas'la Pathfinders. Able to remain still and silent, even switching off their equipment to reduce their chance of being spotted by auspex scans, t

Operation: Ice Pick

//SANGUINE//SCI//ICEPICK//HELLOWEEN//SCI//SANGUINE//     Attached is the engagement zone of Helloween Platoon in Operation: Ice Pick, part of the larger Operation: Iceborn, which heralds the beginning of the Iceborn Crusade, which itself is a smaller part of the Nihil Crusade.  Labels are based on building function prior to the birth of Glimmerheim,    Mission Parameters: Primary Objective: Establish beach head at Trade Sector 22-d   Secondary O


Malphas in Dreadfall Expanse

Grand Army part 5

Returning to my Grand Army idea it did not feel right to not include my Adepta Sororitas, Order of the Valorous Heart. They way I feel it would be the Sisters as the boots on Ground Force requesting aid and holding ground. Storm Troopers performing recon and scout missions. Grey Knights taking ground and performing the majority of the heavy lifting. Sisters of Silence as needed. And the Inquisition assisting all forces.    Normally I would have my forces here but I want my Sisters to r


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

"These heretics refute the Emperor's holy right to rule."

"Let them argue with the barrel of gun." Canoness Sabine, Order of Our Martyred Lady   Lately I have been thinking about my Adepta Sororitas a lot lately. I don't have room to display them but I also am not getting rid of them. I need to rebase the few models done to match my other armies. I need to paint a Majority of the forces, as so little is done             So much more to do...I need to figure out a list and go from the


W.A.Rorie in Adepta Sororitas

Clean Up

A very brief update (The Old World has been taking most of my attention).    I got some psykers and servitors stripped of their old paintjobs and ready for cleaning.      The psykers will be used as primaris psykers or astropaths as needed, I've not got enough to field the psyker battle squad.    The gun servitors will be added to inquisitorial retinues while the tech servitors will accompany the enginseer. 


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

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