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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Warhammer Fest Horus Heresy Event - Terrain Discussion

Not gonna lie, my heart fell when I got to WHFest and I seen the tables that the HH event would be played on. There were some ok tables, but others had a clear lack of terrain, and large, wide pen fire lanes. Playing a FA heavy Alpha Legion Leviathal, I braced myself for the worst and to get shot off the table by pretty much everything!    Thankfully (luckily?) the armies I played against were Emperor's Children and Custodes, which had less shooting than me so I blatted them off the bo

Bits Haul

A very brief update:    I ordered a large number of bits from Anvil Industry last weekend and they have now arrived.    Stay tuned to see what I do with them.   


Harrowmaster in Misc

Hellblasters Update

Hey everyone. I've been able to make quite a bit of progress on the second Brazen Claws squad. The hellblasters are all painted and bases are done. I ended up taking a fairly simple route with the plasma coils, as my intention was just to get a nice contrasting color (Striking Scorpion Green) vs a more complex effort. Again, I only did one marine without a helmet as I am still working on upgrading my facial/eye painting skills.   I'll be doing the chapter icons and maybe additional det


deathless31491 in Painting

4th Company Structure

So the two aims I have with this project is to:   1. get a 2000 point army to play some games with.   2. to build out the whole 4th company.   The first aim is pretty easy to achieve and once the 10th ed codex  is out I will settle on a list but for the time being I have been trying to see how I can go about aim 2 as there doesn't seem to be a great deal of information about the current company structures in regards to Firstborn/Primaris units. Although I don't

BatRep: WHFest Alpha Legion v Emperor's Children - Edited with more info.

Mission Onslaught, Dawn of War Deployment   Forces Alpha legion Army List   Emperor's Children - 3k points Maru Skara Praetor - paragon, volkite pistol* Legion Champion - paragon   5 tartaros - mixed loadout in Spartan* Contemptor Talon - 2x with autocannon and fist*   3x10 man tac squads 2x5 man scout squads with rifles   2x quad las preds Fire raptor Leviathan, storm cannon, grav bombard   Mission On


Xenith in Battle Report

Militia Brute

A small militia update, I've been working on a counts as brute squad using the ambot models. They're big and armoured and look sufficiently advanced to fit in with armoury of old night.   


Harrowmaster in Militia

The Swords of Calth

After deciding to go with the 4th Company for my next project, I picked up the latest Uriel Ventris Novel to catch up on what the latest lore was.   One thing I want to replicate from the novel is the swords of Calth so I can run them in my army with Uriel, so I have set about planning out some conversions to represent the members of the command squad.   First up we have Apothecary Selenus      A nice and easy quick kit bash to start us off using parts fro

Storm Angels rise

So whilst i dislike the fluff change the new primaris stuff(i stopped around 5th edition) the models still look great and iv picked up some bits through imperium.  haveing a growing  pile of shame and  with the leviathan box set coming iv been practicing my reds more... as seen in the 2 hour painting challenge thread.              so ive been cracking on with a few more intercessors and the lieutenant model. even poking at some of the personal heraldry bits tha

Refocusing on the things i want to run :D

So ive not been motivated to update this in a while, mostly because my Sons of Horus project wildly lost momentum and the accountability posts got absolutely no engagement i recall, and i sometimes crave validation :P  Anyhow, our group has stirred some motivation to do a Heresy campaign event in September and ive got a lot of faith in the folks running it (No pressure Pete :P )  so essentially im letting peer pressure carry me along ha :D  Campaign events are of course the traditional mot

Pride of the Ravenguard

So I found out I have 20 Sisters of Silence and the BL Character model.....Not bad. Gonna do a squad of 15 with execution blades and the Character as my Abysmal HQ.   On the Ravenguard army front I have be list building and setting up the lists as different Companies, such as 901st Reconnaissance Company or the 509th Armored Company (TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!). But lately I have been working on my 132nd Heavy Assault Company.   The 132nd Consists of Land Raiders Proteus (3 planned- o


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

New Photos, Old Models

Playing around with ideas to improve pics of models.    Speaking of, I have painted models not posted yet and I'll get around to that. Not sure how replacing backgrounds on infantry will work, but at least there will be pics of dark reapers, more corsairs, and banshees incoming on my moribund blog.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

Squad Two - Hellblasters

Last weekend I finished the bases and some of the detailing on the intercessors squad, so when the hellblasters package arrived I dove right in. My philosophy with the Brazen Claws is to build an infantry-centric army. According to the lore over 60% of the chapter was lost between the destruction of their homeworld and their subsequent crusade into the warp. What would follow (I assume) would be a rebuilding phase with a severe lack of vehicles and heavy armor. I'll be leaning in on infantry wit


deathless31491 in Painting

Pile of shame or pile of potential

So as per the last blog one of the reasons that I decided to go with space marines where the sheer amount of bits and kits I had laying around.   I have always tried to keep the to do pile under control however after replacing my hobby desk I realised that the pile of shame has gotten a little out of hand and needs to be slimmed down so I have decided to sell of some of the kits that I am never going to get around to building and focusing purely on this Ultramarine force.   O

Squad One Update...

