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  1. When 10th Ed dropped I decided to try and paint up the nids as an exercise in painting quickly and efficiently with good results. Heavy use of Contrast and Xpress paints. Here are the results of my Labour.
  2. is the Leviathan book just a special edition of the core book exclusive to the box? or are they different books with different rules? or does the Leviathan Book have extra content? its quite confusing.
  3. From the album: ETL_2018

    Death Guard Leviathan Dreadnought conversion
  4. Version 1920x1080


    A Hive fleet Leviathan Hive Tyrant and it's army from Dawn of War 2
  5. So I’m new to the B&C blog feature, but thought I would use it to post the progress of my new Ultramarines army. I originally intended it to be a a Third Company army, but plans have changed, and I am now planning on building it as a 1st Company Strike Force.
  6. With a crestfallen heart, I must announce that we've come to the end of this little Building Leviathan series. I mean, It's hard to continue something when it's all built! Today, all I had to do, was 10 Infernus Marines and 1 Dreadnought... First up: These went togethed easy enough, though I did wonder about why GW designed them to go together as they did. Like the one Marine where you put the pieces together verticality. Still after an hour or so, I had the full squad ready to do some burning. excuse the fact I'd already clipped some parts out, got a bit eager to complete the last model. The build was straightforward but not without problems, namely that nothing wanted to fit securely. There was a definite wobble within the torso and the legs. With the dread complete, we get a final day's group shot. and here's all the marines: and here's everything for a glorious mayhem! Overall the box delivered what it promised, 72 models with some classics amongst their number. I'm itching to get started on painting duties. From now until the end of September, I'll be using this blog to catalogue my Call to Arms attempt, so expect the first post about that soon! Till then, Keep on hobbying!
  7. Day 6 of building Leviathan and I inch closer to having the whole box built (for comparisons sake I did Indomitus over a period of months and I technically haven't completed AoS's Dominion yet...) For (Thursday) I completed the Sternguard, and all of them were pretty straightforward with no issues, and I tackled these big boys: Not going to lie, these Terminators went together like a dream. No seams, no awkward fitting parts, just perfection. I'm looking forward to painting up some first company Ultramarines (not before September most likely!). Then it came to the homing beacon and I realised with horror that I was a base short. That'll teach me for not making sure I had all the bases before I started. All in all though, a building session with no problems whatsoever. I like those. On the tryanid side of things, I managed to get everything primed with wraithbone. One day to wait boys, one day. Stat wise: 9/12 sprues done. 14/25 Space Marines 47/47 Tyranids and all primed. Tomorrow: endgame. Till then, Keep on hobbying!
  8. Day 5 of building the Leviathan box and I finally reach an important milestone! I started off by going back to the last Tyranid sprue (the one with the Neurogaunts and Barbgaunts) and started clipping off the Barbgaunts. This was a unit that had piqued my curiosity during the reveals, and their unique ability to slow down opponents (doubtful they would actually kill anything but luckily that isn't their primary function). Some of that enthusiasm was drained away by the build as several pieces refused to fit together properly, leaving the worst gaps on any of the Leviathan models so far! I did manage to finish them, and I still like them, just the torso gaps annoy me. With the Barbgaunts complete however, it means I can do this... The Hive Fleet grows ever more. Painting will start for them Saturday where I may (or may not) have pledged them for A Call to Arms! It felt really good to pass this milestone and to see the beginnings of my revitalised Tyranid collection. With the Nid side of the box complete, it meant I had to turn my attention to the Space Marines... As it was getting late, I only did the Apothecary Biologis and the Phobos lieutenant but both seemed to have their own little niggles. For the Apothecary Biologis, it was a problem of my own making as I made an error when cutting the head off from the sprue, taking some of the helmet detail off along with it! Guess it's battle damage now... With the Lieutenant, not of his parts seemed Stable (and the strap never wanted to reach the weapon). I may try and fiddle with him a bit more before he's primed up. Not a lot done I think you'll agree: Looks like five dead xenos! Current totals are: 7/12 sprues done. 47/47 Tyranids (Woo!) 4/25 Space Marines (not so woo) 51/72 total. Tomorrow I'm hoping to have the Sternguard and the best unit of all, the Terminators, done, that'll help even the score some what! Keep on hobbying!
  9. Day 4 of building Leviathan and the end is in sight for the Tyranids. I should point out that on average, I get about an hour and a half of free time a day, which isn't a lot for building a box of Leviathan's size! However the building today was focused on the gaunts. My first task was to get the lsst sprue of Termagaunts done and dusted, bringing the total to a healthy 20. Needless to say, these will not be the last Termagaunts I'll ever build. With them done, I turned my attention to some other gaunts... First up was the Neurogaunts, and while small and simple, boy were they annoying! The issue I was finding was that, for whatever reason, they refused to sit flush on the base, and I found little room to apply pressure to make them fit. The Nodebeast was the only one of them to consist of more than two parts. I had wanted to get the Barbgaunts done but as I almost fell asleep holding the clippers, I knew I'd have to leave them... So end of Day 4 added these: I really underestimated the size of the Neurogaunts on their itty bitty 25mm bases. Tally so far: 7/12 sprues done. 44/72 figures built 42/47 nids Just five more nids till prime time... The Space Marines however...I'm sure 2 very 42 is fair! Till next time, Keep on hobbying!
