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Found 24 results

  1. I’m looking for some advice. With the Krieg range being moved over to plastic it’s about time the 3rd Siege Regiment was rebuilt. I’d like to start around Christmas but the question is, what get first? I was thinking either some Bullgryn or a Baneblade? Which seems the safest bet? Do you think Bullgryns would go with the new Krieg stuff?
  2. CRUSADE GAME 4 - TAU VS IMPERIAL GUARD Spending a lot of time in close combat in this Crusade... My next game was a rematch, of sorts. Not for the armies so much as for the two most intimidating hulls currently in the Crusade! Yes, Andrew's Rogal Dorn - now a commander - against my Hammerhead, Shi'ur Monat. Oh, and some other things happened, I guess, but the two big tanks having another shooting match was the main thing. At this range it was practically a knife fight. We played the 'go get blackstone from objectives' mission, which seems fine... When you're not doing 500 point games with maybe one character model per side. Andrew only brought his tank commander, so in the end, this worked out the way most casual games do: Whoever still has models on the table wins. Still, we scuffled over some points as we went, with my Piranha scoring an early Sentinel kill, and his Rough Bikers running down my stealth suits... And getting blasted in overwatch by my Breachers. It was a fun, close game! In the end, while I crippled the Dorn with smart missiles, the railgun shot was saved, and my poor Hammerhead destroyed in kind. A loss, but a fun one.
  3. So I’ve been working on some Krieg recently, and I thought I’d share my progress! I’ve gone back to a green and grey scheme accented with black and red (nothing revolutionary but is striking!) I’m starting this thread to help keep the momentum going. I’m aiming to update this thread regularly so please keep an eye on this! That’s enough preamble, here’s the pics: Death Korps of.Krieg Deathriders Death Korps of.Krieg Deathriders Death Korps of.Krieg Deathriders Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Centaur Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Centaur Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Centaur Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Centaur Death Korps of Krieg Grenadier Centaur Death Korps of Krieg Squad at Ease Death Korps of Krieg Squad at Ease Death Korps of Krieg Squad at Ease Thanks for getting past the wall of pics! Please leave a comment.
  4. Nostalgia


    From the album: Nostalgia's Raven Guard

  5. From the album: Death Company Conversions

    I already have a Death Company unit holding up the power sword. So for this one I wanted him to be different. I had this nice death mask and decided to use it for something. So its a bolter arm and a death mask, and I wanted it to look like he ripped off the helm to yell to the troops but still held up the mask to strike fear into the hearts of his foes.
  6. A thread for this book. Kudos to Black Library for continuing to just drop some books paperback straight away. Wish they did it more. Steel Tread – Andy Clark (Audiobook) When reading Clark, I feel like I’m still chasing the high of Gate of Bones, and won’t get it until he drops another Dawn of Fire novel. It probably isn't fair to him, but it’s hard not to make the comparison. This book was okay. It’s certainly competent, but it delivers very little you couldn’t find in dozens of other pieces of military fiction. It’s the new leader proving herself, it’s the unmotivated crewmember who’s tired of the war, it’s the belligerent crew member who gets in a fight with their superior, it’s the younger more idealistic crew member, it’s the annoying one who talks a lot, etc etc etc. It’s pretty middle of the road and by the time we’re ramping up to the big finale all the more interesting elements have already happened. It isn’t helped by the Chaos forces (with one literally large exception) being about as flaccid as I’ve ever seen them. The only thing that really caught my attention was how well this works as a companion to Hill’s Minka Lesk series. While those books do a great job at detailing the struggle of the displaced Cadians from their perspective, Steel Tread flips the dynamic and we get to be the outsiders looking in. Needless to say, it’s a much less flattering portrait and succeeds at what I’d love to see Black Library used for more often. All in all though, it’s fine, it’s not great, gets a pass but not much else. ANR: 5.5/10 Diehards/Bored People Only. There’s better tank books and better Guard books you could be reading.
