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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions
  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
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I got some of my miniatures professionally photographed

In preparation for a 40k Campaign that will run at my local gaming group, past weekend I got together with some friends to get some photos of different 'scenes' that are going to be in the Campaign source book. Did I mention that one of my friends is a professional photographer?  Here are some of the pics from the session - we were all blown away with the results!     I'll share a post about the campaign in the not too distant future, but in the meant

The Daemon has many forms. You must know them all.

I should be working on my CTA 2024 Vow and I just don't have the motivation for some reason. I have been sitting around trying to paint my Ravenguard, Grey Knights, or working on my Adepta Sororitas and nada. I was looking for a Grey Knight parts and found a bag of stuff I have been waiting to build and well it they are built now     Inquistor Hector Rex and his retinue, Astropath, Black Ship Captain (count as Rogue Trader) 


W.A.Rorie in Imperial Agents

Call to Arms 2024 - 4th progress report

Hi Folks,    It has been a busy week. I managed to progress quite a lot on my pledge, although it is not yet 100% completed.   At the moment I can had to the rooster the 3 Serberys and the Manipulus. The latter was supposed to be the last miniature to be painted but in the end it took over the Pteraxii.   The Raiders were configured in the standard tooling for a unit of 3: sticking to the manual. I have some others on their way and when I will expand the gang, the 3


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

Minor Characters WIP

Got these models primed this morning. My favorite is the web jumper model so I'll probably paint him last.  I'm wrapping up some guardians. These will be next in line.         Thanks for looking.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in WIP

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era?

Alongside the elite Skitarii regiments, whose allegiance and command was owed ultimately to Mars, and the Collegia Titanica, which comprised the planet-shattering Titan Legions, both of which organisations operated separate military traditions of their own, the Taghmata formed the great trinity, the ‘Triad-Magna’, of the Mechanicum’s power during the Great Crusade. Besides these three there stood the ‘lesser’ independent and allied divisions of the Mechanicum such as the Knight Houses, the Ord


Bouargh in House rules

Jetbike Standard Bearer

I have gotten a bit more progress done on the jetbike command squad:      The torso is the MK 3 IH one from FW, the combat shield is from the (now OOP) assault squad for 40K and the banner is from the old Cadian Command Squad (with the decals shaved off and a brass road as a banner pole) the hand for the banner is from the 40K marine tank gunner arms with a hole drilled through, and it is attached to the arm from the jetbike squad. 


Harrowmaster in Varantis

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - Devilfish APC

KY'VASH RECON CADRE DEVILFISH APC TY7 'Devilfish' Armoured Personnel Carrier.   Infantry-heavy T'au forces often rely on Devilfish-Chassis vehicles for transport and fire support, the TY7 Devilfish having remained in service for much of the T'au's recent military history. The ubiquitous T'au anti-gravity technology is here used to ensure full viability over all surfaces, and when paired with the oversized engines allows for aerial insertion alongside battlesuit units. Wh

Games Pics July 27, 2024

Aeldari vanguard try to retake relics stolen by Orks.   I lost 1-2 in a nail biter. Had I made one more save on that last turn, I'd have pulled it out. Can't ask for much better.                   Thanks for looking.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics

"And lo: by their devices and desires shall Chaos make itself known to thee."- Silas Hand

With Codex: Imperial Agents on the horizon, in a previous Blog post, I talked about my Grand Army idea......  that was almost a year ago.... so I guess it is time for an update. According to the WarComm article :   "Should you instead wish to field an entire army of Imperial Agents, the Codex offers four new Detachments which add their own Detachment rules, Stratagems, and Enhancements to the mix, allowing you to support a full Inquisitorial force with no limitations on the number of u


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

Understanding [Most of] the B&C Site Features

This blog post started life as an effort to better educate members on the benefits of Pages/Articles after some posts, especially the one by @INKS here. The information herein goes beyond Pages/Articles, however, so I decided to locate it within my blog and then link to it in the aforementioned discussion, and maybe also in the Amicus Aedes forum. Realistically, this is just a precursor to something that should be either an article or a series of articles. It is being presented in this abbreviat

Brother Tyler

Brother Tyler in Editorials

Iron Hands Predator

I gave started work on a predator for my Iron Hands:      When I bought this it was the only plastic Predator available but I also like the more square aesthetic (particularly with the IG dozer blade). 


Harrowmaster in Varantis

Bitz Box Bingo

Threw this together via bitz I had: archon, void weaver, and death jester kits. I'll run this model as a character in my corsairs army. Sort of a death jester homage. I hope to get it primed this week but have no idea when I'll get started on the paint phase.             Thanks for looking.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in WIP

Iron Hands Jetbikes

A bit more progress on the jetbike command squad for my Iron Hands:      Two bikes are already fully assembled with their riders (one with power maul, the other with power fist).  These three (and the one I have finished since taking the photo) will be the praetor, the standard bearer and 2 chosen. 


Harrowmaster in Varantis

Autocannon Completion

I have finished off the fire support squad for the 479th:      With these guys done I have the following complete (bar basing):  1 Fire Support Heavy Weapons Squad 1 Infantry Squad  1 Leman Russ Battle Tank    I have 10 combat engineers/hardened veterans and 4 officers (including a quartermaster) all from anvil which are in the process of being painted.    Still to be primed are:  1 Command HQ (FW)  1 Platoon HQ and Master of Ordna

Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Vanquisher

I have completed the Leman Russ Vanquisher for my burgeoning Solar Auxilia force:      This is a really nice kit, it goes together very smoothly and the rivets and other details (like the vertical movement on the hull gun) really make it stand out as a 30k era vehicle. I have magnetised the hull lascannon so I can swap it for an autocannon if I feel like it, and the gunner's head is a "gothic void helmet" from Anvil Industry. I prefer the look of the Anvil helmets to the GW


Harrowmaster in Solar Auxilia

Krieg Autocannons

A bit more progress on the Krieg, I have managed to get some paint onto this autocannon squad from Anvil:      These are a really nice kit, sharp details but not too busy (which helps for guard infantry) and the customisation options from Anvil are really great. 

Call to Arms 2024 - 3rd progress report

Hi Folks,    After 5 weeks of challenge, and a welcomed holiday break, I am back to the brushes since last week. these past 10 days I managed to have some progress, although less lighting fast than it isued to be last year at the same period in the previous challenge. But, hay, it is an endurance run afterall, and I may eventually boost up my productivity latter.   I started with the Serberys mounts. I have been excesively enthusiatic and I did not consider prepainting a


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

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