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Greetings to you all! I have for many a year been plucking away in the WIP thread, but as most of the things I put there are actually finished by the time I post, I thought it a bit more apt to have a thread here as well - and as there is not far from though to action, thus it is done now. The aim of this thread is for me to post pictures of the various B&C permissable armies that I usually work on and the units belonging to them, which I finish. Currently, I have the following armies in my possession: Dark Angels (1st, 2nd and Battle Company) - about 5000 points total Chaos Space Marines (Death Guard, World Eaters, Black Legion & Fallen Angels) - about 4500 points Chaos Daemons (Tzeentch, Nurgle & Khorne) - about 3000 points Imperial Guard allies (Death Korps of Krieg) - about 400 points Grey Knight allies - about 400 points Tyranids - about 8000 points As you can see, there is plenty of potential for varied things to be shown and displayed here - and I look forward to sharing with you all. Thus, with no further ado, I bid you welcome to my thread of finished works from the forge of Master Ciaphas! Faithfully, Master Ciaphas
- 180 replies
- Chaos Space Marines
- Forge World
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So I've been posting in the Guard forum for the better part of two years now (or something close to that) so I figured it's about high time I showed off my own homebrew guard force, the 53rd Army Group. The fluff is still TBD so I won't put any here, just some photos of a few models. Also I haven't a clue how to set up a spoiler so forgive the post length. To start with here's some bullgryns (I realised after glueing one shield on I should magnetise them so that's why the other two are lacking their's) Here's the CCS of the Cadian 1st Regiment's Alpha Company, the Officer Commanding, Major Fel is the one missing a hand (the power maul fell off (yes I see the irony)). The powerfist is his No 2 an as of yet unamed captain. Here are two images of Colonel Jakob Stern, OC Cadian 12th Armoured Regiment (I play him as Pask) and his command vanquisher the "Thesius" And finally the CCS plasma gunner from what remains of the Armageddon 119th Steel Legion (so it's not just Cadians) Anyway thanks for looking, I'll try and throw up another update tomorrow.
Hello, fellow Guardsmen! This will be a place for me to gather ideas and ask advice for my latest Death Korps of Krieg force and will help to keep me motivated with the marathon that is building a Guard army! I intend on building a large army with all the elements you'd expect from an army from the planet of Krieg. So lots of Artillery and mass infantry backed up by the Deathriders (probably the main draw to the faction!) I'm an enthusiastic painter and have made a small order to get me started! I have 5 Engineers, an Infantry squad, HQ with Marshal and a Deathrider Squadron Commander (pictured below) I'll be building and painting these over the next few weeks while I decide what's next. Death Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander Death Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander Death Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander Death Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander Death Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander Death Korps of Krieg Squadron Commander Next up will be some Engineers, thanks for looking.
- 352 replies
- Death Korps of Krieg
- DKoK
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Hello Guys! I have been a hobbyist for (records expugned from the Administratum by inquisitorial decree) and have been on this forum for almost the same amount of time.In all of these years i've had different threads in different parts of the forum, but trying to keep them attractive to new viewers and getting feedback has been quite difficult, all the more credit to each brother that has given me their thoughts whenever i posted something new of course. So i was thinking last night that it might be easier to merge my separate armies into one thread, tat way i can update it constantly when i paint something new, because i always work on different things at the time. So, i'd like to start this album with some of the minis i've already painted from different armies. I hope you like them I'll be uploading some of my Orlocks soon, though i still have to paint their bases
- 24 replies
- DIY Chapter
- Necromunda
