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Greetings to you all! I have for many a year been plucking away in the WIP thread, but as most of the things I put there are actually finished by the time I post, I thought it a bit more apt to have a thread here as well - and as there is not far from though to action, thus it is done now. The aim of this thread is for me to post pictures of the various B&C permissable armies that I usually work on and the units belonging to them, which I finish. Currently, I have the following armies in my possession: Dark Angels (1st, 2nd and Battle Company) - about 5000 points total Chaos Space Marines (Death Guard, World Eaters, Black Legion & Fallen Angels) - about 4500 points Chaos Daemons (Tzeentch, Nurgle & Khorne) - about 3000 points Imperial Guard allies (Death Korps of Krieg) - about 400 points Grey Knight allies - about 400 points Tyranids - about 8000 points As you can see, there is plenty of potential for varied things to be shown and displayed here - and I look forward to sharing with you all. Thus, with no further ado, I bid you welcome to my thread of finished works from the forge of Master Ciaphas! Faithfully, Master Ciaphas
- 192 replies
- Chaos Space Marines
- Forge World
- (and 7 more)
Greetings brothers. I figured joining the ranks of Titan would help to give me the push in completing my Grey knights army. As for the lore to this army I’m still trying to decide on the 2nd or 3rd brotherhoods. Currently my knights are on a campaign against the forces of Nurgle (this might have been decided because of chaos gate) and the fun bases that I can try and make. I look forward to any and all constructive criticisms that may arise from the group. As of right now I have only finished assembling and priming a kill team worth of interceptors as my group where I play enjoys that game most. In the end I would like to build up a 2000pt army. Here are some wip pictures that I have thus far. Nyxious
- Grey Knights Chapter
- Adeptus Astartes
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- Grey Knights Chapter
- Adeptus Astartes
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It's done (mostly)! I feel for now, I can dust my hands off when it comes to speculating about the possible future 9Ed GK Codex rules. In completing this individualised benchmark, I feel I can perhaps form a better personal decision whether our eventual GK Codex ends up being: underwhelming / about the right / beyond expectations etc. I plan to also later calibrate these rules with the upcoming DA/DE/DG Supplement/Codexes etc releases – as well as to continual set more appropriate personal expectations for the GK Codex. In making it as “formal” as possible - I was incentivised to deep dive into not just what I think Id like in 9Ed GK Codex rules, but HOW it’s supposed to actually exist in a proper Codex format too (as I’ve endeavoured to make these rules as play-ready as possible)! This mental exercise forced me to quickly realise what are very likely pipe dreams, and the enormous effort required just to make “easy” or “simple” buffs happen. lol A quick contents of these 9Ed “Beta” rules: • Updated Grey Knights Chapter Tactic • Updated Smite rules • Updated Masters of the Warp rules • Realised Brotherhood sub-faction system • Integrated new Chapter Command upgrades with Brotherhoods/Stratagems • Additional standardised SM Stratagems along with GK specific Stratagems. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 A breakdown of the Brotherhoods with the abstracted rules to encourage the different GK play styles: • 1st Brotherhood – Techmarines, vehicle transports and flyers. • 2nd Brotherhood – Grand Masters, Interceptors, battlefield manoeuvrability. • 3rd Brotherhood – Librarians, Purifiers and psychic mortal wounds output. • 4th Brotherhood – BroChamps, getting into combat – and then combat! • 5th Brotherhood – Apothecaries, Dreadnoughts and Dreadknights. • 6th Brotherhood – Chaplains, Purgation Squads and infantry shooting. • 7th Brotherhood – Still to be determined. Rules suggestions similar to the other Brotherhoods format welcomed. • 8th Brotherhood – Still to be determined. Rules suggestions similar to the other Brotherhoods format welcomed. Chapter Command upgrades are 1CP strats before the battle. They can be used in any Brotherhood detachment, but if it is used in an associated one - they will cost 0CP!
