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Found 12 results

  1. So as part of the current Call to Arms I decided to make a sizable dent in my back log and paint up as many Tyranids as I could as well as learn to use the army for this edition. I honestly have not touched this army since early 8th iirc. For the edition I was planning on doing either Assimilation or Endless Swarm. With the change to reinforcements however I’m definitely going Assimilation, maybe Invasion for certain builds. Below is a sample list that I’m going to try running. If you see any room for improvement I’m open for suggestions. Once I get another pyrovore I’m most likely going to drop the ripper swarm and Regeneration enhancement to fit it in. For large games I’m looking at adding more big boys to the list. Point of the Parasite is to make ripper swarms to harvest other objectives. Basically have it follow a group and tail attack a soft target to make swarms. The other unit will hold the objective and allow the swarms to heal those units. If my opponent decides to target the rippers they are not attacking my other units. Only issue is if the parasite goes down, but once again, not attacking my other heavier units. Also plan to swap out the carnifex for a haruspex once I get one. I’ll add in any battle reports and fluff to this later, I did get in one game so far against my sister’s Kroot army and managed a close win. It broke down to my neurolictor managing to stop a sabotage action by killing the last 3 models of the unit. Had she scored that it would have been a tie.
  2. Hi All! I have not ventured into this forum much despite owning a few Inquisitors, I usually keep them more aligned with my IG collection and WIP as they generally don't have their own retinue. I had been holding out for a dedicated Custodes subforum and now with the release of the new FW Beta rules for ALL the units I've decided now is the time to start this thread. I do have a fairly reasonable collection so far, albeit mostly unpainted. I blame that on deciding to go with the Solar Watch colour scheme... The guys have sooo much detail... I do think it is worth it in the end. My hobby goals for this year are to finish some random guard projects I haven't completed and then focus on getting a painted and playable Custodes army. Some pic's of my collection so far My initial purchase I actually have Trajann at a semi decent TT quality, but apparently not uploaded any pics of him yet I've built most my bikes! Although I do have 1-2? boxes left to build since I did these... My first bike and scheme testing, Vallejo colours helped me achieve the ivory and gold I wanted The Terminators are possibly some of my most favourite models in 40k atm And this is essentially my only fully painted model in a year or so of collecting... My xmaspresent from last year Which is now doubly so thanks for FW's release today! He's already washed, ready to assemble and magnetise Over the long weekend last week I managed to build 10 Custodians to finish of my battalion requirement I already had assembled and magentised 1 box, these guys I didn't bother with Local store had a 40-50% clearance sale on GW the other week picked up some more models that I probably didn't need... Hopefully will order some of the new Venatari soon too Having finally kicked off this thread, I hope it spurs me more to finish this army sooner! And for those wondering
  3. Greetings, brothers. I intend two threads to cover the 3rd edition campaign I am doing with my two sons -- this thread, to cover the hobby/WIP/painting aspect, and then I will do a separate thread for battle reports and related "fluff" (i.e. storyline for the batreps). Battle reports most likely won't begin until at least the summer as we have to build up our forces. I expect my oldest son to create an account here at B&C soon so that he can contribute as well. The forces that will be involved in the campaign are: Inquisition (Codex: Witch Hunters, 2003) - run my myself Dark Blades - DA successor chapter (Codex: Dark Angels, 1999 and Codex: Spacemarines 1998) - oldest son, "Primus" (16 yrs old) Deathskulls Orks (Codex: Orks, 1999) - youngest son, "Secundus" (12 yrs old) "The Fallen" (Chaos marine rules from the main rule book) - NPC faction to be used according to special mission house rule, communally painted Chaos cultists ("Adversaries of the Witch Hunter" list from Codex: Witch Hunters) - NPC faction, communally painted Phœladar PDF (Codex: Imperial Guard, 1999) - run by Secundus, but using my DKoK models When we're ready to start posting battle reports, I will share with you the storyline that we have come up with for this campaign. Today, I will begin sharing some of the initial WIP and completions. The Witch Hunter force is led by none other than Lord Inquisitor Soulis, well-known from my blog about his force. I've started the base colours for his Throne of Redemption: While I'm working on this centrepiece for my army, Secundus is preparing a looted Leman Russ Battle Tank using the bottom half of a Russ I found in my bitz box (don's ask why we only had the lower half because I don't know) and various bitz and plasticard: Primus is starting off with a squad of sniper scouts, and a squad of bolter/shotgun/BP&CCW scouts for the Dark Blades: And finally, some cultists/traitors that were recently completed (Secundus did the base coat and wash, I did quick highlights to finish them up): There won't be a full Fallen force, just a few cultists and marines running around in certain missions/maps.
