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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

The Daemon has many forms. You must know them all.

You must tell the Daemon from his disguise and root him out from the hidden places. Trust no-one. trust not even yourself. It is better to die in vain than to live an abomination. The zealous martyr is praised for his valour: the craven and the unready are justly abhorred.     Well back from the first family vacation with the kids and had a blast at Disneyland with them.  While there I kept thinking about my projects and more more I leaned into focusing on my Grey Knights a


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

12 Months of Hobby 2024 - a progress report #1

Hi folks,   After some down times in painting activities due to primer shortage, I finally found some Vallejo cans in the last place I would I though: a scrap booking store. The kid went out with some "Paint by numbers" set and I with some cans. And with a 10% discount vs. modeling stores. So, time to resume painting activity.   With all this primer, I have been able to initiate my Feb vow. Both Mago and Epic Reaver were primed and dry brushed in bolt gun metal.  I then


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

JAN - This year there's a spreadsheet.....

So the "inbox zero" thing failed fairly early on last year. As evidenced by the lack of blog entries. However, I'm back to try again for 2024! And this time I have a (simple, ugly) spreadsheet to track and shame myself with! I haven't gone to the trouble of documenting everything in my pile of shame - such an exercise would be depressing, time consuming and I'd frankly rather not know. So instead I'm simple tracking models in (bought) vs models out (painted or sold). If models out is bigger than


Doobles57 in Grey pile

Alpha Legion Praetor

I picked up the FW terminator praetor for my Alpha Legion a while back and finally got him assembled.      I really like this model and will be painting him in a metallic scheme to go alongside the Lerneans. 


Harrowmaster in Alpha Legion

Do you remove mould lines?

I've been building my Orks from my new pile of shame and it's going a lot slower than I thought it would. It takes me probably 30 minutes per model just to scrape off all the mould lines!    When you think I've got nearly a hundred models to build (2 x 20 model units of Boyz was a bad place to start) it's going to take me a millennium before I'm ready to get them primed, painted and onto the tabletop.    As frustrating as it is, I think it's a lot better than the alternative.


iplay40k.com in General Hobbying

My last blog was vague.......

So in my last blog I was vague. I found some 3d printed parts I thought would perfect for the 20 Leviathan Terminators I have but it turns out they are not for the easy build. Good thing I looked again and did not order them. But I am going to do another project instead, more on that later.    With me cancelling my terminator plan and my house is in the final days of being sold, I'm looking at adding more stuff to my hobby area: Vortex Paint mixer, Neatfi Light/ Magnifier, airbrush spr


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Bheta-Decima: Terrain review (Sort of)

Hi Folks,   I lately received a copy of the Bheta-Decima terrain boxed-set. I mainly bought it in order to complete my collection of Sector mechanicus Terrain, adding a fourth Ferromantic Furnace with a big platform and setting more gantries, but this time at intermediate height. Let´s see what comes into the box and how I have ambivalent feelings about the content.   1. What do we have inside? The GW website is exhaustive enough so no need to give too much det


Bouargh in Review

Tackling my Tau - Stormsurge Part 2

Made some good progress on the Stormsurge today. Firstly, I built the weapon "arms":     Decided to just go with the flamers as I like the look of them the best. I probably won't choose the frag projector and I hate painting burst cannons ... all the bits that should rotate freely, do so, so far. Might need to glue the flamers later though as they seem to droop a bit when the thing is upright.   Main body section was next:   I've not built the open


TheArtilleryman in T'au Empire

Plodding along...

As I embarked in the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge for 2024, I was not really expecting getting a huge volume of projects related to 40k or HH eras. In reality I was planning painting some old WFB stuff (to get them for the Old World for using or selling) and eventually getting one or two stuff for the Space Opera universes.   This was without counting on a combination of external factors suchas Winter sales, Shop closure, stock cleaning, and burning Credit card.  The usual su


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Tackling my Tau - Stormsurge Part 1

OK. So it's time to do something about the last bunch of grey plastic sprues I have. Most of my leadweight is composed of built and primed or partially painted stuff, but I do have a bunch of T'au stuff still on sprues. This is, of course, the most exciting stuff, as it is the most like new stuff! In the photo below are two Crisis Battlesuits left over from my Start Collecting! box that my wife bought me for Christmas more than five years ago, a handful of pathfinders and the Stormsurge that I b


TheArtilleryman in T'au Empire

I created a new pile of shame in under a week

I recently wrote about selling my pile of shame and how it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Then I went on eBay and picked up two more Ork box sets in addition to the Combat Patrol I already had.   It's not the same though, this isn't a pile of shame. It's a pile of potential.   Let me explain.   First and foremost, they were excellent deals. The Beast Snagga army set was £100 and the Imperium Premium Kit was £35. That's value you simply can


iplay40k.com in General Hobbying

Zahhak - Tyranid Splinter Fleet (927M41)

Introduction Splinter fleet Zahhak was part of a much larger Tyranid hive fleet that entered the galaxy from below the galactic plane, which would be designated Leviathan in 997M41. Zahhak first entered the Matteus Subsector in 927M41 and struck the various worlds within, focusing on the worlds within the Matteus Epsilon system. However, the relatively remote location and the resilience of the native flora prevented the Splinter Fleet from breaking out into the neighbouring subsectors and t

Mike Zulu

Mike Zulu in Barbed Gate Crusade

We have returned!