- 7 replies
- Grey Knights Chapter
- homegrown rules
- (and 2 more)
So I played a decently quick game yesterday against a local. My list was: 1500 pts BSSF Watch Commander 130 Chaplain w/ Tome of Ectoclades, Melta Bombs Strategium Command Team 430 Artemis Aquila Kill Team Sergeant w/ Combat Shield, Shotgun/Boltgun Veteran w/ Shotgun/Boltgun x2 Veteran w/ Frag Cannon x2 Terminator w/ Hvy Flamer/ Power Fist/Meltagun Terminator w/ Assault Cannon/Power Fist Aquila Kill Team 335 Sergeant w/ Combat Shield, Shotgun/Boltgun Veteran w/ Shotgun/Boltgun x2 Veteran w/ Frag Cannon x2 Librarian ML2 w/ Beacon Angelis, Combat Shield Razorback w/ Dozer Blade Aquila Kill Team 345 Sergeant w/ Stalker boltgun Veteran w/ Stalker boltgun x3 Veteran w/ Missile Launcher Librarian ML2 w/ Dominus Aegis Razorback w/ TL Lascannon, Storm Bolter, Dozer Blade Armor 260 Land Raider Crusader w/ Multi-melta His list was a Grand Master with Paladins and an Apothecary, a unit of Terminators with a Librarian, a unit of Interceptors with the flamer thing and a Razorback, a venerable Dreadnought, and a basic Land Raider. We each deployed around the center of our side, Artemis and co. joined the chaplain in the Land Raider, the other Frag kill team deployed in their transport, and the Stalker team found a building to set up in, leaving their Razorback to be elsewhere for support. His paladins and Grand Master where in his Land Raider, and the rest was deployed next to it, with the Termies in reserve. I rolled on Telepathy, and got Shrouding on one libby, with all the rest being crap. Artemis was the warlord. I had first turn, and I started up the field, taking a bunch of shots but doing no damage. He pushed forward, also did no damage. I moved some more, took a couple points off the Land Raider and the Razorback, still doing crap for damage. He charged my Razorback kill team with the dreadnought, doing 2 damage, he got a crew shaken on my raider. I assaulted his Raider with Artemis and co. out of mine, and the termies powerfisted their way through it, revealing the paladins. I popped out of my razorback with the other frag team, and they one shot the dreadnought. My missile launcher finally got the enemy razorback to 1. His paladins charged into Artemis and co., taking them all out except for Artemis. I expected this, but I hoped to do more than 2 wounds. One of which was via Artemis and his stasis bomb, the chaplain's reroll of course was needed. His termies finally come in, and his other squad pops out to try and flame my other frag squad, killing one guy. My turn, I killed the Interceptor squad with my stalker squad, and my Land Raider and Frag squad kill his termies completely. Artemis manages to survive with one wound somehow, keeping him from charging anything else with his Paladins on his turn. He proceeds to kill Artemis and consolidate, but my Frags, stalker squad, las Razorback, and Land Raider kill them all but the grand master. He then conceeds, having a single wound Grand Master and a single wound Razorback.
- 4 replies
- Deathwatch Chapter
- Deathwatch battle report
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Nemesis Dreadknights This thread is dedicated to the Nemesis Dreadknights of the Grey Knights Chapter. Members of Titan are encouraged to post pictures of their own Nemesis Dreadknights, provide their own fan-made fluff for them, and, once 9th edition is released, to share their preferred Tactics, Tips, and Tricks related to using them in games of Warhammer 40k. EDIT: Please post pics of your completed models here; Work in Progress photos can go in the Halls of Titan thread, instead.
- 26 replies
- Grey Knights Chapter
- Nemesis Dreadknight
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Grand Masters Brother-Captains This thread is dedicated to both the Grand Masters and the Brother-Captains of the Grey Knights Chapter. Members of Titan are encouraged to post pictures of their own Grand Masters and Brother-Captains, provide their own fan-made fluff for them, and, once 9th edition is released, to share their preferred Tactics, Tips, and Tricks related to using them in games of Warhammer 40k. EDIT: Please post pics of your completed models here; Work in Progress photos can go in the Halls of Titan thread, instead.