  4. Hello all! Originally I planned on calling this thread "Ikka does Sisters", similar to how some other Frater have titled their threads and then thought about that for all of a half-second before changing it because, well, you know. Anyway, I'm subscribed to the Imperium mag (US) and the Sisters stuff has just started to come out. My initial thought was to simply sell them, as I already have multiple armies and didn't really want/need another project, but then that weird little hobby part of my brain couldn't shut off. I have a lot of Inquisition models (or random models I label Inquisition) and had the old 3rd ed Witchhunters codex back in the day- why don't I just fold in the Imperium Sisters into my Inquisition stuff? So my second plan was to just paint up the Imperium models (comprising the Sisters Combat Patrol without the Rhino) and be done with them. I even had a paint scheme in mind, as I had finished a group of Malleus gene-guards this month and like the ivory armor that I gave them, so no stress on the painting front. A nice, simple little diversion from my competition Necrons/Knights armies and my Primaris SM casual army. Of course, the second plan was not to be. I received quite a few nice Xmas gifts of the hobby variety, pretty much incapsulating all of my current armies and projects (barring Knights). Tucked in there was the Cawdor Redemptionist box from Necromunda that I had put on my list as a last minute filler because I couldn't think of anything else, and I tend to grab Necromunda models as a hobby break for myself from my main armies. A great little box full of six religious wackos who will scream about the God-Emperor while trying to light you on fire and/or rip you apart with chain-weapons. Great sculpts with tons of character. What does this have to do with Sisters? Well, while I was happily putting together the first three Redemptionists, my thoughts turned to the Sisters Canoness I had just received from Imperium, probably because they are all crazy Emperor-botherers (according to Commissar Cain). Pulling up the SoB codex, I found the entries for the Missionary and Preacher- boom, I had just made a Missionary and a Preacher without thinking. I quickly grabbed the flamer-wielding Deacon and slapped a chainsword on his flamer to make another Preacher with a vindicator. This lead to my thoughts spiraling around about how the Redemptionist and Sisters would interact... which lead to a spate of Battlescribing, researching, and spending some eBay gift cards. So, I now have the contents of Imperium, plus a box each of the Battle Sisters squad, Repentia squad, and Novitiate squad now enroute to my house (or scheduled, for the next three months, in the case of Imperium). 1,000 points worth of Sisters and various Ecclesiarchy goons will soon be mine, with whom I will hopefully pound my friends to dust with for the God-Emperor in a Crusade campaign that I want to get going. This thread will chronicle the rise of the Order and possibly its battles, as I work out some background and start getting models made/painted. Army theme- I'm going for more of a darker take on Sisters than the codex colors. I'd call it Blanchitsu if I wasn't so intimidated by that label and the great painters who already do that style. Subdued ivory/bone, worn leather, oxidized bronze, that sort of thing as far as colors go, but with a marble base effect that I've recently tried and enjoyed. Lots of use of washes, because that's liquid talent that I don't have naturally and don't particularly intend on acquiring (I'm a fast, but mediocre painter who doesn't really like to paint detail/put a ton of time in models, though I love having painted armies). Background- A work in progress at the moment. I tend to require an army name before I go into the nitty-gritty of head canon, so right now I'm working towards that. My initial ideas are to have the Order revolving around penance much more than most Orders, a "We are all damned" sort of thing. Feel free to chip in any thoughts or ideas, this is still very much a nebulous army in my head (as I have all of four models for it in my hands at the moment).
