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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

APRIL - The Fall of the Eldar (via Royal Mail)

OK, let's start this month's entry with a quick recap.    Jan - bought a tonne of models. Pile got bigger Feb - sold a tonne of models. Pile got smaller Mar - bought a tonne of models. Pile got bigger   Guess what happened in April?   Well dear reader you would be correct. I sold a tonne of models. In fact nearly my entire Eldar project (nobody wants a Wraithlord or wraith-plane-thing apparently) has made its way out through the postal system to new owners


Doobles57 in Grey pile

Allied Freeblade - Part 5

Hi Folks,   With torso done and legs done, it was only a matter of (little) time for these to part to be united in the holy forges of Mars.     The big boy is now standing, only missing some finiching touches. While heraldry guide for Freeblades (or Dreadblades) leave a lot of room to the pilot to customize its steed, some stuffs can be seen as usual features: - No or low amout Imperium marks - the 2 headed eagle is seldom in general - No household m


Bouargh in Freeblade

Even more updates.

For once it has not been months since the last update. I have had a fairly productive week and actually managed to clear several of the partly painted models off of my desk:     The scouts from the Killteam salvation box are now done, as is my Gladiator lancer, but forgot to photograph that.     This grey knights Librarian, is a kit bash based on the terminator librarian from the leviathan boxed set, actually finished it a couple of weeks ago, but just r


drakheart in Progress

Huge Update

Such a productive weekend! Friday I took off as a planned sick day and ended up having to run some errands for work and answering phone calls. Perks of being the boss, but at least I am hourly so it was all paid.  I initially took the day off to recover from my cold but Thursday night I built Cabinet 4 of 5 for the office/ hobby room.    After my errands I decided to hit up FLGS in hopes of them being out of the a Legiones Astartes Battle Group....if not I'd pick it up....  

Allied Freeblade - Part 4

Hi Folks,   The W.E. (stands for Week-End, not World Eaters), has been calm enough to complete the lower part (a.k.a. legs) of the Styrix. After some tape masking and one or two small corretions, the armoured legs of the Styrix were maked-up in the same combination of Eshin Grey and Wraithbone as the paultrons. Plus some added red stripes, as on the illustration taken as a guiding model. Main difference is that panel colours are inverted in order to fit to the Heraldry guide


Bouargh in Freeblade

The Prophet Of the WAAAGH!

The Chosen of Gork And Mork, The Bane Of the "Hero Of Hades Hive", the one, the only Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka! The first of my Xenos Factions Series, and looking perfectly orky. With Ork and Mork above him, surrounded by squiggs, I feel it's a fitting tribute to he  who shall KRUMP. And you can order one here https://tomcatlasercreations.etsy.com , now with international shipping!   Stay tuned! as there's still Tau, Eldar, Tyranids, and others to do! ALL HAIL THE WARBOSS! 


Tomcatgunner in Blog update

Allied Freeblade - Part 3

Hi Folks,   Asmall update as a third installment of this WIP series of posts. The upper part of the Styrix is now close to completion. Paultrons have been painted and I only have left their mounting into place, or rather their glueing as they can be fairly easily be mounted "dry". The wepons, carapace... are alredy assemblied and fixed.   I planned getting this torso unglued to the legs, in order to get transport easier, but it will not happen: the mini is too heavy


Bouargh in Freeblade

Abaddon update and guilliman started

Time to get back to the big chap!  Finishing off the various skulls on his trophy rack and the couple hanging from his waist (not pictured), but mainly finishing off his right pauldron with the massive eye! All that's left to do is: 1. finish off a his various 'metal' skulls such as on the talons and left pauldron 2. finish the helmet and decomposing head to complete the trophy rack 3. Paint his topknot and reattach to head 4. Paint and reattach the ammo feeder to the


Domhnall in Work In Progress

The Silent Sisterhood

So the remodel is in progress but going very well but unfortunately due to crazy Arizona weather, fiancé and some of the kids being sick last weekend it is hitting me finally. Tired, sick, and sore not a good combo, I am trying to fight through it all.   While moving stuff around in preparation of the remodel, I was putting box kits on the shelves and putting my unboxed Redemptionist and Sisters of Silence in the rolling cart with other stuff. I being debating what I want as my allies


W.A.Rorie in Sisters of Silence

Allied Freeblade - Part 2

Hi Folks,   As a second installment of this WIP journey, let´s talk paint scheme a little bit. I planned to use this Freeblade mainly as a boost for my Skitarii. From here comes the selection of the model, based on its look and not on its rules. I wanted something AdMechiest to be integrated into the overall vibe of the force. The Styrix had a better touch to my taste, even if I find its head a little bit disapointing - the Maegara one is better.   While thinking AdMech


Bouargh in Freeblade

Work in Progress!

