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About Badaab

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  • Location
    Colorado, USA, Planet Earth
  • Interests
    The Arsenal, motorsport, video games
  • Faction
    Aurora Chapter

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  • Armies played
    Aurora Chapter, Grey Knights, CSM

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  1. That's what the last question was about I noticed, but it was never mentioned what decision was reached, or wasn't. My vote it to heat and bend it backwards, or cut and re-sculpt it to add more to the sense of motion the base miniature provides. As it stands, the horn sticks out like a sore thumb against the flow the model has.
  2. Have you considered removing the spike on the head, or perhaps bending it back a bit (make it more like a tendril) to add more of a sense of motion?
  3. These days I don't really play GW games so much, or really buy all that many minis. I've gotten away from it as things tend to be about buying the most expensive new models (flyers, expensive pointless vehicles, $100 Nagash, etc.). I find myself going back to models I enjoy for nostalgic reasons, or models that I just plain like. I paint for fun, and because it's what I call my 'zen time.'
  4. The purity seals look nice, especially if its your first attempt- sculpting your own can really enhance movement on a model. The static ones sculpted on by GW can sometimes detract, and removing them can be a time-consuming process which may result in repairs later (I run into this often removing those pointless cables between the greaves and feet). You might try using the foil from the top of a wine bottle for the parchment portions in the future, as it can keep them from looking 'chubby.'
  5. You have so much going on with this model already, I'd suggest something with a helmet or mask. You might even give the Catachan medic head a try- with the right paint scheme it could look menacing indeed.
  6. Do you have a picture of what sort of heads you have available? Also, might be useful to know the physique of the model before suggesting heads- because something like the bloated head from the old CSM mutation sprue might not look so great on a skinny build.
  7. Have you considered something with an auspex in a two-handed pose like the Techmarine that comes with the Thunderfire cannon? As for the model with the monocular sight, I think it looks nice, although I'd say stick the weapon in a sling or holster, and perhaps do an empty hand reaching for the weapon? The earlier auspex variants... I love the torso and up, but I think what's hurting this model is the bionic legs choice. Because they're so spindly by comparison, its making the model look aggressively top-heavy... and when you put a backpack on there, it'd only make it worse.
  8. If you're after rivets... this is going to seem a little ridiculous a suggestion, but it works well. I don't know if housewives have the same hobbies in Oz as they do in the US, but here scrapbooking seems to be very popular... and Martha Stewart has her own line of accessories for this. In the line, there are these little glass beads called "Luster Glass Microbeads." The bottle of them comes in something resembling a salt shaker, and it must have about a million inside (91 grams, to be precise). But these work great! Simply drill a little pilot hole and then glue the beads in place... they're small enough that a PVA glue will work to hold them in place.
  9. Badaab


    Work in progress pics live in here.
  10. Badaab


    Misc shots of my work area
  11. Badaab

    Finished Product

    Within this gallery are some pics of finished pieces
  12. Nice looking stuff here. When you're up and running with additional casting, I'd be keen for a set of these for my renegades force vehicles.
  13. Badaab

    E3, 2011

    Shots of the THQ Booth at the Electronics Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles, CA (2011)
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