  5. I started a proper Harlequin army the day 9th edition was announced. This thread is a consolidation of my Harlequin work, thoughts, and maybe even battle reports. I'm always open ro positive criticism. I fear my best painting days lie somewhere in the '90s, and I hope to learn new stuff nevertheless. Completed Models First Starweaver 1 / 2 Second Starweaver 1 / 2 Third Starweaver 1 / 2 Fourth Starweaver 1 / 2 Work in Progress Shadowseer Day One 1 / 2 My Harlequin Gallery
  6. I've been inspired by the various project logs by all of you glorious contributors and decided to start a thread to show my work thus far. I chose Blood Angels because I had started a BA army long ago when I was in my early teens, regrettably that army was sold off long ago. Of course my painting skills were largely miserable back then as well. Not that they're incredible now, but I'm quite happy with how things have turned out comparatively. As I got back into the hobby two years ago I first picked up a Death Company Strike Force box: Death Company Marines The jump packs are all magnetized should I ever decide to run them on foot or in a transport. Also, approximately half of the shoulders are magnetized to allow weapon swaps. I have three power fists and two inferno pistols primed waiting for paint. I intend to run them with three power swords and three fists. I also need to decide on how to paint my power swords, I've hidden them among the group in this photo intentionally. Death Company Dreadnought Captain #1 A very simple conversion from the Blood Angels Chaplain. The head is from http://conversionworld.de. I intended to add a shield from the same site, but it didn't fit as well against the wings as I wanted. I wouldn't say I'm happy with how the wings turned out, it's a very simple dry bush job. My color selection at the time was pretty limited and I didn't want to directly copy the box art, though I haven't strayed far from it on the rest of the model. Assault Terminators After finishing the DC box I picked up a box of Blood Angels Terminators purely for nostalgia's sake. They were my favorite unit when I was younger, and I ran them in a Land Raider Crusader. Eventually I plan on running them in a Stormraven, which was always a dream model for me as I would flip through catalogs as a kid. All of the shoulders are magnetized, and one of the shields is magnetized at the wrist should I ever decide to run a Terminator Ancient. And this Christmas I received a box of Vanguard Veterans, Blood Angels Command Squad, and some Helverins. Captain #2 I've used the Veterans and Command Squad bits to build another Captain. As my favorite model thus far I've tentatively named him Captain Luther due to my man-crush on Idris Elba and his character. I enjoy the lore side of the game though I'm far from well-versed in it; does Captain Luther conflict with any existing lore? He also has two lightning claws to swap out, though they're only base coated at this point. The jump pack and shoulders are magnetized. And lastly for now, the Armiger Helverins. Though they aren't specifically Blood Angels I very much enjoy them with my army, and have nowhere else I'm particularly interested in showing them off. A self-made house inspired by Duncan's House Griffith painted Knights showcased on Warhammer Community. The paint job is the only aspect I've decided on definitively. Knights will have more royal colors, blues, purples, etc whenever I get the opportunity to acquire more. The next two models I'm working on painting are a Lieutenant and Company Champion built from the Command Squad box and upgrade sprue. This thread isn't likely to be expanded rapidly as my hobby budget is pretty thin and has been for the last two years. The upside to that is nearly all of my models have been painted. My most obvious plan for the future is to buy and build some troops, which I'm sorely missing. These will most likely be Scouts as I know they're one of the two best options. I'm a competitive person in most things, though I do everything I can to hide it in the moment. It's a shame about Tactical Marines, as I loved them as a kid. In fact seeing my friend's starter box of Marines is what first got me into the hobby. At the current time I'm mildly opposed Primaris Marines, mostly because they didn't exist when I was first in the hobby, and like I said I'm largely inspired by nostalgia. Thank you so much for reading and any input, hopefully updates won't be too sparse.
  7. I have a history with the Deathwatch. For those that never saw it here is my previous Deathwatch Plog for a force that was later featured on the GW Blog. So obviously I have to step up my game this time and really push myself. I'll post some WIP pics of the conversions I'm working on but right now I have around 40 Marines in various armour types on the go and still waiting on some orders from bits sites so I can finish them off. I'll start with my test model - A Terminator Captain who will eventually be from the Imperial Fists once I get around to his shoulder pad. Completely stock model although his Iron Halo isn't attached yet but you can see the pin it will attach on to. Paint style is mostly clean for these guys with just a few scratches on the armour. I'm trying out a stippling technique for the edge highlights to try and suggest that the edges aren't perfectly straight but have been dinged up a bit. Oddly the pictures ruined the contrast of his cloak, it's far darker in the recesses than my phone decided to capture so I'm not sure what's going on there.
