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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions
  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
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"What In The Underverse is a Wulfen?" (A Survey) - Part 2

Type 2 - The Wulfenkind  The second, though hardly less redolent type of Wulfen, is the 'lost comrade'. This type is not strictly perceived as balefully as the first type of Wulfen, though their 'wyrd' is a complex one in the Space Wolves' eyes. A common element between the second and first type are the aspects of loss and bodily transformation. The 13th Great Company are the Wulfen-Kind, and were lost to the Chapter 'whilst pursuing the Thousand Sons', their old enemies. Since then,


SvenIronhand in Essays

"What In The Underverse is A Wulfen?" (A Survey) - Introduction and Part 1 of 5

Introduction: The Wulfen, a (basic) Sketch The Wulfen Curse is perhaps one of the most controversial and perhaps, little-understood elements of paratext for the Space Wolves range of miniatures and models. [1]  These are, broadly, feral wolf-transhuman hybrids who fight in a berserk fashion. However, their development and change as a literary concept is less discussed in discourses of their validity or lack thereof amongst the broader context of the Space Wolves and the 40k lore as a whole.


SvenIronhand in Essays

Abrecan Inwyt, Chief Librarian of the Greymanes

Chief Librarian Abrecan Inwyt. At first a veteran Greyshield slated for joining his primogenitor in the Vlka Fenryka, he appealed to Lord-Regent Guilliman for reassignment to one of their burgeoning Ultima Foundjng Successors, the Greymanes. This was out of a sense that he, a quiet, withdrawn (perhaps sensitive) soul, never could find solace in the storm-calling Casters of Runes. In the long time since, he has endured beyond the eye of the Imperium’s populace. Though occluded from their knowledg


SvenIronhand in Greymanes

fluff creation and whatnots

One of my group got his Heresy army stolen so I have been busy helping him rebuild it sorry for the lack of entries on here. but....   I am working on concept and background for the main world our group is fighting over.    Praxia (Khymare, post heresy) Reconstructed during the great crusade by a expeditionary fleet of the 4th and 19th legion, The old world was a mining hub during the dark age of technology. Being a planet that was cracked and still maintained sha

54th Psian Jakals, Metal Head Armory Slow Grow League pt 1

So my gaming group is going to do a Slow Grow League to help teach my kids 40k. Starting at 500 pts and having to add 250 pts at every increase. So stepping out of the power armor and terminator armor, I have decided to play my Psian Jakals.    So with that in mind, starting games being 500 points:   -Militarum Tempestus Command Squad Tempestor Prime Command Rod (Warlord) Medic Master Vox Plasma and hotshot volley gun Scions   -Tempestus S

Imperial Reivers colour scheme update.

Chapter Scheme update!  Updated the paint scheme of my first born marines with a side by side comparison of the old (right) and new (left), to match my Priamaris marine colour schme. It was also a good test scheme in which to practice how I'm going to proceed with the scheme so I can actually get past the base coat stage of them.       


Domhnall in Imperial Reivers

Retainers of Russ: Dreadnoughts of the Greymanes Chapter

The proper name for the Dreadnoughts of the Greymanes is the Y-Gwasu o Blaidd-Tywysog (a phrase derived from the language families of the southerly Deep Valley). This phrase is rarely used around outsiders, for fear of its mythological and legendary references being inexplicable. The closest Low Gothic translation, however, denotes the high esteem the Greymanes hold their Dreadnoughts in. Indeed, it roughly means 'the retainers of the Wolf Prince', which speaks to the belief of the deified Russ


SvenIronhand in Homebrew Lore

54th Psian Jackals Projects

So looking toward the future I will be focusing on my 54th Psian Jackals with Metal Head Armory doing a Slow Grow League. I have plenty of projects planned for the army so I figure it is time to plan out the projects:     Paint Scions- I have 30 scions waiting to be painted and still need to get a few more scion boxes (5 or 6) but  I need 2 for Valkyrie Heavy Bolter gunners* and 4 Torsos for Tauros Venator**, so that is 6, plus I want to options if I decide to drop the 3 Vox


W.A.Rorie in Militarum Tempestus

The Last Gesith Terminator (For Now) (WIP)

Lotta different stuff on this guy. For one, the fur is drybrushed, and the yellow on the chainfist casing is traditionally 'layered'. Additionally, I tried a version of a gold recipe suggested to me by @Bustaholic — VGC Copper with a TTC Sepia wash. Results look pretty good; I'm happy with it. There definitely was a huge 'ugly phase' to hack for the model as a whole, however. Especially the grey (no Greymanes without grey!) gave me challenges. Contrary to what I believed, Warpaints Fanatic De