  7. So I'm getting back into the game, last played 4th edition, and couldn't look at my crappy paint job that wasn't even half finished. So I gave everything a new coat of primer and started afresh. The basic game plan is to have a deep blue be the base color of the armor and a medium grey for the fabrics and accents whatever. Then a deep purple for the veterans and commanders to mark them out as nobility. The tanks I think are going to stay blue, but well see if they need to stand out more in the future. I'm debating whether to have the metals be mostly copper instead of steel since the copper color looks great with the blue, but then it kinda looks a little too much like wanna-be Night Lords. Well see, it probably wont matter much but for the tanks since the infantry don't have much metal. My goal is before the end of the month to solidify the color scheme of the guardsmen and to finish the 4 tanks and the sentinel. Long term is to keep motivated. As it sits besides the tanks I've got 60 troopers, 20 veterans, 18 heavy weapon teams, and probably another dozen odd and end officers and such. So a lot to get through and this will be a good way to keep on top of it and to keep basic overhead of the Russ's. I'll get the detail shots as I start doing more than a base coat. Side of my tank commander. Front of the tank commander Sentinel Base coats of blue and metal So happy with day one progress. Got everything primed, all tanks, heavy weapons teams, and infantry. Easy part done. Mostly focused on getting all of the colors on my tank commander to make sure I liked how they all fit together. I'm pretty happy with it. The blue holds for me as a realistic color to be regal without being too showy as an unrealistic target. I don't think I'm going to add purple accents to the tanks, it'd wind up being too much color. Still going to pick the Vet Infantry and Officers in it to help stand em out for game play ease. Now old me would probably give it a once over again for accents like cables and call it, but I want to step it up. So plan for the tank commander is to go over him to cover up and errant brush strokes with the deep blue, then mixing in a small bit of white and doing a highlight on the hard edges of the front and turret of the tank. After that hit the sharp edges of the metal with a light titanium. Then pick out the cables and stuff in red and green to help em pop out a little. Tomorrow is game day so I doubt ill get anything painted since it'll all be on the board, but by the end of the week I want to get the rest of the tanks to at least where the commander is today. Then I'm starting to get past my experience. I want to use a wash after that to help pick out the deeper details again in the cracks of the plates, hinges, tracks, ect. I need some advice on that. I have some matte medium, flow aid, and splatter medium to be able to add and want some advice on ratios for an ink or wash. I'm getting comfortable using it to think out my paints to keep the detail, but have exactly zero experience with washes. I also am not sure if I should be using a deep brown or black to base it on. Black makes sense to me, and nuln oil from gw looks like it to me. But on some of the others I've seen chestnut brown, or like red-brown. whats he best way to tell which I should use? or maybe paint up an extra hull piece and see?
  8. Hello! Ive been working on rebuilding my guard and have been developing a story to go along with them as me and my friends start campaigning. I hope this can be an area to work on and showcase the lore I've worked on for my section of the Imperium. This will be a developing area, where I'm going to add to the backstory of Vilka and the current happenings on their little globe. I hope to have regiment details, as well as short stories and such as I write them. I want to work on my skills as a writer, and hopefully get you all some entertainment along the way.
  9. Cleansing of Ioria Campaign - Phase 3 Sieges and Decisive Battles The final scene in the Crusade to cleanse Ioria commences! Regiments and Inquisitional parties participating in this phase are to proclaim their attendance by providing the Administratum the required details on their forces and its representative as well as listing the unit and associated value. Vows may be performed in the tradition of your regiment or Inquisitor, or follow the registered standard: I, , hereby pledge the forces of [REGIMENT/WARBAND/ORDO] under [COMMANDER/INQUISITOR] to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of [uNIT] at [POINTS] will do their duty no matter the cost. The phase begins immediately, and vows may be made at any time during the phase's run. Phase 3 will end at 2200 GMT/B&C time on Sunday the 2nd of April, make sure your vow is done by then! Participating regiments and Ordos that have already given their background pieces don't need to do so again as this will have been recorded from phase 1. As a reminder the bonus FOC choices for phase 3 are: HQ, Heavy Support and Lords of War. As before a single FOC unit is eligible even down to the components, whether that is an entire Scion Platoon, a single Taurox, a Platoon Command Squad or an Infantry Squad and their dedicated transport Chimera for example. Signal your participation in this grand endeavour with this sig image: Campaign: Cleansing of Ioria Phase 3 - Imperial Guard ID Recruit Regiment Commander WIP Points Completion 1 brettfp 42nd Savlar Chem Dogs Capt. Slip Saveryx WIP 185* Completion 2 Jam Master Flex 82nd Cadian Armoured Group Knight Commander Pask WIP 535* Completion 3 Mactire Midgardian 12th Commissar Thedren Voalt WIP 55* Completion 4 our_baz E Company of the 7th Levallosian Life Guards Colonel Leukas Prins WIP 140* Completion 5 elmo 711th CCAB [Redacted] WIP 40* Completion 6 GKTerminator First Firestorm Sentinels Lord Edric Shade WIP 460* Completion 7 Cap'n Heckus Agamemnos Prime Planetary Defense Force Colonel Bolivar Hesk WIP 85* Completion 8 WarriorFish 144 Arukan Lord Commander Firionel WIP 40* Completion Campaign: Cleansing of Ioria Phase 3 - Inquisition ID Acolyte Ordo Inquisitor WIP Points Completion 1HodConclave of Holy FireInquisitor Larine BladeauWIP150Completion2Jam Master FlexOrdo MalleusInquisitor IlseWIP95*Completion3HondaCOHORT:110011ARTIKUS-110011WIP360Completion4ArkanissOrdo HereticusLord Inquisitor ArkanissWIP382Completion
  10. Hey there I just finished my copy of the "Imperial Glory" and I must say... I'm really sad! It is a great book with great characters and I did not find one army of them in the www. Did I miss anything? Would be nice, if some one could give me one or two hints where I could find something about the Brimlock 11th. Also I would like to know your opinion about the novel and especially its ending. Another point I'm interested in, would be how you professional Guardsmen (I just do Ultras, Iron Warriors an Orks) would start a Brimlock 11th.