- 37 replies
- showcase
- Grey Knights Chapter
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Dreadnoughts This thread is dedicated to the revered Dreadnoughts of the Grey Knights Chapter. Members of Titan are encouraged to post pictures of their own Dreadnoughts, provide their own fan-made fluff for them, and, once 9th edition is released, to share their preferred Tactics, Tips, and Tricks related to using these ancient warmarchines in games of Warhammer 40k. EDIT: Please post pics of your completed models here; Work in Progress photos can go in the Halls of Titan thread, instead.
- 25 replies
- Grey Knights Chapter
- dreadnoughts
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Librarians This thread is dedicated to the revered Librarians of the Grey Knights Chapter. Members of Titan are encouraged to post pictures of their own Librarians, provide their own fan-made fluff for them, and, once the upcoming 9th edition is released, to share their preferred Tactics, Tips, and Tricks related to using these grim heroes in games of Warhammer 40k. EDIT: Please post pics of your completed models here; Work in Progress photos can go in the Halls of Titan thread, instead.
- 20 replies
- Grey Knights Chapter
- Librarian
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So I have a problem... I'm very much a hobby butterfly. I make progress on all my projects, just not usually on the same project. And I start way more projects than I finish. As a result of this, I've got a number of dead project logs across the B&C, some for projects I started years ago and am still making progress on, but I figure nobody wants to see a project update once every other year. I know I don't, but such is the curse of my hobby attention span. To remedy this, I humbly present Seneschal's Forge-Fane, a single thread for all my various 40k projects, where hopefully I can show some progress on some project every once and a while. I love the community on B&C, and y'all's input and feedback is extraordinarily helpful and valuable to me. Hopefully y'all will enjoy reading this thread as much as I will making it. I'll start each section with the below icon for the relevant faction, which will help (me!) keep everything straight. This post will serve as a table of contents for the thread - to the extent that I can keep it straight! The VII Legion Astartes Consolidation of Prior Entries #1 Consolidation of Prior Entries #2 Consolidation of Prior Entries #3 Sigismund WIP Sigismund & Leviathan Sicarans, Typhon & Apocalypse Game Grey Knights & The Orders of the Inquisition Consolidation of Prior Entries Ordo Reductor of the Mechanicum (Coming Soon) Adeptus Sororitas (One-Time Commission) Commission
- 15 replies
- Sisters of Battle
- Inquisition
- (and 7 more)
So my Templar friend and I did a Power 70 game. I took: Captain with Relic plade and combi plas 10 sniper scouts with camo and a ML 5 bolter scouts with a HB LSS 10 Tacs with a combi plas, plas, and grav cannon Rhino Knight Crusader with RFBC He Took: High Marshall Crusade squad loaded for CC LRC Stormtalon Knight Paladin We did the Search and Destroy deployment and Retrieval mission. I wont do a play by play but LRs soak up serious damage. Knights RFBC can be puny or hilariously dangerous. Stormtalons are scary with twin assault cannons. Using rhinos to ram LRs is hilarious and effective. The new movement values are pretty cool. Contemptors are really fast. Also I really don't like the new cover system. I also want to invest in some assassins as well. Eversors assaulting from 9.01" for 3d6"(+"1") turn one is scary. Vindicares are going to mulch characters.