So the new furniture arrived from Ikea yesterday.  Between work and taking care of the kids, the Fiancé and me have the task of building all the furniture and rearraigning the office.  Which may included painting and changing out the lights.        Last night we moved the items bins full of hobby stuff, books, etc. out of the office. Then we moved the old furniture we were getting rid of out on to the downstairs patio. After dinner and cleaning up after dinner, we moved a cab


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHGGGGGGGGGG ( The First Appearance of the orks are here)

So a week ago I got asked to make a coaster set, and the only thing it said, was orks. So, I made it as orky as I could. These are 4" slate coasters, featuring the bad moons, evil sunz, blood axes, kult of speed, goffs, and the standard ork faction symbol. I'm quite pleased with how these turned out, hopefully some ork players can swing by and give some feedback on how I did. and if you want a set for yourself, click here : tomcatlasercreations.etsy.com and remember to use discount code


Tomcatgunner in Blog update

Hero-Stand Display Plinths [KICKSTARTER]

Hero-Stand Display Plinths are customisable monuments designed to showcase your prized miniatures in all their glory.   [youtube]https://youtu.be/iMegcVsWuvo[/youtube] These versatile, 3D printable plinths introduce a modular system that allows you to create captivating displays tailored to your needs. Whether you're a proud hobbyist, display painter, miniature collector or just want to create impressive dioramas, these plinths provide the perfect stage to bring your characters to

Raven Guard Sicaran Work in Progress pt 2

Well slowly but surely, I have been making progress on my Raven Guard Sicaran.  After discussing the remodel of the hobby room I began working on the Sicaran by painting the tracks. I used Vallejo Metal Color Steel and focused on the tracks at the top of the tank. and then I painted the Exhaust stacks with Vallejo Metal Color Exhaust Manifold.       I really like the Vallejo Metal Color Steel and Exhaust Manifold, and wanting a gunmetal and brass color from the rang

.....Ever Onwards

I've been a bit lax in keeping up with updates lately , so this one will be a bit of a catch-up.    Recently finished are my two squads of striking scorpions from the Kill Team: Salvation box set:     I have also made a fair bit of progress on the other half of the box set, the scouts, along with a gladiator lancer, my kit-bashed Phobos Librarian and a 3d printed Eradicator with multi-melta as this was not an option for the easy build squad I have. I have got most


drakheart in Progress

Upcoming Work in Progress!

So last night my Fiancé and I were discussing the lack of work space in our shared Office/ Hobby Room.  I have a decent amount of workspace but lack display space. She has decent storage space but not enough counter space to work. We have been redoing all the rooms lately so we are no stranger to Ikea visits and deliveries. So after a few minutes of discussion and measurements, and looking at different cabinets,  we purchased new Furniture and agreed to repaint the room in to a lighter color.  M


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

The Wisest Of the Wise, and The Crimson King, the last of the established covers.

So this is not necessarily the closing of this project, but an important Milestone. with these 2 designs done, the last of the GW made Primarch Hardcovers is done. Now To do Horus' which will be I Feel some time in the making. But first, a bit of a breather while I rest on my laurels of what I've accomplished.  There will be more for a few factions or at least one's I've thought of so far. The Sisters of Battle, The Inquisition, The Custodes, the Orks, and the Necrons will all get


Tomcatgunner in Blog update

The War for Khyama Sub-Sector- A Metal Head Armory Campaign PT 1

As one of the founding members of Metal Head Armory here in Arizona, we have always wanted to have our battles in the same system. For the longest time it was a no name system. Until 2015, when I picked a 40k Planet at random, so we fought for control for Khymara.  As the group has advanced into other games, Necromunda and 30k, we never really left that system.  And it is time to update the Metal Head Armory fluff.    Pre-Heresy       41st Millennium


W.A.Rorie in Khymara Sector

Allied Freeblade - Part 1

Stomp Stomp... Styrix incoming...   This big guy was in my plans for a while, and some months passed since I listed its aquisition into the TITH thread (Today´s in the Hobby - See Amicus Aede sub-Forum).   It was high time to strat working on this machine. I initially thought about enlisting it as a Plodding along, but I rather keep this pledge for some kitbashed vehicles waiting to be finished and painted for years (a quarter or 2 before I suscribed to this forum). And havin


Bouargh in Freeblade

Raven Guard Sicaran Work in Progress

Well I finally got to bust out airbrush this Saturday for a little bit at least. I was able to layer down some dark greys (Vallejo- Black Grey, Dark Grey, and neutral grey)  and then due to lack of Vallejo Gloss, I had to rattle can the model with Munitorum Varnish ....but no frosting. I went through my decals and picked the decals from the Raven Guard Primaris sheet, and Horus Hersey Raven Guard Legion Sheet. Once I picked my decals and placement, I applied Ardcoat to the areas and left to dry.

Militia Baneblade

I am slowly working my way through a baneblade for the militia:      There are plenty of gaps to be filled on this but nothing a little greenstuff won't handle. The downside of this being an older kit is that the parts don't fit as snugly as they would on newer kit. 


Harrowmaster in Militia

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