  11. Hey all, Seems to be the place to put our WiPs of guard up! Always wanted to do a Krieg Death Rider force, and I know in 7th there was a formation that allowed it, but I honestly couldn't quite be arsed with relearning 40k after a few years off, espcially when it was such a bloated mess of an edition (and in Australia, there is a stupid fear of FW which is naf as heck, but I digress). Anyway, with the advent of 8th it got me working on them again as it looks like it refreshed the community, then you have the added benefit of how good Rough Riders got..then the additional benefit of how massively aweseom Death Riders are now.... was just too much!! Anyway I have finished 8 Death Riders, with another 6 getting finished up, following by a command squad (hopefully squadron commanders can give orders!!) So pics! So just a group shot of the bad boys. Wanted to move away from the overt drabness normally seen with Kriegsmen and found some excellent art on the net for the Death Riders and copied the broad strokes of the colouration for my guys. I don't know where the idea to have them as Hussars came from but I managed to find some awesome (if somewhat fragile) wings on ebay that work a treat! Just a close up of a single rider. It is quite odd, singly they look a little busy colour wise, but as a group they look fantastic, go figure . I know Death Riders can't take heavy stubbers, but I thought it would be a bit of fun to convert one up a little. My reasoning follows like..imagine they are out on a long range patrol with now fire support elements available to them, when they stage an attack, old mate above dismounts and lays down fire on an enemy position to keep their heads down, whilst his comrades YOLO over into the enemies with lances held out! Here was the Death Rider Colonel I made for 7th (so now a Squadron Commander, fingers crossed that he is a HQ choice ). Was a pretty simple conversion, but I wanted him to stand out a bit also, hence his honking big power axe. His head is a swap from the Senior commander and his chest is just a senior command squad chest. His mount is based on the commissar mount, so its faceplate is a skull, I also made it have a bionic leg as well as gave it a rather large chest plate (I reckon thats where they'd mount the refractor field ). But overall was a pretty simple conversion. Anyway, hope you guys like it! We are doing a slow grow league at the moment based loosely on the Vogen campaign of yesteryear. I have some fluff pieces written up that I'll get up some time soon! Cheers, Nick
  12. The Inquisitorial Guard are my custom Space Marine Chapter, featured in two videos from One Mind Syndicate on YouTube.. Unfortunately, the history and lore I've made for them is much too long (32 pages in notepad... lol) to post here without breaking it into multiple separate posts, so instead I'll post it in it's entirety on my profile in the 'files' section. I'm also currently working on a story for Family 192, whether it ends up being short or long, or even an epic, is still up for debate. However, if y'all would like to see it here as well, just let me know, and I'll post the story here as I work on it. Anyway, I appreciate any ideas for more lore, or just y'alls thoughts on it! Let me know, thanks! Edit: Well, until I figure out how to add Files to the File tab, I'll just post the Chapter info in separate posts here.
  13. EDIT: due to the B&C going down during the ETL some posts with updates were lost, chiefly the Vendetta ones. They have since been re-uploaded to page three. As promised, here is my ETL WIP topic (source vow). It was nice to have a free weekend (and I was only slightly hungover on Saturday) so I've managed to get quite a lot done (praise the Omnissiah). Here are four of the tanks, dry assembled for completeness: This is the state of the Vendetta, somewhat less to show despite the time spent on it but it is definitely a kit to assemble and paint in parts. That's not to mention the occasional questionable nature of the instructions and kit... Anyway, just another quick picture to prove my start I get the feeling maybe I'm missing a step by doing models from scratch but I reckon I've caught up nicely now. If you're wondering where the other Chimera is she's currently drying from the undercoat. Like the Hellhound she's an old school model, it was a nice bit of nostalgia at first but quickly wore off after what felt like the 100th wheel I've elected to magnetise the models too, so there's technically also a Hellhound/Bane Wolf and Demolisher/Punisher too (maybe I should have decided sooner, my vow is missing out on a whole 10 points! ). Some of the GS holding the magnets is still curing so I'll take some pictures of them and the missing Chimera when I next get the chance. I'm also planning on magnetising the Vendetta, which will be using the Forge World upgrade kit.