It was a busy week and weekend with mother's day here in the United States, so my painting progress slowed a bit. I was able to get bases painted and done for the intercessors squad. I've still got to fix two of the faces (LOL) and then do some additional shading but the first squad is mostly done. I'm pretty pleased with the results and have learned a lot.   The first thing was finding a flow to my painting. At times I would assemble, prime and then paint through one marine at a time.


deathless31491 in Painting

Victory or Death..............

So new GF insists I hang out with my Friend so I was able to go play a 1500 pt game of Horus Heresy vs my Friends Iron Warriors this weekend. Sadly I conceded due to loss of units that could hurt his Kratos and Contemptor. Dark Furies were awesome but needed to be shielded from shooting.  Once in range they were shot up by Shrapnel Bolters.  Jump Praetor fought well but ended up dying in a challenge to his Praetor.    I got home yesterday and started reorganizing the Pile of Shame. I s


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Coming back to the 4th

I first got into 40k back in 5th when a work colleague how knew I was into Sci Fi lent me a copy of the first Ultramarines omnibus and that was it I was hooked,  so I started a 4th company army that I played up until late 7th when I dropped out the hobby.   So when the rumours of 10th started circulating earlier in the year, I decided that I wanted to get back into the actually playing some games of 40k after the past couple of years of building my Iron Snakes as a purely modelling pro

Kill Team Rapier - Introduction

Introduction: Kill Team Rapier was a Deathwatch strike team formed in 920M41, originally stationed in the Jericho Reach. The team was led by Watch Sergeant Alyxander, with Veterans Auranis, Gorlin, Validus, Lucena and Rarai'an under his command. As of 925M41, Kill Team Rapier had a short yet eventful operational history that has taken them from the Jericho Reach to the Agripinaa Sector, striking down heretics and Xenos that threaten the Imperium's holdings. Kill Team Rapier assem

Space Marine Officer

Two entries in one day (don't get used to this pace please).  I picked up the Space Marine Masters of the Chapter when they went on MtO at the end of last year so here's the first one I have done up (mostly). I need a fancier backpack than what he came with. The head is the plastic MK2 one from the new heresy tank commander.      I'll probably use him as a captain but I have no idea which company he'll be assigned to.  My space marine chapter is a homebrew one called the S

Forge Lord

Here's a custom forge lord for my heresy era Iron Hands:     The body is a cyborg prime body from Kromlech (I actually got this as a freebie in an order for other bits). The servo harness is from Anvil Industry (it's the exo lord scale mechanical arm conversion kit). The axe is from the space marine assault squad and the arm holding it is from the current MK3 kit. The right shoulder pad is from a plastic heresy kit (I think the MK3 but could be MK4). The head, nemesis bolter and


Harrowmaster in Varantis

First entry

I want to build a new army for 10th edition. Currently I’m interested in Dark Angels and Ultramarines. These are two chapters I will always love and enjoy playing. I play to have fun and kee[ up to date on the rules. I enjoy all the hobby aspects the most.

Intercessors WIP

I've been working on the first intecessors squad for a few weeks now and am making progress. As you'll see the marines are in a varied state of progress - a few are mostly done (sans shading and icons) while others still need to have their bases painted and terrain added. I'll also be doing the two helmetless marines last as faces are one area I really struggle with (particularly eyes). As always when you stare at models all day everything looks fine and then you notice all sorts of errors on bl


deathless31491 in Painting

The Tyranids of 10th Edition: Leviathan

I thought I'd share a few of the photos I took of the models from the new 10th edition 40k boxed set, these are amazingly painted, and I look forward to getting my hands on them:   Neurogaunts   Neurotyrant   head detail on the Neurotyrant   Screamer Killer - look at the paint work on the dome!    Psychowhatsit   The Von Ryan's Leaper - lovely models, the GW photos don't do them justice, and a nice homage to the
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