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Found 9 results

  1. The following thread is for all information and rumours pertaining to the Blood Angels during the Horus Heresy. OP will be updated with each legitimate tidbit. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Found in book 4, Conquest. Source. This weapon is one of the Legion specific relics. The link also contains six generic ones which we may have used. Anyone want to guess what the sword is? *** *** *** Unconfirmed rumours state we are in book six, which will be about Signus Prime. We may share the book with the Dark Angels. Update: Book five is Tempest (may), book six is the Shadow Crusade (Tempest part 2 - late 2015), book seven is Prospero (2016). This means we're going to be book eight or nine which is likely to be sometime in or after 2017 :/ *** *** *** HH:Extermination, page 267 BA and IF are testing the field testing the Iliastus pattern Assault Cannon for their legion terminator squads, this is available for BA and IF terminator squads. Costs five points more than a Heavy Flamer, same as 40k rules but with a Malfunction rule (think second edition Assault Cannon rules). *** *** *** Castellax and/or Vorax in BA flavour: Link to source below Basically, a Legion Praevian gives you access to these robots and grants them Legion Astartes Blood Angels (which is currently unknown). *** *** *** Book six is called Retalliation In July, there was speculation it would be at the end of this year, but it October it was said to be delayed until February 2016 It will contain our rules but no special units or Primarchs Book Eight may be Signus Prime. Or Thramas. Or both(!) Seems like our pre-Heresy colours are red, black and gold. Images courtesy of mr_r_parker: *** *** ***
  2. Hi I've been really excited about the new Heresy 2.0, and it's inspired me to expand my 40K Blood Angels into the world of 30K. One of the models I've been working on is a contemptor dreadnaught. It's been a lot of fun to build and paint, and I'm really happy with how it's turned out so far. I can't wait to see this model in action on the battlefield!
  3. Guardians of the Covenant Pictured here is a five man squad of First Legion Astartes of the 13th Chapter in action upon the Pale Moon of Xakthres. Exemplars of their kind, the 13th Chapter took great pride in the utter destruction of their foes and the annihilation of all knowledge they held. This pict-capture is of a singular Legionnaire, one of a hundred such Sable Clad Knights deployed by the 8th Company, 13th Chapter. To many outside the First Legion their markings are esoteric and unfathomable, but to the 8th Company under Knight-Praetor Aganus their markings are utilitarian and uncomplicated compared to many of their brothers within the Legion. Note the serialized Phobos pattern boltgun. The modified armorial pictured is the crossed sword symbol of the 13th Chapter. Non-standard markings such as this were common throughout out the First Legion, calling out their allegiance to Chapter and Order. The crowned skull icon worn by the 8th Company is in honor of Knight-Praetor Aganus, a veteran of the Terran wars of Unification and the Pacification of Luna. He was a member of the now defunct Host of Crowns and the icon shown here is a combination of that Host’s icon and Aganus’ personal heraldry. Much of the Company’s demeanor and way of war is derived from his ancient knowledge and they wear his heraldry with great pride.
  4. Hi all, Looong hobby hiatus for me. As I've eased back into things, I'm considering starting a small 30k force. I've chosen the Sons of Horus as I really like the colour scheme and the background. No idea if they are a competitive Horus Heresy army. Not sure I'm too bothered about that aspect though. Also, representing the harsh Chtonian culture of the Legion on the models, through iconography, weapons, etc... sounds like a fun project to me. I'd like the force to represent the SoH Pre-Heresy/at the onset of the Heresy, before their fall into damnation. What I'm doing now is putting some concept art together to get a feel for the force and make me understand how the army is going to fit together visually. I thought that banners would be a good start as they are a focal point of any army. I've tried to mock up some designs, but I was curious if anyone had any feedback on these. Do they fit your understanding of the Legion? Are they impactful enough? Finally, does anyone know any good reference material specifically for SoH banners? Has anyone painted anything they'd like to share? I'd appreciate any feedback you guys have, searching the internet hasn't yielded as much as I'd like. Here's what I came up with:
  5. After a recent patch of creative energy and finding/fixing my camera and flash, for the first time I actually have some finished miniatures I feel relatively happy sharing on here for C&C. First up, a Forge World Praetor - Captain Iskander Locke - to lead my Ultramarines. The theme is Scouring / 'early-40k' hence the use of a HH model. Not world beating painting, but I was aiming for a fairly grimdark, semi-Blanchitsu style which I hope I've achieved! Secondly, an old Dreadnought that has been sat in a box painted for years. Rather than stripping it, I instead worked on adding washed and neatening up the metallics, as well as adding weathering. The original paint job was clean but quite thick, which is why it looks a little bashed around. Have also JUST noticed the overspill of blue onto the back exhaust... Let me know what you think!
