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  1. I think of this guy as "The Grey Hunter", out on a solo slog across Fenris to slay a monster between campaigns. Think he's probably the sole survivor of his pack, and maybe fresh home from a rotation in the Death Watch? Converted from a chaos warrior. Going to experiment with some snow effects to do up the base, and then weather the cloak to match. Would love c&c if you've got any - i know its not the best photo so might be hard to comment.
  2. Since I have a WIP thread, may as well have a HoH thread for completed stuff Kroot are fun to paint
  3. Nothing to see here The content is in another castle or just start here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/222538-another-diy-chapter-blog-for-the-omnissiah-9514/?p=2963992
  4. toaae

    2021 Hobby Completions

    From the album: Misc

  5. toaae

    Immortals 1 Finished 2

    From the album: Kharezt Dynasty

  6. toaae

    Immortals 1 Finished 1

    From the album: Kharezt Dynasty

  7. To avoid burying the lede, the TL;DR is that I'm switching to Necrons. ----- Every game of 10th that I have played has been with Orks. I've managed to track every game since my third in the (excellent) Tabletop Battles app. You can see my stats below: As you can see, I've now played thirty games of 10th. And while I have a lot of thoughts about the edition in general, this post is about my experiences playing Orks, and my plans for the foreseeable future. Evolution of a List A quick rundown of how to win a game using the Leviathan mission deck: Ok, so scoring points and winning games with tactical secondaries is about putting units on objectives, surviving on those objectives until you can score, having units that can be in the right place at the right time and, of course, killing the enemy as needed. While you don't have to score the full 90 to win every time (just have to have more than your opponent, afterall), it's generally safer to have a plan on how to get the max. You can win the game by tabling the enemy, but you can also lose after tabling the enemy. You cannot lose by scoring the max number of points (though you can tie, hilariously enough), and you can max score without killing a single enemy unit (though that is so incredibly unlikely to occur). Over time, I learned these facts. I started early with Mozrog, pound-for-pound the best beatstick in the index, but I quickly grew so enamored with him that I had to add another Squigboss. I bought, assembled, and (barely) painted a unit of Flash Gitz, and converted a counts-as Kaptin Badrukk, after I played another Ork and saw how deadly that unit's shooting was (especially their overwatch, a tool I otherwise don't think Orks can make use of). I went from three trukks to four, then five, and eventually six, and I think if there wasn't a limit, I would have kept going. They are the right combination of fast, durable and cheap, and they consistently score me secondary objectives. And I've expanded my Squighog Boys unit from being mobile objective doers to being the primary hammer of my list. Some things haven't worked for me: Beastsnagga Boyz and the Beastboss. I've used this unit in the vast majority of my games, but I just can't help but feel like it doesn't do enough. Often, the best thing about it was the OC, which I can get cheaper from regular Boyz. The Beastboss has been especially disappointing, as he is so reliant on generating Devastating Wounds in order to do any damage, and even against vehicles, it's pretty easy to have a bad turn and not get enough 4+s. At least the Squigbosses are durable enough that when they whiff, they can be expected to stick around and get another shot at it. This is a recent drop for me, but I can't imagine I'll miss them. Nobz and the Warboss. I've gone back and forth on these guys, from running a full 10-man, to having none, to having two 5-mans (each with a warboss), and most recently, back to a full 10-man. The truth is, they are the best source Orks have for a large quantity of AP-2 attacks, something we sorely need. But they suffer from being too easy to kill; -1 to-be-wounded is nice and all, but 2W and no innate invulnerable save just make them too soft, and we can also slap a -1 to-be-wounded on any non-vehicle unit. This is a high-finesse unit and one I've been really trying to use well. Anything that shoots other than Flash Gitz. We just don't have enough support, our weapons are good enough, and we can't field enough of it to matter. In the end, this meant I've found the most success by making lists that focus on staying power over offensive burst; a few units can lay down the hurt, but the vast majority of the list isn't interested in killing the enemy as much as it's just trying to find points to score. And even those best, most deadly units, the Squigbosses and Squighog Boyz, are really about being ultra-durable and forcing the opponent to over-invest in killing them, lest they let my stuff get to them. That means it's very viable for me to keep my units on objectives but out of Line-of-Sight and force the enemy to over-commit to clear the objective. It's simple, it's effective, and frankly, it's a lot of fun. But, there's a problem. The Problem Sitting back on objectives and forgoing charging into the enemy isn't very Orky. There's room for kunnin' and I'm a Blood Axe at heart, but still, it will never feel right to go "my Squighog