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  1. ++ BLACK CRUSADE RPG CAMPAIGN ++ ++ THE BLACKEST HEART ++ 'The Imperium suffers the painful throes of many deaths, and I have planned them all as repayment.' - Huron Blackheart. (CHARACTER/DATASLATE THREAD) DRAMATIS PERSONAE: Hagga Rykaz, 'The Heart Eater' - Lysimachus Xerxes - A.T. Crux'as 'The Smiler' - Lord_Ikka Tarh Teshub - Trokair Ukalegon Moros 'The Twice Lived' - Necronaut Kraggan - Machine God Cyrandras Rakash - Xin Ceithan Issekar Grimm - Ancient Sobek Dul'thrac Zayon, Renegade Psyker of Nurgle - Viking Slade PERSONAE CALAMITUS: Red Corsair Agents ++ CONDITIONS OF PLAY ++ CAMPAIGN RULES: Party Composition: No Party splitting. Either you do it together, or not at all. Players may choose from either Mortal or Space Marine Archetypes. Player Characters and Game Attendance (AUTOPILOTING): Players have to deal with real life, I get that. People who are busy will no be penalised, but I can't autopilot for long periods of time, since I have a lot to do on my own account. Therefore, if a Player enters a Compact, (goes on a mission etc) and cannot attend for whatever reason, the character will be deemed to be present, but otherwise unavailable, occupied, or what-have-you. They will take no part in the combats, either dealing or taking damage, and will to all intents and purposes be in the GM Bag Of Infinite Holding. Note that I will massage the numbers and quality of the enemy to compensate, but I will not run your Character. I simply have too much to do. Infamy Rating, and Security Threat: Players will have an Infamy Threshold of 85 for this Campaign. Alignment: Gear: Crafting: Upgrading or running vehicles etc takes supplies. This is based on Availability and an example (is provisionally) as follows: Upgrading a Common Weapon's Quality or Repairing it: 10 Components. Upgrading a Good Weapon's Quality or Repairing it: 20 Components. Quality upgrades follow the improvement path as Characteristics do. You have to buy Good -> Best -> Exceptional etc in sequence. You get the idea. Armour is the same. Fuel, Medical and Supplies all run your force or are used in certain applications (i.e. upgrading a Flamer takes 10 Components, 10 Fuel, if you're making up a medkit, it's 10 Components and 10 Medical, and so on). Genrally, what runs your force is abstract and malleable by me to fit the size and scope of your undertaking, but suffice to say, if you get more, you can do more. Note that supplies do not replace Acquisitions. You still test Infamy to get stuff, but then running it will eat into your reserves. Allies and Resources: ADVERSARIES: + [PLAYERS MAY NOW POST] +
  2. ++Out of the Frying Pan++ ++An Only War Campaign++ CHARACTER/DATA THREAD Dramatis Personae Player Characters Decon Garrick, Sebastian Nathaniel; Ministorum Priest - Mazer Rackham Specialist Kordo; Sniper - Lord_Ikka NPC's Commissar Vortis Lt. Gallesu Sgt. Harver Enginseer Mosch Operator Magneg Campaign/Game Rules Regimental Bonuses
  3. The recent Deathwatch Recruitment Thread has shown there is an acute interest in taking part in play-by-post games here on the Bolter and Chainsword. That's intensely gratifying - and to me, I think it demonstrates that we can sustain multiple games here. This thread is intended to serve as a resource both for players looking to join a game, as well as GMs looking to recruit. This is not really designed for conversations - if you find enough players looking for a specific game, start a new thread and PM them to join. Name: Interested in Playing: Dark Heresy 1st Edition / Dark Heresy 2nd Edition / Rogue Trader / Deathwatch / Only War / Black Crusade / Wrath & Glory / Other Knowledge/Experience of Rules: Have you played in campaigns before? Do you own the rules? Are you familiar with the rules? Other Pertinent Information: You might consider here notes on your availability; on your 40k interest, armies and hobbies; or anything else you'd like other forum members to know. You might consider thinking about , as this might help you think about the style of game you'd like to participate in.
  4. This is a Deathwatch adventure meant for two players - what I call a Buddy Marine adventure. One of the players should belong in the Deathwatch while the other is a Chapter Marine. It is meant for novice players and it can serve as a campaign’s introductory adventure for two of the players. The Buddy Marines have to make their way through the forlorn wastes of Saguros and track down the lost Omnia Squad. Their long march will be challenged by the techno-barbarians of the Kaa civilization; on top of that, they’ll have to overcome mutant beasts and the environment itself. Their only clue that some of the Brothers of the Omnia Squad are still alive is the voiceless lament and it gives them the will to go on when the going gets tough. Through it all, the Buddy Marines know that the worst challenge lies at the very end of the road, when and if they find the Omnia Squad and face the foe that conquered them. Get it here: https://vasilispetrovic.podia.com/orpgadv
  5. + A DEATHWATCH 30,000 ROLEPLAYING CAMPAIGN + + THE HORUS HERESY + ++] THE SERPENT'S COWL [++ "War is the crucible in which we burn. In the fires of battle is the past consumed and the future born on tongues of flame. No greater fire has there been in our times than the three bloody hours of the Drop Site Massacre." — Malcador the Sigillite, Regent of Terra LOCSIT: 235014-336629 DROPZONE: URGALL DEPRESSION STATUS: .... The confusion did not last long. Legion communications plied the frequencies for medical assistance, covering fire, safe harbour to re-arm and regroup, but there was only silence, the terrible disquiet of open channels with no-one speaking through them. It was not until the Bolters spat and Lascannons blazed that anyone knew the treachery had poisoned not only those at the front, but they who dwelled behind, reinforcements not for the Emperor, but to close the jaws of the trap the Warmaster laid. Horus Lupercal, the best and brightest, now with the might of several Space Marine Legions, seeks to crush the remaining resistance, to reign supreme over a battlefield of betrayal and bloodshed, with eyes lifted to the darkness, spearing the blanket, black veil which hid Terra, the seat of his father's, his enemy's power. Dark dreams of conquest begin to knit in his breast, a labyrinth of hatred and resentment, the High Prince of the Legiones Astartes, the Warmaster, the Champion now, not of humanity, but Chaos, whether he feels the bridle of thorns or not. Irrelevant. All that he must do is to destroy the hounds the Emperor has sent - all of them, here, now. He must command the greatest fratricide the human galaxy has ever seen, plunging in back into an age of darkness. The Southern Foothills, IMPERIAL OPERATION +2 HRS: With battle all around, a small Imperial