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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - Converted Autarch

This is the top militia warrior that leads my Saim Hann Cadre. A former Banshee Temple adept that now guide the Guardians in agressive warffare tactics. In the right line of fierce and brutal clans from the most savage Craftworld!     This conversion is done with the old Drazzar body (White metl) with a Banshee Exarch head and executioneer. Plus details and stuffs fron the Guardian´s sprue.   The week end has been very productive. But I will have to slow down - I am


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms 2023 - The Dire Avengers

I made this leap of faith/Gambit that I would be able to paint and repaint all the rest of my Aeldari´s Pile of Shame before closing date of the Challenge. I bet that the high painting yield I had over the past 3 weeks could be maintained up to the end of Sept. We will see if it proves to be a reasonable assumption or a fools game.   Anyway, from the list of units set in my second Vow, I decided to treat in priority the Dire Avengers. Wishing to shift from red/burgundy to blue for more


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - The Falcon

The Falcon was the last eldar, perdon, Aeldari, Tank chassis I had left in my Xenos´ Pile of Shame. I have always liked this model was was the first one issued by GW that was not a bulky shoe box, Something with elegant lines and curves. The model aged quite well IMO for such a venerable sculpt. Yet there is something that always left me a little bit uneasy: don´t you think it is a little bit squt? it looks like the balance of the scuulpt is missing something. At the rear. The Wav Serp


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms: Week 3

Another week gone, another week bites the dust! You get the idea...   In some sense, I didn't get too much done, but in another, I got a bit done!   From my last blog post, I started the week by continuing with the Neurogaunts and Ripper Swarms:   At this point, all their base colours were done, which meant time for fun with drybrushing! Here, I pressed ahead with the Ripper swarm and got them finished. The Neurogaunts also had their flesh drybrushe

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - My entry for Master of the Forge

This conversion comes from the bottom of my Minature Closet. It had been designed and preassemblied a long long time ago, when rules for Harlies were only available in the Citadel Journal. A time with almost no internet but instead Xerox machine and a very popular lad in the club that owned copies of this Journal´s issues. I xeroxed the pages, lost them and though that it could instead be a steed for a converted Nuadhu Firehearth mini (That I never completed) when rules were available in th


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms Progress

Man its been a slow start but hopefully I'll pick up steam now. Was hoping to be done my first pledge by now but life always finds a way.  Anyway I'm fairly new to the world of contrast paints having only used Flesh Tearers red before but decided to try a new recipe for House Mortimer that included a really nice yellow (sorry as a Alpha Legion guy I can not say the name of this paint) and a purple I honestly forgot the name of but it is quite dark and nice.  Also I'm not much of a army painter s


Spazmolytic in Call To Arms

Getting Started

Greetings all!   For 10th edition I have decided to start up an army blog covering my entry into Genestealer Cults! The goal is to include hobby decisions, maths, tactics, and games as I start the army from the ground up.   Why Play Genestealer Cults   I feel like this is a pretty common question that any player new to any army or even the game asks, and it seemed like a good spot to share why I opted into the faction myself. First, and most important: Play wha


Gaston in GSC Post

Pulling some threads together

...and by that I mean neither the social networking app, nor items of clothing  What I actually mean is story threads - it's time to talk background for the Ashen Sentinels.    Without going into too much detail (yet ), this Chapter is a continuation (or sequel? ) of an on going narrative and setting that started with my Chaos Marine army, the Legion of Taurus. Their story was developed and fleshed out over a number of campaigns, most recently culminating in a Kill Team campaign. The b

Appearances are deceiving...

I have been a little bit surprised, as most, with the way point values for the Datasheet of the indexes were set. Especially in respect of cost managment of the options. Or rather in respect of the total lack of cost managment of the options. I already stated in other places of B&C that in my opinion, the whole design (from profiles to poitn values) would be te result of a series of probabilities to suceed vs. an average profile defined a rating reference. of course this is theory as th


Bouargh in 10th Edition

Reset of my Eldar army - thinking about a second vow for Call-to-Arms 2023...

Something that I like from B&C and participating to these forums and BLogs is how it gives me will for completing projects. Challenges helps in that sense. For example I joined because of/thanks to the BCK Vehicle Challenge: it was the motivation I needed to complete a conversion I had started but left with close to zero progress for months (years). The same happens with tehe Call to arms 2023 challenge. It is a motivation to get out of the shoe box some minis I have accumulated and left asi


While I spend the next week or so highlighting the armour, I'm looking ahead and thinking about how I'm going to do other parts of the model. So I've turned to my test Marines to try out some ideas.    Firstly, the Aquila on the chest - my first thought was to do this in red, I've slapped a base coqr of Mephiston Red on, but I worry that won't stand out against the helmet.    Second idea - black. One coat of Black Legion Contrast - yeah, I think that's too dark, it doesn't st