Boys are not going to move to charge that Dreadnought" and instead just score points by sitting there. But, that's what I'm often doing! And, again, I like it! Playing the game tactically and for the win is an enjoyable experience. It's just not what I signed up for when I selected the greenskins. There's a couple more: I cannot paint Orks fast enough to react to changing metas and my own preferences. I paint every detail on my Orks and use a lot of colors, and it just takes me forever, which isn't ideal when you want to quickly swap and add units. I hate the movement rules in the Charge and Fight phases. I just don't find it fun to do, and those phases being so key to my army's (meager) offensive output actively saps my enjoyment. So, what's the solution? The Solution Enter the Necrons. They have it all: Primarily a shooting army, so no need to perform charge/fight phase movement a dozen times per game. A quick paint scheme that I can bang out fast when my list needs to change. Similar overall strategy of holding objectives and just surviving the onslaught to score points. But most importantly; They play competitively like they are in the fluff. Currently, competitive Necrons are all about using "bricks" of either Warriors or Lychguard (or even one of each!), getting them on objectives in No Man's Land and just outlasting everything. They get killed and then just get back up, an implacable force that laughs at the puny weapons of the younger species of the galaxy. Their esoteric and arcane technologies allow them to make the laws of physics into tools for acts akin to magic, such as the teleportation of troops. And so on and on, fluff reflected on the tabletop in a manner that isn't just faithful, but is also good. It's for these reasons that I'll be switching to Necrons, a faction I didn't even consider at the beginning of the edition, as the name of this blog implies. In fact, other than painting the Indomitus set three years ago, and another five Immortals as a palette cleanser some time later, I never seriously thought about collecting the army, let alone playing them as my main faction. But then again, 10th is my edition of trying new things, so I should be less surprised. But for now, the Kharezt dynasty awakens, and marches to war.
  8. Here is my first attempt at a little snippet of fanfiction, along with accompanying pictures...I apologise for the quality! "Brother Gregorius," the Chaplain said, his voice as full of gravel as the ruined battlefield he walked on. The sounds of battle did nothing to muffle his voice. The space marine walking a step behind him didn't speak, as a Judicar, he'd taken a vow of silence, instead he nodded solemnly. He knew what was about to be asked of him, and he hefted his executioners blade in readiness. "This world has been tainted by the Xenos, for every inch of it they have stood on, we will extract the Emperor's vengeance a thousand fold. You know this, correct?" Gregorius nodded again. "When we swing our blessed weapons, we are singing the praises of the Emperor, we are dispensing his justice with every foe we put down. You know this, correct?" the Chaplain stopped, allowing his comrade to stand next to him, shoulder to shoulder. Gregorius turned to him, awaiting the next order. "Then let us go and prove our faith, Brother, our enemies are waiting..." the Chaplain set off again, heading into a mess of buildings. **** Overlord Maultek stood impatiently as his bodyguards surveyed the scene, their warscythes crackling with malicious energy. He rested his own weapon on a rock that he imagined might have been part of the humans primitive dwellings. He'd been tasked with conquering this world, scrubbing it clean of humanity's filthy touch. He had no time for such a trivial matter personally. Still, he'd been told that the orders had been passed down from the Silent King himself till it reached him, and he had no one to toss it on to. The human resistance on this world had tested what little patience he had left. If it'd been up to him completely, he wouldnt have left his tomb ship, choosing to simply bombard the tarnished planet, and it's unpleasant occupants, out of existence. "Sire," the lychguard closest to Maultek said, his metallic voice grating to the Overlords ears. Despite being visibly irritated, the Overlord let him speak, gesturing him to continue. "There's movement ahead." "More useless effort..." Maultek sighed. *** The Chaplain raised his Crozius Arcanum, a sign that they'd found their prey, hhe hated Xenos moving towards them from the other side of the clearing. "Brother Gregorius! Let us show our devotion to the Emperor, and honour our Primarch. We will smite all those in our sight that defile the worlds that belong to our glorious Imperium!" the Chaplain's voice rose higer, reverberating off the skeletal remains of the dingy hab sector turning making it sound more of a dirge. The Judicar, as required, said nothing. Bowing his head as he listened to his Chaplains war prayer. Maultek hesitated when he saw the two large humanoid figures striding towards him and his lychguard. He'd almost enjoyed mowing down the humans he'd come across before, watching as their weapons did nothing. These two, were vastly different. The humans before had fear in their eyes when they beheld him, these two, had nothing but hatred. The lychguard spread out to meet the two space marines head on...
  9. Mithrilforge


