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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Operation: Ice Pick

//SANGUINE//SCI//ICEPICK//HELLOWEEN//SCI//SANGUINE//     Attached is the engagement zone of Helloween Platoon in Operation: Ice Pick, part of the larger Operation: Iceborn, which heralds the beginning of the Iceborn Crusade, which itself is a smaller part of the Nihil Crusade.  Labels are based on building function prior to the birth of Glimmerheim,    Mission Parameters: Primary Objective: Establish beach head at Trade Sector 22-d   Secondary O


Malphas in Dreadfall Expanse

Grand Army part 5

Returning to my Grand Army idea it did not feel right to not include my Adepta Sororitas, Order of the Valorous Heart. They way I feel it would be the Sisters as the boots on Ground Force requesting aid and holding ground. Storm Troopers performing recon and scout missions. Grey Knights taking ground and performing the majority of the heavy lifting. Sisters of Silence as needed. And the Inquisition assisting all forces.    Normally I would have my forces here but I want my Sisters to r


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

"These heretics refute the Emperor's holy right to rule."

"Let them argue with the barrel of gun." Canoness Sabine, Order of Our Martyred Lady   Lately I have been thinking about my Adepta Sororitas a lot lately. I don't have room to display them but I also am not getting rid of them. I need to rebase the few models done to match my other armies. I need to paint a Majority of the forces, as so little is done             So much more to do...I need to figure out a list and go from the


W.A.Rorie in Adepta Sororitas

Clean Up

A very brief update (The Old World has been taking most of my attention).    I got some psykers and servitors stripped of their old paintjobs and ready for cleaning.      The psykers will be used as primaris psykers or astropaths as needed, I've not got enough to field the psyker battle squad.    The gun servitors will be added to inquisitorial retinues while the tech servitors will accompany the enginseer. 


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

On the Iceborn Crusade

[Ref. From the personal logs of Seigfryd Kallanti, Lord Governor, Dreadfall Expanse]   On this, the 344th Day of the 23rd Year of our 42nd blessed millennium,   Let this be a chronicling of the events of the Iceborn Crusade, named for Operation Iceborn, an Inquisitorial effort to be made in tandem with Astra Militarum components of the Malchan, Rivenblight, and Ghostweave Nexus subsectors, as well as coordinated forces of the Adeptus Astartes.  This collection of operations w


Malphas in Dreadfall Expanse

Supplementary File: Imaging Disc 885973-XXLEVINBOLTXX-AD884921-4: IMPERIAL NAVY REF.DF001

Star Map: Dreadfall Expanse     Location Matrix:   Dreadfall Expanse Subsector shows signs of ancient colonization and catastrophe in equal measure.  Substantial lost histories and unexplored regions.  Less than 20% of the sector has been surveyed since the era of the Great Crusade. It is the most coreward subsector of Malexis.  Cold trade activity and archeo-piracy are 520% above the Imperial Average here.   Colonized Systems Po


Malphas in Dreadfall Expanse

More Kataphrons. And I swear these will be the last ones...

(... Except if some more come on bargain inside miniature bundles.**)   Hi Folks,   Yes, these are going to be the last Kataphrons I include in my army on purpose. This addition will raise my count to a fourth unit: one unit of 3 Destroyers with grav cannon and flamer one unit of 6 Destroyers with plasma culverin and blaster one unit of 3 Breachers with arc gun and hydraulic claw and as the latest addition this unit of 3 Breachers with arc gun and a

"Too the righteous, we bring hope. To the tainted, we bring fire!"

Well we had a surprise leak today in the form of Imperial Agents Codex pages. And well I am happy to see that, as it justifies me continuing down the path I am headed.   My tenure as an Adeptus Astartes' player has ended.  It's been coming down the line for a while. It started when Scouts were removed as Troops so I was forced to replace them with Phobos. And then the rule of 3 came into effect so I lost scout squads. Now that Phobos are not troops, I see no reason to play Adeptus Asta


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Update

First post, Imperial Reivers colour scheme

First post trying out some Colour schemes for my chapter, looking for a deep purple with a chameleon paint feel to it. I feel the blue highlights are a bit too "bright" so maybe try a more greenish shade.  As a note the Reiver models are in no way related to the chapter title, this chapter started way back in the late 90's, and the updated colour scheme is for the Primaris marines. The first born are just Liche Purple without fancy pants scheme and will stay that way.   


