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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions
  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment

Call to Arms - Imperium Stronghold Vow 2 complete

My second vow for the Imperium Stronghold is now completed. I was missing the kit bashed Scion Unit, based on various Scouts kits plus some SW, Scions and Skitarii bitz.  It complete the other enlisted stuff shown in my previous Blog entry and painted last WE - see here:       With some close-ins for 3 of these:   The latter has been done by repositioning a scout from the Speeder model.    


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

An update! Infernus and Ancient

So, I haven't done a lot more build work recently (have been painting the TDA squad!) but did a little bit to finish the Infernus squad and also put together the Ancient I got!     Mostly stock, but did include a few head/shoulder swaps for older gear and some extra studs. Also gave the Sgt a TH I had (obviously not a legal loadout currently, but as Infernus don't have any options it shouldn't cause any problems, just looks cool!)   Ancient:    


Lysimachus in WIP

A Commentary on the Interrogator's Report

To follow up my previous blog post – and thank you if you read it!  – here’s a bit of a ‘commentary’ on the background/lore that this piece of fiction was intended to help establish.   Firstly, where I’ve mentioned specific named characters, planets and warzones – these reflect my plans for the army I’ll be building and painting, as well as other wider hobby projects. To begin with, my hobby focus initially will be on the Rostokhar campaign – the initial squads of Ashen Sentinels I’m p

Call to Arms: Week 10

Well, it's over.   Took a week longer but..   My Call to Arms Vow is complete!   A few closer looks...     Yup, still haven't fixed that Barbagaunts          Of course, the Parasite of Motrex was just sitting there, begging to be let in on the fun. So here it is, my full Tyranid swarm (was worth over 900pts but now has dropped below this.. Thanks GW! )     For even better


ZeroWolf in Hive Fleet Boreidas

Tournament Briefing: Smite Club Open

Location: Legacy Sport Complex, Mesa, AZ BCP Link: Smite Club Open 2023 40k Major Format: Rules lock September 2nd; PRE-DATASLATE 6-game major GT Battle-ready required Player Placed Terrain Missions: 1: Search and Destroy, Chilling Rain, Take and Hold 2: Sweeping Engagement, Scrambler Fields, The Ritual 3: Search and Destroy, Hidden Supplies, Priority Target 4: Hammer and Anvil, Hidden Supplies, Take and Ho


toaae in Competitive

When life gives you lemons....

Well it has been an interesting few months, but it is probably time I talk about it.  Right after my 2 games 2 weeks ago, when I purchased more Novitiates and picked up my 2 Inquisition Kill teams, I left the LGS and picked up my GF from the airport. On the way back home, my GF asked how gaming went so I told her even though I lost and my dice hate me, I still had fun.  We started talking about it, and as she is not into gaming at, so I was vague.   So my GF is a childhood friend, that


W.A.Rorie in Life

Call to Arms - Week 11 Progress Report

If you are following the Hi-Los of my AdMech minis order, you will remember that, anticipating a larger delay than the one already registered, I started a second Vow with a contingency plan. Until part of my order appeared. So I am a little bit in the middle of a No-Mans´ Land now: trying to speed up the painting process of what is currently WIP in order to be able, eventually, to enlist a third vow with this new material, freshly received...    From my second Vow, the current status i


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

! Breaking news ! - Delivery completed (or almost)

After waiting during some 44* days of anxiety, my order has been delivered ! Hurrah !  (Can you hear angels and sailors singing? Either for joy or booze)   Well, in fact the FLGS decided to stop waiting for the pending item to be sent from GW warehouse to his store and proceeded to a partial shipment. So, my epic and entusiatic tone should be eventually lowered as only 50% of my order is now at home**.   But what a 50%! a Whole Extermination Maniple forgotten since Januar


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

September 2023 Balance Dataslate -- Kneejerk Reactions

Hello all!   Sorry that my normal posting schedule got disrupted by NoVa and life, but the balance dataslate is a perfect chance to slip in a low effort post!    Some knee jerk thoughts:   Cult Ambush   This was actually a fairly frustrating change to me. The end result is for most practical intents and purposes, models are coming back on a 4+. It’s just….very convolutedly written and I wish they had made it simpler and more streamlined. To be honest, I do


Gaston in GSC Dojo

Zero bits challenge progress 3

As a follow up to my previous blog post, I decided to make a short update on how my zero bits challenge is going so far and I will start by making a comparison between the current status graphs versus the ones from the last update:   Status from May 2nd   Status from September 5th   There are some changes on the green bars (painted models) in several categories as you can probably notice, but the major difference at the moment would be the fact that the top val


GreenScorpion in DYI

Call to arms - Week 10 Progress Report

As a matter of fact, we are rather going to talk of resuming activity rather than progressing at anything. After a 2 weeks break, mainly because I was hoping receiving some purchases of mine (which by the way did not showed off yet...), it is time to activate a contingency plan. There are only 3 and a half weeks left and it would be too short (far too short) to pretend painting a whole AdMech extermination maniple... At least at my current rythm and considering my availability for hobby stu


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Khunara army complete!

