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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Helmets of Blue

Painted up the helmet and I love it so much! But I'm left wondering what GW was smoking when they named Stegadon Scale Green and Sotek Green. Those are the paints I used here...   I also am working on the tabard. Mostly happy with it, but I overshaded it and need to bring it up a bit.   Cheers!


Kajae in Work In Progress

Enter the Thalassians

Cruel and fierce, the Space Marines of the Thalassians Chapter bring a ruthlessness to the battlefield matched by few others. Sailing the inky darkness of the void as easily as the oceans of their aquatic homeworld, Vathys, they have engaged enemies of the Imperium in several vicious campaigns, leaving devastation in their wake - from raids against the enigmatic Eldar to brutal wars of attrition with the endless swarms of the Tyranid hivemind. While their effectiveness cannot be questioned, the


Kajae in Work In Progress

A never ending story

Hi folks,   I just spent the past week hobbying on something different. It has been a very long time I did not spend time on stuff not 40k or HH related; so I decided to dig up some old dwarves I had untouched since the release of the battle for skull pass. A while indeed. And while I tried to jsutify this change arguing that I had almost cleaned down my 40k Pile of Shame, I did a little mental recap.   Gosh it looks like this is a never ending story, with waiting list recomp


Bouargh in Beating the back-log

How to pretend not to start a GSC army - Part 5

Hi folks,   As a fith act in this series, here is today's addition: a Goliath truck to be used qs q Tqurox proxy. Becquse remember thqt I am not starting a GSC army... But is there someone that really believing this?   In CtA23, year ago so, I painted some kit bashed Scions from old plastic scouts. These lads deserves a vehicle to go at heart of the fight. and if it comes with some fire power, better. A Taurox fits the role but... I had this Goliath Truck from the Patrol box,


Bouargh in Not GSC

Time for small break from the hobby.

Well I am getting married in just over 3 weeks (24 days and 7 hours), so I have to take a pause from the hobby for the next few weeks. And by hobby, I mean building and painting. I need my hobby space for some wedding projects. I have to paint all the wood flowers for the wedding, work on some of the decorations, and then it is all wedding prep with some exceptions along the way.    So in about a month I will return to this Blog with more Exorcist, Psian Jakals, and Inquistion/ Imperia


W.A.Rorie in Life

How to pretend not to start a GSC army - Part 4

Hi folks,   As a fourth act in this series that I left aside for a while, here are some progresses to be shared: the kit bashed HW teams have been painted.   As previously ibntroduced in the second part of this serie ( or was it the first one?), using a single kit of ooP Cadian HW plus GSC cultists and extra crew members from the GOliath kit allows reaching 18 footsloggers and puting in service 3 types of HW. In my case; ML; Autocannon and mortars. I like the vibe of the last


Bouargh in Not GSC

Opening thoughts, the concept

Several ideas rumbling around in my brain, just wanted to get them down finally. I have a growing collection of various imperium forces, and wanted them to sort of tie in with each other somewhat. A group of various imperial organizations that work together to defend and expand their small sector of space, located on one of the edges of imperial control, a frontier as it were. Primarily this would consist of my space marines, as well well as the SoB, AM/IG, Necromunda and Kill Team models I have


Arikel in Lore/Background

Some musings on painting big areas of skin (with and without oils)

I recently started experimenting with oils, opting to smear a magenta/purple oil wash on my Great unclean one (on the tentacles, stomach and guts) with rather good results, if I do say so myself: So, yeah, oil washes are good, if you want to use them, but what if you don't? Well, have no fear, I still have some tips for you! There's a little oil wash on the back here, but much of the purple/magenta is actually done only with thinned acrylics and some washes and contrasts. AND, it wa

Death Guard kill team, Chapter four: A dull, mounting headache...

I guess you're wondering how I'll have managed to put off the oil paints for another day, huh? Well, the answer is easy: I told myself I'd better get the texture on the bases ready, as well as doing some more detail work on the trim and weapons, before moving on. Finally, when I couldn't think of anything else, I realised I hadn't primed the heads (I almost never paint the heads separately, as I generally finds it's more hassle than it's worth, but this time I thought it might make sense at


Antarius in Realm of Chaos

Krieg Commissars

I managed to pick up the Krieg Commissar kit from GW (I wanted to get it before new plastics come along). These are probably the cleanest FW sculpts I've ever gotten:      I'm thinking I'll put the tank commander in a Demolisher with a dozer blade, melta sponsons, a lascannon, and a heavy stubber (for good measure) as a linebreaker to hold the advancing infantry together. 


