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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

Pirate Army - Corsairs

These models count as Nightmares in my Grimdark death cult army. Alternatively, I can run them as storm squads in High Elf Fleets. In 40k lore this is an Ynnari army with an emphasis on pirates and banshees. It has a craft world, a wych cult, and a few kabalite bands joining in for kicks.   I finished these models (for now) today. I might go back and add more color to the weapons. Not thrilled with the arkhelion green results. These look like the Denver Broncos.  However, they are read

Legion Command Squad

I finally got around to making a decent start on the jetbike command squad for my Iron Hands A WIP shot:      And the final product     The old resin mark three torsos are a bit smaller than the mark six ones that come with the kit, particularly around the waist. Some greenstuff will be needed to fill in a few gaps, but overall it works pretty well.  Edit: Spelling.


Harrowmaster in Varantis

First of Many

Greetings! As the blurb says, I'll be talking about all aspects of my hobbying and every army I enjoy for 40k, but for the first blog post...I think its only fair to talk about my first 40k love.   We all had one after all, that first army that caught our attention, and maybe you still have it in your collection.   For me though, it was all about the Tyranids.   So, way back in the mists of time (2001 to be exact) a very young me wanders into a GW store on my o

"Why should I fear the Daemon? He has no power over me."— Brother-Captain Castavor Drak

Well I wanted to get some modeling done the past few days but was not able too. Adulting  . Would not recommend. Zero out of Five stars. Actually it was fun, spending time with girlfriend and her kids, and since she is leaving for a cruise in a week, modeling has to take a back seat for a few days more.    We are  approaching the Call to Arms event, 10th edition drops on 06/24, and possibly more fun things.  My Grey Knights are the most completed of my owned armies, so they will be my


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

"We are the Hammer!"

So after looking at display case in preparation for the Call to Arms Event, I am going to do Grey Knights.   Need to paint: 1 point per model: 2 6 man Terminator squads, 1 single terminator for another squad, the other half of my 10 man Paladin squad, 5 man Paladin squad, 11 Purifiers, 5 Interceptors, 2 5 man Purgation- (49 points total) 3 points per model: MK IV Venerable Dreadnought, Castellum Dreadnought, 3 Nemesis Dreadknights- (15 points total) 4 points per model: A


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Call To Arms

Well the Call to Arms event has been announced here and now I have 1 month to decide on my pledge. I know it will be Imperium, but will it Adepta Sororitas (lots of stuff primed), Grey Knights (mainly Land Raiders left to build and some units to paint), or Raven Guard/ Raptors (Raptors have some paint so should be eliminated, but Raven guard is on the sprue.)   Really I am leaning to towards my Grey Knights as well they are the most painted of my armies plus I have 5 Land Raiders and a


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Judiciar Conversion

So over the bank holiday weekend, I found myself with a bit of unexpected hobby time and as it was too hot in the conservatory where my painting desk is I decided to do some kit bashing instead of painting.   One unit that I won't to add to this project was a Judiciar as I like the idea of a chaplain in training, however I'm not a massive fan of the GW model so I decided to dive into the bits box and see about making my own version.   I wanted the conversion to be easily iden

Red Corsairs and Stompy Robots

Well some time has elapsed and miniature hobby time is at a minimum due to other interests. Spring time has trout season opener where you walk hundreds of miles of river banks or hike through bush reaching that back lake that hasn't seen a person in 6 months ( and very few people ever see it period) or you try on that ninja suit and hope that a Turkey has terrible eyesight and gets close enough for you to tag out. Spring is also a good time to go out rock hounding and Ramp and Morel (ramps are w


Spazmolytic in Red Corsairs

Anvilbreakers - Salamanders Tactical Squad

Introduction The Anvilbreakers are the 2nd Tactical Squad of the Salamanders 2nd Company, standing at seven members as of 884M41. They are experienced in fighting xeno warbands in close quarters, and would become instrumental in breaking the Ork and Steel Reaver sieges on Dakota Minor.    Anvilbreakers (2nd Tactical Squad and Apothecary) The squad takes their name from a lesser known Nocturnean fable that describes a compulsive and overachieving blacksmith. The story

Did someone say new army?

