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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Battle Report: Crusade - Jabberwocky v Daemons

Long time no post! I've been organising a crusade campaign at my local club, and members have gotten really into it, with plenty of games occurring each week, and using the Leviathan campaign rules and supplement.    This month, after an imperial win in month 1, the nids are on the back foot as the imperials take the fight to the swarm. The Chaos raiders are doing some looting and pillaging, and the imperial archive worlds are under assault from both material and immaterial enemies. 


Xenith in Battle Report

Kataphrons completed

After a few days away I finally completed the final steps of assembly of my 2 Kataphons´ Units from my Extermination Maniple - one Destroyer and one Breacher.   The Breachers scheme is finally not as convincing as I initially thought. Getting armour plates reds and tracks grey makes that the visual impact of the armour is a little bit too present I feel. On the other hand they are quite in synthony with the rest of the army, especially the Priests and Robots, but I do feel lak there is


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Beginnings - Into the Maelstrom

Much as I love the new Primaris models, there's just something about the classic pre-8th Space Marines and the kitbashing of said models that really hits a nostalgia nerve for me. So I wanted a project that didn't feel redundant in the modern game of 40K, but also steers clear of being Heresy. The answer is obviously to step back to 5th/6th Edition and the coolest internecine conflict the Imperium has ever seen, the Badab War!   The aim is to use a bit of modern third-party product in


Halandaar in Badab

Fun with numbers! (List building)

I'm really happy with how my Celebrants army is progressing. I'm not that bothered about list building in general and don't play very often anyway, but I do quite like having something to work towards? Therefore, I've worked out a new list (using the updated Munitorum Field Manual points as per what was revealed in the latest Goonhammer article):     So, 4 Characters, 5 Vehicles, 5 squads. It's not intended to be mega-competitive, just a fun list that should hopefully do ok?


Lysimachus in List Building

Screamer Killer

So, after several months and a handful of terrible looking models on my desk, I think I have settled on a scheme for Hive Fleet TBD. That's about the only thing I have settled on, though. No name, no fluff, no idea how to base. I am not in much of a hurry, though. I want to take my time and just paint for the sake of painting more than trying to finish a list. That always leads me to make stupid mistakes.  


Khulu in Hive Fleet TBD

A Message to Rostokhar III....


Going back to my New Year / New Army Project (sort of)

While summer was passing by, I spent most of my time painting for the Call to Arm 2023 Challenge, tooking the opportunity of it to repaint oldies, paint Aeldarii left in a box for almost 20 years and an even older Squat trike.   Spent the summer painting, AND waiting for delivery of some ordered goods for my Admech Army. First an ooP Extermination Maniple, left forgotten in a remote FLGS. This box was supposed to be completed by a Combat Patrol; but it never showed off. It is still lis

By the Blood of Sanguinius!

So the Blood Angel 1st company "Archangels" train is moving forward.  Some parts ordered and just need to pick up 2 boxes of the Blood Angels Assault terminators for bits and weapons. Eventually I will get some new Terminators, Chaplain Terminator and Brutulis Dreadnought.   Did grab a Leviathan Terminator Sgt to make into a Terminator Ancient and Sanguinary Guard weapons.     Single Axe blade will be going to Librarian, and the Fancy handguard sword is for Termina


W.A.Rorie in Blood Angels

Call to Arms 2023 - Closing pictures

As the Call to Arms 2023 Challenge is getting close to its end, I will share here some family portraits of my contributions.   In the Xenos Stronghold - running for Aeldari Forum - A Saim Hann War Host.         Except the Wraithlord (Edit) and the red WS that have been painted prior to the Challenge but that I cannot leave away from their amtes, all the models have been painted in 2 distinct vows. Special note of the converted Venom, that is enlisted


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms 2023 - Countdown is now over!

I am quite satisfied having been able to close my third vow in the Imperium Stronghold before the bbell toll of Sept. 30th.   Here bellow are my last 2 pieces of enlisted units and scenery: - a barricade made of sand bags - an outpost made from proxy Munitorum container (Rescued from a old (broken) toy found in the attic of Grandpa and Grandma)     With some views of the outpost:     I still have some of these plastic sandbags, but I w


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

"Sergio's bolter is jammed!"

So @Entropomancer and I have been playing 40k and many other GW games together since 1997 when we were just getting out of HS. I remember playing Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels on the PlayStation at his house back in the day. I many fond memories laughing at the "please wait" loading screens to find out you died a minute or longer later, when we realized you could block a Genestealer attack, or Sergio's bolter jamming*….even the one time he had the Heavy Flamer, it still jammed. Entro


W.A.Rorie in Blood Angels

DarkHyve Assault Terrain - Launching soon

Launching soon on Kickstarter - DarkHyve Assault!     This large modular sci-fi terrain set on is designed around our Assault Series terrain range. which allows you to mix  & match pillars, junctions, walls, platforms, doors, accessories and thematic features to craft your ideal terrain setup that's different every game!  It even has integration options for our Zectonium Prison Mines set         Check out the pre-launch page here.