  6. After 9 months the KT-21 compatible version of the Age of Darkness mod is available at https://ossifiedsite.wordpress.com Initially this is Astartes only but future updates will cover all factions in 30K 156 page Pdf, 29 mb. Reworked from the ground up to be compatible with the new edition of Kill Team. 16 pages of lore covering the end of the Great Crusade to the aftermath of Isstvan V 8 pages of additional rules including Destructible Terrain, Suppress and Challenge actions, and the core 5 Psychic Disciplines Legiones Astartes Kill Teams (34 pages): build your Age of Darkness kill team with unparalleled customisation of fire teams together with the Elite suits from the Legiones Astartes Shattered Legion Kill Teams are here too allowing you to mix legions and abilities within a single team.. 80 Pages covering all of the Legions. Each includes lore, abilities and equipment for your operatives together with Legion specific operatives, ploys, and a fifth fire team for the Wolves, The Grey Slayers Warband rules for the Blackshields including a dedicated fire team, Marauders, four detailed sub-factions, and new ploys. Kill Team - Honour and Blood (KT-18) Kill Team - Age of Darkness (KT-18) Kill Team - Age of Darkness - Isstvan III Campaign (KT-18)
  7. Greetings, brethren! I've had a WIP blog over in the Blood Angels section for a few years now, and have been working away at the successors, the Blood Suns, that I have info about in my signature. I'm about 7 death company and 12 terminators away from finishing a complete 2000pt Death Company force AND a 2000pt Archangels All Terminator force. But I got an itch for 30k, and I couldn't scratch it hard enough.... so here begins this other WIP Blog. I decided to post it here so I can do other things like my Inquisitor allies, terrain, and other projects I also work on which aren't Blood Angel successors as well. My Heresy force will be the Ultramarines, and I'm going for an all infantry and dreadnought Zone Mortalis list first, then a 2000pt list with only some rhinos, and then 3000 with heavier transports for killer units. With that lengthy intro, here's to the models! I decided to do some Fulmentarus Terminators first. I am using the Betrayal at Calth box and some bits from the internet. Here they are laid out neatly: Here they are with combi-meltas. 4 are the combi meltas from tactical Calth kits, and 1 is from the Praetor who comes in the Box. And here they are with reaper autocannons. I used the Chaos Teminator Autocannon bit from eBay sellers, as that was going to be much cheaper than buying 5 sets of the Cataphractii Special Weapons sets. Of course, after searching for bits for months to put this project together, 2 weeks after I start someone starts selling only the autocannons on there. Cest la vie! I magnetized all the weapons in the wrist. Using such small 1.5x3mm magnets means there's not a lot of length added in the wrist. I set the arm magnet in by drilling a hole, and just glued the other magnet right onto the wrist of the hand. Painted up, the length won't be noticeable. The autocannons gets a few funny angles due to how I drilled them and the arms end, but we'll just call those "action poses." I'm still fishing around for 2 more cyclone missile launchers. I got 2 metal ones and 1 plastic one from the current tactical terminator kit. Criticism and compliments welcome. Still need to put shoulders and heads on these guys, but the hard work is done for now.
  8. This will be my thread for my Iron Warriors. I started this thread for myself, partly because I was going off topic in my own thread for my Word Bearers here... http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305821-committing-to-word-bearers/page-2?do=findComment&comment=4668714 So that's settled. I have a bunch of mk3 marines from BoP. Some of which I will make Iron Warriors. 20 for now. I plan to get up to a 750 point grand co. These first 20 marines will be a 10 man havoc squad with 4 autocannons (converted from BoP heavy bolters) and 2 x 5 man with plasma. Need to aquire and build 5 raptors with 2 meltas, (I know bikes are recommended but I just don't like them) and some terminators... prefferably from calth... to build my elite... also need a PA chaos lord with a big mace... my aux will be the munitorum containers. (I think I posted the list somewhere already for the 750 point grandco) Moving beyond 750. I plan to add some cheap fortifications, home built defensive line with comms and the various barricades, wire and tank traps for a start. Bump the Termies up to 5 and a chaos lord in terminator armour, which will nicely come from a single calth box. Bulk the "tacticals" each to 10 with 2 plasmas and add 4 lascannon havocs in a tenner some how... and definitly a warsmith guiding some oblits, but... I realy don't like oblits models... my plan is instead to follow in purturbo's footsteps and build robots to do the job instead, just no clue how to do it yet, only certain that they should look like smaller iron circle robots with WAY MORE DAKKA.
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