Well the desk is usable!!! I have to pick up a few more things for it, Mini vortex paint mixer, Neatfi magnifier/ light, display cabinet and well empty boxes under desk but I can return to painting and building models.        I think I need some Raven Guard HH art and maybe more Adepta Sororitas and Joy Toy Grey Knights. 


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

A look in the rear mirror - a 2023 Hobby Perspective

Hi Folks,   2023 has been, from a modelling perspective, one of my most productive year. I talk of all aspects of the hobby, except gaming itself (as I barely aligned my armies, all systems considered, more than 3 times).   While looking back in my attempts to clean my Closet and beat my back-log, I think the results and achievments are great. Let´s see the stuff of past year, following an order that is not necesary chronological nor developed based on any specific crite


Bouargh in Beating the back-log

You don't save that much on Hachette collections

We've recently been hit with the news that Hachette are launching a new magazine collection, Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol.   As someone that bought the Imperium Magazine collection (in it's entirety), let me tell you this - you only save money if you're going to paint and play every single model. If not, you'll breakeven at best and, most likely, lose money.   Let's say you only wanted one or maybe two combat patrols from the set. You still have to sell off all the rest. H


iplay40k.com in General Hobbying

A hard reset on my pile of shame

I got back into 40K 10th edition after a break during 8th and 9th. Life happened - you know how it is! When I came back, it's safe to say I got a bit too excited buying new models. I had over 3000 points of Primaris Space Marines in a nice, juicy pile ready and waiting. I had such good intentions - I really was going to paint and play with them all, however as time went on and my rate of painting stayed at it's traditional slow pace, those models started to feel like a burden. Towards the


iplay40k.com in General Hobbying

No Final Flight for WAR's Raptors

So this decision has been coming for a while......My Raptors will be no more.    When I started playing 40k in 2nd edition I played Space Wolves and then Sisters of Battle. During 3rd edition, I added Emperor's Children and Black Templars to the mix. During 4th edition I sold Space Wolves, Black Templars, and Emperor's Children and started playing Crimson Fists. 5th edition and 6th edition I played mainly Crimson Fists and every so often Sisters or Black Legion. 7th edition saw me shel

Inspiration for the Order

Inspiration for the Order + + + + The Order of the Broken Arrow (hereafter known as the Broken Arrow) is the core concept and organizing principle behind my M41 Dark Angels collection. It is entirely a homebrew concept, though I should emphasize that it is founded upon established Dark Angels lore to date as I understand it. It is very likely that as the return of The Lion and expansion of the Dark Angels Primaris marines are explored in greater detail by the Black Libra

Company Master Holden

Company Master Holden in General

Embarking into 12 Months of Hobby

Hi Folks,   As I am looking to a good way to maintain my motivation, it looks like the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge is an kind of answer to it.     Getting to stick to monthly objectives, with 12 small or limited projects and the option of 2 big ones might be a good structure to keep on cleaning the remains of my Pile of Shame. Which might eventually, although haviong shrunk a lot lately, start to grow again.   Shall we put it into perspective with what remain


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Work in Progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While celebrating my birthday this weekend with my amazing Fiancée, we went to Ikea to look at things to remodel our bedroom and walk out closet. I was pricing out my new desk build out. Well the I found a larger desk and chair for cheaper.      So now I am looking at upgrading my paint racks since I have a larger surface area compared to before by 8 inches depth.     And I will be getting new glass cases eventually.    and as a nice surprise m


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

New Year - Taking Stock.

Happy New Year folks!   Finally had time to sit down and write a blog post, so thought it would be an ideal point to look back on the previous year and forward to 2024 in terms of my hobby time:   2023 was a fairly good year in terms of productivity with painting, etc, but a bit sparse in terms of actual gaming. Last year I managed to paint 5 different kill teams with a 6th half finished, but managed to play zero games. I continued to expand my home brew Primaris chapter -The


drakheart in Progress

About That Colour Scheme...

I had intended to post this for new year, but time got away from me  I'm currently on a brief break from painting Ashen Sentinels to work on Imperial Fists for Legions Imperialis - but just to give a further insight into my creative process  I wanted to talk about the inspirations for the colour scheme I chose for this army.    To start with, a factor in my hobby decisions is usually whether I've painted a particular colour scheme before - if I've done something previously, then I tend


firestorm40k in Hobby & process

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