  8. Fellow Guardsmen! It's been a long time since my last report to Terran High Command! I hope the Emperor can forgive me. But the 409th is ready to emerge from winter quarters and hit the campaign trail once again. Real life demands not withstanding, I plan to get back to the business of putting more boots on the ground and shells in the air. I tried to find my old PLOG thread only to discover that it had been so long since my last update that it had been archived! Disgraceful! I'm fixing to keep this thread from suffering the same fate. I have to admit, it's no coincidence that the arrival of 8th Edition and the new Guard dex coincide with this army coming off ice. The new regimental doctrines sound very fluffy and fun to play with. I plan to try them all out just for kicks since I run my own homebrew regiment. Since it has been so long, like YEARS, since I last seriously posted, for those who don't know about the 409th, it's primarily an infantry based Guard regiment that is inspired by the American Civil War. I've seen random threads here and there on the old Intertrons in the past that were loosely inspired by ACW themes, and always had a mind to tackle it myself. I'm using a lot of third party kit which gets kind of expensive, but I think that this theme demands more than some simple head swaps to achieve the effect I'm going after. It's been a pretty long slog, but the 409th slumber'd for long enough and my boys have their dander up! Anyway, I figured the best way to start the new thread is with a PARADE! Who doesn't love parades, especially military parades glorifying the Emperor! So, I'll start there with some beauty shots of the boys I have all painted up ready for battle: Command Section: Here's a couple shots of the ranking officers, the Senior Officer in the middle and two Junior Officers. And their Regimental Advisors: Master of Ordnance, Astropath, a Fleet Officer and a Priest in there for good measure. And here's the CO with his command squad retinue: Bonus: Checkout my old count-as as Color Sergeant Kell in the back on the right - never got around to actually modelling the actual COLORS he was supposed to be entrusted with, but hes got the power fist and 'power' sword - the only chain sword in my army! Also included for bonus fun, an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor I painted up about the same time as I was doing this regiment initially, in case he ever needed to commandeer the regiment on Inquisition business: I don't really remember where I found this guy, pretty sure he's some kind of Privateer Press mini. Elites: Well, I guess these guys are Elites now, which honestly I feel is not optimal, but oh well, gotta sell those stormtrooper sprues! When I initially envisioned an ACW inspired army on the table I had thought I'd have entire platoons (in game terms) worth of infantry patterned in different uniform styles taken from famous civil war units. However, this is not as feasible as I foresaw from a cost and time standpoint. It became more practical to run Veteran squads in some of the more exotic unit patterns of the day, rather than try and run entire platoons this way. It just costs too much!! In-game it actually works pretty well as a way to distinguish Vet squads from your standard infantry squads, and easily explained from a fluff standpoint - as units gain seniority they appropriate unique attire befitting their veteran status. Anyway my first Veteran squad is patterned after the famous Union Iron Brigade. They were also called the Black Hats since the appropriated Hardee hats as part of their uniform instead of the typical kepis and forage caps. These guys are pretty much all Victoria Mini parts, but the heads are special. Steve Barber miniatures online has a massive range of historal minis for different eras and lots in the 28mm scale. And while historical 28mm is usually too small to be compatibile with heroic 28mm, they do have lot and lots of 28mm historic heads and their heads happen to scale extremely nicely with VicMini scuplts. They also work with GW as well, but mate with VicMini perfectly. I use the Steve Barber heads in this project extensively, they are a near perfect fit for this kind of conversion. Here's more of the squad: The special weapons in initially modelled for this squad was melta, back when melta vets were the hotness. But I guess the hotness is plasma now, so I suppose I'm going to have to go back and bang out a few plasma Vets for the squad. The 'melta' arms are all VicMini and really look the part for the aesthetic. Next Vet squad: these guys are patterned after the 11th New York Fire Zouaves. I really wanted to do some Zouaves units, but pretty much chickened out, since I don't really trust my greenstuff-fu, and no one out there is making baggy Zouave-style pantaloons in the 28mm heroic scale. So these guy are my compromise since they were a Zouave unit when they mustered in at the beginning of the war, and had a different uniform, a silk uniform that fell apart during their initial campaign! This is closer to the unit's second uniform, were they ditched their jackets and adopted dark trousers to replaces the baggy zouave pants that had disintegrated. Back in the old dex, (I'm talking 5th Ed. when I was heavy into planning this unit out,) There was no regiment restriction, and Harker was an interesting addition for a veteran squad. Zouaves drilled in light infantry open-order tactics - running these guys as light infantry infiltrating harassers was what I intended. This squad has sniper rifles - cheap and cheerful harassment weapons, inspired by the 'sniper' rifled muskets of the era. This squad is lead by my 'count-as' Harker. Is he even IN the next Dex or just the 8th Ed. index?? Well, he's a cool conversion anyway, don't know if he'll find the table for a while. And speaking of snipers, these guys can run as their own counts-as rattlings (although I do need a few more) or as part of a command squad for the BS3+. They are inspired by Berdan's 1st and 2nd US Sharpshooters. They were special regiments that recruited soliders who were proficient with the rifled arms of the day and could actually aim (most couldn't). They were used often as skirmishers at the divisional level instead of fighting in traditional two-rank battle lines. These guy are my own count-as Commissars. Every civil war regiment usually had a Sergeant Major, who was the senior NCO of the unit. Anecdotally these guys were known to be tough as nails and unflappable. In my fluff, these guys are senior NCO's who get inducted into special Officio Prefectus training programs and come out the other end as Sergeant Major Commissars. I always intended to get a couple actual Commissars painted up, but never got around. There's more I'd like to do for these guys to make them really stand out as Commissars on the tabletop. And here's another 5th Ed. relic: my counts-as Marbo. I think the Index still let's you run him?? But maybe its just Shadow Wars now? He was fun one to convert, but doesn't have a place right now in an 8th Ed. army. Pity.
