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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

+ Musings on Salamanders, Kill Team and Epic +

The recent rumours of a new edition of Epic have me excited – I'm a huge fan, and if it does come to fruition, I'd love to see how the develop it. In the meantime, I've been mulling over Legion choices. In previous editions I played Ultramarines, but this time I'm tempted by Salamanders; an army which has often been the bridesmaid and never the bride of my plans.   To that end, I thought I'd explore a bit by painting a couple of individual Marines – perhaps a Kill team – at 40k scale t

The Matteus Subsector

Introduction: The Matteus Subsector is nestled in a violet nebula in the coreward parts of the Segmentum Obscurus, lying galactic north of Terra and galactic east of Agripinaa. The subsector has predominately been under Imperium reign as of 998M41, with some heretical and xenos elements laying claim to the more out-of-reach areas at various points in time.   The subsector was first mapped by Rogue Trader Terrance Matteus in 600M38, and named it after his House. Adeptus Mechanicus

Drukhari Graea and a half done Fuegan

To continue on the triumvirate concepts, naturally I felt the need to compliment Ynnari with a set of Drukhari and Asuryani triumvirates   Ideas often start as these rather ugly doodles ( wich I usually keep to myself, and more often than not are in small notepads and never even scanned in.) One thing I felt ynnari did is have the potential to take the exotic element out of the Dark eldar and double down on the body horror and creepier elements. (of wich I have made plenty more sketche

It's not doodling, it's art!

One of my other hobbies aside from not finishing models is drawing. I do it quite a lot, enough that the majority of my Instagram entries are weird concept sketches for Tyranids.   Anyway, I thought I'd share a few of them on the B&C. There's a lot more than this, but I need to scan and upload it all.   Some weird Tyranid creatures- a "Scorchgaunt" carrying a flamespurt, a bio-plasma spore mine, a Carnifex intended as a ranged version of the Screamer-Killer and a mo

Wip Bladeguard

I’ve been holding onto my unpainted indomitus bladeguard since the kit came out as I never felt confident enough to do them justice.   The truth is, they’re my favorite group from the box and, with 10th right right around the corner, it’s time to give them a crack!

Salamanders in the Defence of Dakota Minor (884M41)

In 884M41, the Lord-Governor of the civilised world Dakota Minor, petitioned the aid of several Space Marine chapters to crush the ever increasing Ork presence on his planet. Two chapters responded: the Salamanders and the Black Templars. At the eleventh-hour the Black Templars withdrew their support with regrets, and so the Salamanders alone came to the Lord Governor’s aid. The Salamanders force was led by Captain Ikarus R’Keth, commander of the currently under-strength 2nd Company, and was sup

Why Brazen Claws?

When I left the hobby 10+ years ago, a large number of friends and peers here on the B&C were just beginning to explore DIY chapters vs painting traditional space marine chapters. So when I returned to the forum I immediately spent time scanning the Forge to see what people were working on and if anything immediately inspired me. I ended up test painting an old 4th edition mini as a Crimson Fist when I stumbled upon an old post by @SCCwho had a number of Brazen Claws he had painted. I had re


deathless31491 in Painting

The Havenesse Spiral Campaign - A Fresh Infusion

A Fresh Infusion   The Strike Cruiser Retribution emerged from the Immaterium, warp-lightning flickering over the Geller field as it dissipated. Her colours were somewhat scarred, but the deep crimson was mostly clear, and the Chapter emblem of the Blood Ravens stood proud on the flanks of the vessel. Bow thrusters reoriented the Retribution star-ward, and the main drives pulsed to life, pushing away from the Mandeville Point, towards the mysterious rendezvous in-system. Chief Apotheca

Tau infinity and beyond!

If I start this with a huge introduction and many words.. I will probably never start so I will dive right in. Doing my (few) Tau pieces first gives oppurtunity for some sort of introduction though, my very first Tau are some random alternate head doodles done when I was working with Kromlech.. the idea was to make more rough and "cinematic heroic" Tau heads for Pathfinders and Fire warriors. I dont think they were ever released on their store tough.   It would be years befor

The Havenesse Spiral Campaign - Sub-sector Description

Alongside my Great Repaintening, I wanted to exercise other creative outlets - thus, the Havenesse Spiral sub-sector. I envisioned it as a personal slice of the galaxy where I could lay out campaigns, stories, and so on. The Crusade/Narrative way to play should have been right up my alley, and really helped build out the sub-sector, but it never quite gelled for me. Perhaps the new edition will provide a spark?   -------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Great Repaintening - Demi-company completed

So, towards the end of 2019, I did get the demi-company out for a little photoshoot, and I started work on the other demi-company, but then the pandemic hit hard. A lot of things were derailed for me, and GW has only continued to push out more Space Marines. I don't fully know what's next for the Great Repaintening, but it has been an exceedingly long 2020...   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   So, the second

