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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Standard Battle Mission pack 30k

Good evening   I've been working on a mission pack for a little while now that can be used for standalone play. It has a few quirks and is a set of quite simple but thematic missions for casual play. This is just the first of many packs I'll be making. The bones are 3ed missions with some tweaking to take advantage of 2,0 special rules   Direct Link https://archive.org/details/standard-missions-v-1_202409   Embed in the post ( Hopefully!)   Please let

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in 30k, Homebrew, fandex,

CTA2024 - First and second vows in the Xeno Forum

Hi Folks,   After painting most of what I though I could in the Imperium forum, I added 2 almost "last minute" vows in the Xeno Forum: - 5 Incubis and their objective marker - for 5 or maybe 6 pts - the Yncarne   No surprise, these are a way to increase my Asuryanis though Ynnari faction play. See previous entry and probably some future ones too.   In both cases I aligned my scheme on the ones promoted on GW boxes. I am chronically lacking of creativity (t


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

Greymanes Hellblaster

This one is so-so, in my opinion. The face came out better than expected, despite my struggles with the ancient Blood Claw sculpt I affixed to the model many moons ago. I couldn't quite tell where the face ended and the hair began. However, the plasma glow and the patchy metallics leave something to be desired. That said, I haven't painted a Space Marine in a few weeks, so it's to be expected. 


SvenIronhand in Greymanes

100th Blog Post!

100 Blog Posts..... On January 20th, 2023, I started this blog discussing my armies....well for my 100th posts I want to update my armies and discuss them.     Grey Knights  are by far the closest to being completed army I own.  I still some stuff to build, more to paint, and need to update the weapon glows. Grey Knights is an army I enjoy painting and playing even when I lose.  Grey Knights are my 2nd favorite army.     My Original Raptors/ Raven Guard wa


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Update

"Think of your Inquisition's pet Adeptus Astartes mongrels -- the Exorcists."

The Exorcists Chapter     One of my favorite Loyalist Space Marine Chapters is Exorcists. I am torn with them being Sons of Dorns or are they Successors to Grey Knights. Currently I am reading the Kindle short stories "Within These Walls" ebook and then I'll read the "The Empty Place" from the Successor Novel before reading "Oath of Damnation. "    This is one army I have thought about starting and never have.  But I am thinking possible a Kill Team of Scouts and a


W.A.Rorie in Exorcists Chapter

Why play Ynnari?

Hi Folks.   There are as much reasons to choose and play an army than players. Or maybe not that much but a least a serious amount. So I will not pretend listing them all or even pretending covering the main ones. I will instead stick to a selfish and auto-centered exercise on why did I choose to build up an Ynnari force. I am not really an Eldar guy. I liked them and even started gathering an army in 96. I bought and stored some models, essentially after recovering some guar


Bouargh in Aeldarii

Where to go with 40k?

(Wherein the author discovers that the Horus Heresy ruleset is more to his liking, even if Orks aren't officially supported)   So, earlier this year, around January, I came to the realization that I was burnt out on keeping up with the Space Marine releases. The more that came out, the less I wanted to have anything to do with them; I was just buying them to have. I also admitted to myself that I didn't really like the lore changes that GW's team were applying to the game - this isn't

The first episode of our Necromunda co-op/roleplay

So, I've been working on a set of rules for co-operative play for some time now (and have actually played a succesful mini-campaign some time ago, where a group of Imperial Guard veterans where sent to investigate a mysteriously quiet space station, but that's another story...). The core rules seem to work pretty well, so now I've moved on to the next step: creating "campaign packs" that allow for story-based campaigns based around randomly generated scenarios. Last weekend, we got out first g


Antarius in Necromunda Co-op Game

I have an idea.....

So as the build of my 54th Psian Jackals Militarum Tempestus Army continues I keep looking at what will be added in the future. Scions and Aquilons for sure. Maybe another Commissar, Primaris Psyker, Regimental Priests (doubtful since this will be updated with new codex). I have 2 of the 3 Taurox Primes and 2 Valkyries. I want to keep the army leaning towards rapid insertion, fast units and non standard Astra Militarum units. While looking I found this:     While it is legen


W.A.Rorie in Militarum Tempestus

30k Mechanicus expanded units

Hello   I've finally dusted off a project I started working on in7th ed 40k which was porting various 40k mechanicus units into 30k.   This if the first batch and working wip for the cult mechanicus side of things, I will be doing the Skitarii units as well. Currently the idea is these units simply add to the existing Mechanicum list but I've also drafted a separate detachment that will solely focus on the 40k units representing the more militaristic and regular mechanicum fi

