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About Koriel

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    Night Lords legion

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  1. Koriel

    Horus Heresy

  2. I'd have a hard time identifying the parts you used if you hadn't shown the pre-paint pic. Your TS terminator is a true work of art :tu:
  3. That thing is a real beast. It's been awesome to see how it went from concept to finished model.
  4. That's one insanely cool looking model. At first it looked a bit flimsy, but it's a masterpiece now that you've bulked it out abit and added more details. This is why I love the BnC, there are always tons of great conversions to inspire people :)
  5. I'm loving your NL versions of different characters, especially the Pollux one. The pose looks great and the power fist really fits the model. Keep up the good work and keep on producing those killer conversions.
  6. Those scouts are awesome, the scion heads make the models look much more "spec ops" compared to the original heads. Once again you've nailed the glow effect on your models, it actually looks like small LED's behind the eye lenses :tu:
  7. Some of the best EC I've ever seen. The white and "platina" contrast well with the purple, and really make the squad look like an elite unit. I'm really looking forward to see what you do with the contemptor so keep up with the good work :tu:
  8. Had any problems fitting the platic backpacks to the FW raptors? Unless I'm misstaken they have kind of a unique fit.
  9. That's one cool looking dred. I wonder though, the loincloth, is that from the demon prince kit?
  10. Is it just me, or does it look like the bottom left guy is giving people the finger?;) Edit: I'll second what Forte said, they'd look even more awesome with some scribbles of text here and there or maybe some glyphs.
  11. You should go to a games day or another event with GW designers, show them your oblits and say: "This is what obliterators look like, now make it happen"
  12. Great story, awesome model and a kickass paint job, I believe that's what we call a trifecta Keep up the good work :tu:
  13. Beautiful models and the osl on them looks terrific. Now if only GW made oblits that looked like yours....
  14. Awesome, the fist looks real good and it's just the right size. Creative use of different materials btw, the idea of using plastic spoons would probably never have crossed my mind. Thanks for sharing :tu:
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