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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

"I am His sword as He is my armour." Part 2

In my last blog I posted my WIP of my Dreadknight and well this is the continuation of that post:   Thursday night finished the basing.      Saturday Morning hand primed the base black       basing material: Tile grout ballast different sizes Corkboard Astrogranite Debris plasticard tubes guitar string Citadel Skulls Pegasus Hobbies Ceramic bricks MungosMarvelousmini broken concrete, ske


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era? - Part 3

Hi Folks,   As a continuation of my previously home cooked Datasheet for HHE era units that I would see in the Era Indomitus setting, here comes 2 additional contributions. The Abeyant The Krios   in a previous instalment of this blog, I short listed these 2 as potential candidate for basically 2 reasons: existenc of illuestrations that may suppoirt the inclusion of the Abeyant and statement in the HH rules that the Krios bariants were seen as part of the Skitari


Bouargh in House rules

A Dataslate for a homebrew game and some idle musings on making stuff

I've been toying with making a homebrewed co-op game for use with 40K/Necromunda rules for the past couple of years. The idea originally popped into my head because I was a bit disillusioned with both the (then) current state of Warhammer 40.000, as well as not really "feeling it" when it came to playing army-scale games. Partly due to not having the time and energy for actually painting an army and keeping up on the rules, but also because I simply didn't enjoy the experience the last couple of

Daemons of Tzeentch

I recently painted up a small fraction of my (many, many) Daemons, as a vow for the Call to Arms. I basically just threw together whatever Tzeentch stuff I thought would be fun and pledged them. It had the added benefit that I was able to use them for a game of Old World (as I could just make all the stuff I had pledged into a - pretty ineffective - army), so that was a big help in keeping motivated. I lost the game, of course, but now I have a bunch of my Daemons painted!  


Antarius in Realm of Chaos

Some painted Orks and Gretchin for GorkaMorka

So, I recently painted up some Boyz and some Grotz, plus a big Trukk and some scatter terrain. I'm not sure I'll ever actually get to use them, but we've kicked the idea of playing GorkaMorka around from time to time, so now I have them ready if we ever end up needing them. Alternatively, they might find some use as adversaries in a co-op game some day.        


Antarius in GorkaMorka

"I am His sword as He is my armour."

Trying to get back in the swing of painting has been tough. I have been dealing with the stress of being a new  (step) dad, wedding planning, normal life, and work. While it is not depression or it may be a slight depression, it kept me from getting motivated in the hobby.  It also could be the pile of Grey plastic sprues, base coated models and boxes of unbuilt models.  So with Imperial Agents coming out I knew I would be going to the LGS to pick up my preorder, I figure why not get a game or t


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

So, how did you get into the hobby?

Being a Catholic who joined The Church as an adult I am often asked how it is that I came to find God, and my answer generally holds great interest in the many 'cradle Catholics' who ask. My wife has on more than one occasion suggested that it was my finding of faith that inspired my love for the Sisters of Battle - the faction I've been collecting for the last year - upon seeing their exuberant Cathedral-Cannons on wheels (as she calls The Immolator Battle Tanks), rosaries wrapped around bolt-g


mini_painting_mike in Journal

August hobby projects - a progress update for CTA & 12 Months of Hobby

Hi Folks,   As we reach mid of August soon: it is time to get an update on my pledges for both challenges. Shared pledges in fact, at least partially.   I indeed vowed for 12MoH 2 Ironstriders and 2 Plasma Generatorium while enlisting in CTA24 5as a second vow) the very same items plus - Serberys and 1 Attaché.   So how does it goes so far? I, of course, started by the stuff pledged for August in 12MoH. I am currently making some paint tests on the Generatorums but


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

"Armoured in faith, shielded by devotion and armed with purity of purpose."

My previous blog post I talked about getting third of my  6 kids the start to their Armies (Blood Angels, Genestealer Cult, and Death Guard).  The remaining 3 are a little too young still.    Well Saturday was preorder day as we all know. I had a huge list of what I wanted and only missed out on 2 things.... both the Daemonbreaker and Oath of Damnation novels.       I will get the soft cover or audible versions eventually.   While that was what


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

BatRep: AT Tempestus vs Solaria

Quick photo dump of a recent game with my Tempestus playing against my friends Legio, using Solaria Rules to maximise warhounds. This was a first for us as he wanted to play using all AT rules and not just part, so we used stratagems, Legio traits, and I brought out a corrupted titan for a laugh. I might be reading it wrong, but is there a way to get more than 2 strat points other than being the underdog?   My Force was: Corsair maniple Aegis Fidelis - Reaver princeps - volca


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

Sah’rk-Hunters - 4th Scout Squad

+++INTRODUCTION+++ The Sa’hrk-Hunters were the 4th Scout Squad of the Salamanders 7th Company, and were the only Scout Squad to deploy to Dakota Minor in 884M41. They did not participate in the siege of Dakota Primus, out of concern of losing the remaining future Space Marines. Once the siege was thwarted and the bulk of Imperial forces redeployed to the Adatok Wastelands to finish the Orks, Scout Sergeant Kareldek took his neophytes into the hab-blocks of Dakota Primus to flush out and d

