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  1. From the album: Untitled Album

    Corpsemaster of the Red Corsairs
  2. Chapter Name: The Baleful Hounds (formerly Hounds of the Hunt) Founding: Ultima founding Chapter world: None Chapter Monastery: aboard the battle barge "Iron Chariot" Chapter Master: Taras "Lord of the Hunt" Gene-Seed: gene legacy is listed as coming from the 5th legion. War cry: "Today we hunt, tonight we feast!" Known descendants: None Main colors: Dark grey and white Insignia: a dog head with spiked collar with a broken chain. Chapter origin and history: During the Ultima founding the Hounds of the Hunt where founded as a fleet based chapter who's main goal was to give chase to splinter fleets or retreating contingents. Due to the tendency of the retreating enemy forces containing warlords or attempting to lead the Astarties into traps, the Hounds quickly adopted lightning strike tactics that used almost wreckless speed and vigor. Often the hounds will go for a decapitating blow, destroying the enemys command structure, leaving the rest of the force in disarray. Due to the peculiar culture and honor system of the chapter, the hounds have let escape more than a dozen high profile and powerful chaos and xeno warlords. Communication and rumors being as volatile as they are with the current state of the Imperium, these actions went unnoticed for years. Eventually reports from reliable sources painted a disturbing picture for the Inquisition. One confirmed account was of the Hounds granting Golgoth the Afflictor safe passage off a battle field after being firmly surrounded by joint imperial forces. The Inquisition sent message to the Hounds to cease their actions, but they merely replied that the foes had won their freedom honorably and the hounds only answered to the Emperor. Soon after Felkis, head of the Warseers had a vision showing him a fleet of inquisitorial forces coming to exterminate the chapter. It seams the Inquisition had decided to declare the Hounds heriticus excomunicatus for their wreckless and uncontrollable nature. Felkis warned the chapter, and as his visions had never been wrong before, Taras belived him without question. The chapter packed up all of their ships to the brim with extra supplies and spare primaris gene seed. They also reqositioned ships, manpower and supplies from an Astra militarum force in the sector before word got to them of the Hounds excomunication. They then escaped into the rift and the Inquisition was surprised to see the chapter long gone when they arrived. After their escape they changed their name to The Baleful Hounds. The chapter then underwent some major changes. Firstly the chapter restructured itself, no longer set up like a codex compliant chapter, but taking in other renagade space marines and astra militarum groups who swore fealty to Taras. The chapter size has swelled well above the standard 1000 marines and many many more human solders and workers. Despite being declared excomunicatus, the chapter still believes in and worships the Emperor. Taras was once offered patronage from a greater demon of Khorne not long after their escape. His only condition was the chapter slaughter all their Warseers and, lay their skulls at his feet. Taras slew the greater demon in response and its skull adornes his trophy wrack to this day. Even tho the hounds belive themselves champions of humanity, they will still slay any Imperial force that gets in their way. Culture: The Hounds are set up in the visage of old knightly orders of antiquity. Ranks within the chapter are as follows. Lord of the Hunt - Chapter Master Duke - Company captains Viscounts - chapter Ainchents and Champions Warseers - Librarians Troubadours - Chaplains Barons - first company/terminator honors Paladins - Apothocarys Knight captains - squad Sargents Knights - rank and file Marines Squires - neophytes Serfs - any none astartes human Maybe due to their long solitary missions away from other imperial forces or a flaw in their geneseed, the hounds are extremely prideful and dont respect the authority of any none Astartes. Despite their arrogance, the chapter believes in a strict honor system. Any foe to emerge victorious after a dule will be granted their life, aslong as they do not stain their honor by returning to the battle. The chapter will also honor any deals made and will avoid unnecessary killing of none combatants. Gradually the hunting tactics and honor dules became a game to the hounds, where warlords and champions where great feats to be claimed. This traditionary hunting game became integral to the command structure of the Hounds. To gain rank within the Hounds, individuals would have to defeat worthy