saucermenstudios in Sci-fi terrain

The Competitive Pivot

To avoid burying the lede, the TL;DR is that I'm switching to Necrons.   -----   Every game of 10th that I have played has been with Orks. I've managed to track every game since my third in the (excellent) Tabletop Battles app. You can see my stats below:     As you can see, I've now played thirty games of 10th. And while I have a lot of thoughts about the edition in general, this post is about my experiences playing Orks, and my plans for the foreseeable


toaae in Competitive

Call to Arms 2023 - Countdown to Sept 30

A small and short update as the sand from the glasshour is slowly but surely flowing down.   As of today, Sept 25th, all the Skitarii are painted, based and ready to be dispatched in their new units. Indeed this batch of 10 was meant to legalize my previous Rangers so that they may fit the new Index rules. To be understood as being closer to legality than they used to be in the past (No more pair of Transurannic arquebus in a single unit of 10, I am afraid).   So I painted 2


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

"Prep the Thunderhawks and Shadowhawks! We are leaving."

Well I finally started packing my stuff up at my house, to make it less personal  for the upcoming for sale photos. I filled my Battlefoam Case, GW Case 2 small Cookie sheets, and 1 large cookie sheet.         I still need to pack my Raptors and all the armor.      Opened box is bits and large box sets. Closed box is plastic pile of shame boxed kits and I still have to do plastic pile of shame not boxed, paints, books, etc.    Once I get everythin


W.A.Rorie in Life

Call to Arms - Week 12 Progress Report

This week progress report  will be the last one before the conclusive date of the Challenge. I am on the way of closing my third vow, even if the tick tocking of the count down is still present.    Todays' issue was getting short of primer. By chance some other comitments led me close to a DIY store where I took the first can I found. It is enough to get the 2 remaining pieces of scenery painted. While it dries, I will focus on the Skitarii. So next (and last) week will probably be a q


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Victorus Aut Mortis

Well to add the craziness of life, Funeral for GF's ex husband is this weekend, my house goes for sale Oct 1st,  2 kids birthdays, and then GF and I leave for a 17 day Vacation to Europe on the 4th, so I guess I need to pack my personal things to get house ready for sale, along with some repairs and yardwork....on top of working full time plus being on call.    While talking to my regular opponent @Entropomancer, it seems a few of us are disappointed in 40k. And Like me, he has space i


W.A.Rorie in Ravenguard/ Successors

Tournament AAR: Smite Club Open 2023

Record: 3-3 (WLLWWL) Placing: 36th (out of 88)   Summary I had a phenomenal weekend, with six awesome opponents, four fun games, and a free raffle prize that means I profited off this tournament. Despite the location being an hour drive from my house, I loved it and will 100% be a permanent future attendee. A special shout out to the Smite Club people who put on this event; it ran so smooth, the terrain was excellent, the information before and during the event was so clear.


toaae in Competitive

About the Chapter Insignia

Over in the Works in Progress forum, my most recent post revealed the Chapter Insignia - here I wanted to briefly explain my thinking behind it.    There's two main things to point out from an 'in-universe' perspective - firstly, reflecting the Chapter's origin that they were intended as reinforcements for the Shadow Stalkers Chapter, there are echoes of their predecessors' Insignia.  This symbol was named after the Eclipse of Strontium, the Ashen Sentinels retained the star

Call To Arms- UPDATE- Vow Failed

Well, I have 15 days until the Call to Arms is over and I am officially declaring I failed. Normally I would have to push through but every time I go hobby time it is interrupted.  This is not a complaint, adulting sucks, but I went from having a GF with no kids and lots of free time to having a GF that  has 6 adopted kids that all have special needs and need my time to help her. She is the love of my life so hobbies had to take a back seat. And this is on top of being short handed at work and w


W.A.Rorie in Call to Arms

Call to Arms - On the road toward a third Vow

As a third vow in the Call to Arm 2023 Challenge - Imperium Stronghold, I pledge the following stuff for the Adeptus MEchanicus Sub Forum: - Cawl - 10 pts - 2 Kastellns - 2 x 3 pts - Their Datasmith - 5 pts - 1 unit of Skitarii - 10 x 1 pt - 2 Pieces of scenery/small scrap type - 2 x 2 pts -1 Piece of Scenery/Munitorum Container type - 4 pts   Total: 39 pts     It´s a lot for just 2 weeks left, but I will try it. Pure Glutony.  I c


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

"From the darkness we strike: fast and lethal," a Raven Guard Saying

Well as I have been spending time away from my gaming group and spending it with my GF and her kids (7 boys ages 20 -biological son and her adopted boys 10, 9, 9, 7, 5, and 4), the group has run into a snag of sorts. Like many individuals and groups, the glaring issue with 10th edition has popped up, Over costed units vs Under costed units, Armor being ridiculous, and the point values in the first codex being wrong before it is on the LGS shelves.  It feels like we are playing Whose line is it a


W.A.Rorie in Ravenguard/ Successors

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