Harrowmaster in 53rd Army Group

Exorcist Scout Squad Shu'kra

Originally I wanted these guys done for when Kill Team: Hivestorm was released. I got close but didn't finish them. And besides building models with the kids, I really have not painted anything. They were so close too. Just had to do some skin highlights, weathering, and bases.  And with all the new Kill Team Starter coming out, Phobos Strike Team Kill Team ordered, and having 5 of the reprint Space Marine Heroes Series 4 models (I ordered a single eliminator and a Captain to round out the team)


W.A.Rorie in Exorcists Chapter

Death Guard kill team, Chapter three: Starting to feel faint

So, I got slightly sidetracked today by a Civilization Halloween scenario involving zombies (who can say no to that kind of thing?). On top of that, the Queen of the Blackened Moon has been struck down by Grandfather Nurgle's blessing, so a lot of yesterday and today went with bringing her tea, preparing food and making "aww!" noises. Still, it's not all bad as I've managed to remember my old "heavy rust" recipe, which I decided I'd better apply at least the first couple of steps of before bring


Antarius in Realm of Chaos

Mystery bases

Hi folks.   A very short contribution this time with some Work-in-Progress shared here. Let's see if you can guess what these bases are for:     There are some serious clues that can be found in the colour schemes (if you compare with some previous works of mine in this Blog or in my Galleries). Some clues may be not that recent for sure... But sometimes lack of update for past projects is a clue in itself...   Some recent posts in the forum may also set t


Bouargh in Beating the back-log

Death Guard kill team, Chapter two: Running a slightly elevated temperature

I was actually thinking this might be the time when I'd really buckle down and figure oil paints out, but I was not quite certain where to start and if it'd be a good idea to have more stuff done before I started washing. So, I chickened out and kept going on some other stuff to postpone my decision, mainly the leather straps, wood and brass trim/details and here's where we ended up: Which is... Pretty ok, I guess? they suffer a bit from being at the stage where nothing really looks


Antarius in Realm of Chaos

More Kill Team

Well I was able to order Data Sheets and tokens for my Scouts for Kill Team off of eBay.     And while watching my kids this weekend we built the contents of the Space Marine Board game     ....well they built the Ripper swarm and Termagants, I built (Not) LT. Titus (no photos but here is the stock photo)     And I also built  Space Marine Adventures: Tyranid Attack Board Game     and the 5 reprinted Space Marine Her


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

Blood Axe Boy (?) Nob (?) WIP

Going for a lowercase 'ork' or Fighting Uruk-Hai look with him, while maintaining the traditional Blood Axes characteristics.   (Tolkien never specified the exact skin color of the orc-men, though it must be noted they were racialized in ways that are understandably uncomfortable and implicit. But, artists took time to catch on to this in terms of appearance. It was Jackson making them all big Maori guys that established the image.)   You might notice the armor is Castellan Green.


SvenIronhand in Et Cetera

Dice Trays

So one of things l like to do in the hobby is have custom dice trays, dice bags and dice for each of my armies.....weird I know it but something easy for me to grab when I am going out to play.    Well one of the my custom items arrived yesterday and so amazing.  It is from one of my favorite sellers of Etsy, OwlKindofDesign.   I have ordered 3 Dice trays from her and the quality and communication has been great. On average it is about a week from ordering to having product i


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Death Guard kill team chapter one: getting the sniffles

First off, welcome to the first part of my fall project, which by popular demand has turned out to be a Death Guard kill team (whether it will actually be used for kill team is anyone's guess, but I have a lot of DG laying around and I wanted to paint at least some of them up). The general idea is that I'll be using this blog to keep me motivated through a, historically speaking, difficult time of year where motivation can often ebb. So any comments or suggestions you may want to leave are highl


Antarius in Realm of Chaos

ITD Terrain

With the new edition of Kill team here I needed to get caught up on my terrain projects. I've had a box of ITD/Gallowdark terrain sitting on my shelf for nearly a year and I decided it was finally time to get it knocked out. There was plenty of pre-prep that went into this that I'm not showing, but the TL:DR of it is that you have to file down the connection points. Using a dremel appears to be the internet's prevaling wisdom, but in my experience the dremel is fine, but I switched to a course f


zulu.tango in Terrain Break

"We have a Valkyrie down, I repeat we have a Valkyrie down"

As I continue down the Militarum Tempestus rabbit hole, I have plans for crashed Valkyries as terrain pieces. So looking up the photos I found some good ideas                   and all these images stoked the flames of the project. Along with My fascination of the events of Operation Gothic Serpent aka "Black Hawk Down" I definitely want to do this project. While talking to some friends, they agreed an


W.A.Rorie in Militarum Tempestus

Mission aborded...

Hi Folks,   While the 100th post in this BLog was coming closer, I started wondering what form it could take. After all 100 as a round number is looking like a milestone that deserves something special. Or close. Usual suspects for that kind of autoconggratulation session can be: A look in the back mirror - the Blog that was and main previous entries. Come´on, it is so common (undetected attempt to humour) A look forward - what will come next. Let´s be frank: I have a


Bouargh in Milestone

The Crusade begins

Yesterday I played my first games with the Ashen Sentinels, one of which was the first game of the 'Forge of Silence' 40k Campaign at my local gaming group, and the first using the Crusade rules. I was up against a Tyranid army that had some big beasty bugs..!    My 1,000 point army looked a little meagre against that - here's the thin grey line    We were playing Linchpin with Hammer and Anvil deployment, plus tactical secondaries, and I chose to be defender and r

"What In The Underverse is a Wulfen?" (A Survey) - Part 2

Type 2 - The Wulfenkind  The second, though hardly less redolent type of Wulfen, is the 'lost comrade'. This type is not strictly perceived as balefully as the first type of Wulfen, though their 'wyrd' is a complex one in the Space Wolves' eyes. A common element between the second and first type are the aspects of loss and bodily transformation. The 13th Great Company are the Wulfen-Kind, and were lost to the Chapter 'whilst pursuing the Thousand Sons', their old enemies. Since then,


SvenIronhand in Essays

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