And they shall be my Angels of Death

Well the expensive 40K weekend got more expensive….future (step)son Troy, got his trip to my LGS and onions army. His Brother Coop and Mikey both picked their armies already so it was finally his turn*.   So some back story. My fiancé And I have known each other since we were 11 years old, in High School we dated and afterwards we got engaged. As we were way too young, we broke up. A few years later she married someone and I started a long term relationship with someone. She has one biolo

Solar Auxilia Lord Marshal

I have managed to get a little bit more painting done for the Lord Marshal of my Burgeoning Solar Auxilia force:      The body is Anvil's gothic void suit commander while the head is from the command upgrade sprue for gothic void suits.    The hammer is from the old Coteaz kit.  


Harrowmaster in Solar Auxilia

Call to Arms 2024 - 1st vow complete

I Folks,   After a small break to recover my sanity after almost completed Pteraxii decided to take q shades bath (leading to a full stripping and repaint for 2 of these bat-cyborg-men) I finally completed my vow. It took me quite much time than usual in fact. But these Serberys and Pteraxii are really really requiring calm and concentration for... everything - from painting to assembly to detailling... The final result is OK, the models are gorgeous but it is definitively not a C


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era? - Part 2

Hi Folks,   As fantasied in a previous instalment of this blog, I tried to play to the "What-if HH minis were introduced in the 40K SKitarii setting" game.     I short listed the potential candidates, and, after cooking some rules adaptation I reached a point where some custom datasheet can be shared. Without pretention.   The design process has been anything but playtested. I indeed started with a kind of rule of 3, leading to start from the diferencial perfi


Bouargh in House rules

The Devourers

As a World Eaters main and having recently sold my Black Legion army, I have decided to start a new project.    I really enjoyed the AoO narrative, particularly the murder curse created by Angron destroying a planet.   I recently created some WE terminators - 6 of the 12 Devourers and a DP on foot. My project is going to be a Crusade CSM army based on the Devourers starting a murder curse during a boarding action. I plan on converting loyalist factions (that my friends are playi


Kharn13 in 1

My Wallet is crying......or will be

Sunday 08/04 WarComm Preview   So most Sundays Previews, I laugh at my gaming group cause very little do I have anything I have to buy......not this week.   Well since I have a huge Inquisitorial army already this is no brainer      along with this     Plus I want this for discounted price of the models     and Coteaz is ok.....   Well because I love the thought of Space Hulks  (cough cough Terminators)


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Call to Arms 2024 ..... further progres

We are now into August, with the deadline for the challenge only just over a month away, but I think I'm well on top of it which is just as well as I have a few busy weeks and a short Holiday looming. So as you can see below, I have finished the Tau themselves and moved onto their Kroot allies:     I squad of Tau Pathfinders and 3 drones (13pts)     Flesh Shaper, Trail shaper, War Shaper and BSF tracker (16pts)     Kroot Lonespear (5


drakheart in Progress

"Dextra Belli Imperatoris"

The Inquisitorial Black Ship "Dextra Belli Imperatoris" is currently under the Command of the Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Lord Hector Ares currently stationed at Broadsword Station, Titan.     with the Imperial Navy being part of the Imperial Agents codex, and with my 3 Breacher Squads, Valkyrie, and Voidsman at arms. I wanted my own unique, Ship Crew.   Astropath Varen Ecke   Master of the Fleet to be my "Rogue Trader Captain"    The Ship


W.A.Rorie in Imperial Agents

JULY - Back to work and back to work

So last month was a bit of a dull one. Blog-wise anyway, real life was very much full of activity. We're now coming up on 8 weeks of have two kids under two and let me tell you it is no picnic. Absolutely wonderful in many ways, but also the most exhausting thing I've ever known. Three to four hours sleep a night is doable for a bit but eventually.......well eventually you fall asleep in a presentation at work because the chair is comfy and they've dimmed the lights.   The question is


Doobles57 in Grey pile

Battle Report: AT Tempestus v Xestobiax

Quick shots of a recent battle against @Olis   Both of us looking for a quick and fun game, I suggested that we don't bother with orders and just roll the dice for each titan each turn, and to hell with the consequences, for additional chaos, I think Olis suggested we just have the machine spirit activate automatically on a MS roll, as opposed to the command check. Some angry titan fights ensued!    We got to play on this glorious table at WHW, which is the Legiones Imperiali


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

Call to Arms 2024 - 5th progress report

Hi folks,   I will not make it. My target of completing the last unots of my CTA24 first vow before end of week will not be achievable. Current temp rise and high humidity make any painting or modelling attempt catastrophical. paint dries on the brush and in the pot once opened, gets thick, crackle while drying...    Anyway, I have been able to complete the painting of the separated items of the Skitarii just before this hot summer time really appeared, so I have been le


Bouargh in Call to Arms 2024

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