Domhnall in Imperial Reivers

Bheta-Decima Terrain

Hi Folks,   After weeks procrastinating about these platforms that needed to be finished, I final managed to convince myself that it could not stay uncompleted longer. So, I applied a kind of autodiscipline: spend 10 minutes every day applyong the wraithbone colour I selected as main tone for the platforms. It took me 2 weeks to finish, mainly because covering of splashed metallic tones requires more than onne coat and also because there is a lot of small gaps to be painted. I swe


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

On Port Rime

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++INCOMING TRANSMISSION+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   //KOEPERNICK//Dreadfall Geopolitical Report #09928819-02936.023.024M42 Clearance Level: //SAPPHIRE//DF//GPA-MISC//     The Fall of Port Rime [Ref. Last Known Pict-capt of shipboard cam, 2nd Lieutenant Matteusz "Moonracer" Volkyr, IXFW-22, Fury Squadron]   The Pilades Incident, as it is colloquially known here in The 'Fall was an action undertaken by the


Malphas in Dreadfall Expanse

Tackling my Tau - Stormsurge Part 4

Well. I finally got up the energy to get started on the paint job on my Stormsurge. Just as well, because I've only gone and pledged it for both the 12 months of hobby, and as part of a larger bunch of t'au in the March for March. Yeah. I just hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew this time...   The first stage of my t'au scheme is always my favourite stage, as it is really fast! Several successive layers of drybrushing to build up the colours on the white "undersuit" of the i

Battle Report: Adeptus Titanicus - Tempestus v Mordaxis

A quick visual battle report of a recent game where Legio Tempestus faed down th Evil Mordaxis.   Legio Tempestus Corsair Maniple Reaver - volcano, laser blaster, missile Reaver - melta, gatling, volkite Reaver - fist, chainfist, laser Warlord - volvano, quake, missiles   Legio Mordaxis Venator Maniple Reaver -  volcano, melta, lasers Warhound - plasma, lasers Warhound - plasma, lasers   Reaver - laser fist, missiles


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

Tithe Disclosure: From the Data Slate of Commissar-Lieutenant Phinneus Crane

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++INCOMING TRANSMISSION++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   //OCCULUS//Data Harvest #83092819927344821.025.022M42 Clearance Level:  //SANGUINE//OH//VOIDSTALKER//OH//   A Tithe Disclosure to Troopers of the Malchan Praetoriate Vermilion Legion//HELLOWEEN PLATOON// before deploying in the purge of Port Rime 011.022M42.  The platoon in question had just been seconded to support of the 13th Iracundean Thrall Division and the Angels Apocryphal chapter of t


Malphas in Dreadfall Expanse

Intelligence Update//TAR 8112: Ordo Xenos Threat Assessment - Conclave Malexis//281.022M42

Malchan Subsector   Yazhnox Dynasty Dakkadakkadakkafist WAAAAGH! The House of Dal'Ruin   Ghostweave Nexus   Kabal of the Blood Mouth The Silent Young Corsair Fleets of Aeldoran Splinter Fleet Hydra, Second Head   Dreadfall Expanse   Spine Klaive Kabal The Exile Commodore Hellfreekz WAAAAGH! Zarithax Dynasty Splinter Fleet Hydra, Third and Sixth Heads   Rivenblight  


Malphas in Malexis Sector

Vacation time relaxation

Well on a much needed vacation with my fiancé after a very stressful week taking care of family emergency.    Cruise ship, beaches, and Caribbean sunshine…..away from my models and hobby stuff but I did bring the Grey Knight Omnibus by Ben Counter to read while enjoying the sunshine on the balcony, poolside and on the beach.    I am gonna pick up the other books (Sons of Titan and Crowe series) for the next cruise in May to Alaska.    Thunderhawk project is still in planning


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Battlezone Moroch - A Plodding Along progress... and a recipe

Hi Folks,   As Weather is definitevly not by my side, no outdoor activities over the past Week-end. Week in fact. And the weather broadcast for the coming days is even less attractive. It left me with some time to spend painting.   And I used it quite well progressing on the 2 odd stuffs from the Moroch set: Meaning the dish antena and the (beacon ?) tower.   I tried to do these 2 lighter tainetd than the Ryza Pattern Hab-bunkers. Just to get something close in


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2023

Trukks´ Pit stop

Hi Folks,   Still progressing on my Plodding, with this time the Mekboy Workshop done.   Barricades and piles of scrap were already painted in January, and I lately completed the workshop itself. It might be an offense to Mork (or to Gork, I dunno), but I wanted to get rid of some orkiness, so I focussed on a limited colour pallet and did not stressed on too much on icons and mess. I also decided not to install the Ork totem on the bridge so that the model can insert smo


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

FEB - More Ad Mech and can Doobles get in the green.....?

So, January kind of put me in a small (large) hole for my plan to reduce my pile of shame. In response February has been a month of looking to redress that issue.   Hobby time has been limited unfortunately. Having a small child means living with your very own nurgling and boy oh boy did she bestow some of papa nurgle's finest blessings upon us this month.   In total I managed to complete a grand total of.....5 models. Not ideal. However on the plus side, they were all from t


Doobles57 in Grey pile

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