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Hey everyone, welcome to my hobby thread! If you're looking for one of the colour scheme tutorials from my 'March of the Legions' project or one of the basing tutorials, please check the bottom of this post for all of the relevant links. If you can't find what you're looking for or if you have a question that's not answered in the relevant post, please feel free to send me a private message. Regards, Kizzdougs. For more regular updates check out my Instagram account @raptorimperialis I've recently been feeling the urge to start a new 40K project. After much musing and many false starts, i've decided on the Thousand Sons, Pre-heresy. They aren't my favourite legion or chapter but the TS have always be a legion full of character, imagery and conversion opportunities. A perfect combination in my opinion. This project has been at least two years in the planning process. It all started when i converted a PH TS sorcerer for a conversion competition at my local GW (which i was lucky enough to win). After building the Sorcerer i knew i had to make some more TS, they are just so fun and different. Unfortunately it has taken me over two years to finally get here. The Sorcerer who started it all. He is a relatively simple kit bash with minimal GS work. I took inspiration from the Thousand Sons art in 'Collected Vissions', especially that of Ahriman and Uthizarr. The test mini. I used bits from several kits to build this terminator, the majority are from the GK terminator kit and the Tomb Guard kit (WHFB). With crest added. I can't decide whether to give all the terminators these crests or just keep them for the squad leaders. Any opinions and suggestions are welcome. A close up of the force weapon. Such a simple conversion but i'm fairly happy with how it turned out. Sorry about the bad lighting. Hopefully this project will develop and progress at a not too slow pace (fingers crossed). I plan on adding some Sisters of Silence and maybe even some Custodes at a later stage. I'm certainly feeling the necessary inspiration at the moment. Any and all suggestions and advice are more than welcome, as are questions and queries. Thanks for looking EDIT: March of the Legions Painting Tutorials: Space Marine eye lenses Legions without tutorials: World Eaters Iron Warriors Sons of Horus The Rout Imperial Fists Night Lords Thousand Sons White Scars Legions with tutorials: Blood Angels Death Guard Emperor's Children - Palatine Breachers tutorial Emperor's Children Metallic (airbrush) Salamanders Ultramarines Raven Guard Word Bearers Alpha Legion (no airbrush) - Alpha Legion (airbrush) Effrit Stealth Scheme Dark Angels Iron Hands Thousand Sons World Eaters Hobby tutorials: Basing - ZM/industrial Greenstuff tutorial Desert/rocky base building Desert/rocky base painting Eye Lens Tutorial
- 3871 replies
- pre heresy
- thousand sons
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"Milites! cur pugnamus?" "nam Imperator populusque humanity!" "filii Imperatore! mors inimicos eius!" - Coms excerpt from 95th company during compliance of 1929-27. High Gothic was the standard battle tongue of the 9th Millennial. "I am my father's son. His shadow weighs a ton" - unknown Terran philosopher, 3rd millennium. Chapter Master Karonghyontye stared out from the balcony, drinking in the views from the fortress monastery. His captains had left, the cheers and their acclaim still ringing in his ears, following his confirmation as the new master of the Red Eagles. His reverie was broken by the polite cough of the Chief Librarian, standing in the shadows. He approached Karonghyontye and produced a stasis tube containing a battered, old book. “Again, congratulations my lord. I’m afraid to puncture the moment of your ascension but I must divulge to you the true history of the chapter that you are to lead…” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the closing decades of the Great Crusade the 1929th expedition was sent on a long term mission to achieve the compliance of Wagar's Reach. The reach was home to numerous advanced xeno species and lost human worlds. Such an undertaking required significant fleet, army and legion power including: - 3rd Legion, 9th Millennial - 8th Legion, 5th Chapter - 13th Legion, 22nd Chapter - and 15th Legion, 60th Company. Warp unrest in Wagar’s Reach meant that the tumultuous Post-Ullanor events of the late crusade passed the 1929th by. Only upon it’s triumphant return to imperial space, did we become aware of the storm brewing in the galaxy. - “The Betrayed Phoenix.” By Sergeant Ali Pasha 95th Company, 9th Millennial, 3rd Legion Lord Commander Joseph Brant “The Red Eagle” was elected leader of the expedition. He was a Terran veteran of the Unification Wars, well regarded by our cousins of the other legions but less so by the Primarch. Brant’s assignment to the 1929th was a welcome exile from political foes like Lord Commander Primus Eidolon. On the eve of our return to imperial space, 9th Millenial stood approximately 3000 strong in 4 battalions of 5 companies. 91st-100th and the 391-400th companies. We of the 95th were a veteran line company, unbroken by the horrors of the crusade; but the news of our legion’s betrayal shook us to the core. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thus begins the third incarnation of this army. I've been playing since 2nd edition and got into heresy when the card game came out and we had no forgeworld models. The first version was a cobbled together affair, the second with actual rules and to completion. And then came truescale. I'd been aware of the different methods for years and idly had a go one day. This may have been a mistake as now I'm retrofitting the whole 95th company. My test model and new scheme after the KizzDoggs method. It's so shiny! The fruits of the truescale efforts. Using the primaris as a base with heresy parts, and some greenstuff, produces some nice results.