    From the album: mithril's 40k

    Repainting of a Necron GhostArk and some warriors into Novokh scheme in anticipation of 9th Ed.
  10. Hello frater! As part of my hobby progress this year I'm working on the Necron Combat Patrol. Now I have nothing against the design of the Doomstalker (it's adorable), the towering walker look doesn't mesh well with the old school theming of my army. I've been sketching out some designs for an obelisk or pylon-styled replacement that will fit in better with my old school Monolith, but am having issues deciding between my two best ideas. Any opinions or feedback would be appreciated!
  11. Hello there. This is a small battle report with some images to introduce someone who is completely new to wargames and Warhammer 40k. MANY rules have been cut out to let the newcomer enjoy the game in a simple way, the game is inspired by Recruit Editions. Lists are: DARK ANGELS Librarian in Terminator Armor 5 x Deathwing Terminators (1 Thunder Hammer, 1 Cyclone Missle Launcher, Sarge with Power sword) 7 x Intercessor Squad (Sarge with Chainsword) NECRONS Overlord 10 x Necron Warriors 5 x Immortals 3 x Skorpeth Destroyers +1 Plasmacyte 1 x Canoptek Scarab Swarm Both lists are 465 points simply because I didn't have enough Necrons to reach 500. Terrain was set up pretty qucikly and without thinking too much, we only had 2 hours. Objective was simple: In 5 turns destroy the enemy. If the opponent remains with some models on the table, the winner is the one who destroyed more units / models. The newcomer chooses Dark Angels to play. LET US BEGIN! +++ TRANSMISSION # 7897690843345598 | VOX IMPERIALIS | PRIORITY: MAXIMUM +++ The emergency arrived seven parsecs ago via imperial astropate with the request for immediate help: the presence of Xeno contaminates the main mining megastructures. The mining world Lemnos supplies an important quantity of raw materials to the imperial forces of instance in the Orar system, Gothic sector, for each solar cycle. From the readable data Necron activity is suspected at an exponential rate resulting in sub-sector economic disaster. ... ... > STRATEGIC VALUE: ABSOLUTE ... ... > XENO INVASION IN PROGRESS > RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTION ... PROCESSING ... > EXTERMINATUS? ... ... > NEGATIVE: ABSOLUTE PLANETARY STRATEGIC VALUE, UNACCEPTABLE LOSSES ... ... > EXECUTING ADEPTUS ASTARTES PROTOCOL ... WAITING ... PROCESSING ... PROCESSING ... > REQUEST SENT. ... ... > REQUEST CONFIRMED. > DEPLOYING DARK ANGELS. > END OF TRANSMISSION TURN 1 Necrons start first since they win iniative roll. Warriors fire and wound 1 intercessors, Immortals fire and wound 1 Terminator, the rest advance, only Scarabs charge with a roll of 11! They manage to get in close combat with Terminators, resulting in a sad charge with the death of 2 scarab models. Fortunately 1 renimates! They did their job: Terminators cannot fire. Dark Angels fire with intercessors killing 2 Necron Warriors, Terminators destroy the remaining Scarabs while the help of Librarian, which uses Trephination on them. Also, he uses Smite on Destroyers resulting in only 1 Mortal Wound. TURN 2 Necrons move, their fire is completely against Terminators since they are now free from melee combat. They fire poorly, even the Overlord fails his Tacbgon Arrow! Fortunately the Skorpeth Destroyers charge and buffed by the Plasmacyte they REAP Terminators with their incredible Glaives! They retaliate, helped by Librarian who heroically enters the scuffle! The Overlord is unable to charge, waiting patiently for his turn... Sadly for him the Dark Angels retaliate! Intercessors kill 3 Warriors but 2 Reanimates, meanwhile the Librarian Smites the Overlord (3 Wounds!) and helps Terminators with Trephination. Fight phase is intense, with Terminators and Destroyers killing each other, ultimately the Librarian uses his stuff and gives an hard blow to the filthy Xenos! Only a Destroyers Remians. Turn 3 sees Necron