  9. Greetings brothers! Last week I started my second attempt at a black templars army (the first attempt was in 3rd edition) I will use Mk. III armour as base bodies and add; grey knights, dark angels and black templars part. I have some built and some painted. I hope you like them :). http://i892.photobucket.com/albums/ac126/sjoco85/20171203_140353_zpsxmqdwo3k.jpg http://i892.photobucket.com/albums/ac126/sjoco85/Mobile%20Uploads/20171210_184246_zps8obwnb42.jpg http://i892.photobucket.com/albums/ac126/sjoco85/Mobile%20Uploads/20171210_184206_zpsil8qhb4j.jpg
  10. I admit that I'm stepping on some fluff to create Magos Malleus as a thing, but I felt it was appropriate considering the army. Some may know of this project from the Ad Mech section, but for those who don't, I'm working on Forge World Moon Deimos, the Ad Mech who support the Knights of Titan both through supplies, and sometimes in battle. This means they fight daemons regularly enough to make it a point to have Magos who likely specialize in such studies, hence the created title. So the official artwork for Deimos is pretty limited, being just this guy: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/8/84/DeimosSkitarii.jpg/220px-DeimosSkitarii.jpg And as we can see there isn't a lot to work off here, but after spending FAR too long studying this picture to try and work out my paint scheme I've nailed down some details: blue-grey coats (following a Space Wolves painting scheme for this, but test models will determine if I stray from it. I tried some flat grey schemes but it lacked something thus pushing into Russ Grey and Ferensian Grey) with off white linings, red armour and underclothes, copper metal accents, and dull silver for the more functional parts. Pretty straight forward, though it does mean some more paint shopping is in order. But I can't start a plog without some painting so here's a 95% completed Cawl (5% being the basing that I'm honestly probably never going to get around to doing since I'm not building a Mars army): The way the colors wash out a little with my camera honestly annoys me but it's almost a decade old and only 10mpx so I'll take what I can get since it does an okay job at least. I fully admit that I am more of a fan of subtle effects (that don't always carry over on my camera), so the cables aren't done with strong highlights, nor are the glowing bits going full OSL (I figure if he's outside, which is how I usually base my models, then he's likely competing with stronger light sources like the sun, so I keep a glow but don't take it to full OSL levels). Consider it a style choice to be a little more subdued I suppose. So with Forge World Graia's rules (warlord trait to shoot while locked in combat, and the surviving death or fleeing on a 6) the obvious winners are Vanguard (who like getting close and will likely end up in combat anyways) and Electro-priests (who either like getting close or actually into melee, and turn into a horde of one wound tanks that get a 5++, a 5+ to ignore things that get past that and with Graia another 6+ to avoid wounds that get past that. Basically they're better at tanking wounds than most things in the game, and since they don't care about cover (6+ armour means they won't get better than a 5+ from cover) means they can be used more aggressively). Naturally everything benefits from a chance to not die on a 6, though the way it plays the army will definitely be leaning away from more static based shooting (though running some ranged shooting will still be a thing, it's not going to be a gunline focused army). Only many games will determine if being aggressive will actually pay off, but I look forward to seeing how many armies are properly grounded. ;) That said, here's what is currently ready for paint (and has been washed with Nuln Oil yesterday evening): Not seen are the Skitarii I'm currently building into sub-assemblies. 