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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

10th edition goals (Orks)

As a whole, I am not satisfied with the rules for 10th edition. I still don't want to go into a rant about why, but the TL;DR is that I'm less interested in this edition of the game I've been playing for 20 years then I have at any other edition launch.    But I am still interested in putting my painted models on a table and rolling dice. So instead of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, I figure that the healthiest thing to do is to approach my hobby from a different point of



Game Pics 02 July 23

Was part of a 3 vs 3 game yesterday. I fought mostly against Orks and Space Wolves. While the score has my team down 1, I'd say I still won with meeting new people and having a close game.   Here's the list     And the game pics.                   Thanks for looking.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics

Building Leviathan: The Final Day

With a crestfallen heart, I must announce that we've come to the end of this little Building Leviathan series. I mean, It's hard to continue something when it's all built!   Today, all I had to do, was 10 Infernus Marines and 1 Dreadnought...   First up: These went togethed easy enough, though I did wonder about why GW designed them to go together as they did. Like the one Marine where you put the pieces together verticality. Still after an hour or so, I had the fu

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - 1st Vow

And here is my first vow for the Xenos Stronghold. The equivalent of a Patrol box, changing the Wraithlord for a skyrunner Warlock.     Primed and assemblied, except the Wave Serpent that will be painted hulls and chassis separatly before being glued together. But where did I put the canopy???   All minis are ooP ans have seen for some of them conversions or modifications/swaps: - Wild Riders logo from Dark Elf shield sprue (WFB) - A Dark Elf (?) pol


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Building Leviathan: Day 6

Day 6 of building Leviathan and I inch closer to having the whole box built (for comparisons sake I did Indomitus over a period of months and I technically haven't completed AoS's Dominion yet...)   For (Thursday) I completed the Sternguard, and all of them were pretty straightforward with no issues, and I tackled these big boys: Not going to lie, these Terminators went together like a dream. No seams, no awkward fitting parts, just perfection. I'm looking forward to paintin

Raptors vs Ravenguard

So every time a new edition my Raptors get kicked down the stairs.  My Raptors started out as 10th Co with support, 9th saw it adding a ton of Phobos as scouts were not troops. Now 10th ed is upon us and Phobos is not battle line. I was really planning on making my Leviathan, the Blood Angel Combat Patrol, and Boarding Patrol into Ravenguard.  Currently I am leaning towards making them Raptors. I usually play my Raptors as Ravenguard anyways.  I am trading a friend the Drukhari NIB half of Piety

Building Leviathan: Day 5

Day 5 of building the Leviathan box and I finally reach an important milestone!   I started off by going back to the last Tyranid sprue (the one with the Neurogaunts and Barbgaunts) and started clipping off the Barbgaunts. This was a unit that had piqued my curiosity during the reveals, and their unique ability to slow down opponents (doubtful they would actually kill anything but luckily that isn't their primary function). Some of that enthusiasm was drained away by the build as sever

Building Leviathan: Day 4

Day 4 of building Leviathan and the end is in sight for the Tyranids.   I should point out that on average, I get about an hour and a half of free time a day, which isn't a lot for building a box of Leviathan's size!   However the building today was focused on the gaunts. My first task was to get the lsst sprue of Termagaunts done and dusted, bringing the total to a healthy 20. Needless to say, these will not be the last Termagaunts I'll ever build.   With them done

Building Leviathan: Day 3

So Day 3 of building Leviathan and what did I do today*   Well, I was through messing around...It was time for the Screamer Killer (oh, and I guess the Neurotyrant + drones)   The Neurotyrant was a smooth build and i was surprised by the detail that was just covered up by the 'armour', the designers really went to town on him.    The Screamer Killer on the other hand, seemed to have developed a case of gapitis. No matter how much I filed down the contact point

Xenos Threats Spotted....Grey Knights Engage

Well first game of 10th edition is in the books......While the Sons of Titan technically won the battle, the losses were so heavy a tactical withdrawl was needed.    I played against my buddy's ork army Consisting of a Mek, Mega nobs, 6 Killer kans, Deff Dread, 3 deff kopters and 2 Flash gitz squads Vs my Librarian, 5 Terminators (psycannon), 5 strike marines (psycannon), 5 interceptors, 5 purgation (4 psilencers) and to 2 lasbacks. Game ended with 4 dead kans, and 3 deff kopters and I


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Building Leviathan: Day 2

Day 2 of Leviathan building...Let's get to it.   I had a bit more time and more choice, so I decided to get the large, multi-tooth elephant muncher out of the way: The psychophage wasn't a bad build persay but there was some annoying parts. First off, the little legs/arms it has. Unlike the four bigger ones that lock in place, these two little ones don't and they got annoying when it came to putting it on its base as I had to keep adjusting it to make sure it was flat. Second

Earthshaker Carriage WIP

I started preparing an Earthshaker Carriage conversion for my militia.      I'm putting the platform from the basilisk onto the track units from the taurox. This isn't actually glued, it's more of a proof of concept. I have plasticard I'm going to use to add an undercarriage and body to the platform (which will be the tricky bit). 