Immortals and Warriors move, shooting and killing one Intercessor and wounding another. The last Destroyer attacks and kills the Terminator Sergeant, but the Librarian finishes his job! Overlord failed again to charge the Librarian with a double roll of 1! Immediately Dark Angels take the advantage: The Librarian falls back and with an incredible roll of 10 Smites the Overlord which dies! Meanwhile the Intercessors can shoot at the Destroyer which fails his reanimation protocol. The tides of battle are in favor of the Imperium! In Turn 4 Necrons are desperate, they fire everything they have against Intercessors killing three of them. The Librarian fails his Smite, and Trephination helps the Intercessors to kill some Warriors. Turn 5 sees the remaining Xeno forces charging the Intercessors in which nothing happens, while the Librarian suffered two wounds and decides to Smite Immortals, move and try to charge Warriors but fails. The battle ends with Necrons scoring 360 points and Dark Angels 354 which are the total points of models killed in action! Close one! Sadly for the forces of Imperium the Xenos took over the planet, their Awakening complete...and humanity's darkest day is yet to come...
  12. I've got my Iron Gauntlet batrep ready to go! I will be sharing a game I played against myself between my Guard and my Necrons. I played somewhat fast and loose with the rules (no dynastic codes, no CP, none of the silly little command protocols, I barely touched orders, i ignored minimum game board size as you will likely see) as this was mostly a narrative game. The two rhinos are proxies for basic-loadout chimerae, which I felt were needed for both balance purposes and lore reasons. But first, lore! -- “This moon is barely habitable to all life, Warden,” grated Disgraced Prince Rakszan. “How are these...hew-mons...making battle upon it?” Cryptwarden Merisekh shook her head. “It is unknown, Prince. Perhaps they have adaptations.” “Adaptations? For a planetoid with a thin atmosphere and radiation blasted? They must be exceptionally strong adaptations. The Necrontyr, they would have died here quickly, weaklings that they were. Tell me, how did your master claim this place prior to biotransference?” “Our master,” Merisekh said, emphasizing the nature of the new relationship between Rakszan and her Phaeron, “Acquired this moon when it was still in orbit of a secondary coreworld and therefore held a stronger atmosphere. 60 million years is sufficient for such things to degrade, especially when coupled with Aeldari interference,” the Cryptwarden spat. “They are truly detestable,” Rakszan agreed. “Still, we must repel these invaders from our lord’s holdings. What appears to be their objective?” Merisekh conjured a display, showing the strategic situation of the matters at hand. “A techno-viral listening strain has confirmed that what appears to be the main thrust of their assault is targeting this secondary tomb complex entrance;” she indicated with a gesture, “and there are harrying strikes occurring here, here, and here.” Rakszan leaned forward from his throne--a vanity, perhaps, but such was a thing all but a very rare few Necron nobles were prone to--and reviewed the map. “Our forces do not appear to be mounting much of a defense.” “Our forces are limited, Prince. Whoever is commanding these hew-mons is intelligent, and grasps well the concept of attacking where the enemy is not. We cannot respond to all of these attacks at once.” “And why not?” he demanded. “Because whatever lord or lordess fished you out of the hyperspace hellholes wasn’t completely in our Lord’s favor at the time, and therefore he was predisposed to dislike you. As such, you were given limited resources, which were in no particular order, two legions, a hunting party, three raiders and a light cruiser, and oversight. That is the extent of your resources, my lord, and if you are incapable of fulfilling our master’s demands then I am well within my rights