So i got the army mostly finished in a haze of madness and some other coinciding deadlines and had a great event up at Firestorm games in Cardiff, which is a great venue to boot. I have immediately been dragged into more unrelated deadlines so ive not got the brains to do a full report, but heres the army laid out for some glamour shots ;)                  Ill hopefully do some more detailed looks at models in future, especially when so


Noserenda in Anathema Psykana

Call to Arms: Week 9

I wanted to show you a completed vow this week. I wanted to show you my swarm as it stood at the moment but alas, I can't.   Why not?   I ran out of Valhallan Blizzard!   So, guess those pictures will be up next week.   However, I'm pleased to say that all the bases are now Ice Blue!   Termagaunts and Rippers     Neurogaunts   At least I got something done.   Non-nid related though, I've gone b


ZeroWolf in Hive Fleet Boreidas

A Report by Interrogator Hyo Flavignus

015.012.M42   REPORT OF HYO FLAVIGNUS OF THE DISPOSITION AND DEPLOYMENT OF ULTIMA FOUNDING INVESTED CHAPTER CINERE VIGILIAS – THE ‘ASHEN SENTINELS’   Thought for the Day: Blessed are those in the eyes of the God-Emperor who hath died in His service.   My Lord, I humbly submit for your attention the report you requested, the culmination of six Terran-standard months’ research and investigation, following the events of 229.011.M42 (c.f. war for Strontium Epsilon). As

The Importance of the "Three P's"

...and by that I mean 'Planning', 'Preparation' and 'Practice'  As I've gone into each step of painting these Marines, I've followed each of these steps - using my tester Marines to plan, prep and practice before painting the finished squad.    Except, the one time I didn't do this fully, it caused me a bit of faff! When it came to doing the highlights on the Chainsword casing, rather than try it out on a tester Marine first, I just went straight jn. I usually do straightforward painti


firestorm40k in Hobby & process

These heretics refute the Emperor's holy right to rule. -Canoness Sabine (OoOML)

Well my Adepta Sororitas had their first 2 games of 10th edition at 1,000 points vs my friend @Entropomancer. Unfortunately I lost both games. The dice were not on my side. Against the guard I could not save against his lasguns. Against the Votaan, we both could not make saves, and  I eventually had to concede. I am still working on the list and my old way of thinking has to be updated.  I need the armor support and I really want repentia in the list, just to have melee shock troops along with t


W.A.Rorie in Game recap

Index 40k - Space Marines - Faction & Gladius Detachment Rules

Oath of Moment If your Army Faction is ADEPTUS ASTARTES, at the start of your Command phase, select one unit from your army and one unit from your opponent’s army. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model from the unit (from your army) you chose makes an attack that targets the enemy unit your chose, you can re-roll the Hit roll and you can re-roll the Wound roll. Design Note Some units have rules which state (hopefully in consistent language along the lines of “Whe


jaxom in homebrew, Index 40k

Game Pics 26 Aug 2023

Some pics from a game I played against Space Wolves yesterday. Another loss as I lost a turn due to bad placement and boxing myself in. I need to switch up my list, my tactics, and have a plan.   Wrapping up deployment.     Space Wolves advance unimpeded.     I thought I had a clever plan to ambush the advancing squad with the most powerful psyker available in the army. I then whiffed 7 of 9 casting rolls essentially sacrificing this dude for no gain.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics

Call to Arms: Week 8

Well I did it.   Last Saturday, I posted this picture of the Screamer Killer:   Then, a few days later...     And now...     The Screamer-Killer was the model I was most looking forward to painting on the Tyranids side of Leviathan. I was a little nervous, as while the others had painted up well (see the attached gallery), this guy was bigger. I've also had some trouble recently with my drybrushing, in that I wasn't getting cons


ZeroWolf in Hive Fleet Boreidas

Second Round of 1,000 pt Games

My friends and I ended up with a “gaming weekend” which allowed me the opportunity to test out some further combinations of different units. I wanted to dig deeper into the Heavy Mining Tools team mentioned previously, and even throw down with some Purestrain Genestealers, so experience them for the first time (I’m skeptical).   Like last time, a few notes: This game was pre 3” blip restriction and I was playing that Demo Charges do NOT return on death.   ---------  


Gaston in Games

Pre event hobby panic begins...

Heyo folks, just over a week to go until the Khunara event at Firestorm so im beginning to realise how much ive left to the last minute as is traditional :D  368377490_10161056098590797_3138072169892678941_n  Ive finished up a pair of Prosecutor squads with assault needlers, having done a lot of rifle arm conversions for Anathema now, im heartily sick of them! So in this case i cut down the flamer and added a 3d printed Escher needle gun front on, i figure the gun draws venom from the bottle


Noserenda in Anathema Psykana

BatRep: The Fate of Anguis IV [Apocalypse]

This is again from a while back, but my local club had an apoc game in May bank holiday which was great fun. This was a custom mission designed by myself to try and force a narrow frontage with waves of models coming at one another, but ended up a bit one sided. We went for a long, narrow table with a depth of deployment, to give long raged guns some chance to shine also (how often do fellblades get to use their 120"range?).   Two players wanted to get away quickly, but hoped to have a


Xenith in Battle Report

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