  10. So Day 3 of building Leviathan and what did I do today* Well, I was through messing around...It was time for the Screamer Killer (oh, and I guess the Neurotyrant + drones) The Neurotyrant was a smooth build and i was surprised by the detail that was just covered up by the 'armour', the designers really went to town on him. The Screamer Killer on the other hand, seemed to have developed a case of gapitis. No matter how much I filed down the contact points the two body pieces would not meet flush in the chest area. The back was fine as was the tail. Another problem was its right leg (the one standing on a bit of rubble) at first I thought it was fine, the most minor of gaps but when it came to putting it on the base, the leg pieces seemed to push each other apart! Took some effort to get them back together. With plenty of time, I decided to not stop there... it was time to really bulk up the numbers! Building the Termagaunts was simplicity in of itself as each model was 4 pieces (two body pieces and two arms). A better builder than me could probably customise further to really make each figure unique. Building this first sprue (you get two in the box) didn't take that long, I think I spent more time fighting to get the Ripper swarm in its base than it to build a single gaunt. I still don't understand why GW made it legal to have a minimum of 3 bases per unit for Rippers yet only included 2 in the box! At the end of Day 3, this was what I built: and this is how Hive Fleet Boreidas is looking at the moment... As for now, I've completed 6 out of 12 sprues (apparently I can't count) and 20 models out of 72 (20 out of 47) on the Tyranid side. The space marine side is looking quite outnumbered now at 2 out of 25. Funny to think that the remaining 27 nids is on two sprues... Till next time, Keep hobbying! *- I write these a day after the fact, so Day 1 was the 24th etc etc etc. Expect to see more gaunts tomorrow...of all shapes and sizes.
  11. Day 2 of Leviathan building...Let's get to it. I had a bit more time and more choice, so I decided to get the large, multi-tooth elephant muncher out of the way: The psychophage wasn't a bad build persay but there was some annoying parts. First off, the little legs/arms it has. Unlike the four bigger ones that lock in place, these two little ones don't and they got annoying when it came to putting it on its base as I had to keep adjusting it to make sure it was flat. Secondly, as reported elsewhere, there was gaps where the two halves of the body met on the back. I had filed down the nubs already and it was seamless every where else. With this psyker eater done, I thought it made sense to do his meal... No complaints here with this guy, and somehow, only my second Librarian. he was a quick build, and since I had some time left... I let the swarm grow some more with the addition of Von Ryan's Leapers. Only trouble I had with these guys was the number of times I pricked myself when attempting to push their arms in, those spikes aren't just for show! So, at the end of Day 2, I'd added these to their respective forces: thats one dead Librarian if I ever saw one. Roll on to Day 3! Keep on hobbying!
  12. As I type its currently the 25th June. Yesterday at 9 in the morning, me and my oldest son took a trip to town and collected this: (the battleboards are just peeking out at the top there) I had hoped to get stuck in with building but family life had other ideas! So, late last night, I finally got to work. The hardest part was choosing what to build first: After some deliberation, I got to work on these two: It was sort of fitting that I started with the two leaders I guess. I had no issues with the build with either of the pair but there was a slight annoyance with the Terminator Captains head refusing to go on the peg, but I got it. The Prime went together flawlessly. I'll say that GW need to work out where they're putting their gates though, they could stand to take lessons from Bandai Namco in that regard. At any rate (and a surprising 30 minutes later) I had these ready for a priming: I know several people have commented on the Primes design, saying they'd prefer a more wings out approach but I quite like him like this. Makes him easier to store and transport! The Terminator Captain is nice enough but he'll be waiting a while before he gets paint on him. The Nids will be taking centre stage with the Call to Arms event! So for Day 1, I'm 1 sprue down, 11 more to go.... Hopefully I can get more done tonight. Keep hobbying!
  13. Well, as I type this, it's June 23rd, so for me, it's Leviathan Eve (I'm not jealous at all of those who got their boxes today at all...). My prep work is complete, I've got storage boxes started, I've got rattlecan primer ready to go and my colour scheme is sorted. ... What's that? I completed my Tyranid scheme weeks ago? Have I been slacking since then? Well, since I put that first blog post up featuring my parasite of motrex I did what all good hobbyists should do... B̶u̶y̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶s̶t̶i̶c̶ I mean...attack that pile of potential! Given the influx of space marine models I'm imminently about to receive, I thought it was only fair that my Ultramarines got some painted reinforcements. So, the Indomitus Primaris Captain, the 3 Indomitus Bladeguard Veterans, the Bladeguard Ancient, 3 paint set assault intercessors and 5 EtB assault Intercessors hit the worktop: As you can see, the 3 paint set Assault intercessors had a bit of a leg up compared to the others. I was a bit intimidated by the amount of detailing on all the relic shields (to say nothing of the free handing I'm going to try for their heraldry!). A week passed and they started to look a bit better: My normal process is to get all the colours blocked in first, making sure that the primer was completely covered over unless that part was supposed to be black...though I still end covering that part because of the finish. Once I've got those colours down and clean up, I get the contrast paint out. This is where I stand as of last night: Not having done as much painting this week as I would have liked, most of these are awaiting a wash, except the 3 paint set assault intercessors, as those are washed and ready for the blue armour to be re-layered and then, highlights. As it stands, I've got 8 nights to get these boys finished, can I manage it? Though painting won't be the only hobbying on my mind after tomorrow, as I'll have an immense building work to undertake, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to actually play some games. I'll be back tomorrow with a very special blog post.
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