to sever this partnership.” Her claws drummed pointedly on the hilt of her relic gauss blaster. “Now, if you do not wish to have that happen,” Merisekh growled, “you will listen to my advice like a good noble, and not whine when things do not go your way. “...What. Do you. Suggest.” he ground out. “I recommend pulling our forces away from the outlying defensive posts. They are spreading us too thin, and this mechanized force is capable of smashing through them. A more concentrated stand at the tomb entrance should better allow us to withstand the assault.” She cocked her head. “Of course, even then, you will be required to stand in defense of this complex yourself.” It was almost said as a challenge. “Of course.” He wasn’t going to rise to it, however. Rakszan had enough problems without adding the anger of his watcher to them. And now, the army shots. I may misplace a couple shots, but I think I will largely get them in chronological order at least. I was also certain I had a deployment pic but I guess not. Turn One Guard: The Cantorellian 23rd took the first turn as slaves to narrative. Chimeras advance. Limited Leman Russ fire and sentinel lascannon support kill one scarab. Turn One Necrons: The Necrons advance. The Guard thought they were facing the bulk of the remaining defenders, but they were all deceived, for another entrance to the tomb was made. Another phalanx of necron warriors appeared in the heights above, where ancient ruins once stood. They opened fire, their weapons plinking off the armor of the Leman Russ. Their comrades were more successful, dealing concerning but not serious damage to the chimera with the help of the ascendant prince. The scarabs closed the distance and encircled a Chimera, eating into its armor.
  13. Heeeeeey Everybody, with the advent of ETL I've decided to open my own ETL plog. So, some background. I've been collecting for several years, playing off and on as I've found time/opponents. Space marines were my first army, and my first model was a land raider redeemer. It took me a year to build and paint the bloody thing (chassis assembly, mainly), by which point I had painted at least a few other models. Soon after, necrons followed, led by a catacomb command barge. Soon after, they expanded, then everything kind of hit a halt for a while, both marines and necrons, but my love of lore-writing certainly did not. Somewhere in here I discovered the Bolter and Chainsword, joined, accidentally...well insulted isn't right, but had a very awkward moment with a mod, attempted the Iron Gauntlet (we're still waiting on that judgement, Olis, if you see this), and then that took me to day. Dark Imperium was purchased when it came out, which prompted a flurry of new lore-scribblings about my chapter and the primaris, painted up, and has mostly sat dormant for lack of games to play. ETL has inspired me to majorly expand my necrons, with a possible out-of-competition marine vow to finish a half-painted unit. I'll try to be documenting everything from here on out. Photos of my collection in detail will follow, for now i will post my 'forum Christmas card' for a majorly out of focus shot. Anyway, here's my current WIP progress vow for ETL. One single character, this is my Deathmark Vizier Rezak the Executioner. I'm rather proud of the conversion work I've been able to do on the model, despite the fact it's mostly been done on his gun XP. I won't always think to update this in future, so some prodding from anyone who reads may be helpful. Cheers, D-P Lenoch.