- 107 replies
- 30k
- Horus heresy
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Would have posted this in a "Post your" or "Showcase" thread, but there isn't one for fliers. Anyway, I'm really happy with my emperor's children helldrake, so while I don't normally post things here (so intimidating) I thought I would in this case. Still have to do the base, but that can wait until I decide on how to spruce it up a bit. Here's some pics of the two weapon options: The picture above shows some of the things I'm not so sold on about the model - namely its stubby tail and its funny little rear legs. Still, it gives a good view on the wings - if I do another, I think I will give it wider stripes and carry them back onto the rear wings as well. Finally, a "danger view" photo.
- 71 replies
- chaos
- emperors children
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Renegades: Lord of Excess - Rich McCormick (Audiobook) Another debut novel! Another very good debut novel. This is probably the most ambitious first book I've read since Fire Caste, at times to a fault. There's no 3-act structure here; the first third of the book provides some set-up and gets what I assume is the action quota out of the way, and the last two thirds are basically its own novel slightly compacted into a tighter space. This does make the book a bit messy, but has the benefit of being all killer and no filler after a certain point. While that first third is the least interesting part, I still think it was pretty good. Traitor Astartes vs Genestealer cultists is a rare match-up, and unlike other BL books with similar openings (Wolftime springs to mind) this section still effectively sets up the dynamic of The Adored and gives each character enough development to make sure you're invested in what's to come. The remainder of the book is basically the pivotal moments in Xantine's reign of his now world. The premise alone makes this worthwhile, and while nothing really has room to "sit" and take a breath, it's constantly interesting. The status quo shifts in basically every chapter as someone is always sowing new consequences to reap later. We get rebellions, shifts in political structure, rival Chaos cults, deals, and betrayals. It's never shallow; the themes and character work are more than adequate throughout, but the lightning-fast pacing may not be to everyone's taste. The unique premise certainly helps things in this regard, if this were a typical war story it wouldn't work nearly as well. Our protagonist, Xantine, is a real treat. He sees the daemon sharing his body as a lover, which in itself already sets him apart from your typical Chaos marine, and he's the perfect blend of ambition and total lack of self awareness that I like to call "the Emperor's Children special." Xantine is a man deeply affected by Canticle City's destruction (see Talon of Horus) and is desperate to recapture the glory of his legion's past by reshaping his newly "conquered" world into something perfect. This proves difficult for him, since he expects everyone else to be simultaneously in awe of his brilliance but just as ambitious as he is. Like any good Child of the Emperor, being called out on this doesn't faze him. Man talks the talk and walks the walk, all while actually trusting the daemon living in his head. Speaking of Emperor's Children, I was glad to see a backwater assume they're loyalists because of their name. The story never bothers with the population's grand realization that they're traitors, either - it's a cliché the story doesn't need. The rest of the Adored receive good characterization, as well as each human POV from the world they're now squatting on. Check the amazon extract for any BL book before purchase to make sure the prose gels with you, but I certainly thought it was good. And honestly, despite how messy the pacing made it at times, it really worked for me. Kind of has that classic sci-fi quality of shoving the interesting bits to the fore at the expense of all else. Definitely "To Taste," and my critical mind would probably give this a 7 or 8. Personally though, I've gotta give it a 9, the risks McCormick took with this all really worked for me. Man is the heir to Reynolds' III Legion throne far as I'm concerned. Multiple reviews on Goodreads list "not important to the wider universe" as one of the book's few negatives. I die a little every time I see that sentiment.