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - Week 3 progress

Week 3 is on-going and I have some substantial progess to report.   A. HQ My vow includes a Farseerand a Skyrunner Warlock that have been completed Here are those two boyz.         While the Farseer is a clasic model, the Skyrunner is a converted one based on the ooP jetbike, a torso from a metal warlock, backbanner from ooP Shining Spear and executioneer from olf Jain-Zahr model. I have been inspired by the colour scheme from Void Dragons a


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms: Week 2

Week 2 as come and gone! While I'm aware that this blog is going up later than it should, I'm still covering the same time scale, and I'll promise to do better next week!   Anyhow...   When I left it last time, I'd done the task of covering every flesh with Ork Flesh (and knocking it over in the process) while also starting on the neuroloids. I promised a Neurotyrant afterwards, and here we go: The aethermatic blue came to the rescue again and I also put colours on

At what price did we succeed......

Well game 2 of 10th ed is in the books. I lost. It was not even close.  After pulling gambit cards at the end of turn 3 no way I could win as the 1 card I needed was removed at random. I only had the Interceptor Justicar and Librarian left.     Game was a moral victory as I took out most of his cultist and the Noctilith Crown   Highlights-  Ven Dread (lascannon/ Missile Launcher)- rolling 2's to hit turn 1 and turn 2.  Greatest 155 pts spent in list.  190 pt Purg


W.A.Rorie in Game recap

Grenadier WIP

I've started mocking up a volkite culverin grenadier to really take advantage of Armoury of old Night and Legacy of the Great Crusade.     I have enough bits for four of these guys, two in each lasrifle grenadier squad.    This is a tempestus scion body with man portable heavy weapon arms (armoured) and a heavy ion blaster from Anvil Industry. I wanted something distinct from the typical volkite culverin to represent a local pattern of the weapon. 


Harrowmaster in Militia

Field Gun Completion

I finally got the Kalliope Mortars for the militia assembled.      The crews' heads were swapped but most of the conversion work came from cutting off the foot panels on each side of the tow bar. I don't like the guy sitting right behind the gun so I may convert and add another crew member for both of these at a later date. 


Harrowmaster in Militia

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - The Guardians Defenders - Almost finished

After a small attempt with slap chop technique on the Guardians I finally made a step back and used a more basic and standard painting approach using the recioppe of colours previously tested.   I must confess that painting these models has been a kind of revelation: it is refreshing not having to paint purity seals.... Anyway, the Guardian plastic mini (the previous kit now ooP) is not necesary the smoothest surface and arms tend not to stay glued properly. some repairs jobs were need


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Call to Arms 2023 - Stronghold Xenos - The Wave Serpent

My first post on B&C started with this sentence: "long time lurker, first time poster". As far as painting models is concerned I could be considered as a lurker too. Indeed I barely demonstrate creativity for my paint schemes. What I like above all is being guided with some suggested colour pallets and paint schemes. I suppose it comes from long long time ago, when I was passing hours reading on books about liveries or camos & unit paint schemes of WWII troops.    Anyway,


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

For Titan part 3

Well my Grey Knights force is ready to deploy tomorrow. I was able to get the one model that was not painted done in a few hours and complete a part of my Call of Arms Imperium Stronghold Vow.    Force Consists of : Grey Knights Librarian De Vichers (Warlord Storm bolter) Strike Squad De Hautville (Incinerator)  Strike Squad De Monglane (Psilencer) Terminator Squad Wandlain (Psycannon) Interceptor Squad De Plessiez Purgation Squad Des Barre


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Game time

First game of 10th: Tyranids v Dark Angels

I managed to get my first game of 10th Edition in on Weds night and thought I'd report back - there was a lot of on the fly learning going on, so I forgot to take photos from the start, and only remembered to get them well into the game.   This was a 1500pt battle missions/temptest of war style game, we both picked random objectives. Mission - Supply drop - 3 objectives in no mans land, one dissappears in t4, the other in t5. Diagonal deployment.  I don't remember the ex


Xenith in Battle Report

For Titan part 2

Yesterday I talked briefly about this weekends game. Originally it was supposed to be 1k but we decided to make it 1500 pts instead. My opponent, Entropmancer, is playing his Iron Warriors, which will have Terminators, cultist, Chaos Marines, Chaos guard, hell brutes, master of possession, and other units. With that in mind I began recalculating my list as needed.    List 1:   Brother- Captain Brother Librarian (Warlord and Domina Liber Daemonica enhancement) Brothe


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Game time

A Call to Arms!

So the Call to Arms has begun! This is the Brainchild of @Grotsmashaand @Triszin, and is the first forumwide painting challenge in what feels like ages, so naturally I'm getting involved.    With the advent of the Leviathan box, Hive Fleet Jabberwocky hungers, and I have to vow for the Fleets, and accordingly updated my 2023 painting goals list...         Check out the Xenos Stronghold below, and vow to paint some models, win glory and prizes!   


Xenith in Forum Challenges

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