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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions
  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment

Another Sentinel

I have begun work on a second sentinel for the militia, this one will also have a converted multimelta:      In terms of aesthetics I actually prefer the look of this one for heresy than the old sentinel, I'm not really sure why it just feels more appropriate for militia. 


Harrowmaster in Militia

Senior Officer

I have completed building the mini for Lord General Matthias Fischer, the commander of the 53rd Army Group:   Parts wise he is mostly the standard Castellan with the sheathed power sword from the Cadian Command Squad and the addition of a patrician cloak from Anvil Industry's regiments range. I just need to decide on a paint scheme and build a command squad to accompany him (possibly based on the rogue trader voidsmen). 

Which Company for my Bladeguard - help me choose!

Call to Arms has started, and I'm going to paint a squad of Aggressors for it  But at the same time, I'm painting three Bladeguard Veterans; I'll chip away at these in the background, aiming to have them done by the end of the year.      In the meantime, I'm mulling over which Company these Veterans are going to be from  They're intended to go with the Boarding Patrol I've already completed, which is from the 4th Company. I had originally intended that these would be from th

Session Two

SESSION TWO:   Well, I've been busy again. I've thrown myself into weird and wonderful projects because I can, and I have the time. It has also served me to look at something other than a bloody computer scream (no, not a typo), and has allowed me to just get lost in a project, no matter how much hair it still causes to fall out. It has been a bit of trial and error, but I got where I wanted in the end. Looking at the RT WH40K Compendium is absolutely lethal.   Now it just so

Mazer Rackham

Mazer Rackham

Call To Arms- Vow

I am proud this year to pledge my Allegiance to the Horus Heresy Stronghold in the name of Emperor! My Vow break down later.   One of my favorite things about the B&C community is the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge and the Call to Arms Model building and painting events. @Grotsmasha has done a great job at keeping these events going over the years.  I am getting married in November this year, so I am hoping to get back into the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge next year, as a way to keep


W.A.Rorie in Call to Arms

Tanksgiving part 4 - Heavy Tank Inbound

Well it has been a week, not so much work related but I finally found time to hobby. I had to decide between painting Sisters of Silence (now that I have all 50 infantry models), the Custodes, or start building the last 2 armor vehicles I have.  Well the Kratos won out. This is were it ended last night.      Just turret and accessories to do.  I am hoping to get it done and get the Cerebus done too  before Saturday so I can focus on painting the rest of the Call to Arms vow


W.A.Rorie in Tanksgiving

Session One

SESSION ONE:   Just a quick one since I had some time today, and so I went delving in the boxes, the miniatures shuddering from fear and fright in the back of my attic, and I found the hull of a Land Raider Redeemer/Crusader with a goodly few bits.   This fired up a few neurons, and I pored through the pages of Imperial Armour IX and found a very intriguing bit of artwork, namely the Howling Griffons Land Raider Prometheus. Well, you know, the FW kit has been out of productio

Mazer Rackham

Mazer Rackham

Scope Creep

I'm headed to Nova in a couple of months, and wanted something new to bring to the tournament. I'm exclusively a kill-team player these days (if you haven't checked it out, do yourself a favor), and Nova is holding a compendium-only tournament which sounds like a blast. Compendium teams are the original, essentially underpowered/beginner teams that launched with KT2.0/KT21, and are almost all teams made up of models you likely already have if you play 40k. I decided this was a perfect opportunit


zulu.tango in Da Khromeboyz

How to pretend not to start a GSC army - Part 1

Hi folks,   Before entering into the details, it may be worth setting up a kind of background. Let´s go back in time in a not so far past (relativity matters) when previous 40k Edtion allowed Allied Detachments in its Force Organization Charts   The scene is set.   I enjoyed this era that has been a perfect time to increase my SW force versatility adding small detachments of other stuff in order to get some tactical diversification. It is when I added Blood Ang