- 14 replies
- emperors children
- mccormick
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From the album: EC 3rd Company
- emperors children
- contemptor dreadnought
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From the album: Mastermind015's Emperor's Children WIP
From the album: Mastermind015's Emperor's Children WIP
From the album: Mastermind015's Emperor's Children WIP
My current Chaos Lord kitbash project-
- emperors children
- kitbash
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From the album: Mastermind015's Emperor's Children WIP
- emperors children
- possessed
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From the album: Mastermind015's Emperor's Children WIP
My most recently finished model and the one I'm most proud of!-
- chaos lord
- terminator armor
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From the album: Mastermind015's Emperor's Children WIP
The current state of my Chaos forces. Kinda puny, but I'll be fixing that! -
From the album: Heresy Era Emperor's Children
From the album: Stuff
From the album: Emperor's children
© janene hegstrom oakey
- emperors children
- dornian heresy
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From the album: Emperors Children 30K
Top view of Emperors Children 30k Sicaran Venator© Paul Jones
- emperors children
- 30k
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12122533 953698224688456 8226025605702239492 N
Memento Of Prospero posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Heresy
12096608 953698234688455 299394026824637507 N
Memento Of Prospero posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Heresy
"Milites! cur pugnamus?" "nam Imperator populusque humanity!" "filii Imperatore! mors inimicos eius!" - Coms excerpt from 95th company during compliance of 1929-27. High Gothic was the standard battle tongue of the 9th Millennial. "I am my father's son. His shadow weighs a ton" - unknown Terran philosopher, 3rd millennium. Chapter Master Karonghyontye stared out from the balcony, drinking in the views from the fortress monastery. His captains had left, the cheers and their acclaim still ringing in his ears, following his confirmation as the new master of the Red Eagles. His reverie was broken by the polite cough of the Chief Librarian, standing in the shadows. He approached Karonghyontye and produced a stasis tube containing a battered, old book. “Again, congratulations my lord. I’m afraid to puncture the moment of your ascension but I must divulge to you the true history of the chapter that you are to lead…” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the closing decades of the Great Crusade the 1929th expedition was sent on a long term mission to achieve the compliance of Wagar's Reach. The reach was home to numerous advanced xeno species and lost human worlds. Such an undertaking required significant fleet, army and legion power including: - 3rd Legion, 9th Millennial - 8th Legion, 5th Chapter - 13th Legion, 22nd Chapter - and 15th Legion, 60th Company. Warp unrest in Wagner’s Reach meant that the tumultuous Post-Ullanor events of the late crusade passed the 1929th by. Only upon it’s triumphant return to imperial space, did we become aware of the storm brewing in the galaxy. - “The Betrayed Phoenix.” By Sergeant Ali Pasha 95th Company, 9th Millennial, 3rd Legion Lord Commander Joseph Brant “The Red Eagle” was elected leader of the expedition. He was a Terran veteran of the Unification Wars, well regarded by our cousins of the other legions but less so by the Primarch. Brant’s assignment to the 1929th was a welcome exile from political foes like Lord Commander Primus Eidolon. On the eve of our return to imperial space, 9th Millenial stood approximately 3000 strong in 4 battalions of 5 companies. 91st-100th and the 391-400th companies. We of the 95th were a veteran line company, unbroken by the horrors of the crusade; but the news of our legion’s betrayal shook us to the core. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thus begins the third incarnation of this army. I've been playing since 2nd edition and got into heresy when the card game came out and we had no forgeworld models. The first version of this army was a cobbled together affair using the chaos codex. The second with actual rules, models and to completion. And then came truescale. I'd been aware of the different methods for years and idly had a go one day. This may have been a mistake as now I'm retrofitting the whole 95th company. My test model and new scheme after the KizzDoggs method. It's so shiny!
- 15 replies
- 30k
- Horus heresy
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From the album: Desperate Allies
My usual 2000pts force consisting of my Black Legion warband and my Dark Eldar raiders. (from right to left.)© Frank J. Agresti
- Dark Eldar
- desperate
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Emperors Children - Pre heresy WIP - The Legions
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Still need to paint his plasma pistol for his empty hand and the last one with no weapon is going to have a plasma gun still.-
- emperors children
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Emperors Children - Pre heresy WIP - The Legions
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Possible Sgt? Did his sword gold to fit in with the ostentatious theme of the emperor's children, good or bad?-
- emperors children
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Emperors Children - Pre heresy WIP - The Legions
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Another bolter, still need to paint the shells in.-
- emperors children
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Emperors Children - Pre heresy WIP - The Legions
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Close up shot.-
- emperors children
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Emperors Children - Pre heresy WIP - The Legions
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Some more pics of my emperors children abit further on, just need to add some highlights to some and they should great.-
- emperors children
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