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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions
  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment

Introducing the Kids to 40k- a summer project - Preview

A while back my Fiancée was shopping at Target and asked me if I wanted anything. I told her the The Space Marine Board Game. She did pick it up for me.        Not being a Tyranid Player or an Ultramarine player this was an enh purchase for my armies but as an introduction to 40k for my fiancée's adopted sons and my future (step) sons (11, 10, 9, and 8) it felt it would be perfect.  I can build in paint Capt. Titus, the kids can build and paint the Tyranids and then we can pl

Tanksgiving part 2

In my previous Tanksgiving Part 1 post I talked about my local groups up coming Horus Heresy Tank Game.  Well it is time for an update.    3000 pts of  the 909th Armored Company will consist of:   HQ:       Sicaran Elites:    Squadron of 2 Sicarans Troops:  Squadron of 2 Predators Troops:  Squadron of 2 Predators Troops:  Squadron of 1 Predator Fast Attack: Squadron of 2 Sabre tanks Heavy Support: Squadron of 2 Vindicators Hea


W.A.Rorie in Tanksgiving

Silence is Golden.....

Another weekend has come and gone and well I had to take some extra time off but had to go in and conduct training at work on Sunday.   I started the weekend working on my bases for the Sisters of Silence all 31 of them....     Vallejo White pumice, tile grout and rocks, cut of coffee stir sticks, Pegasus hobbies bricks,  Gale force 9 barb wire, and of course citadel skulls.    Then I started building 5 Prosecutors     I am awaiting the

What do you mean I'm a third done

Due to being off work a week for surgery I've caught up on some modeling      Somewhat depressingly the infantry here are less than a third of the total in my 3000pt list aha.   I'm now off to lazily build 7 whole stormcast models over a weekend 

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in 30k

No one expects The INQUISITION!

Here's my my Inquisition based book cover to go with the others I've been doing. 3 skulls with roman numerals for 1, 2, and 3 to represent each ordo.   the Rosette featured proudly in the center. I'll also be engraving some notebooks with this design to make my own Grimoire. What do you all think? And you can get yours here at https://tomcatlasercreations.etsy.com and stay tuned for my next one for the Sisters Of Battle!


Tomcatgunner in Blog update

White Scars Kill-Team and Board

Another slow day at work, another blog post to archive a previous project.  When the Strike Force Justinian Kill Team was announced/revealed I got to work on a conversion. The stock models are fine, but I'm not a big fan of the Ultramarines and didn't feel like shelling out cash when I had most of the models/bits on hand. The one exception I made was for the captain, because I needed both a powerfist/plasma pistol...and white-scars bits to accompany the upgrade kit I'd picked up ages ago on a

Starting off with a finish

I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, and I'm finally pulling the trigger. I want a place to share my work and receive comments on it that isn't one of the socials or discord. Plus I can upload here from work, which is certainly a boon.  Opening project is going to be sharing the progress to date, and completion of, a display board for my take on the Euclidian Starstriders kill team (previously posted in the kill-team channel). I started the board last year, and completed

For the Necron fans (Is Me)

So I sought to pay tribute to the Necron faction as a whole. With the Symbol of the Triarch, the Silent King, and the Infinite as well as the Divine, I laid a good bit of groundwork. What do you all think? The Green is a standard green acrylic The yellowish is actually a fluorescent green.   Let me know which is your favorite! And if you want your own, you can grab it here! https://tomcatlasercreations.etsy.com


Tomcatgunner in Blog update

A Story of Death or Victory- The Angels of the XIXth Legion Raven Guard Pt1

I am a Rememberacer. My job as given to me by Holy Terra, is that of a documenter, as journalist, if you will. Even as I write this, I wonder if it will be read by others. I am one of lucky few, given the opportunity to join the Emperor’s Great Crusade, as the Legions bring the worlds back under the Emperor’s light. This the story of my time, or better yet, retelling of the battles of that the Angels of the XIXth Legion, Raven Guard, I witnessed. The fleet, XIXth Legion, Raven Guard, 707th Exped


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

For the last primarch in this series, the warmaster, Horus Lupercal

So this is the last design in my primarch series. All 18/19 are accounted for that we know of, and this last design highlights the transition from the Lunar Wolves to the Sons Of Horus, of the Mournival, of the blade Drachnyen, and of his lightning claws.  I present the design for Horus Lupercal, Warmaster, and Favorite of the sons of the emperor.   “For the Warmaster!”


