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About BrotherEndcat

Profile Information

  • Location
    Adelaide, Australia
  • Interests
    Warhammer 40k and AoS, camping, fishing, jdm and classic cars.
  • Faction
    Dark Angels

Previous Fields

  • Armies played
    Dark Angels, High Elves, Iron Warriors, Word Bearers, Warriors of Chaos, Khorne Daemonkin, Khorne Bloodbound, Dark Eldar

BrotherEndcat's Achievements

  1. Love your work mate, glad as I am going through your greenwing photos they dont have the neon look GW oh so love, bit darker is the way for sure. Keep it up man!
  2. Guys I did get a response from the AUS GW customer service team and while they loved the artwork too, they weren't really willing to help me out which was a shame See despite the missing half of the crozius and the slight error on the drop pod this might be the best I'm going to get. I probably could do photoshop job semi decently and get the crozius fixed at the very least. Thanks for the link mate. See this is why I love it and in more recent years I feel like that just almost body-horror aesthetic we think of with augmentations and how brutal the astartes are has gone away with newer artwork. Maybe its to appeal to a slightly younger audience or maybe art styles in general are more clean nowadays... but you are totally right. Hence why I love this piece of artwork so much, it perfectly captures what I think when I think 40k Space Marines.
  3. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Yeah I've been trying to find the original artist name but this piece doesnt crop up much in google, the style of these sort of 4th ed era artworks are so dark and cool, would be great to find a library of similar pieces. I tried the warhammerart website but they only do a few particular prints, amazingly doesn't work like a catalogue and history point for all the official art which is a shame. Almost tempted to email games workshop directly and see if they would give me the details lmao haha.
  4. I play most of my games inside a GW store so I do need to be a bit careful about third party conversions, as such I don't see it within my gaming space currently unfortunately. This being said I have played MANY homebrew games with mates that have had converted WW1 and WW2 minis at home over my 16 years of hobby. The one thing I will say and I think you are right about the whole lack of effort thing, one of my old mates back in the day used a russian ww2 tank shell for a leman russ for example (he had a soviet themed guard army), he made a real effort to convert the turret to fit the battle cannon, added the sponsons and added lots of parts to make it feel more '40k'. If he had just grabbed the tank and just stuck an aquila and maybe a crew out the hatch I'd think hes a bit of a numpty. I guess it's all relative and really just how receptive your player base is around you, and thats the beautiful thing about the hobby, effort and taste is all different in our gaming lives.
  5. Hi B&C lads and ladettes, Hoping you might be able to help me out here, trying to find the below artwork without the weird page separation in the middle of it - bit of a long shot but has anyone got a copy of it or know where to find it? Been trying for a good hour trying to get a hold of it. Cheers if you can help.
  6. BrotherEndcat

    Endcat's Favourite Artwork

    Favourite artwork for referencing in threads.
  7. Bro how the hell have I not thought of using aggressor legs for termis..... looks amazing! Well done!
  8. Love the yellow on the fists.... Keep it up dude!
  9. Love this thread man! I do enjoy the gold eyes on Abaddon, really nice touch and true to lore!
  10. Well its got to be a loyalist primarch at this stage right? Surely it wouldn't be a traitor primarch as 3 on 1 would be insane at this stage and big papa smurf surviving another encounter with his brothers would get old. The Lion from a political sense and to throw a spanner in the works makes sense and he has the easiest come back potential with where he is. Another one I think would be interesting, purely for the turmoil it would start.... DORN. Imagine him coming back as a one handed angry son of a gun, seeing the division of his legion and the impact its had weakening the imperium and it boils up all the post heresy tension. Just a cool thought but very unlikely lol.
  11. Time for me to jump into my first hobby challenge! I, BrotherEndcat, do swear to complete a Kill Team consisting of 5 models in Lamenters colours who are committed to the Secessionist cause. The deadline for this will be 25th of July 2020 and I shall do the utmost best to not fail my brothers- and sisters-in-arms. Good luck everyone! Keen to see everyones work!
  12. Always good to see these pirates going strong! Your Huron looks fantastic cant wait to see him with paint :D
  13. That patriarch is just god damn beautiful on that throne... lovely work mate!
  14. Loving the work across this thread man, awesome work keep it up!
  15. I love the fluff behind all your posts mate, the matching of music too is fantastic! Such a cool thread im following for sure! Oh and the models are sweet too ;)
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