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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Prey For Death: A Meditation Upon The Mantis Warriors

++ THIS ARTICLE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS ++   PREY FOR DEATH:   ++ A MEDITATION AND REFLECTION UPON THE ORIGINS AND HUMOURS OF THE MANTIS WARRIORS ++   Order Origination: White Scars (primogenitor), Marauders (gene-foster) Founding: Unknown; alleged to be the 8th Founding (Mid-34th Millennium) Region of Control: Maelstrom Wilderness Zone Strength: Recovering (as current date, M.42) Affiliation: ...Complicated…     'I have always

Mazer Rackham

Mazer Rackham in Badab War

Craftworld Ythiril - Shroud Runners

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST SHROUD RUNNERS Those who roam beyond the Cold Iron Stars.   Precise and true.   Bound as it is to a slow, languid procession around the spior- ad a' bhàis - The Doom Spiral - Craftworld Ythiril must send its children out far afield to watch for threats to the long watch. More integrated into the Craftworld than most who walk the Path of the Outcast these rangers often choose to go to war in the style of Ythiril, joining the Wild Hu


Wormwoods in Craftworld Ythiril

More Grey Knight Projects!!!!

As I continue to prep for 2025 I have added a few more projects.    The largest project is building the 23 Terminators:     Currently 10 of 23 are built      next project is the Land Raiders 3 of 6 built.....wasn't it 5 the other day....     Started Land Raider # 4      Redeemer #1 of 2....why    Cause land raider "Phobos" should be here shortly     yup a Proteus as a Pho


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Reinforcing the Hammer, the preface

Wow, It is December already.....    As I look toward 2025, I am thinking what the future holds in the Terms of the Hobby.  I know part of the Hobby will be going to Warhammer World (and maybe a stop at Element Games has been suggested) in April/ May 2025 as part of my honeymoon excursion across England, Scotland and Ireland. The wife and I are discussing turning Office/ Hobby area into a spiritual room/ Library/ Office and moving hobby area to garage, which means garage remodel which m

Imperial Reivers Captain arrives for battle

After testing out various schemes to get the colour I want, and proposing all my cloth/cloaks etc to be Tartan, here is my Terminator Captain incorporating all the elements I have been toying with.   The Armour recipe I'm going with: Base of Naggaroth Night (or Leviathan purple contrast) Layer up with Asurmen Blue then Teclis Blue. Highlights with Teclis Blue and Moot green   The Tartan is based on the Kilt I have which I can't remember the name of... Something

Curse you, Black Friday, Curse you!

So my FLGS had a huge Black Friday Sale online and in store too. Well I picked up the Martian Civil War HH Campaign book, some Citadel Spray cans from the online sale. Then on Friday I went in store to pick up some more items like Ad Mech Onager Dunecrawler, some glue and accelerant, and some Army Painter paints which is the point of today's blog.      So as I slowly have been working on my Forgeworld Deimos Ad Mech forces, I have been using Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic pa


W.A.Rorie in Paint

Crawling reinforcements inbound

Hi Folks,   After a small painting break due too flu (it hits hard this year...) I finally resumed some work that was on the bench since a few weeks.   Here comes some reinforcments for my Admech:   A Dragoon, reaching my number to 3 of these lads A third Dune crawler (and last)   The Dragoon will either reinforce the 2 other ones to go full hitting force, especially useful againts Superheavies and big knighty stuff, or be wandering on his own. 


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

"The machine spirit is prepared."

Back in June 13, 2023 I posted about building 5 Land Raiders (here). Well outside of the weapons, I only built a Hybrid Mk IIb Land Raider (Forgeworld, GW, and Blood and Skulls back vents and tracks)  for my Purifiers.        Well playing with different builds and needing Lascannons to deal with armor threats,  another Land Raider was in order.     Finally using the FW brass etch from years gone by plus FW Grey Knights Doors     


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

The Instrument of His will!

Well what a month is has been. Little hobby time, long vacation from work, massive 12,000 pt Horus Heresy game, and got Married! But work vacation time is over so back to work at my real job....   So I have been thinking about updating my Grandmaster De Sonnac and well I do have another Voldus...     Psycannon Grandmaster   Well then since I was building him I figured I would build some the Inquisitors I have laying around.       I built


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

War of the False Primarch / #HiddenArmies WIP 1/5

The Black Riders (Marcachi Dubh) are a small, roving fleet of Eldar Anhrathe, under charter to [REDACTED] as of this writing. Their force balance tends to skew towards more strategically mobile, less logistically-bound assets — either swift-moving jetbike-mounted raiders, speeders, or pedites. Their colors are as riotous and non-uniform as expected of Corsairs, yet a distinct preference for darker tones has been noted fleet-wide.    Overall, the temperament of the Marcachi Dubh could be d


SvenIronhand in Et Cetera

Consolidating my Ynnari - A Drukhari test model

Hi folks,   As part of my Asuryani force, Ynnari oriented, I had marked on my list the addition of deepstriking units under the form of a Drukhari combat patrol plus other stuff. I've already painted the Incubus as part of the CtA24. Comes the time of the Kabalites.   I have hesitated quite a long time before choosing a colour. I finally decided myself for an Akhelian green. It is close to a teal colour that can traditionally be associated to the dark kins. Their alliege


Bouargh in Aeldarii

Craftworld Ythiril - Windriders

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST WINDRIDER Riding out in close formation.   I've finished the first squad, and had a delightful time. I really liked this kit, even if I ran into some... Problems with my magnetisation. The weapon hole is an awkward size for the magnets I have left over from basing all my Tau, and even more awkwardly my drill bit doesn't fit my hand drill, so I had to do it manually. As such, the guns aren't quite level, with one of them unfortunately droopy. Oh w