Army unit are embedded in hasty defensive positions. At the centre of their pocket, which is slowly being encircled, a Legio Cybernetica Inducted Maniple of the XVIII Legion fights. Their firepower harries the traitors, massacring the deluded and debauched that are hurled at them, yet their position is not only desperate, but is also a draw to friend and foe alike. It is a rallying point for anyone who is trying to stay alive in the utter chaos. To the left of this 'centre' is Legio Atarus. Warhorns and weapons of annihilation blaring, they duel with the traitor War Engines in a dance of death, pulverising boulders, broken tanks and any infantry stupid or unlucky enough to tear at each other in their shadow. To the right, the Word Bearers press into wounds cut by pockets of Worldeaters. Salamanders Astartes fight from cover, and cleanse the area around them with flame, plasma and melta wash, but although it thins the tide, it fails to stem it. Isolated, cut-off from your respective Legions, the open ground lies between you and the Imperial Army, and the best chance of regrouping with any Loyalists at all. As you look on, anti-material weapons cut the Maniple to pieces, and sorely damage the last unit standing. It stands there, in defiance alone, as the Legio-controller is turned into chunks of smouldering meat. When the thread opens, please use your first post to describe your immediate situation, any observations your character may make, and their general intentions. Obviously, this is a one-shot loosely on rails, so use the Imperial Army post as the focus to bring your 'squad' together. Feel free to add any narratively interesting fighting, obviously bear in mind the types of opposition you must face (no God Mode running through World Eaters etc), but go ahead and add any action you want. + Players may post at will +
  6. + The RPG Nook Presents + + A Rogue Trader RPG Campaign + + THE SILENT ARCHITECT + 'What profiteth a man who, with the world in his coffers, loseth also his soul?' - The Ancient Sages Damocles Hive Primus Noon (Zulu local) Six months after the Damocles Incident ++++++++++++ The scene is set. A private docking bay juts out over the plunging spear of Damocles Hive outer shell. The kilometres plunge away, as the figures on the landing pad, a giant oval disc, encircled with gold and landing lights in red and green receive the trio from within. They stand back, cloaks and expensive silken clothes billowing in the hot, dry wind soaring up the tower. The fug of poisoned clouds tears in the gust, revealing the miles and miles of barren desert below - pocked and dotted with the still-glowing nuclear fire of two destroyed hives and an orbital strike. Blistering radiation makes the air shimmer blue, ionising it into three strange pillars of azure light, which the locals without a bent toward literacy call 'The Pillars of Heaven'. They are not wrong in some respects, the blue cuts a pleasant, remarkably pretty relief against the unrelenting desert. A sliver of silver light descends, the sun glinting off a hull, the ship falling towards the shimmering spire thrust into the tortured skies. It closes with this comparatively tiny sliver of metal perilously clinging to the building. Jet turbines flare, powering the craft closer. It is light, agile. Unlike the bulky Guncutters used as personal craft, this is somewhat avian, and beaked with the head of a golden Imperial Aquila. This sleek bird's advanced-tech wings slope and sweep as it closes, making final approach, and the pilot, whoever they are brings it down with a flourish and flare, landing square and perfect in the centre of the pad. The ship is scored black from re-entry, obviously dropping from off-world, the rich blue, red and purple livery marred unequally. Ten minutes later, the deep chest forming the cargo bay opens, sloping down with a ramp, which gives the impression the metal bird is disgorging something stuck within it's throat. Four figures emerge, at the head a tall man, dressed in a frock coat and striped breeches, a fur pelisse flaps in the breeze as the tails of his coat snaps. Gripping his weapons, his face has the air of a man who brooks little insult, indeed his single human eye sweeps the landing platform and spots the three figures awaiting him, and his baleful, augmetic eye lances an angry pink light into this strange palette of fate. He stops at the foot of the ramp, attended by a powerful man in a masterwork of carapace and voidsuit, another who clings to a tall stave topped with the sign of the Imperial Adeptus Telepatheca, and a woman who seems like she would be at home behind a gunsight. The tall man, wearing the clasp of explorer, is then obviously a Captain of Marque. His first words upon this world, his first words of greeting fall over the landing pad as if there were not one-hundred feet between him, and his target. 'Fabian Von Cassal! You are the son of gutter-whore mother, and a beast-herding father. You the offspring of Grox and Felid-spawn, with the charms of neither! I spit on your honour, your family and piss on your grave!' Silence reigns as the first man, in his Imperial Navy uniform, of a Flag-Lieutenant no less, visibly turns purple. Without a word, he turns to his 'second', another Imperial Navy Officer, and begins doffing hat, cloak and tunic. In shirtsleeves, he marches into a large space between the doors to to hive, and the ship. He stands there, angry but shivering, as the Captain likewise hands his gaudy garments. A case is produced, and duelling pistols drawn. Then men turn and take ten steps before turning and firing the ancient laslocks. Fabian Von Cassal is shot through before he even pulls the trigger, cored right through with a heart-shot. He slowly burns from the heated beam, until his party extinguishes him. Dressing again, the Captain approaches the doors to the hive, checking a pocket-chrono. He is in the perfect spot therefore, when the lift reaches the docking bay deck, and disgorges Kerr Restal, Reynard De Carebas, and the Hospitaller Petrus Kovac. With them, is a tall, handsome woman of dark hair, draped in a simple cloak, but heavy across her shoulders with authority. 'Lady Viceroy,' the Captain bows over her proffered hand. He ignores the Inquisitorial Seal in her palm. 'Your information and assistance were impeccable. What pray, do you wish in return?' 'Lord Iago De Wiart. May I present these Holy Pilgrims, who may serve on your ship.' 'As spies, my lady?' 'As explorers, my Lord. And there is something I want. Something hidden.' 'And what is this?' 'The Silent Architect.' ++++++++++ + Chapter One: The God-breaker's Yard +