Tomcatgunner in Blog update

A review of different Sci-Fi miniatures

It has been a while since I posted something on my blog and since I have been thinking about different miniature lines and their advantages and disadvantages I decided to do a short review comparing miniatures from 3 different companies: GW, North Star and Wargames Atlantic. The cover I chose for this blog entry is a conversion made of bits from different companies, including the 3 companies I will evaluate in this review. As a initial warning, this review is based on my personal prefere


GreenScorpion in Review

KitBash Time! EngineSeer at work

After grabbing "accidentally" a GSC patrol box, on purpose to use the body to kitbash some IG regiment, I am potentially left with some bits inc. mining tools.  I then remembered this pic, unless I decided that GSC bodies would do better base for IG than Orlock gangers BECAUSE of this pic:     I am already the happy owner of enough Engineseers to fill all the slots in my AdMech army. And I have been left with one extra (remaining from a Patrol box), in desperate need for

Helmets, doggies and birdies

Well the esty order has arrived and I forgot to take photos of the helmeted heads . Overall I am really impressed with them and I will need to attach the top knots to them ones with out them. I only going to do the 10 heads well 9 actually for the Raptora Cadre.      The Crows and Cyber dogs came in. Both are super nice. Dogs feel like they are bit small compared to the crows. But the are still Good boys..     here is another scale pic   Next t

The cost of 10th - One year later, where am I heading?

... Or almost one year later, what is the status of my "legalizing" effort to adapt my armies to 10th?   This used to be one of my first entries in this blog and I feel like it is worth setting a kind of progress report.   Remember, last year, after launch of 10th, the state of my armies was more or less: - AdMech (New Year / New Army 2023) - to be redesigned. - Eldars - requiring a big refresh.  - Death Watch, - claiming for love for the Veterans  

Abaddon is finished!

It's been 23 years, but I have finally finished painting Abaddon! <yeah! woo! alright!>    I need to fiddle with getting the chain attached to the skulls (holes too small for chain end to fit, so need to fiddle with it), but other than that it is done, and I'm happy with it.  Quick photo taken, but will need to sort out some decent photos soon for a proper post on the forum! Enjoy  

Money can be exchanged for goods and services

Allo   Continuing on with the theme of my fiscal irresponsibility behold the siege breaker I have built.   I don't run siege breakers and decided to build this on a whim. Unfortunately for me the parts needed included one arm from the Sons of horus weapon set. I don't play Sons of horus ended up buying the pack for one bit.   He do be handsome tho   I also received all the bases I need for my solar aux infantry       

XIXth Legion Army badge and Sisters of Silence Update

Well I was going through the Sisters of Silence to see how many models I actually I have. Turns out I have 20 Sisters of Silence plus the Black Library Character. I did order another 5 Sisters of Silence. Plus I ordered some bits off of Etsy.    First off was this     I ordered 10 Heads I figured these would be great for my Raptora Bodygurad.    Then I found these       Cyber puppies!!!!!   And since my Pursuer Cadre will be


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Unwise decisions and their costs

Allo   It is well known and spoken of amongst the clouds above that I am not a smart man   Many have described me as "upright" and "lacking in brain wrinkles"   Perhaps as of a result of this I decided to buy into the solar aux and also buy fancy bases       Luckily I am too empty thought to have worked out how much this will cost in the long wrong but considering there's 100 infantry I expect its going to be a bad time 

Hot diggity damm thats a lot of tank

Right lets try this again    So finished all my infantry and started my tanks, changed tank scheme part way through because it was too bright. Painted all the tanks looked back at the infantry had a mild breakdown at the difference in brightness and stripped the infantry #winning lmao                           Either way the bulk of the tank are done aha

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in Iron warriors

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