Harrowmaster in Militia

Building Leviathan: Day 1

As I type  its currently the 25th June. Yesterday at 9 in the morning, me and my oldest son took a trip to town and collected this: (the battleboards are just peeking out at the top there)   I had hoped to get stuck in with building but family life had other ideas!   So, late last night, I finally got to work.   The hardest part was choosing what to build first:   After some deliberation, I got to work on these two: It was sort of fit

Leviathan Eve

Well, as I type this, it's June 23rd, so for me, it's Leviathan Eve (I'm not jealous at all of those who got their boxes today at all...).   My prep work is complete, I've got storage boxes started, I've got rattlecan primer ready to go and my colour scheme is sorted. ... What's that? I completed my Tyranid scheme weeks ago? Have I been slacking since then?    Well, since I put that first blog post up featuring my parasite of motrex I did what all good hobbyists sho


ZeroWolf in Ultramarines

Closing a trip on Memory Lane - Gorkers (or are they Morkers?)

Within the big closet cleaning, some Gorkers (or are they Morkers) reappeared a while ago. I finally painted them after all these year with them waiting for a little bit of love (the other way to call a base coat of Ork Flesh Green).   The WIP was covered in various post here...:     ... or there:     So, here there is the Gang, all together:     Led by Skool (and its gang):     I do not play Orks but it has


Bouargh in GorkaMorka

Bloginnings and my first game of 10th Edition

It's Blog and Beginnings. Get it?   -----   To avoid burying the lede, this blog will act as both a replacement for my two discussion threads (Order of the Penitent Saint: A Project Thread and toaae presents: WAAAAGH! Tortoof), as well as a general blog for my hobby thoughts. I was a big fan and user of the B&C's blogs the last time they were around, and with my hobby mojo reinvigorated by a new edition, it felt like the right time to get this rolling.   But I had


toaae in Musings

Making Servitors from ooP Necromunda Pit-Slaves - #2 guns and paints

After adding some Kataphron bitz to the ooP Pit Slaves bodies (see former blog entry), its time to paint the brain washed killing machines:    The pallet I used is the same than for all other servitors, with some exceptions: these lads exhibit some serious parts of skin and no coats or areas suitable for the grey I use on my Skitariis. But in the end it is rather consistent in terms of general aspect. Skin was done with Kislev Flesh washed with Apothecary white. Not do decayed in

Preparing to Call to Arms 2023 - Basing tests

As a new blog entry into the road to Call to Arms 2023, here are some tests for prospective basing. As I am a little bit feed up by tanned earth and plascrete type of basing, I wanted to try something else. My attempt to swampy bases as not been to my taste, but as my Wraithlord was getting quite a  good contrats on its white primed base, I wondered: Why not stay like that?   Huh. "Stay like that?", really? Well, not really: I will try a Iced World basing. Maintaining the red


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Making Servitors from ooP Necromunda Pit-Slaves - #1 glue and guns

While looking for Eldar metal bits (see Call to Arms 2023 entries) I casualy encountered 4 bodies of old Necromunda Pit Slaves. They were probably coming from a swap I did years ago and I had forgotten these lads. But what to do with them???   Servitors!   It is not that the unit itself ios really worth but at least it has character. So, as I was missing most arms, I refreshed these models´ extremities using spare bits from the Kataphron sprues. In order to stick to an AdMech

Leman Russ Exterminator Conversion, Brick Wall Experiment #1

Exterminator Leman Russ The last time I had an exterminator painted, I think it had pewter barrels (3rd ed?). But, the index exterminator rules are at least interesting for the first time in an age. It's 'withering hail' rule means that if this main gun hits, for the rest of the phase the rest of my army gets another pip of AP against the unit that was hit. And, since the main gun has 'twin linked' it's likely to actually score hits. Still, with vehicle toughness systemically improving this

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in WIP

Drukhari Archon

All done except for the sealing coat.    This guy is a test model. It uses the same colors as the witches, but it differs from the corsairs and existing kabalites. The latter is teal, not turquoise.    Obviously I've been going for quantity over quality lately. I'm shooting for these models to look good from several feet, not a few inches away.   Here's the pics.           Thanks for looking.

The cost of 10th - What I will have to spend to legalize my armies

The release of the Indexes has introduced some changes in unit composition and minimums. Some of the armies I gathered in the past will have to go through a good face lifting in order to be able to be fielded under the new unit canons.   I am no affected for the big Space Wolves faction of mine - sure a lot of stuff is probably not as it should be per the Index but I bet I have more than enough to rebalance and equilibrate some legal squads without necessity of investing again.


Bouargh in 10th Edition

Rite of War

Here is my first attempt at a little snippet of fanfiction, along with accompanying pictures...I apologise for the quality!       "Brother Gregorius," the Chaplain said, his voice as full of gravel as the ruined battlefield he walked on. The sounds of battle did nothing to muffle his voice. The space marine walking a step behind him didn't speak, as a Judicar, he'd taken a vow of silence, instead he nodded solemnly. He knew what was about to be asked of him, and he hefted his execution


ZeroWolf in Ultramarines

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