  7. Álvaro Jiménez is another spanish artist, who recently had worked in Games Workshop products and franchises, specially in Everguild's Horus Heresy Legions, Cubicle 7 W40K RPG and so. But not only his work can be appreciated in this games and companies. He also worked for Bandai Namco, Bethesda, FromSoftware, Blizzard, Dire Wolf Digital, Corvus Belli (Infinity),... By the way, today is his birthday. Cheers! You can find more about him and his art in those links: Twitter Instagram Cara Some art:
  8. ++ ONLY THE GREATER GOOD IS WORTH WAR ++ ONLY WAR/XENOS: TAU CAMPAIGN - CHARACTER THREAD. +++ OPERATION: FIREKNIFE +++ "When the upstart Tau came from under their rock, their brought with them their heresy. Who are these thieves, who have not spilled blood for the soil now within the Emperor's Realm? Who would not stand against the might of His Armies with honour? Worse, who would dare betray His Holy Purpose to stand with them?" - Zealot Hyram Graff, Ecclesiarch of the Cathedral of His Majesty In Perpetuity. + Servants of the Tau'Va + Heroes of the Fire Caste: Trokair - Shas'Ui Monat, Stealth Battlesuit Pilot (F) Commander Dawnstar - Shas'Ui Bork'an Kyosha, Drone Controller (F) Morovir - Shas'vre Sa'cea R'nan, Fire Warrior Veteran (M) Ancient_Sobek - Shas’ui N’dras Anuk’Var, Pathfinder (M) Honoured Warriors of Pech: Beren - Targykex, Kroot Mercenary (M) Badgersinhills - Jaq'Arn, Kroot Mercenary (F) The Enlightened Gue'Vesa: Machine God - Tony Keys (Ex-Imperial layabout) (M)+++ DRAMATIS PERSONAE +++ Shas'O Sa'Cea Tu'uan Mal'Caor (Iron Spider) (M) Aun'La Bork'an Du'Rega Khalat (Merciful Word) (F) Kor'Vre Vior'la Unzal Or'es (Star Witch) (F) Por'El Dal'yth Mesme Mon'Wer'nat (Unclear translation: Either Double-tongued, Two-Faced, or Half-Truths.) (M) Building a Tau Kill Team: All PC's who begin Play as the Tau Race must first generate a set of Characteristics, which they should post in their Character Profile and Bio below. Please include some background for your Character, or use some of the following details to prompt you. Note that your specialisation is independent of your Stats and will be chosen from a list further down in this post. Gue'Vesa: All Gue'Vesa characters start with common Imperial gear, augmented by Tau supplementals. (Note they will generate Human Characteristics from Only War itself). Kroot: (Cheers Beren ). Additional Special Rules - Sworn to the Ta'Lissera (Team Action/Squad Modes): Although all Tau are equal, in following with the Greater Good, some Fire Warriors fall into positions of command. Unlike some other races, however, Tau commanders hold themselves to the same standards of those they lead. A Shas'Vre (with any member of his team who have participated in the Ritual of Communion) may, on a successful Leadership Test, declare the following actions once per combat. There is no test to enter Squad Mode, since the Characters count as always being in Squad Mode - however, the basic Squad Mode rules apply: All Characters must be conscious; All Characters must have LOS; All Characters must be within 30m. TEAM ACTIONS: TBC...
  9. ++ ONLY THE GREATER GOOD IS WORTH WAR ++ ONLY WAR/XENOS: TAU CAMPAIGN +++ OPERATION FIREKNIFE +++ "That the races of the galaxy do not understand their peril - or worse, choose to ignore it, demonstrates the fact they are at war with themselves. We succumbed to that barbarity long ago, and saw it for what it was. The ideas of the individual should be one of public good, of municipal service, yes indeed, the Tau'Va - and all that it entails. It is better that the brave few give their lives, so all of us may stand to greet the dawn once more." Aun'Vre Bork'an Lo'Shasanna Alcat'aa, Sage of Borkan, Speaker of the Ancient Truths. Introduction: So what is Operation Fireknife, other than something that would cut butter really well? Well, I'm glad you asked, Prisoner #442 Category Infrared Threat Level, let me explain. Simply put, this is a One-Shot in the framework of Only War, with Character Profiles from Rogue Trader, with gunfights from Deathwatch. If that's a mouthful, don't worry, all you need is a few D10's, the will to play the Tau race as you perceive them, and a willingness to engage in a narrative heavy, crunch-light campaign. I would suggest if you haven't already, that you take a look at The Die Hards, an OW game set up by our own Commissar Molotov, which gave us a little more of the human element in the RPG Nook, and now, we're going far far from that. In more ways than one. This is the opportunity to actually do a first on this Board, as there has rarely if ever been an RP campaign dedicated to a Xenos race - I am sure we've seen a few Tau or Kroot explorers here and there, but we have the blessing of the forum to write about factions we hardly understand or see - because it's from the human perspective. So what kind of challenges do we face? These are an alien race after all, how do we understand them? How do we roleplay something not really meant to be that deeply explored? Well there are some books (a good Deathwatch one actually) which show that Tau are just like us, having the same hopes and dreams, the same bitterness when their ideology comes up against the might of an Imperial STC iron boot. In short, there's nothing to stop us doing this. Execution: After some discussion, I've settled on building our characters from the Rogue Trader templates, if our players do not have access to them, don't fear, we'll build them in this thread before porting them over to the Character Thread for easy access for everyone. So, why are we using Rogue Trade profiles for a game about great big phalanxes of Imperial Guard? Simple: Rogue Trader characters are tougher than Only War ones, by about 5,000xp in starting skills and talents, so you as a player can be a bit more handy in a scrap. Similarly, Tau are squishy, and so the Companion rules from Only War will allow mistakes, heighten drama, and allow me to twist the emotional knife every chance I get. Regimental bonuses will be brought in as well, to further flavour our Characters. Essentially, this RPG: Kill Team, so we need to make allowances. There will be a rules framework, since we have to have some kind of arbitration to resolve the encounters our intrepid Tau face, but it's not going to be terrible cumbersome, since I fly by the seams of my trousers anyway, and I'll likely just ask for a dice roll. On that subject, I don't care how you roll your dice - Orokos, Roll-A-Die, the real deal on a table top - it's not an issue. I mean you can cheat if you like, but there's no winning a Roleplaying game, so just let the numbers come up, and if they aren't great, just adapt your story. Chances are, failing is actually better than success. The only real caveat is that this is a 24hour forum, and it will e a PBP (play-by-post) game and we will have to be patient as people turn up to post. Another thing we have to consider is when people don't post after a good period things can get bogged down or stale. As GM, I would advise that I will have to move the game on at some point for the