Ride Eternal - Shiny and Chrome

August sure did fly by.  I'd intended about being more diligent about maintaining this blog alongside the progress of this project. However between work and family life being chaos as summer drew to a close I barely had enough time to finish this project, let alone effectively document its progress. As such this is going to be a behemoth of a post, though I'm going to keep the text down and try and let the pictures do most of the talking.  From cloth to chrome - the hardest part of this pai


zulu.tango in Da Khromeboyz

54th Psian Jackals Part 2

Well that was a good hobby weekend.....well 4 day weekend. My Fiancé had PRK (Photorefractive keratectomy is a laser eye surgery similar to LASIK), since she already had LASIK, done a few years ago so she was down most the weekend so I got to do hobby time while watching the kids, with exception of Monday due to wedding planning meetings and Friday was her surgery so once we were home it was hobby time.    Friday while waiting for her procedure to finish I purchased some items to make


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

54th Psian Jackals, Tempestus Scions

So as build more Scions, the more I realize that I originally planned them as Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, I have been moving more and more away from that idea.  With only 5 models painted, it would be the perfect time to repaint them.   I love the helmets I am using and the skull war paint on the face plates      So the 54th Psian Jackals make the most sense          Good old Duncan had a super easy paint technique for the Psian Jacka


W.A.Rorie in Militarum Tempestus

"Fighting soldiers from the sky! Fearless men and women, who jump and die!"

Was planning on painting Purifiers or my Paladins, but found myself working on my Militarum Tempestus, 909th Battalion Charlie Company "Hell Rain".      I have been putting this off as my Tempestor was illegal and I would have to change out his Powerfist for a knife . I built another squad of 5 guys, and have 10 more to build and ordered another 10 more guys.        So as it stands I have planned a 5 man squad (plasma/ volley) attaching to Command (pl


W.A.Rorie in Militarum Tempestus

Call to Arms 2024 - 2nd vow progress report

Hi Folks,   A very rapid update of my progress on my second vow. The Attaché and the plasma containers were completed earlier this month; the same with de Sydonian dragoons. All of these were all done in a quite a decent amount of time. But I am struggling a little bit more with the Serberys units. Yet, after a rainy WE, I've got some time to progress. Mounts are now all done for the Raider and the Sulphurhound units.     The cyberhorses were done exactly qs th


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

Expedition VI - Dakota Minor, 924M41

+++ PREFACE +++   After a frustrating and costly tour of the Cellebos Warbone, Kill Team Rapier (at the time comprised Alyxander, Rarai’an, Auranis and Validus) had a chance meeting with Inquisitor Jemini Malethann. He was concerned with the myriad xenos incursions within the Matteus Subsector, and was headhunting experienced Deathwatch Astartes to investigate these threats.   Kill Team Rapier welcomed the opportunity to adapt their xeno-hunting skills in an arena free of the pol

"I am His sword as He is my armour." Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of my Nemesis Dreadknight paint log.  I have 3 more to paint (1 Grand Master Nemesis Dreadknight and 2 Nemesis Dreadknights) and I will apply lessons learned to those ones. Most importantly finish build the bases before starting painting. I need to pick up more 3d printed basing bits as it did speed up my basing process vs me making them. I really like the Army Painter Fanatic Effects  Plasma Coil and Data Slate Glows. I may have to repaint all my Nemesis force weapons glow eff


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

A personal insight on Slap Chop applied to scenery

Hi folks,   I tried in the past to use the Slap Chop technique on Aeldari guardians. It has not been that convincing. Lack of practice? Misunderstanding of the basics of the techniques? Lack of talent? (I personaly vote for the 3 of these).  I am anyway a little bit stubborn, so I decided to go back traying to apply it. This time on big models: the KT Plasma Generatorium.   Looked like being a fun idea at principle. This is what I´ve learned.   1. You need a pr


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Rogal Dorn #2

Dorn #2 of 3. Getting a little bit done. Here's the squad. I've not quite worked out the regiment organization. I'm using 13 for division(?) markings. Vehicle numbers are consecutive, so this is 1st platoon, tank 2 & 3. (stowage - value gear details on Ebay, some left-overs from 1/35 models; Tarp - VMS modelling paper & solution, Ammo belt - Armorcast white metal, Meltas - tiny panzer on Etsy, tank commanders - forgeworld, and a very old pewter commander pre-dating krieg (finally used hi

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in Painting

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