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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Index Astartes - Sin Eaters



Wormwoods in The Sin Eaters

KillZone Sector Fronteris: a Plodding Along progress

Hi folks,   Here reporting the first big milestone of my 2024 Plodding Along vow, with the completion of the KT Sector Fronteris environnement set.   After setting up a paint scheme last month, Cleaning up the big chunks of sprues, here comes the complete result.   Overviewing the complete set of walls set on the mat, it leaves little space available indeed. Said thata I was (secretly) maoning that not getting the Ryza Pattern ruins set included (as in Moon Base Kas


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Grass hoppers ahead!

Hi Folks,   I considerably slowed down my painting rhythm lately. It could be a kind of hibernation syndrom. Or the fact that I am close to ending up with my 40k Pile of Shame and that it is a final step I, in an unconcious way, do not want to pass. Or that I am a little bit bored.    Anyway, slowing down does not mean not doing anything. After a glorious series of 5 models painted in 2 months or so, I duplicated this number last WE by adding to my AdMech Biinaric force


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023


The following is a copy of the official tactical operations manual of the Rogue Trader house Pilades, 022M42. Compiled by Major General Arch-Militant, Richard Satchel, Commanding Officer of the House Pilades expeditionary force, the Naval Armsman Security Corps, or NASC.  It has been his custom to issue the following publication to each new recruit of Rogue Trader Pilades' private army, since its founding in 997.M41.   [Source; Inq. liaison astrocast.  Composition and tacticum submitte


Malphas in Dreadfall Expanse


[Ref.  Malchar IV, a mercury storm rolls over Hive Golgorod]   Asset 409Sigma reports little to no involvement of insurgent group A809237, The Crows, at block riots in Sector 83, Quadrant Delta (83D).    It has been three weeks since the last incursion.    Their use of ancient god-engine munitions speaks to some incredible source of funding as yet undiscovered.  These munitions when fired, set off controlled breaches in realspace as the missile slips into the


Malphas in Malchan Subsector

The Malchar System, Seat of Governance for the Malexis Sector

+++++++++++INCOMING TRANSMISSION++++++++++++   Clearance Level: Emerald Enclave Malexis//SUBJ/Geopolitical Summary of Sector Malexis   ----FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY----   Malchar Prime Sector: Malexis Subsector: Malchan System: Malchar Population: 24 Billion Affiliation: Imperial Class: Sector Capitol Tithe Grade: Exactis Tertius         Malchar IV Sector: Malexis Subsector: Malchan System: Malchar


Malphas in Malchan Subsector

On the Rookery; the Seven Moons orbiting Malchar Prime and their associated functions

[Attached InfoSlate Subfolder:  Moons of Malchar; the Rookery]   CLEARANCE LEVEL: EMERALD//FIUO//TEP Unauthorized use of Ordo documentation is a capitol offense.  Any redistribution of the following materials will result in censure, excommunication, and death.   On the Rookery; the seven moons orbiting Malchar Prime and their associated functions Watermark Officius: Inq. Logaine Balthaazo     Idarax, the Shadowlight, Gravitationally locked to the surf


Malphas in Malchan Subsector

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Army Concept and Pathfinders

KY'VASH RECON CADRE PATHFINDER TEAM 01 Pathfinder Team 01, Pulse Carbines & Rail Rifles.   Active in Sub-Sector Vyndax, the Fire Caste of minor sept world Ky'Vash lacks some of the heavier equipment of the core septs, but has proven to be a thorn in the side of Imperial colonial and extractive concerns within the region. Ordo Xenos representatives in the Sub-Sector have tracked reports of T'au recon and infiltration forces on multiple worlds, striking from hidde


Wormwoods in Ky'Vash Recon Cadre

Woo Hoo HOUSE is sold and that chapter is closed!

So huge sigh of relief, House is sold HOA can tell them to what to do and all that. After paying off some debts and such not left with much. But I did add 3 items to the hobby area with the money...   First off Lighting....        I picked a second Neatfi light but this time with a magnifier     Next upgrade for the hobby area....       vortex paint mixer   and finally   My first Joytoy Grey Knight 


W.A.Rorie in Life

Tackling my Tau - Kitbash time!