benefit of the rest of the players - if you can, please let me know what the trouble is, real life happens, and we understand. This is a game, life comes first. If you're new to PBP games, or this forum in general, just a couple of pointers: This is my GM voice, in which I will impart instruction and information I think is pertinent, such as when I call for tests. This is an Out-of-Character voice, that you should all use for when you are doing things which are not narrative, such as rolling tests, asking quickfire questions or speaking to me directly as a PC to GM. Look here! How we roll the tests and such will become apparent through play. Rules Modifications: In the FFG books, there are many rules, and his one is mine: I will, can and do change rules to make the game more enjoyable or accessible for my players. When I do this, I will try at all times to act consistently and in good faith in order to keep things smooth, fair and even. We will also add special rules to Characters, Equipment, Weapons and Adversaries in order to "Make it Work". Extra rules will be contained in the Character Thread OP, so that you can refer to them whenever you like. Setting: TBD Location: TBD
  10. Hello all. With the impending closure of Die Hards, and my previous comments and thoughts regarding Playing the Bad Guys, I was wondering if there was still any appetite for this. I understand this is a bit of a niche endeavour and that most people will likely want to play humans (still possible - sort of) or Marines (not really possible!) but I was wondering if an Only War type game for either Tau or Eldar might work. Originally I was thinking to base the alien kill teams on Deathwatch, which I still think could work maybe for Necrons, but now I think the Only War archetypes would be better for the original idea. It feels to me at least that Firewarriors, Kroot and vespid, along with Eldar Guardians and Aspect Warriors could be realised a little better by that system, and with the Companion Mechanic, could allow for more aggressive play against hardier threats. Any thoughts? I haven't tagged this onto the previous topic as it is a few months old now, and this is a proposal for a different, and smoother handling of the premise via Regiments (Sects/Kith) with all the benefits of the Tactical Role/diverse skillset of the Deathwatch mechanic, making an Only War Kill Team type Hybrid. My plan is for simple games, potentially one-shots with a possibility of carrying the characters further. OW: Die Hards can be seen as a good example of how I propose for the system/games to work, except with a bit more tinfoil to keep you safe and slightly punchier kit, and everyone calling humans Monkeigh. Thoughts?
  11. ++ ONLY THE GREATER GOOD IS WORTH WAR ++ ONLY WAR/XENOS: TAU CAMPAIGN (ACTIVE IC THREAD). +++ OPERATION FIREKNIFE +++ "On the World of Kur'Sadesh, I go to my fate. The High Summer Conclave of the Aun'ar'Tol has decreed that I must go there to seek new blood for our allies, new voices for our Coalition. I trust the Caste of Princes as I do the Tau'Va, in my heart. My Honour Blade is one carried before me by great heroes of our cause, and to disappoint them or incur the shame of Malk'la is unthinkable. Yet my dearest friend I tell you, I know that service to this task will put me in the direst peril, which troubles my heart only less than returning to find the Great Terror. The Kor'vattra assure me they will defend me to the death, but once that happens, what then? - Xenos-Classified [TAU] Message received by emergency comm-buoy Imperial Adjunct 114-16-212. The Custodian Class Battleship was abruptly spat from gravitic drive slipstream and came to a breif stop before power ran through the hull, the engines stirred to motion by the Air caste crew. Smooth and efficient, the Fio had built the spacecraft well, unlike the ungainly ships of the Gue'la, which seemed banded together by iron bolts and hasps forged by blind madmen. Shas'O Mal'Caor studied the twin-boomed prow and its elegant curves and pleasing organic shapes. Such a vessel could hide in the depths of the seas on Sa'Cea, a shadow beneath the rolling waves, cutting through the liquid medium as surely as it cruised through vacuum. He reached up to his smooth scalp, the locks long gone. He stifled a grunt, they looked so pleasant and light, but hours crammed inside an XV05 on a humid forest world did not lend to wearing them. Beside him, the ship's Captain, Vre'Unzel stirred, lifing her own wrist communicator to her lips. "Slow to one third and begin a drone sweep for debris or ion trails." "Hai'Kor'Vre." The glittering spots of the scanner drones became a small cloud of glimmering light as they decanted from the launch bays. Around them, O'Mal'Caor could feel the sleek ships of this flotilla, Barracudas, Castellans and Wardens. Behind them by several Rotaa, were the combat group should he need them, but he hoped his plan wouldn't necessitate that. He stared down into the abyss, the lights of stars winking back at him, the binary star at the heart of the system two giant white orbs, crackling as they danced with each other in a strange honour duel. The Imperial World the Shas'ar'Tol named Kur'Sadesh rolled below them, the skies thick with clouds and ash. A prison world the humans called Perdition. Down there, somewhere, was Aun'la Du'Rega, and even now, as the klaxons sounded across the ship, he knew the Expeditionary FLeet had detected the attack ships of the Imperium. Perdition was one of those worlds he despised. Not because of the criminals or the Gue'La or the lunacy of their Throne-Prince's tyranny, but because it was so damn close to the border - close enough that the humans kept a close eye. "Assemble the Strike Team. I will meet them in the briefing room," he spoke at large to the room, hearing the snap to attention of his own aides. La'Du'Rega had been on her own for 6 Decs. And that was 5 too long. Introduction: You are aboard the Custodian Class battleship Blackstar, a heavily armed ship for even this class. It boasts a significant complement of Fire Warriors as well as Earth and Air Caste personnel. You have been summoned to this vessel by many different means, perhaps unexpectedly, or maybe you have known from a rumour that your name was on a list somewhere. The mission is not a secret. it is a rescue mission of an Ethereal Caste representative and her attendants on a mission of peace along with her Water Caste diplomatic envoy, Por'El Mesme, a veteran of contact with the Gue'la. Indeed, he insisted on Gue'Vesa troops being available for all expeditions, so they could spread the good word, and this may be why you are aboard. In any event, feel free to introduce your characters with whatever is foremost on their minds as well as what their day-to-day duties may have them doing before the are summoned to the briefing room.