4 Rangers (1 Alpha with rifle, 1 Ranger with rifle, 1 Ranger with Omnispex, 1 Ranger with Arquebus) and 6 Vanguard (2 Alphas with rifles, 1 Plasma Vanguard, 1 Vanguard with Data Tether, 2 Vanguard with rifles). I may make one of the rifle Vanguard into an Arc Rifle Vanguard since S6 shooting is still good, even if it's not good against vehicles, but I haven't fully committed to that yet. I'm a little hesitant to do it since that does mean 2-3 weapons that can't shoot while running up the board to get into position, but then again it's possible that they may turn out to be effective if I'm dealing with T3 models (wounding on 2s is always good) that I don't want to waste plasma on or light vehicles (Sentinels, Dark Eldar skimmer craft) that I don't want to use a Neutron Laser on in lieu of heavier targets. Basically I'm looking at them as kind of a middle ground weapon for the purposes of a TAC army, plus they look cool (which is always the most important thing, right?). I'm going to try and update at least every few days at least, and with no idea how much will be added to this army (I'm currently thinking of being able to field a full sized unit of every option, but that might be a little much :P), especially with the rumored Mechanicus/Necron box game that may be coming (that is if it isn't just Mars rules).
  11. This is my "shut up and paint" progress thread. The idea is to lay out my Commandery's TO&E and link later posts as I finish individual units, with weekly updates on Sundays to keep me on task, motivated, and positive. This takes the place of my old WIP thread. Command Saint Celestine Canoness Command Squad Cardinal in TDA Confessor Big Hat Priests Elites Repentia Crusaders Death Cultists Frateris Militia Sister Sniper Troops __Battle Sisters BSS 1 BSS 2 BSS 3 BSS 4 Fast Attack __Seraphim Squad 1 Squad 2 Squad 3 __Dominions Melta Squad 1 Melta Squad 2 Melta Squad 3 Flamer Squad 1 Flamer Squad 2 Storm Bolter Squad 1 Storm Bolter Squad 2 Heavy Support __Retributors Heavy Bolter Squad 1 Heavy Bolter Squad 2 Multimelta Squad Heavy Flamer Squad Exorcist 1 Exorcist 2 Exorcist 3 Transports Immolator 1 Immolator 2 Immolator 3 Immolator 4 Repressor 1 Repressor 2 Rhino 1 Rhino 2 Rhino 3 Rhino 4 Ecclesiarchal Land Raider Ecclesiarchal Valkyrie Lords of War Avenger Strike Fighter Ecclesiarchy Oathed Knight
  12. I know I'm relatively new around here, but I've been trying to branch out, so I suppose I'll show off my Fists. Here's the method to my madness. Spray Tamiya Camel Yellow PS-19 over unprimed model. This can take SEVERAL, VERY light coats as it can slide over the plastic, but white and black undercoats didn't get the desired effect. Spray with purity seal, testors dullcoat, matte finish whatever. Selective wash of equal-parts Gryphonne Sepia, Devlad Mud and water. VERY light drybrush of golden yellow to bring the colour up. Do metal/shoulders/Aquila as desired. Drybrush 50/50 Golden Yellow/Skull White for small edge highlights. Anyway, I've used more than a full Tactical Squad in finding this method, and this is what turned out DECENT. There are four more that were aborted very early on in painting due to wash issues, wrong colour entirely etc. http://i.imgur.com/fw2jbGu.jpg On the left we have my test mini, in the center the second one done. The second one done really bothered me and had me learn the hard way how difficult it is to get that consistency with yellow. Towards the right, Mr. Melty-face. A better attempt at consistency, but not as bright as the test mini. http://i.imgur.com/4PAzwGR.jpg Mr. Melty-face on the left. In the center, someone I was finally satisfied with, but still no measure of consistency. On the right, my first done tit-for-tat with kingmong's method. It just looked too orange for me, he's clearly better with his spray and wash than I am, so I took the easy way out. http://i.imgur.com/vxoHmm7.jpg Finally, the final model I'm satisfied with. I love it. Perfect yellow, smooth coverage, easy detail, simple blacklining. Love it. I can see how to do vehicles and squads from this method - like I said to him though, I can see why he sprays without the arms on! Can't wait to get started with more!
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