Bouargh in Not GSC

Session Zero

SESSION ZERO:   Welcome to the Blog!    This is basically intended as a collection of projects - which likely won't ever get finished, but I don't want to clog up the WIP/HOH with my inane and meandering nonsense. You can see my very small pile of shame here, which consists of half an Infiltrators kit (Technically a Phobos Kill Team with the upgrades - I can't even remember the name), a Bladeguard kit, and two Intercessors. They've been sitting around for a while, doing not mu

Mazer Rackham

Mazer Rackham

Brothers of the Mark - Slaughter Class Cruiser - Test Model

BROTHERS OF THE MARK SLAUGHTER CLASS CRUISER - ROLL THE BONES   Festooned with lance and gun batteries, ready to roam the flanks and prey on the weak and vulnerable.   After years of yearning, I've finally started work on my first BFG fleet! It turns out the local BFG community is surprisingly large and active, and possesses a number of very eager 3D printers, happy to print whole fleets for the coast of materials just to help a newcomer like myself get started. Thi

Tanksgiving part 3 - Forges are lit

As part of the ongoing series about my local group upcoming Horus Heresy Tank Game.   (Previous articles) Tanksgiving Part 1  Tanksgiving Part 2   Well I finally finished building the 2 Vindicators and surprisingly 2 Predators this week. Still need to build them Kratos and Cerberus.    Status of the  XIXth 909th Armored Company will consist of:   HQ:       Master of Armory Sicaran- Built Elites:    Squadron of 2 Sicarans- 1 Built/ 1 Compl


W.A.Rorie in Tanksgiving

MAY - The calm before the potential (TINY) storm

May has been a relatively quiet month.   I type that realising that it's not exactly a captivating opening to a blog entry and I'm likely to lose many readers immediately. But it is kind of the truth in the context of what this blog is about. The first 4 months of the year have seen fairly gaudy numbers of models in and out of the pile of shame whilst May has seen pretty modest values on both sides. For various reasons (which I will expand on below - oooo what a tease please keep readi


Doobles57 in Grey pile

The Aurora

This ship was something of an exercise in perseverance through frustration. Initially this ship was going to be an included, but removable, portion of the display board itself. I had designed a tray which incorporated the base of the ship into a corner of the board, serving as both base for the ship and a transfer tray for the kill-team. I had an IOU 3D print from a kid in my local Kill Team group that I called in to get this ship made, and received assurances that it was an easy print, and I wo

Preparing to go on a Crusade

I’ve completed a Boarding Patrol of my Ashen Sentinels, and once I’ve painted Bladeguard Veterans and Aggressors (next on my painting desk), I’ll have some flexibility as to what I can take for playing that game mode. But the next ‘phase’ of this army is doing a ‘standard’ 2,000 points worth of models. Rather than repeat what I’ve already done, I’ll be painting a different selection of Primaris miniatures and models – and as I do so, I’ll be using them in an ongoing narrative-driven campaign wit

Sanguinius Dice Tray

Made one of these and really like how it turned out after many many people told me they wanted dicetrays with these designs.  So here's the first one, and I love how it turned out. What do you all think?   Love it? Get yours here!  https://www.etsy.com/listing/1738743981/wh40k-themed-dice-tray


Tomcatgunner in Blog update

Tau expansion.

I've spent a fair bit of time hobbying recently and made some relatively good progress, the main idea was to try and clear the decks ready for the big expansion of my tau army following the release of the new codex and models. I spent most of the previous 2 weeks building , basing and priming the models with the aim of having these ready for the Call to Arms 2024 event on here and as you can see from the image below, I'm pretty much ready to go.      Ready to paint are:


drakheart in Progress

We are vigilance unending!

Well this just happened.....     I guess I have to build a Custodes army for HH now.... Still more to do on the base and well order more Custodes. Unlike my Sisters of Silence this will be a full army.  I plan on painting them Gold like My Knight Abyssal shown here:     But red robes. I think the bases may be more Unique with more than skulls.   So to start the plan is: Shield Captain  Hetaeron Guard Custodian Guard Squad Sent

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