Wormwoods in Craftworld Ythiril

Craftworld Ythiril - Windrider & Lore Thoughts

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST WINDRIDER Windrider Jetbike with Shuriken Cannon.   The core of the Wild Hunt, warrior-bond teams of Windriders scour the battlefield of the enemies of Ythiril, and its charge to guard the Cold Iron Stars. The Craftworld, militaristic and dedicated, blurs the lines between citizen soldiers and the Holy Aspects, especially amongst the main body of the Host, mounted on Jetbikes that will, in time, be coaxed into becoming steeds for their riders thr


Wormwoods in Craftworld Ythiril

Niall, post-Gharus

+++My graith [wargear/accoutrement?] was taken from me on Gharus. Have had to make do with human materials when wraithbone quantities acquired from the Marcachi Dubh will not suffice. In honor of Sgt. MacNamarra of the Praetorians, I have mated her bayonet to my bladeless haft. May it serve us both well in vengeance.+++


SvenIronhand in Et Cetera

Volkus Scenery - Part 1.2

Hi folks.   Why Part 1.2?  No, you did not miss anything; it is just ythat, as the first building was painted as part of the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, this blog entry is not really Volkus Part 1. But starting at Part 2 directly woulmd have looked odd. And as Part 1.2 is an intringuing title... It might boost the reader counter!   As all the Volkus pieces or terrain this one is no exception to the rule: low to zero custom assembly. It is somehow a very different desig


Bouargh in Beating the back-log

12 Months of Hobby - November Pledge Completion

Hi Folks,   The week has been a productive one and I finally managed to complete all the pledged items and even a little bit more.   The 2 henchmen could have been enlisted in a éh painting challenge as they were sorted out very fast.     The enlisted Volkus building has also been painted fast. Getting a painrt scheme already well established makes things faster: benefits of being trained upstream I guess. The scheme remains the same as the one I used


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

"On Gharus XI, we are all brothers" - Niall's models pt. 2 (WIP)

A world beyond the bounds of Mavor, but sickeningly close to it. Gharus XI is, in essence, Chaos’ version of an Imperial Prison World — where millions work menially, suffer, and are held captive until the moment of their deaths, and sometimes beyond. Its vast furnace-pits burn night and day, while screams of the tortured rise with their towering flames to its steel-gray sky. The products of this fell industry go on to feed the war machine of many warbands and cults in the Eastern Fringe, with th


SvenIronhand in Et Cetera

Delai Death-Dancer, Altansar's Prodigal (WIP)

Altansar has sacrificed much. Its good name, as the Mon-Keigh would put it, for one. Blame Ulthwé and their monomania for that.    One other sacrifice is Delai Deathdancer. They were much like me. A former Aspect Warrior, who could never quite get stuck into either of the twin paths for advancement as such. They left Altansar, for to be not a Warrior there is anathema. It is wrong that they died at Tarn's hands. It is wrong that their spirit-stone was crushed. They were young, and h


SvenIronhand in Et Cetera

A Quarter Century in the Warhammer Hobby

I've been in the Warhammer hobby for 25 years, beginning with my first love: the Wood Elves of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. The allure of these forest-dwelling warriors hooked me early on, and I became immersed in the world of dice rolls, paints, and detailed lore. As I ventured into Warhammer 40,000 in 3rd Edition, my collection expanded to include the zeal of the Black Templars, the supernatural intensity of the Daemonhunters, and the tactical allure of the T’au. Each faction brought its ow

Uncle Mel

Uncle Mel in Random

Niall Way-Leaver, Eldar Outcast

Once an Autarch of Iyanden, a generation before the rise of Yriel, the sundering of their sisterhood with Biel-Tan in his memory. However, in the actions he led against the mon-keigh Zhemon, he saw the all-consumptive nature of the Warrior Path plainly. Disgusted, he threw aside the Star Glaive that served as his rod of office, renounced the warlike ways of the Autarchy and took to a long exile.   Ranging as far as the Mavor sub-sector, he came to the damned world of Immram. For a time, h


SvenIronhand in Et Cetera

12 Months of Hobby - November Progress

Hi Folks,   As first progress report for this months entries on mine in 12MoH, here come the Castellax Automatas.   Of course they cannot be fielded as such in 40k setting, but they will be very decent proxies for Phosphor blasters' tooled-up Kastellans. And the model is rather gorgeous, although less bulky than the 40k one...   Building has been rather easy even if long. indeed these chaps are set in numerous bitz. the cut might eventually have been made less


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Space Marine Honour Guard

Something a little different this time.    I decided I would kitbash some Honour Guard for the Swords of Fire (my homebrew IH successors). I have 10 Honour Guard based off the old Sanguinary Guard kit so I decided to do something different this time around and use the 30K MVI Command Squad with an assortment of veteran parts from my bits box.  Here's the initial progress picture with more to come:     The sheathed sword on the Chapter Ancient is from the old Ster


Harrowmaster in Swords of Fire

1 Week White Scars Challenge

Last weekend I went to the Route 66 GT Kill Team tournament in Sepulpa OK, and ahead of that tournament I decided to challenge myself to go from sprue to painted on the 4 additional marines I needed to round out my team.  Angels of Death is the new marine Kill-Team for the new KT24 edition, which combines Strike force Justinian and Intercession squad from KT21. In order to round out my list I needed to add a grenadier, a grenade launcher gunner, an omni-sergeant (intercessor and assault fla


zulu.tango in White Scars Board

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