SvenIronhand in Greymanes

Kill Team: Hivestrom pt 5

Well it is Sunday morning and I almost made it.....Hobby last week was rough and only had time on Friday and limited time Saturday.    I was able to knock out a huge chunk of base colors on Friday afternoon/ night:     I stopped as I was tired and was at the decal stage. Saturday morning I was able to decal them and Saturday night I was able to hit them with the Agrax Earthshade     Just some highlights, weathering, and basing,   Betwee


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

"A Walk In The Light Green" — Sgt. 'Bazza' Bruce (WIP)

Basecoating this fella. Banged the majority of him out in 1-2 hours, though there are still parts I need to do, such as his backpack and weapons.  Flesh recipe is Guilliman Flesh Contrast paint as the initial basecoat, with highlights of Two Thin Coats Dwarven Skin and Citadel Flayed One Flesh. Webbing and puttees are Zamesi Desert. I intend to wash these with Agrax or a Sepia wash I have coming in. The actual uniform is done to look more 'Chindit' than what Victoria's painters did, wit

The Emperor protects...

Hi folks,   As a tribute for this Orktober 2024, my contribution is of a single grot. But such a Grot! An imperial Grot, with all the glory associated to His status.     OK, not this one, yet the colour scheme is a great source of inspiration, even if green skin does not match with green jacket. But the Napoleon Grot of mine, gift from an Ebay bitz store (I probably spent too much that time. Again), deserved being close of the historical figure.   Cr


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Skullz Bolt Pistol repainted

A quick update as I've not been able to hobby as much as I would like recently (and when I have it's not 40k related). I've been painting up a model for Darren Latham's glow up challenge, so I've repainted a Black Reach marine (I'll post an update after the 6th). While setting that up, I found this bolt pistol keyring from the Skullz promotion from back in the year 2000, and though that would be a good one to do as well.  Stripped what paint was left on it (I had painted it and used it as a


Domhnall in Finished Models

54th Psian Jackals Part 3

It has been a few weeks since I have touched my 54th Psian Jackals and have been focused on my Exorcists Chapter of Adeptus Astartes. Well that is gonna have to change this weekend.      Tempestus Aquilions will be acquired this weekend.  Unfortunately I won't get much time to work on them due to working extra shifts at work.    Yesterday the rules for the Aquilions were released for 40k       and of course Datasheets  


W.A.Rorie in Militarum Tempestus

Long time no Blog...

Oof, not done one of these for a while have I?   Well, life goes on but I'm still here and still hobbying.    My last blog post was in April 2023, just prior to Warhammer Fest in Manchester, and the main topic of that post was the possibility of Epic making a return, and if it did return, how it would work and what the setting would be etc. Lo and behold they did announce it at WH fest, or tease it to be more accurate. Fast forward to today and Legion Imperialis is here and s


Cyrox in General

Chat Gpts initial thoughts.

Out of interest I asked chat gpt what a conference would look like. A lot of what it said is very similar to what I was thinking. Either ny thoughts are generic or perhaps it scraped it from my post.    Some of the stuff I definitely wasn't thinking. Merchandise for example is not something I was thinking about. If I do approach the people who run the site they might consider it, but it's not something I'm going to touch    I'd love to know what people think. I'm not too expe

Kill Team: Hivestorm pt 4

Weekend Update.....ok I have not touched my hobby stuff since Friday night. But I spent all day Saturday with my Future (step)son who is 8 going on 9 this week, and had my Fantasy hockey Draft and Sunday we were doing family stuff. This is going to be a rough week of Hobby, the youngest (step)son is turning 6 today and Thursday is the other (step)son's birthday, so I am losing a few days of hobby this week so hopefully I can get a lot done Friday night after bed time to make my Saturday deadline


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

Mandrakes done

Hi folks,   I completed my mandrakes tiday, putting final snow touch to their base and correcting some clown noses caused by miscontrol of white paint for hairs.   My inspiration was this illustration:     It is slightly different from the usual paint job of GW; mainly as hexfire is blue and not greenish. I found it more convenient and more adapted to bring a common point in terms of colours with the swirling soul wave of my Yncarne. All these models are


Bouargh in Aeldarii

Ashen Sentinels - campaigning on Rostokhar III

Next month sees the culmination of about a year's worth of planning and preparation, as well as a few more months working on the Ashen Sentinels: at my local gaming group, we're starting a narrative-driven 40k Campaign - 'The Forge of Silence'!      Along with friends, I've been putting together the source book that details the background story and how the campaign will work. I previously shared some of the photography a member of our group did - I was able to include quite


firestorm40k in Gaming and Campaigns

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