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From the album: Heresy Era Blood Angels
From the album: Blood Drinkers IX Explorator Detachment- The Soul Reavers
- blood angel
- eradicator
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From the album: Blood Drinkers IX Explorator Detachment- The Soul Reavers
Though marines descended from the gene-seed of the Blood Drinkers are known to have very low incidence of the Black Rage, it is known to occur. Some say these Astartes show an increased resilience to the Flaw, or that they have an inherent ability to master the Black Rage. In the Soul Reavers chapter, Marines clad in the black armour and skeletal visage of the Death Company often take on the role normally filled by Sanguinary Guard; elite warriors charged with the escort of the chapter's leadership, informally known as the Sanguinary Death Guard. The chapter's Reclusiarch has remained steadfastly silent over what lies behind the differences between this chapter's "chosen", and those of other Blood Angel descendants.-
- death company
- blood angel
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From the album: Blood Drinkers IX Explorator Detachment- The Soul Reavers
Entombed 345.M41-
- dreadnought
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From the album: Blood Drinkers IX Explorator Detachment- The Soul Reavers
Entombed 744.M40-
- dreadnought
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From the album: Blood Drinkers IX Explorator Detachment- The Soul Reavers
- terminator
- librarian
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From the album: Blood Drinkers IX Explorator Detachment- The Soul Reavers
- terminator
- librarian
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From the album: Blood Drinkers IX Explorator Detachment- The Soul Reavers
Your wings, though ruined, are not without purpose. Take hold of them as you leap, and they will carry you across this chasm... -
From the album: Blood Drinkers IX Explorator Detachment- The Soul Reavers
I know you, Raziel. You are worthy. What madness is this?! You did not survive the abyss, Raziel. I have only spared you from total dissolution! -
From the album: Lord Commander Scrymgeour's Megiddo Crusade
Letholdus - Brother First over the wall at the Siege of Megiddo Prime. Gifted with honour, plate of Dain the Zealot. Welcomed as a Watch Brother for the Headsman. Gifted with honour, helm of Quietude. Slayer of monsters at The Battle for Skeldergate Oil Swamp. Gifted with honour, Aurelian Post Spectrum Auspex Infiltrated the Necropolis of the Iron Pretender. Gifted with honour, Chapter serf bearing Relic of Commander Saint Osysth of the Agonising Heart Prayer tokens - Golden Bolter Round for true sight - Blood of the Sun King for faith in brotherhood-
- blood angel
- veteran
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From the album: Excubitors WIP (BLood Angels Successor)
WIP Vanguard. Since they are BA these guys are all for looks, probably will never see the board. Chose weapons with this in mind. -
From the album: True Scale Blood Angels
Hi, first post. So, I've been looking at True Scale Marines for a while now especially the old kit from Chapter House and Tsuros unfinished Space Wolves. I chose Blood Angels because they are ally as :cuss and TrueScale Death Company has not been done yet. We are at ground level here, this is my first draft. I'm making some shoulder pads and thinking about making the arms myself and :cussing around with GW stuff never looks as clean as if you where to make it from scratch. + I avoid any copy right infringement if I ever go into production of true scale (which more people should do). WHAT I REALLY WANT TO KNOW IS WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE SCALE, SYTLE and any criticism you have. This is the point to mess around with stuff. Thanks!-
- true scale
- True Scale
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From the album: Flesh Tearers WIP Army
- flesh tearers
- blood angel
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From the album: Deathwatch WiP
Done some work last few days on multiple things. Not my most efficient method but hey. So started painting a lictor iv had from a bin buy. Had no talons but had thrse ones of a dnd model i will hopefully work on soon. They are bland detail wise compared but wirkable i think. Its nids and lictors they shouldnt be cookiecutter. There should be variety. Til we see what happens with lictors with the leapers announced. (Sound good to me) And then blood angels. Or more apprioately my storm angels. Theve been my own successor for 15 til 20 years. Historically a darker red than bloodangels but following main bloodangels symbolism. So test paint and when working on the intercessor i decided to try a brighter red and... i kinda dig it but will it be too bright? Will it fit in. Or does it not look as bright as i think it does /does it work for the new marines to be brighter. Im split. Thoughts if you will.
Just wanted your thoughts on my homebrew Blood Angels successor, (no name yet). Not done any painting in ages and am pretty pleased.
From the album: WIP blood angels knights
the sergeant from the 3rd edition wh40k box-
- blood angel
- 3rd ed
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2nd Ed sergeant conversion (2)
Lord Commander Scrymgeour posted a gallery image in Blood Angels & Successors
From the album: WIP blood angels knights
2nd ed conversion-
- blood angel
- 2nd ed
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2nd Ed sergeant conversion
Lord Commander Scrymgeour posted a gallery image in Blood Angels & Successors
From the album: WIP blood angels knights
a familiar face from 2nd ed- 1 comment
- blood angel
- conversion
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From the album: Angels of retribution
- Honor guard
- melta gun
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From the album: Angels of retribution
- Heavy
- multimelta
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From the album: Furyion's Blood angels
conversion useing mostly dark angels parts and a few odds and ends from the blood angels range.-
- blood angel
- librarian
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Hello there! Welcome to the revival thread of my Blood Angels painting WIP/showcase. I used to have a thread here on B&C that got lost in the warp (lost during the B&C crash many years ago) and I didn't bother reviving it until now. First off...bit of a background. I've been a Blood Angels painter/collector going on 10+ years now with my first models purchased back in early 2010. I've always been fascinated with GW models ever since stumbling into a GW shop in my early teens (think the first one was in West Edmonton Mall) though could never really afford the models at an early age. Fast forward to about 10 years later when I graduated from University and got my first adult job, I treated myself to a box of Space Marine sniper scouts and paint set which has lead to this crazy addictive hobby. Over the years I've dabbled in many other armies and even model ranges but have always come back to the Blood Angels as I love the colour red and the entire model range of the army is in my opinion one of the best looking and versatile (from a bits perspective) in all of GW's lineup. Some quick points about my army: - I estimate I have over 20k points of painted models as of early 2020 - Painted model count is 360+ - I paint all my models using an airbrush first followed by manual brushwork afterwards - My latest red recipe is basecoat/prime with Vallejo Surface Primer Black, airbrush GW Mephiston Red, airbrush GW Evil Sunz Scarlet Reference Picture from an army photo done in Q4 2016 (approx. 15k 7th ed points) Models since the last army shot: Reaver Titan: And some non-army models:
- 215 replies
- blood angels
- showcase
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