foes in 1v1 combat. Due to fierce competitiveness, many young aspiring members of the chapter will challenge opponents outside their ability. Apart of their kightly structure, each marine is allowed two squires. These are generally young astra militarum soilders who have caught the marines eye in combat. These squires are trained up to be neophites. Only after slaying an enemy Astartes are they granted rank of knight and gain the right to declare dules and start training their own squires. After battle the Hounds often host a feast to toast their victory and honor their fallen. These feasts can become rather lively with the frequent accompaniment of music, boastful recounts of the battles more interesting moments, or the showing off of newly recovered trophies. The final toast of the feast will be made using blood from fallen brothers mixed with a mead like alchohol in their honor. Often Troubadours withing the chapter will recite heroic feats of chapter individuals as often as holy scripture to inspire their brothers. Since the reclamation of geneseed is such a highly important task, all Paladins within the chapter are hand picked from some of the most skilled fighters. The post is highly respected within the chapter tho many hope to never receive the title as they are forbidden from declaring dules.
  3. Getting this project going again I think. My Oblivion Hunters are going to rise from my memory onto the tabletop for LVO 2023! =========================================== Paint Scheme =========================================== Background =========================================== Finished/Wip Models/Units =========================================== Altan (WiP) =========================================== Lists & Ideas ===========================================
  4. Working on my Chaos Marine army is slow-going for a bunch of reasons, but progress does happen (and hopefully soon so will more actual games). I'm currently focused on assembling/converting a couple of extra HQ choices. Firstly, a new Chaos Lord based on an Aspiring Champion from the original incarnation of my army. Tentatively named Kayne Firebringer. There's a good chance the name will change at some point (or possibly just the spelling). Based on a Primaris Reiver to get the extra stature the original version was supposed to possess. I'm trimming down the right-hand shoulder pad to add a regular CSM shoulder pad over it, and I need to remove the left hand/forearm to replace it with the CSM power fist for "I'm coming for you" effect. I'm also waiting on some Necromunda Goliath parts to give him one of the masked heads instead of the head shown in this image. Next we have Angelica, Exalted Champion of Khorne or, as I like to think of her, the Khornate Murder Princess. She's waiting for me to work out what I'm doing for her shoulder pad and to fill the gap from the cloak piece I decided against using. I have a right arm for her, with a massive blade weapon, but I think I need to sort out the torso before I can start trimming the shoulder on the arm to get it to fit. And finally, for now, the third Helbrute for my army. Unfortunately I couldn't get my camera to focus on the Cold One Head properly. All it really needs at the moment is a bit of gap-filling, but I'm tempted to add spikes and blades to the spire for the extra Godzilla factor. The heavy flamers use the spare cannisters from the Helbrute kits and nozzles from the Sister of Silence kit.
  5. I made a thing! Teaser: http://i.imgur.com/9VgEdXk.jpg http://i.imgur.com/82nfySG.jpg Thanks to the B+C members from the Black Templar and Chaos forums for encouraging me in the pursuit of an idea. PS. He already killed a witch!
  6. Hello! I haven't actually played in a couple editions, but 8th has me wanting to look into possibility finding out if there's a gaming group near me. Having not played my guard much though, I was wondering if anyone had some good advice on what to build into my lists? The only really huge limitation I have is that I can't afford to buy much new at the moment, but I have a big enough collection to cover most non-flyer options. I'm also very much a play for fun player, but I don't want to paint up an army that isn't at all viable. Are there any good rules to live by? Is a single tank a bad idea, or ok in practice. Go for fewer squads of disciples, or massed militia to get off more shots and more bodies? I tend to gravitate toward infantry, but I'm unsure if a mass of 150 + infantry in a 2000pt list makes sense, or if it's better to swap a bunch of bodies for some tanks. Basically, I need help to know what I should work on digging up, converting, or painting, please :)
