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About slipknotzim

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Battle-Brother (3/5)

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  1. BEST obliterator EVER!!! from the old metal model anyways!
  2. you're green stuff skills appear to be good, why not do faceless with a cowl or hood. idk I just don't see any of the three and feel like "yep that's it". so.. yah not the most helpful criticism/ suggestion u may ever get
  3. i guess i am the only one who thinks Tzeench manipulates all, idk i guess the grey knights just strike me as prime targets, i know the paladins are like end all faith but the newer guys...idk i guess i don't feel "matt wardie" about the grey knights, i see them as men thus they are as corruptible as any one else, just require a little more fineness. but i don't want to bo-guard your blog so u keep doing you and i will keep hitting like and popping in from time to time
  4. Tzeench choses wisely, lol now I wanna know why u dislike fallen grey knights(black knights maybe lol) I have loved thousand sons for as long as I have been interested in warhammer (wolves and iron hands as well, I know its weird) so this is one of my favorite blogs, I love the use of parts and the paint schemes. please keep up the great work.
  5. if u click on them they show the bigger size, I am glad u use this gallery, my work blocks Photo bucket and a lot of the hosting sites so I am glad u do it this way. these are amazing and I am so inspired to steal this idea from you lol. I like the idea that the scourge are fallen grey knights too, like the earlier newer knights fell to the whispers of Tzeench and started hearing every lie ever told. shame we cant arm them with grey knights stuff. lol p.s. I love the flame effect and that u can take it on and off is just gravy!
  6. PLease do a water tutorial !!! its some of the best working use of water effect I have ever seen, the little fish the movement around the leg I love it all
  7. you will have to try it, I don't have a lot of exp with immortals but there not OBJ secured, and at 3k there's not "big" guns like a ceberus, Thyphoon, or a knight, and theirs not a lot of ground troops. but IH are really good at digging in. and if u use the scirions to keep ur opp's LOW under control this could work. my local 30k dried up so I just don't know. I want to help with technical things if I can. I don't see many 30k players without a LOW, so if ur not gonna have one u need a plan for one. also whats ur local meta like? any armys that most play so we can look at ho IH can exploit the common themes,?
  8. Grav weapons are heavy and Immortals are NOT relentless, so they cant fire them if they dis embark.
  9. looking forward to seeing more of these as time passes ALL IS DUST!!!
  10. its making out with its self super creepy~~~!@~!@ I love this thread. seriously thou the deamonettes are much better then Gw's u should be proud
  11. I love the new sorcerers the master of signals or whatever makes a great sorc, and the sang priest modified really well. Super job
  12. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2015/3/8/693177_sm-Hands%20COMP.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2015/3/8/693178_sm-Iron%20hand%20COmp%202.JPG http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2015/3/8/693179_sm-comp.JPG
  13. That is Epic, you sir have some increadiable Thousand Suns
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