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About terminatorAM

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    Blood Hunters, Flesh Tearers

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    C:SM, Flesh Tearers

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  1. I'm still trying to figure them out. I like them in concept as they enable an all deep strike army so long as half your army fits within 3 pods. They can potentially be used to score VP on turn 1 from Behind Enemy Lines and Deploy Teleport Homers. But your opponent will see it coming a mile away and block you out of their zone, which is really easy to do with the footprint of a pod and it's squad. Trust me, it looks good on paper, but is a waste. Drop pods also look good for alpha striking a turn 1 charge by using rapid ingress. But you can only use that stratagem once, meaning your unit is gonna get blasted in turn 2. The one useful trick I've found is that the pods themselves tend to be ignored. And they can still score points from controlling objectives in no man's land and for Cleanse or Deploy Teleport Homers. So I think they're useful to have. Jury's still out on how useful 3 are together, but 1 opens up tactical options for scoring points.
  2. Wow, great bread work! How did you manage to bend it uniformly?
  3. I may have missed it, but did we ever see rules for the new Primaris Lieutenant Tolmeron? Is he actually a new character with unique rules, or just our only truly unique Primaris model?
  4. Big thanks to JamesI for keeping our collective impatience at bay ;) If you're not tired of answering questions yet, can you confirm if land raiders can still take jump pack-equiped infantry? Lucifer engines + land raider with jump DC inside sounds too fun. They would be fast enough to rush almost anything by turn 2, kill it, then redeploy on turn 3 with Upon Wings of Fire.
  5. I can't decide if I like your green or your black better. Both are masterful.
  6. Well it's been a while, the real world caught up with me, but I haven't been completely idle on hobby projects. The scouts are now done and I have a couple of other projects queued up to go next. Here are the highlights: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/924/3FaT83.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/924/ZQvxM3.jpg Some close-ups of some of my favorites: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/923/nWYOi8.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/922/9a7ckP.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/924/ridjCj.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/922/cHk0B7.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/923/KOV8Cw.jpg And in celebration of a new job, I splurged on upgrades from my next tank: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/923/fkxxgx.jpg
  7. These are amazing! Especially love the faces. Go for the 5 o'clock shadow. It'll add to the grittiness you have going already.
  8. Those Raptors are simply amazing. Did you use the same pre-highlight technique that you use for your Blood Angels? That fade from green to black is just perfect. I must figure out how you do it!!!
  9. You've managed to master both black AND white color schemes. No easy feat. That son of Chogoris is also the best White Scar I've ever seen. If I had to criticize it, I'd say that it could use slightly darker shading from a pin wash. I'd also love to get your recipe for the white. Was this done with an airbrush?
  10. Congrats on completing such a large squad at that standard of painting. Lots of subtle details mixed in there too draw the eye and the weathering brands it all together.
  11. I'll be watching this with much interest...and only a same about of drool
  12. I see the green knight reference, but my first thought was the creepy stag from Hannibal. Either way, the effect is jaw dropping.
  13. I ordered them from Chapter Customizer: https://www.chaptercustomizer.com/chapter2
  14. Some how you've made that legionair helm frill look creepy. Well done sir
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