- 106 replies
- Raptors Chapter
- Raptors battle report
- (and 4 more)
HiMyNameisHarry aka DarKHaZZl3 and I will be your in-flight entertainment for the duration of my hobby life A while back I had several WiP topics of various themes, and needless to say, it was a bit of a ball ache. So instead I've decided to throw everything into one pot in an aim to get more feedback and possible praise for being semi-awesome not making a complete mess of things! In between my own stuff (which honestly is mainly not 40k orientated these days) I do take on commission work... While this won't strictly be 'Armies of the Imperium' based, I don;t want to set up another topic, so they'll also live here There is quite a back catalogue of posts, so bellow are the links to each of the categories on my blog if you want to keep up to date on any specific project. +--EDIT--+ A while back the B&C had a huge update. In this overhaul they have trashed the blog section of the website. A such my hobby blog posts have all been deleted, and therefore the links I have posted will no longer work and thus have been removed (I think I got them all anyway). So from now on, any links to written blogs will take you to The Underhive Hero. But all/most of my images will still be hosted here on the B&C! +--EDIT--+ I don't post much online anymore... that is something I am looking to get back to. You can find almost everything on my instagram, or on my commission page, depending on what it is (links in sig) Cheers for checking this out, Comments, Compliments and Constructive Criticism all welcome. I Hope you enjoy the ride +--ACTIVITY LOG (Recent first)--+ UPdate 29/08/2020 = 30k Ultramarine Commission complete ! part1 (Page 9). Update 27/08/2020 = 30k Ultramarine Commission wip (Page 9). Update 14/08/2020 = The Great Unclean One Commission Complete! part 2 (Page 9). Update 09/08/2020 = The Great Unclean One Commission Complete! part 1 (Page 9). Update 06/08/2020 = Teaser: The Great Unclean One Commission part 2 (Page 9). Update 05/08/2020 = Teaser: The Great Unclean One Commission part 1 (page 9). Update 28/07/2020 = Abaddon the Despoiler Commission Complete! (Page 9). Update 10/02/2020 = Corvus Corax Commission Complete! (Page 9). Update 10/02/2020 = Teaser: Corvus Corax Commission (Page 9). Update 06/07/2019 = Leam Russ Commission Complete! (Page 8). Update 05/03/2018 = Teaser: Leman Russ Commission (Page 8). Update 30/01/2018 = Solaris Reaper Space Marine - Single Miniature (page 8). Update 17/07/2017 = Imperial Knight project. Testing Terryn (page 8). Update 20/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Triumvirate (Page 8). Update 11/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Prayer of completion (Page 8). Update 06/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - The Ecclesiarchy (Page 8). Update 03/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Buttery biscuit basecoat (Page 8). Update 07/10/2016 = Salamanders. PK FIRE! (page 8). Update 03/10/2016 = Salamanders. Coil, coil melta, and trouble. (Page 8). Update 16/09/2016 = Salamanders. Armour up! (page 8). Update 05/09/2016 = Adeptus Mechanicus. Knowledge is power - Project complete (page 8). Update 30/08/2016 = Adeptus Mechanicus. A warm fuzzy glow (Page 8). Update 27/08/2016 = Adeptus Mechanicus. Darkness (Page 8). Update 22/08/2016 = Salamanders. Annihilation! (Page 7). Update 19/08/2016 = Salamanders. Don't lose your head! (Page 7). Update 12/08/2016 = Salamanders. Bon Anniversaire! (Page 7). Update 15/04/2016 = Salamanders. Devastator Ready! (Page 7). Update 06/04/2016 = Salamanders. A Fiery Red Head. (Page 7). Update 28/03/2016 = Salamanders. A Prophecy is Fulfilled. (Page 7). Update 16/03/2016 = Salamanders. Unto the Anvil! Finally! (Page 7). Update 01/03/2016 = Imperial Knight project. Paint Factory (Page 7). Update 16/02/2016 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Fly on the wings of.. green stuff (Page 7). Update 16/02/2016 = Imperial Knight project. Manufactorum (Page 7). Update 23/01/2016 = Imperial Knight project begins! (Page 7). Update 28/05/2015 = Inquisotr Coteaz reboot. Always TBT; Cloak, Fur and the Force (Page 7). Update 20/05/2015 = Inquisotr Coteaz reboot. A man of the cloth (Page 7). Update 16/05/2015 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Layers of Dakka (page 7). Update 14/05/2015 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 16. Lamp Post Perfected (completed) (Page 6). Update 06/05/2015 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 15. Look for the lights that shall guide you home (Page 6). Update 23/10/2014 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Faith is out shield; having a big ass wall helps (page 6). Update 14/10/2014 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Paint dat Dakka Dakka (Page 6). Update 01/10/2014 = The Not-So-Mighty Imperial Navy - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 6). Update 22/09/2014 = Brown. Grey. Red. Black. Forever - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 6). Update 14/09/2014 = Layers. Layers Everywhere - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 6). Update 07/09/2014 = Inquisitor Coteaz reboot. IT HAS PAINT! (Page6). Update 31/08/2014 = All its Base are Belong to Me - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 5). Update 28/08/2014 = Inquisitor Coteaz reboot; Throwback Thursday? Already hit a snag (Page 5). Update 24/08/2014 = Unto the Anvil a Little Too Hard eh? Terrain Project 1 - Land Speeder FINISHED (Page 5). Update 12/06/2014 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Marble; The Basework of Basses + Grey Knights/ Inquisition sneak peak (Page 5). Update 20/05/2014 = In Your Underhive, Destroying Your Buildings. Terrain Project 1 - Land Speeder (Page 5). Update 07/05/2014 = It Came From Urban Space. Terrain Project 5 - Downed Aquila (Page 5). Update 05/05/2014 = Urbanising the Urban Board. Terrain Project 4 - Imperial Building (Page 5). Update 01/05/2014 = Sutorīto Kurētā. Terrain Project 3 - Street Crater (Page 5). Update 29/04/2014 = Gun Speeder? Land Emplacement? Terrain Project 2 & 1 - Gun Emplacement + Land Speeder (Page 5). Update 30/03/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 14. Dusty streets. 12 - 6. (Page 4). Update 28/03/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 13. Streets awash with...wash (Page 4). Update 27/03/2014 = Terrain Project 2 - Gun Emplacement. (Page 4). Update 25/03/2014 = Terrain Project 1 - Land Speeder (Page 4). Update 21/03/2014 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: List revised (Page 4). Update 03/03/2014 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: First shot at a new(ish) dex list (Page 4). Update 15/01/2014 = Killing Them With Kindness part 2 + L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Proof of concept (Page 4). Update 13/01/2014 = More distractions. Killing Them With Kindness. Part 1 (Page 4). Update 11/01/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 12. Light. Camera. Lamppost - The pun I should have used before (Page 3). Update 07/01/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 11. Lights. Camera. Inaction (Page 3). Update 19/12/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 10. Follow the Grey Slab Road (Page 3). Update 09/12/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 9. Turn to Grey (Page 3). Update 20/11/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 8. Base! Done! (Page 3). Update 12/11/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 7. A Strong Learning Curve (Page 3). Update 12/11/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Completion and Hiatus (Page 3). Update 21/10/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: The Final Superior + Gaming Board Project. Stage 6. Paving the Way to Completion (Page 3). Update 26/09/2013 = Salamanders: Trial of the written word, or, concept army lists (Page 2). Update 17/09/2013 = Fission Mailed - Reasons for delay (Page 2). Update 07/09/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Rank, File, Speech and Flight. Infantry built (Page 2). Update 23/08/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: By Faith and Microwaves. Metla Squad complete (Page 2). Update 14/08/2013 = Gaming board project. Stage 5. Testing sand + L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: Retribution. + Something else (Page 2). Update 09/08/2013 = L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: A chip off the old marble block. (Page 2). Update 06/08/2013 = B&C Database error: Posts repaired. (Page 2). Update 00/00/0000 = L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: Worst model ever finished! (Page 2). UPdate 00/00/0000 = Gaming board project. Stage 4. Detailing the street (Page 2). Update 00/00/0000 = L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: Worst model ever! (Page 2). Update 00/00/0000 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Anti Air Guns for Nuns (Page2). Update 00/00/0000 = Gaming board project. Stage 3. Curb your enthusiasm (Page 2). Update 03/07/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Roster ready + Game board project. Delayed. Stage 2.5 (Page 2). Update 19/06/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: The shoulder pad conundrum (Page 2). Update 18/06/2013 = Game board project. Stage 2. Building the layout! (Page 2). Update 15/06/2013 = Game board project. Stage 1. Planning (Page 1). Update 12/09/2013 = Cautiously Joined Istvaan V (Come All Who Dare) Under the Banner of the Salamanders (Page 1). Update 30/06/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Schemes, banners and the task ahead (Page 1). -DH-
- 219 replies
- Sisters of Battle
- Inquisition
- (and 8 more)