OK so remember when I said I had a plan for the Stormsurge crew?   See, the trouble with T'au kits is you get so many extra bits, but because you don't get any extra torsos, you can never do anything with them. It's like with old marines, you always got tons of spares, but never enough legs to make more marines.   Well, seeing as I built the Stormsurge with the closed cockpit piece from www.thecustombit.com, I now have two spare torsos! One of them probably needs green stuff


TheArtilleryman in T'au Empire

Reinforcements inbound!

So last week I talked about ordering some heads, a chimera and a few other things.....well I did order some stuff, before I did inventory on what  I had and what I would need.     First off I ordered my head. I have 30 breachers to build so 2 boxes should be good*     Regimental advisors...NOPE! A mystic/ Astropath and "Rogue Trader" Ship Captain and the other guy is going to a friends army.      More Grey Knight Terminators......cause


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Terminator magnetisation

I have been working on a squad of the new multipart terminators (absolutely fantastic sculpts) and have gotten all the magnetising complete:      In total I have magnetised the cyclone missile launcher, the stormbolter, assault cannon, and heavy flamer for the gunner, and the power sword and power fist for the sergeant. 


Harrowmaster in Swords of Fire

Ryza Pattern Ruins - colour scheme test

Hi Folks,   While plodding along, one of the challenges I am facing is selecting a paint scheme for the Ryza pattern SCT bunkers and ruins coming with the Moroch box and the Sector Fronteris ooP KillZone. Surfing and lurking around on the internet brought some of the usual suspects: Plain gray scheme, as per Moroch pics, which is a little bit plain Tales of Painter schemes, although they are quite dark and air brush oriented YouTube video tutorial, out of which


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Testing, testing... (again)!

Even though I've still not finished the Marines I wanted to have done by the end of last year  I'm queuing up the next unit* I'll be painting - these Scouts:     *technically 2 units, one to go with my Boarding Patrol, the other for 'regular' 40k - but I'll also field them as a Kill Team    I've been thinking about how I want to paint them - specifically, their fatigues. I've had a few ideas to try - black, dark grey, khaki or military green, but I wanted to test wh


firestorm40k in Hobby & process

First update of the year.... progress continues.

As the title says this is my first update for the new year as I finally managed to get a couple of squads finished of whilst watching the six nations rugby this weekend.   Assault squad - with custom bases made from 3d printed bits of ruins:     Infernus squad - The final miniatures from my Leviathan box set to be painted:     These should of been the final mianture to paint up for my Homebrew maine chapter, but as always I couldn't stop myself


drakheart in Progress

Geopolitical Summary of Sector Malexis

+++++++++++INCOMING TRANSMISSION++++++++++++   Clearance Level: Emerald Enclave Malexis//SUBJ/Geopolitical Summary of Sector Malexis   ----FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY----   The sector is governed at Malchar Prime by the venerable Grand Steward-Governor, Lord Benedictus Crax. Laying on the border of Ultima Segmentum, the sector is defined by its relationship to the fringes of the galaxy. The cold trade thrives here, and the exploits of Rogue Traders seek


Malphas in Malchan Subsector

The Priest and the Machine-God

Hi Folks,   It is not really a post resuming my last year´s "New Year New Army" series, but almost. My February vow for the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge came back in the dominions of the God Machine, focussing on 2 miniatures; a Mago Dominus, from a Boarding Patrol set a ooP Reaver Titan from EPIC 2nd Ed., or at least it was the edition available when I bought it   And here are the happy painted ones:   The Mago is as per my usual paint schem


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Tackling my Tau - Stormsurge Part 3

Right so in this entry the construction will be completed.   First task here was to decide how to do the main gun. I know that in most circumstances I will want to take the Pulse Blastcannon, just because it is so damn powerful! However, I much prefer the look of the Pulse Driver Cannon, as it is longer and doesn't have so many pipes (I hate painting, and specifically highlighting, pipes). I eventually settled on building the rear section of the pulse driver cannon:    


TheArtilleryman in T'au Empire

Iron Hands Land Raider

I have managed to get a bit of painting done on a Land Raider Phobos to cart around my cataphractii terminators:      I like the aesthetic of this tank and it goes really well with the Mars pattern rhino chassis vehicles I have for my Iron Hands, but it is an old kit and it shows during assembly. With the Proteus now in plastic I might get one of those for the Gorgons. 


Harrowmaster in Varantis

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