  14. I've recently picked up Necrons, and I'm planning on taking them through the Escalation League I'm running from February through to June. In that time I'm going to the Throne of Skulls Maelstrom in Feb, the 40k Team Championship in April and Brotherhood of Hellstorm in May. I'll try to find something in March to bridge the gap if possible too. I'm going with the Midwinter Mini's Sandstone scheme, and I've done things a little backwards from my usual approach - I haven't done any test models to completion but I have built/textured/primed about 1500 points, and built another 500ish. I have a 4 day holiday coming up week after next, so I'm hoping to get my new airbrush spun up then and get a good chunk of models ready to go. Couple of quick shots just to document current progress, nothing majorly interesting to look at. The second picture in there is my 1750 list I tried today, bases with blue on them were run as Sautekh and the rest were run as Nihilakh. Trying to settle on how I want to run my list for Februaury before I finish painting, my plan is to use different colour glows to seperate different Dynastys. I'll also be trying out putting some batreps in this thread, there's a real lack of Necron content floating around and I'm a firm believer in being the change you want to see!
  15. Hi folks, I'm taking part in a fairly informal Tale of X Gamers with a few of my gaming mates as a way to cut down our backlogs while we're in lockdown. The end game is to have a 1500pt army by the end of December. We haven't established a rigorous system of "Paint X in month 1" as we're all at different stages of life with different amounts of free time etc. That said, we're all aiming to get a Kill Team for our respective force done first. As you may have already guessed, I'm doing Necrons. It's not an army I've ever collected before, but I bought a friend out of the hobby a few years back and it included a large force of Necrons. I sold off a lot of the models to recoup my costs, but I still have a reasonable amount of unpainted models. I'm currently aiming for a 500 point list consisting of two squads of Necron Warriors, some Scarabs, a squad of Tomb Blades and a Lord to lead them. I have a habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so the current plan is to paint this all up first before getting any more models. This is the Lord I've converted to lead my 500 point list. Here you can see a painted an unpainted Necron Warrior. For the scheme, I wanted to keep it dark and broody with lots of dark metallics broken up by glowing Gauss weaponry. The aim here was to create a scheme which looks decent on the tabletop and is quick and easy to replicate, so I actually stick with it. My current thinking is that I'll get all of my warriors up to the same level as the painted warrior (primed and washed, with the details picked out) and will go back to add some highlights and smooth out the transitions on the Gauss weapons. On the left we have a sneaky git perfectly ordinary Necron, who will be used to represent a specialist in Kill Team. C&C Welcome. Dallo
  16. ++Initiate Post Protocols++ Greetings fellow humans [Meatbags] Like a lot of us, Lockdown has given me a lot of free time... However it also holds the bulk of my army locked away in my FLGS. I've taken this as a sign from he who is three in one to grab myself some new units and dig through my pile of shame - I've got a lot of it up to tabletop standard now so I feel it's time to share some of it: First up some Priests. Nothing flashy, not much to say about these lads, other than I lack the wash needed to do their eyes to completion [Drak'N'shade] So I have to wait for GW to send out that order to finish that. But they're looking okay. A Gaggle of stickpriests [There is 13 because I used 2 bodies for conversions at an earlier time and had 2 new boxes in the pile of shame]. More Dunecrawler more good. [Again, waiting on a new pot of Ushabti bone to do highlights on the legs]. A whole load of Ebay rescue bots that needed a new home. Some more Rangers for the pile - I have a shovel to remove these lads from the table [i love them though]. Waiting on some more Ebay deliveries (Including a much needed Daedalosus model I found cheap). Anticipation is overtaking me, Engine War, Pariah and the reveal this Saturday, my wallet shall suffer. ++End Post++
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