  12. KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN THRONE ++ A TIME OF CHIVALRY AND FEALTY, IN AN AGE OF SACRIFICE ++ "Who could have seen it? What man in their right mind, would have questioned it at the time? Who could have foreseen that the Dragon of Horus was not some Imperial Messenger sent to bring wonder and fortune, but a Tyrant of Iron, who brought only fire, and granted death?" - Freidrich Goetz, "The Iron Hand", Freeblade. What is KOGT? Many moons ago, a noble frater by the name of Noctus Cornix came up with an idea for a Black Crusade RPG game which focussed on the Horus Heresy. This spiralled into a discussion on the Imperial Knight Houses, namely Scions, who might find themselves on different sides, vying for overall control of the House. Part BC and part 'Game Of Thrones', it generated a lot of passionate interest. Now GoT has passed us all by, it has gone off the boil somewhat, but the ghost of both the TV Series and the idea of the game stalk the halls of the RPG Forum. This thread is intended to open the discussion of such a premise being viable, what steps to take to make it work, and how to cater it to both this forum and our frater. Privately, I have conversed briefly with some frater versed in the matter of tabletop stompy robots (Battletech/Mechwarrior to be specific) and they presented several options to me to make a mechanical (pardon the pun) framework upon which to hang an RPG game. This is step away from Fantasy Flight or Cubicle 7 games, providing us with an opportunity to develop an RPG within the Warhammer universe that covers an aspect of the game no other books have outside of individual GM's and their adaptations of already existing materials. So, to move this forward, first things first: What do you all think of the premise, and in order to ascertain how much work is involved, do you consider a ruleset framework to be of value in such a game as this?
  13. ++ RPG: SPACE HULK ++ ++ THE DESOLATION OF INNOCENCE ++ ++ MISSION ROSTER ++ "What kind of man willingly sets foot into a nest of vipers?" - First Officer Ralthon Vex, Deathwatch Fleet Officer. MOOD MUSIC: (Highly recommended). DRAMATIS PERSONAE: ++ KILL TEAM: REGENT ++ (NB, whichever character you choose, they will always be seconded to KT Regent, as this keeps things simple for everyone). Necronaut: Brother Arcturion Moros - Spiritwalker of the Lamenters Brother Gerhardt - Loyal Knight of the Black Templars Lysimachus: Brother Laeknir Rockhand - Skald of the Marines Adamant Brother Philemon - Eternal Flame of the Emperor's Blade Machine God: Brother Korvaan - Iron Father of the Brazen Claws Trokair: Brother Nergüi - Soulwarden of the Tsagaan Chono A.T: Brother Luthais - Everblade of the Storm Wardens + ORDO XENOS/DEATHWATCH + Watch Commander Cordovan - Chevalier of the Astral Knights Warden Caleb Sophis - Lieutenant of the Deathwatch, and Puritan of the Red Scorpions Inquisitor Markus Ignacio Hadrax, of the Ever-vigilant Ordo Xenos PERSONAE INIMICUS: ++ KILL SQUAD: KHYROPTERA ++ [CLASSIFIED] [CLASSIFIED] + CURRENT OPERATIONS + MISSION 1: VANGUARD STRIKE MISSION 2: RETRIEVAL + ADVANCED TRAINING + ++ BY THE WILL OF THE EMPEROR, BY RIGHT OF HIS MOST HOLY INQUISITION ++ ++ DEATH TO THE ALIEN ++
  14. ++ SPACE HULK: DEATHWATCH RPG ++ ++ THE DESOLATION OF INNOCENCE ++ "A space hulk is a danger like no other, a myriad of twisted passageways and tanged buttresses. It is a conglomerate of smashed and hapless ship carcasses, where the silent screams of dead men echo in halls without light. To look upon such a thing is to defy understanding, to board one searching for treasure is to defy sanity. And yet the treasure is real, guarded by the glowing eyes of fiends, and the chittering of claws scraping in the dark." - Lord Juliard Langstrom, Master of the Patrol Vessel Acheron. + Welcome to the Hulk! + Space Hulk: RPG is a blend of the board game of Space Hulk, Space Crusade and a few other games to give a tactical, action-heavy roleplaying game which allows for short, intense scenarios players can pick up and put down. It is designed to try and capture the essence of stalking down corridors which have been airless and lightless for centuries, and the darkness is watching - filled with abominations by the score. Campaign Premise: Each player starts out with a Deathwatch RPG Character at Rank 4, wielding some of the most powerful arms and armour the Imperium can provide, with full access to a suite of Skills, Abilities and Talents which will make them better, stronger, faster and harder to kill. They'll need it. Arrayed against them is almost every enemy of the Imperium you can imagine. Genestealers, Cults, soulless Automatons, the forces of Chaos and more - for all is to be found in the depths of the Hulk. There is no grace or mercy, there is only the Desolation of Innocence. Structure: This is flexible. DoI is designed as a setting to facilitate a series of one-shot scenarios which follow a narrative, cohesive overview. The scenarios can include simple, or multiple objectives, depending on the forces committed. For this purpose, the Character Thread containing all the background and histories for the PC's will be known as the