  7. Renegades and Heretics (and heretic-Heretics) Painting Bonanza Welcome to the first R&H collective painting event. We're doing this to have some fun, get some inspiration, and show off some great little plastic (or metal or resin) Heretics. Participants will be able to vow to paint part of their collection, ranging from a single cultist to an entire army, and we'll see how much we as a subforum can accomplish. The Rules: Anyone is welcome to participate within the guidelines of the festivities. The event will start immediately, and run until the end of August. Anyone is free to vow as much or as little as they would like, but please finish one vow before starting on another. Try to not vow more than you can handle. Any models fall into one of three categories: 1. Entries in the Renegades and Heretics army list from Forgeworld's Imperial Armour Index. 2. Entries from the Astra Militarum army list from Index: Imperium 2. 3. Other Entries with the Faction Keyword "Chaos". These entries may only make up a total of half of your vows in total. So two squads of Cultists and a Squad of Fallen is ok, Three Squads of Renegade Astartes solo is not ok for this event (unless you have three units to balance them). The Vow: Simply post the following to make your vow of painting. Failure in your vows will be looked on harshly by the Warmaster, and being turned into spawn is the best you can hope for. "I, [name], vow to supply the Warmaster with [units or models here] totaling [total points]. May we bring death to the False Emperor." I will keep track of the vows periodically here :) Kinstryfe- 10 Marauders with Meltas and Shotguns, 2x 6 Marauders with Flamers 194pts 4 Lascannon and 3 Autocannon Teams 146pts 3 Malefic Lords and 3 Enforcers 183pts Greenz- 10 Guardsmen with Heavy bolter, Flamer, and Bolter 56pts Lorgar17- 2 renegade enforcers, 2x 5 Marauders with a plasma gun, meltagun, flamer, grenade launcher and shotgun, a disciple heavy weapon team with a missile launcher, and a land raider with a combi-bolter 550pts Hydra with heavy flamer/heavy bolter (magnetised), totalling 132pts Akrim- 30 Mutants with shotguns and 2 Medusa Siege Guns 120+???pts Azekai- 2 Nurgle Enforcers with Plasma Pistols 70pts
  8. One of my favorite threads I've ever read on the B&C, and one of the main reasons I got into the hobby was @Kierdale's thread for his psychopomps. I've similarly enjoyed @WarriorFish's Sundered and what I've seen of @Tallarn Commander's Warpborn. I'm also looking forward to reading about @Slave to Darkness's Khornate Word Bearers warband. I like reading about you guys' custom warbands and I'm going to channel that energy into my own hobby blog. The warband is still a WIP. I have yet to settle on a name that I really enjoy. But I do have some solid themes I want to incorporate and a paint scheme. I mocked up this digital test model with the app impcat. I think I am partial to the one with the black boots. I've also done up a test shoulder pad to see how the colors actually look in real life. I used the new Mantis Warrior Green contrast paint and then a conventional blue black for the trim. I'm going to have to come up with a method for touching up the green, otherwise I'm going to take some years off my life stressing out about painting so much black trim next to my beautiful, bright acid green. I'm choosing a leviathan's cross for the symbol for a couple of reasons. It invokes imagery of the occult It is connected to alchemy where it is a symbol for brimstone (sulfur) It looks cool Its simple enough to freehand that I don't need to mess around with transfers.
  9. From the album: Pictures

    Iron Within, Iron Get Out

    © Games Workshop

  10. From the album: World Eaters/ Khorne Daemonkin

    Exalted Champion, Dark Apostle, Renegades, CSM, Heretic Astartes, World Eaters, khorne
  11. Kythnos


    From the album: Iron Warriors

  12. Kythnos


    From the album: Iron Warriors

  13. Long time no see! Slowly getting back on the hobby horse. Was encoueaged by some friends to start posting again. I’ll slowly add pics of my various works over time here. first up, The Fractured! I’ve got a concept in mind of fleshing out chapters with little to no information. Both loyalist and traitors! First group will be the former chapter the Justicars, now the Fractured, who took part in the hopeless endeavor known as the abyssal crusade, and came out… worse for ware. for the lore buffs I’ll have more to come but for now just a tease! feedback, good or otherwise, is always welcome, thank you for your time!
  14. Kythnos


    From the album: Iron Warriors

  15. Kythnos


    From the album: Iron Warriors

  16. Kythnos


    From the album: Iron Warriors

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