  14. When you think of the Guard at war you think of two things first - the Guardsmen themselves and the ubiquitous Leman Russ Battle Tank. So much so that when people talk of Leman or Russ chances are they're not talking about the Primarch! How best to get use from this mighty tank though? With so many variations we are spoilt for choice and as a die hard tread head who better to get the ball rolling on a Russ tactica? Author's Note As with the Tactica Generalis this isn't going to be a comprehensive list but rather a summary of the Russ tanks and their good uses. New recruits will hopefully find this useful for getting to grips with all the choices we have and for the veteran tankers out there a springboard to add your own tactical wisdom! Index Imperialis The Leman Russ - The basics Sponsons - To sponson or not; that is the question Leman Russ Battle Tank - The old stalwart Leman Russ Exterminator - Autocannon prime Leman Russ Vanquisher - Reach out and touch someone Leman Russ Eradicator - No cover for you Leman Russ Demolisher - These 24" are mine Leman Russ Punisher - Fury made manifest Leman Russ Executioner - Not using that 2+ save are you? Tank Commanders and Pask - Russ+ Russes and You - A primer on basic use Closing - Omnissiah be praised
  15. intro The agri world Hellgar VI was quite world with open plains of rich farm land, that was until the forces of the arch enemy arrived, and in a tide of blood and death they drove back the local PDF mile by bloody mile until over half the world was in the grip of chaos. Hellgar VI orbit The ships of battlefleet invictus duelled with the ships of the arch enemy at high anchor as they covered the bulk transports full of imperial forces, the void war was brutal and silent, void fields flickered and collapsed armour bubbled and ruptured voiding crew and atmosphere like life blood, the chaos murder class cruiser dark eye took a full salvo amid ship splitting its bulk in two in a powerful silent explosion. Hellgar VI spaceport Hellion Lord commander strax watched as the first regiments of his army filed down the landers boarding ramps, "order the praetorian 3rd light infantry to secure the port and surrounding city, I also want the 14th mordian recon force to being long range patrols out on the plains until we have established this base of operations" Strax said to his numerous aids and vox operators who obeyed without a word. Lt conel Johnson of the Mordian 14th recon looked at his orders and frowned, "pass the orders on I want patrol units out within the hour" he stated with a sigh of annoyance, "yes sir" replied his company captains as one before heading off to carry out his orders.
  16. This tactica is intended to give a broad overview to a Guard army, things like approach, structure and overarching strategies and tactics to employ and think about. It will not deal with specific tactics, wargear, lists etc - aiming instead to look at the larger picture. As such neither will it delve into rules which should give it use in 7th Edition and beyond. Author's Note This is not a master class by any means, nor is it the only way of doing things - just mine. You'll hopefully be reading quite a bit and learning nothing new, what I am aiming to do is outline what I have learnt over many years of relevant interests and experiences. By trying to break this down into the smallest parts I wish to help new recruits find their footing and hopefully give some fellow grizzled veterans a new angle to consider. Like Guilliman's tome in the Codex Astartes this is a living document so I welcome any additions or clarifications you may have. Index Imperialis The Emperor's Hammer - How the Guard works List Construction - What makes a good list? List Concepts - Strategies for tactics Metagaming - Metas and their impact Agency - Your opponent's influence Playing the Game - Tips and advice Closing - No examples! Index Auxilia Enemy Unit Types - Vash
  17. Why have one tank when you can have two - or more? The current Guard vehicles are good kits and lend themselves to magnetising well for the most part, so in collaboration with the talented Elmo9141 and Kilofix I have embarked on a grand crusade to cover the topic in the entirety for both novice and experienced magnet user alike. Macharius would be proud Index ImperialisWhy Magnetise An Introduction to Magnets; Sizes and Suppliers Surface Attachment Countersunk Attachment Tabs Trusses Embedding and Reinforcing with Green Stuff Vehicle Magnetisation Tutorials Chimera - Elmo Leman Russ Battle Tank - Elmo Hellhound/Devil Dog/Bane Wolf - Elmo Sentinel - Elmo Wyvern/Hydra - Elmo Baneblade/Shadowsword/Stormlord/etc - Elmo Manticore/Deathstrike - scatmandoo Pintle mounted Stubber/Stormbolter - nismogrendel Leman Russ Demolisher/Punisher/Executioner - Elmo Taurox Prime - MoGuy Infantry Magnetisation Tutorials Bullgryns - WarriorFish
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