Well, it didn't take that long for me to add another project    Here's the first mini for a burgeoning Solar Auxilia force.     This is a plasma gunner for a companion section in the command tercio, the antenna behind his head is from the vox interlock.   Parts list (all Anvil): Gothic void torso (plain back) Field radio Gothic void helmet Void suit arms (rifle stock) Ion rifle Void suit legs   Edit: Spelling.   

Anvil additions

I've started working my way through the pile of resin from Anvil   First up is a discipline master      This is the Iron Corps officer model, which comes with a choice of head; the one shown above or a pickelhaube with mustache. I really like this sculpt as he stands out from the regular infantry but with the armoured and cloth textures he'll fit in with the rest of the force (particularly when painted).    Next up is an ogryn boss:      This


Harrowmaster in Militia

Warhammer Fest Horus Heresy Event - Terrain Discussion

Not gonna lie, my heart fell when I got to WHFest and I seen the tables that the HH event would be played on. There were some ok tables, but others had a clear lack of terrain, and large, wide pen fire lanes. Playing a FA heavy Alpha Legion Leviathal, I braced myself for the worst and to get shot off the table by pretty much everything!    Thankfully (luckily?) the armies I played against were Emperor's Children and Custodes, which had less shooting than me so I blatted them off the bo

Bits Haul

A very brief update:    I ordered a large number of bits from Anvil Industry last weekend and they have now arrived.    Stay tuned to see what I do with them.   


Harrowmaster in Misc

Hellblasters Update

Hey everyone. I've been able to make quite a bit of progress on the second Brazen Claws squad. The hellblasters are all painted and bases are done. I ended up taking a fairly simple route with the plasma coils, as my intention was just to get a nice contrasting color (Striking Scorpion Green) vs a more complex effort. Again, I only did one marine without a helmet as I am still working on upgrading my facial/eye painting skills.   I'll be doing the chapter icons and maybe additional det


deathless31491 in Painting

4th Company Structure

So the two aims I have with this project is to:   1. get a 2000 point army to play some games with.   2. to build out the whole 4th company.   The first aim is pretty easy to achieve and once the 10th ed codex  is out I will settle on a list but for the time being I have been trying to see how I can go about aim 2 as there doesn't seem to be a great deal of information about the current company structures in regards to Firstborn/Primaris units. Although I don't

BatRep: WHFest Alpha Legion v Emperor's Children - Edited with more info.

Mission Onslaught, Dawn of War Deployment   Forces Alpha legion Army List   Emperor's Children - 3k points Maru Skara Praetor - paragon, volkite pistol* Legion Champion - paragon   5 tartaros - mixed loadout in Spartan* Contemptor Talon - 2x with autocannon and fist*   3x10 man tac squads 2x5 man scout squads with rifles   2x quad las preds Fire raptor Leviathan, storm cannon, grav bombard   Mission On


Xenith in Battle Report

The Swords of Calth

After deciding to go with the 4th Company for my next project, I picked up the latest Uriel Ventris Novel to catch up on what the latest lore was.   One thing I want to replicate from the novel is the swords of Calth so I can run them in my army with Uriel, so I have set about planning out some conversions to represent the members of the command squad.   First up we have Apothecary Selenus      A nice and easy quick kit bash to start us off using parts fro

Storm Angels rise

So whilst i dislike the fluff change the new primaris stuff(i stopped around 5th edition) the models still look great and iv picked up some bits through imperium.  haveing a growing  pile of shame and  with the leviathan box set coming iv been practicing my reds more... as seen in the 2 hour painting challenge thread.              so ive been cracking on with a few more intercessors and the lieutenant model. even poking at some of the personal heraldry bits tha

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