Mission Roster. Each PC can choose to enter the mission being played. It is modular and adaptable in scale, even to supporting a single player. This means that GM's can hopefully get some games finished! A Threat Cannot Be Ignored: The Deathwatch are Mankind's elite, premier combat troops against the Xenos, but everyone is in their sights. The local Watch Fortress Commander has marked the Near-Space Anomaly designated Object XB-203991 (Coderef: Desolation of Innocence) as a Primary Grade Threat, and so the hulk must be investigated, and purged with righteous courage... +++++++++++++++++++ A Contrivance of Fate: Watch Commander Cordovan ignored the hushed gasps of relief as the Strike Cruiser Hecate's Bane escaped the grip of warp translation. Whatever horrors lurked behind them in the immaterium were dealt with, but here, the terror of something every sane commander feared: A space hulk. He lifted the dataslate to consult it. Whatever Mechanicus or Ordo references screed up the glazed holographic projector were irrelevant. This was Primary Threat - Absolutio Extremis - to the security of this sector, and the lives of the Imperial citizens on the planets in its shadow. He peered through metres of armoured window pane, out across the bow, glowing as the doors opened ready to hurl the Thunderhawks forth as a close-space security picket. The warriors in the cells and sacred halls below were girding themselves for the most intense combat a veteran of the Astartes would ever see. The boarding of a space hulk was a mix between dreadful battle in the tight confines of the most dilapidated hive city, and void war. Opening a door on such a hulk could reveal an enemy, hard vacuum, a dead end - or all three. With limited resources, he would have to rotate his men, but the fate of this sector could well rest upon the broad shoulders of the Astartes. The galaxy had done so since the Emperor bent the heavens to his will. "How will you proceed?" The words cut across his thoughts, the bow of an unwelcome vessel prowling a wake in his mind. He half turned, clad only in robes, where the figure who demanded his attention was harnessed in fine, human scale power armour, a red robe cascading over the silver filigreed plating. "Carefully," Cordovan rumbled in bass timbre. "Very carefully." He let the Inquisitor decide what that entailed. ++ KILL TEAM REGENT ++ ++ STAND BY FOR INCOMING PRIORITY TASKING ++ "Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow is written with your Sacrifice." You have been hurriedly assembled, along with other hand-picked brethren of your Veteran Company. As the newest Initiates to this austere formation, you have proved yourself numerous times within the sight of such peerless warriors, and yet more tests remain, for trial is to a Space Marine as breathing. It seems those trials have arrived. The alert notices to take your wargear into the belly of Hecate's Bane see you fresh from the training cages, and now you are here - materialising at a place and time of the Watch Commander's choosing. You will know this is no small thing - there are over two-hundred other Astartes aboard, from Deathwatch Scouts, to members of the Reclusiam. Word spreads quickly amongst the assembly. You have tasked with assaulting a Space Hulk - and not just your own Kill Team, but every soul who wears the sable and quicksilver. The whispers spill from knowing lips about an Inquisitor who has petitioned the Xenos-slayers for aid... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A Contrivance of Spite: The growl was wet beneath the helm as the object of the visions came into view. Lord Executioner Tyrox allowed his irritation to show in the slow rap of his fingers across the arms of his command throne. The headache was undimmed. A lightning strike of white hot pain behind his eyes. His ship, the cruiser Carrion King pulled into long augur range. Signals from the hulk showed it was being boarded by another ship. +Identify!+ The slave on the augur array, a recent captive from one of the raids Tyrox's warparty undertook, flinched as though lashed across the shoulders. "Un...unknown, Lord. It is an Astartes vessel, but their IFF's are scrambled." Tyrox absorbed this, anger at the incompetence of these worthless subordinates held in abeyance over the urgent need for camouflage. +Engage shadowshields. Let us see if the Magos' gift was worth the effort..+ The bridge stirred from meagre white light, to arterial red. An alarm sounded to signal the change. +When we pass through their augur envelope, launch our Thunderhawks. We will reap a bounty under their noses!+ The Hulk was a cursed boon. It would provide supplies and potential slaves or materiel for repairs. It would provide answers for the...visions. ++ KILL SQUAD KHYROPTERA ++ ++ STAND BY FOR INCOMING PRIORITY TASKING ++ "By the strength of your arm it is yours. The weak surrender to the Strong." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is just to start some RP to get the juices flowing. How do you feel about the missions ahead, what emotions or thoughts does a space hulk stir in you? Revulsion, determination, perhaps ambition to win glory in the crucible of battle?