The Great Repaintening - between the ETLs

Of course, the ETLs weren't the only time I got things painted - after 2018, I did manage to keep some momentum going.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I meant to get these pics of my Librarian up sooner, but better late than never! I've also finished this Tactical Squad earlier today:   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Great Repaintening - the ETLs

In the before times, Captain Semper ran a yearly painting challenge "E Tenebrae Lux" where all Frater were encouraged to paint units for bragging rights between the various sub-forums. I participated in a couple with my Blood Ravens.    Here are the "after" shots of the completed units   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2018) Here's the whole army, as it stands: Here's the Captain, Lieutenan

The Great Repaintening - the original backlog

Ahhh, the backlog, the pile of shame, the collection of potential... This is what I wanted to add to my army, all nicely sorted and laid out. And then GW launched a whole new Space Marine line.  The pile grows... the backlog hungers...   I don't know that I'll add all of these to my Marines now, some might get left aside for other projects, but we'll see.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, the a

The Great Repaintening - the original starting point

A number of years ago (in 2018) I decided to listen to the whispers of madness - I had noticeably better painting skills, and felt I could repaint my Space Marines. I haven't really worked on my Blood Ravens since about the start of the pandemic, as I could not get a handle on 9th edition, but with the call of a new edition, I'm starting to get the itch to revisit my marines.  Below is the inaugural post in my original thread.   ---------------------------------------------------------

Alpha Legion Status Update

Quick update after I based essentially a 3000pt army last week to take to WHFest:     The full list of completed units is longer than that, but I'm happy to say that I've managed to make, paint and base over 4000pts of Alpha legion since the release of HH2.0 last June, which is, I think, insane. My younger self would never have thought this possible. This is also with minimal unit upgrades, so cataphractii are costed at 175pts for 5, etc. If I add in wargear this could easil


Xenith in Alpha Legion

Zero bits challenge progress 2

As mentioned in some previous blog posts, I have been making slow progress on a self imposed challenge to get all of my bits spent through conversions, scratch built and other methods that can add additional miniatures to my army while spending all the spare stuff that I already have lying around. For a matter of simplicity, whenever I mention Converted in my graphs or tracking I am referring to conversions and scratch built miniatures or at least miniatures that were built beyond box numbers.


GreenScorpion in DYI

Why YOU should consider having a blog at the B&C…

The core of the Bolter & Chainsword is the discussion forums. After all, the B&C started as a discussion forum in the late 1990’s, back during the heady days of online discussion forums and the 3rd edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game. Over time, we have expanded the site’s capabilities to better support the needs of our members. Something we often lose sight of is the fact that Warhammer 40,000 is a hobby with various aspects. The most obvious of these are the painting of miniatures and

Hobby Creativity and The Bolter & Chainsword

One of the best aspects of the Warhammer 40,000 hobby is the ability for hobbyists to make the game their own. While Games Workshop and its subsidiaries produce diverse products that appeal to a wide range of tastes, the setting itself allows for even more diversity. For example, the galaxy-spanning Imperium of Man has numerous sub-factions that range from the "little people" represented by hive gangs (Necromunda) and planetary defense forces (the Astra Militarum in the Warhammer 40,000 game) to

Brother Tyler

Brother Tyler in Editorials

Could EPIC really return? Memories of tiny minis and hoping for more.

Could we really see the return of EPIC in the near future? That is the question we are asking in today's blog entry.   With Titanicus almost done (see below), Aeronautica definitely done in terms of new releases, and The Old World already planned as separate project, is there room in the specialist game area for Epic? I believe there is, and I honestly think its going to be hinted at very soon, maybe at Warhammer Fest which at the time of writing this blog entry, is only Two days away.


Cyrox in General

The 369th Grand Battalion working lore

While work on painting continues a pace I've cast my mind to write some fluff for my grand battalion   *Ahem*   The 369th Grand Battalion is an amalgamation of the 36th Infantry battalion and the 9th Armoured following the heavy losses they sustained following Istvaan.     The 36th operated under the command of Warsmith Justinian a terran veteran who upon the fields of Istvaan hesitated to give the command to fire on the loyalists. The Warsmith Justinian would

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in Lore

Deathleaper/lictor Conversion Fin

so i finally finished my lictor conversion from a gsc patriarch and left over trygon talons. pretty straight forward one but effective and considering weve still no plastic lictors this is a nice alternative and a nice difference to my other lictors and the feeder tendrils are straightforward and rather addictive to add.. now i really need to finish my diama and then do a similar post on that... 

Battle Report: HH Alpha Legion vs Custodes

In the run up to WHFest I managed to get another game in, this time against Adeptus Custodes. They're a really tough fight in 40k, and I had no idea what they would be like in HH.    War of Lies, triangles deployment pointing at one another. This game I ditched the preds, despite how much I love them, to run a Leviathan in a HH Leviathal. I also swapped the Deredeo and something else for a Delgatus with nemesis and 3 sky hunters with MM's and a fist.    Custodian Army Cu


Xenith in Battle Report

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