  15. Hello everyone! As stated elsewhere, I am currently making my way through the core rules of Ironsworn: Starforged. It is a series of rules / setting mechanics for use in solo or co op gaming with a strong focus on the developing narrative over the more commonly used tabletop style “simulation” of individual actions. The original Ironsworn is aimed at a low magic / fantasy setting with Starforged being adapted to the sci fi theme in general and ruleswise as well as having some more stream lined rules ( a sort of 2nd edition ). Basic set up is human characters only and a “retro” sf tech style a la Traveller, Star Wars or Battlestar Galactica. I am currently taking for a test spin in more generic set up and can see the rules as written already as being workable in number of ways, from a street level Star Wars game to things like Dune. It’s a nice way to progress a story with added, often unforeseen consequences so you can follow a story without it becoming, in the words of our board’s own Comissar Molotov “some sort of overblown fan fiction” Being centered around a single/ few character with some allies and contacts, I can already see this as way to develop the story and get some modeling inspiration for something like a renegade warband or inquisition retinue in an Inq28 style way. There is already a sort of “legacy track” to follow the character development, but for a more “ grimdark” feel, I think there should be some sort way to track something like “insanity” and/ or “corruption”. Also, this being the Bolter and Chainsword, I am also looking for way to introduce Astartes Characters without derailing the system in both the power level and over complication (adding some wounds? Number of starting assets?). There are already things like “augments” and a “Mecha Suit” - so this might form a basis for something like the knight houses rpg already discussed in “Knights of the Golden Throne” since it seams less likely to be bogged down under an avalanche of rules. I’d love to use this for something like the Legion Wars, where you follow a single Champion and his retinue along his way through the aftermath of the scouring and exploration of the Eye, something a kin to the old Path of Glory in the vaunted Realms of Chaos books.. Ironsworn has been out for some time - maybe some one made a “hack” for Warhammy Fantasy already, covering some of this stuff - A bestiary, maybe? So, if anyone has some advice or experience o just wants to b along for the ride, feel free to drop your ideas here.
  16. "Greetings Gue'la. I present to you the honoured wisdom of Aun'El Shoshava Fi'lor Mon'aa of T'au." - Final words of Water Caste Envoy Vre'Kais played by Deadmeat344 What is Personae Inimicus? We live in an enlightened age. More than ever this forum is open to the horrific infestation noble and peaceful rise of civilised (and not so civilised) races who dwell in the galaxy beyond the realm of the holy Imperium. Simply put - Personae Inimicus is pig Latin for "Enemy Personnel", and it is from that inspiration that this thread was concieved. Its objective is to try and discuss the possibilities of Alien PC's in the FFG an Wrath and Glory games, what possible career paths could be created to give a full and complete line of options to people who want to play anything other than a human, or a Space Marine. Haven't I seen this before? Kind of? Yes, if you're a regular RPG player, you probably have. Whether in INQ (or INQ28), the Kroot and Eldar Profiles in the FFG books, you'll have encountered this, but not yet had a chance to explore it in this forum. There is, I believe a real chance here to expand on some of the main races in the RPG books and lore we have here on the B&C. Members are building their own Craftworlds, in the same way they do with Space Marine and IG units. There is now, no reason why the Xenos can't have fun in a RPG. In fact, Games Workshop are pushing this product line for the miniatures and the skirmish side of their games. There is no reason why this can't be taken to the ultimate conclusion to explore more depth and complexity of character. How will this work? Ok, I'm going to give you the hard sell, so make sure you're not holding anything or drinking. This is an open forum for ideas on how we can build career paths utilising primarily FFG and where possible, the W&G ruleset. Primarily, since there are already Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader alien archetypes, I want to try and make this stuff fit Deathwatch. It's a very flexible rules system, and there is enough universal experience with it to make any proposed games work. Tau Kill-Teams, Eldar Kill Teams, the list goes on. What do the denizens of the RPG Nook and you (yes you, humble forum browser!) think of this? Is it worth exploring and would it be of interest to the Frater who may be interested in 40K RPG's, just not the Imperium all the time? MR.
  17. Black Crusade Campaign: ++ MAGELLAN'S DEVILS ++ + Character Holofiles and Intel Dataslates + "Better it is, that a man not know the horrors lurking beyond the boundaries of the skies above him, better he not delve in the dark places, where the rocks warn of trapped souls in whisper, and better yet should he not know of the devils pulled from nightmare. Aye, the traitor, mutant and heretic. Better is he that takes to faith in ignorance, for when the devils fall upon him, his suffering will be all the shorter and his soul rush to the Emperor's bosom." - Cardinal Kyril Harmoni, Sanctum of St Katherine the Avenger, Magellan. This thread will hold the details for all Characters in the Black Crusade game. + Heretic Astartes + Steel Company Trokair Necronaut Ancient Sobek + Mortal Heretics + Petragor ++ PLEASE POST YOUR CHARACTERS BELOW ++
  18. ++ Deathwatch Campaign: Head Hunted ++ ++ KILL TEAM: HELLEBORE ++ ++ CONSTITUTED 789.999.M41 ++ + Character Holofiles and Intel Dataslates + "It is on their shoulders the future of the Canis Salient rests. The whole right arm of the Crusade, thrust like a spear into the guts of the alien T'au. The Hunter Cadres of the Tsua'Malor Viorla resist everywhere, almost as maddened as the Lord Commander for death and glory. Yet we seek victory, a crushing blow to the xenos hordes that infest the worlds of the Greyhell Front. With the Emperor's blessing - it shall be delivered." - Bastion Commander Saran Gholbert, 23rd Hethgard Fusiliers. This thread will hold the details for all Characters in the upcoming Kill Team Operation: Head Hunted. + Operatives + Brother Khordelia-C
  19. =][= DEATHWATCH: SOLO PLAY - 'KILL MARINE' =][= OOC and Discussion. Welcome everyone! This thread is for discussion of the above, any rules queries etc all in the one place. Feel free to discuss both Campaigns we're undertaking, any themes or what you expect to see. Please be aware this is not a Recruitment thread as my player slots are full - but do not let that discourage your participation. I intend that these games form the bedrock of a series of "RPG-Lite" templates we can use to try and address some of the concerns shared by the forum-goers in our Nook. I want to try and make this as fun and engaging for all participants as possible, so ideas, comments and criticism are welcome. Please note that the rules for the moment (for the RPG Forum) stand - I act in my capacity as Frater and GM first and foremost and will only step in as a Moderator if there is any infraction of the Board Rules. If you have any concerns about the game, please do not hesitate to contact me as you would any other GM. Now, with all that said, on with the discussion! Mazer.
  20. =][= DEATHWATCH: SOLO PLAY - KILL MARINE OPERATIONS =][= "Y ou asked for Regiments of the Imperial Guard, demanded support from a flotilla of Imperial Navy Warships, pleaded for the steel rain of drop pods filled with Astartes. You do not understand your problem. All that is required, is my swinging blade to the back of the Xenos commander's neck."- Deathwatch Kill Marine Narvik Redfist 'The Butcher of Traesir' This thread will hold the details for both Characters in the upcoming Solo Play campaigns. + Operatives + Kill Marine: Journeyman, Marfóir Lugh of the Bloodmoon Hunters (TechCaptain) - Operation Midnight Kill Marine: Ravenwing Veteran, Raziel of the Dark Angels (Steel Company) - Operation Deadbolt + Advanced Training + All Characters receive the following: Special Ability: Army Of One (Free, no xp award) Kill Marines are selected for their exceptional training, resolve or sheer wealth of Experience. Effect: Any Character with this Talent may take an Elite Advance at the Base Cost listed on the tables available to them Example: Brother Beliasius is a Tactical marine, but his Personal History supports him having served in the Devastator Companies. He may choose abilities from the Devastator Table for his current Rank, but since he is a Tactical Marine, this would count as an Elite Advance, and so would usually cost 750xp on top of the purchased ability. However, since he has the Army Of One Special Ability, it only costs the original asking price in XP. Special Ability: My Word is my Bond (Free, no xp award) The Kill Marine is a solitary individual who brings fire and death. Required to act on his own initiative, the pomp and ceremony of the Oathing, and the bonds that come with it hold no succour. His mission is the only oath he recognises. Effect: The Character may not benefit from taking any Oaths of Moment, but his singular determination confers a +10 bonus to any Willpower test and may combine with other bonuses to the same characteristic. Special Ability: Not Gonna Die Tonight (Free, no xp award) The Battle Brother has survived many fights by simply understanding how much punishment his body can take and how his own physiology works. Living a life on the edge of war, where he may fall alone and unremembered is not an option with the mission incomplete. A quick tourniquet or synthflesh and cataplasm patch to take the sting off is good enough. Effect: Any Character with this Ability may use the Medicae Advanced Skill at half his Intelligence Stat, but is not trained in the skill beyond use on himself. He must have at least one item of medical equipment in order to use the skill. ++ DRAMATIS PERSONAE (Operation Midnight) ++ Watch Captain Procion, Deathwatch (Iron Knights) Inquisitor-Sentinel Markus Ignacio Hadrax, Ordo Xenos Commander Raphael Tarkus, Master of the Accipiter Nihilus, Ordo Xenos Cantus-Scriptor Karliah S'Juun, Adeptus Sororitas +++ FILES PENDING +++ ++ DRAMATIS PERSONAE (Operation Deadbolt) ++ Watch Commander Mordigael, Deathwatch (Blood Angels) Inquisitor-Adept Tomos Jerrill, Ordo Xenos Master Sergeant of Stormtroopers Jakob Morrab, Ordo Xenos Captain Felicita Yarvin, Mistress of the Xenobane, Ordo Xenos Lance-Serjeant Kraevus, Deathwatch (Red Hunters) Swiftclaw Pack Leader Iorek Grimjaw, Deathwatch (Space Wolves) +++ FILES PENDING +++ + Please Stand By for Incoming Orders + MR.
  21. RECRUITMENT FOR THIS GAME IS NOW CLOSED Thank you so much for your interest; I could not be more pleased with the response this has received, and what it means for the PBP forum. Please consider signing up for the PBP Player Register here, or starting a new thread to arrange a game. The PBP forum can only be enriched by your presence! Original Post Below:
  22. Hello everyone. This thread is intended to collate and answer as many Frequently Asked Questions about the games we participate in here in the RPG Nook. These questions will likely be about Mechanics first, but they may also be about other aspects of the game. This thread is a work in progress and will be updated as often as we can, in order to help any poor wayfarer who needs a bit of a steer. Most of the replies and clarification in this FAQ will be based on the responses by the developers (primarily Fantasy Flight Games) of the actual rulesets using their words where appropriate. We understand that GM's are completely free to modify them as they see fit, but the basics of character building should roughly remain the same, as with certain procedural rules that are formed for balancing the game out. If you're posting a query, please bear in mind that your campaign rules may differ and the replies, whilst we will make them as accurate as possible, are only guidelines. The format of your query should really only contain the system you're asking about, and where possible, a page reference for the block o' text that's baking your noodle. We'll refine that as we go, of course. We'll also have a list of the books so you are familiar with the books we use and how to reference the parts you need to understand, so you can get the job done. We'll also try to codify the responses into a proper FAQ at some point. This is a...proto-FAQ if you will, for now at least. It is important that you contribute, because the Fantasy Flight Games forums are closing down, and it is we who must carry the torch. Have at it below, and remember - the only stupid question is the one that you don't ask. Your question may be the one everyone else is thinking about and every improvement of our knowledge is both helpful and vital for the continuation of a smooth and enjoyable game. If you want to try and dig the answer out yourself, or simply want to peruse the mass of information already about, then don't forget to check out our Resources thread. Please make sure you familiarise yourself with both the Board Rules as well as the Forum Specific Rules when posting. Deathwatch B&C FAQ NOTE: This thread is currently undergoing consolidation from Head Hunted and various other sources. Please bear with us as we sort it all out.
  23. Announcement from here: https://www.freerpgday.com/rain-of-mercy/ Free RPG Day is on the 25th of July - you can find out more about it here: https://www.freerpgday.com/
  24. Die Hards: Eleventh Hour Squad Disposition "Judge" Platoon Commander "Nearly" X "Scarlet" (Steel Company) Former Storm Trooper | Character Sheet "Lughead" (Fenrykus) Ogryn Heavy Weapon Specialist | Character Sheet Walker Lughead's Companion "Stimms" (Beren) Medicae | Character Sheet "Wide-eyes" Stimms' Companion "Whisper" (Wounded) "Dagger" (Wounded) "Toaster" (DEAD) "Twelvetoes" (DEAD)
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