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I know this isn't up to the pretty incredible standards I've seen here, but I'm trying to build a sense of who my homebrew regiment are before I make them, and so I wrote the following: Athyxian Pyronauts Athyxia Prime is a cursed world. It is a world that has felt the kiss of the Great Devourer, and shall never truly recover. Whilst the population were spared the fate of utter annihilation at the tendrils of hive fleet Moloch, the price was great, and that price is still being paid to this day. The planet is in an eternal battle with the rampant growth of xenos flora, the once desolate Hive World now threatened constantly by the ever encroaching alien jungles. The air is thick with deadly spores that choke the very life from you, and to leave the relative safety of the Hive Cities would be suicide. It is a world that would have surely succumbed to it's fate long ago, if not for one thing: Promethium. Each Hive City sits atop vast mines of Promethium, and it is this, plus the raw recruits for the Astra Militarum, that makes the world so valuable. It is this, that keeps the jungles at bay. The people of Athyxia are hardy folk, their short lives given over to the ceaseless mining of Promethium, and the harsh industry of the vast Manufactorums. A life of perpetual darkness, and a world where the air itself is a death sentence, means that every man, woman and child have a complicated rebreather grafted onto their faces, for without so their lungs would disintegrate and their eyes would rot in their sockets. They are pale of skin, their only regular source of light burning Promethium, their only fuel the corpses of those that die in their work. On this sick planet the people live in symbiosis with Promethium, and thus regiments from Athyxia have both a callous disregard for human life, and a predisposition for flamers, in all their forms. In truth every soldier of the Athyxian Pyronauts is well versed in the use of flamers before joining the Guard, and they are used to devastating effect. The Pyronauts do battle in armoured formations, the better to close with their enemies and incinerate them, and alongside columns of Heavy flamer affixed Chimera APCs stride rank upon rank of Heavy Flamer toting Sentinels. Most prized of all are the Hellhound tanks; indeed it is many a foe who has underestimated the fury of these great beasts of war, and experienced their conflagratory roar render them unto ash. “I don't care what we're fightin' really. Just point and shoot innit? They all burn the same” Private Dansk, 87th Athyxian Pyronauts. I'd love to hear questions/critiques to help me to create a stronger background for them, and perhaps a narrative. Thanks in advance!
- 6 replies
- homebrew
- Astra Militarum
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One of entries that caught my eye in the new AM codex was the Crusaders unit. On the one hand this reminds me faintly of the old Frateris Milita and the Inquisitorial troops, and on the other it seems like quite a fun and fluffy way of having a themed knightly order or specialist duelling unit in a Guard army for regiments that may still have those traditions (Ventrillian Nobles perhaps?). What are people planning to use to model them with? The old Inquisitor models I imagine will be one (obvious) option, but I'm interested to see other people's ideas and models for them. Please share away! :)
- 7 replies
- Astra Militarum
- Imperial Guard
- (and 4 more)
Greetings fellow Regimental Commanders, Starting next week an 8th edition introductory Escalation League is taking place. To make it new player friendly there won’t be Command Points at the start. The Battalion Detachment is being used like the old Forces Chart to avoid people only bringing lopsided forces. If the opportunity arises I will attempt to chronicle it here. Warp Storms and Astropath nose-bleeds permitting. - I’d appreciate a review of my starting list. Mainly is it an acceptable list to bring against potential new players? My enjoyment will mostly be going pew-pew and moving metal minis. HQ 1x Company Commander [2 PL, 39pts]: Plasma Pistol & Power Sword 1x Company Commander [2 PL, 45pts]: Plasma Pistol & Power Fist 1x Tempestor Prime [3 PL, 40pts]: Swagger Stick 1x Lord Commissar [4 PL, 60pts]: Power Fist. Edit: 61pts w/Bolt Pistol, invalidates the list Troop 4x Infantry Squads [3 PL, 41pts]: Boltgun 2x Militarium Tempestus Scions [3 PL, 76pts]: 5 Scion Team w/ Plasma Pistol & 2 Plasmaguns 500 Points on the nose. If the other player is bringing a particularly weak force I can always “forget” to drop the stormtroopers.
- 31 replies
- Escalation League
- Battle Report
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Hi Guys, Have just got myself a Baneblade which I'm in the process if turning into an Octoblade. My question is, if I take a transport variant to house my HWS, do they get to Overwatch if it gets charged?
- 12 replies
- Astra Militarum
- Imperial Guard
- (and 8 more)
Just getting back into the hobby, this was my second game of 8th edition. I of course played using the Night Lord tactics and chose the Lord of Terror WL trait. He played with the Armageddon tactics. We chose to just do a straight up kill each other and forgot about objectives and whatnot. I used the Vanguard detachment and he used the battalion detachment. Here is my list: HQ Exalted champion - power axe, PP Dark apostle Troops CSM - x10, PGx2, LC champion Rhino - havoc launcher Elites Contemptor - ectoplasma cannon, chainclaw, Berzerkers - x8, icon of khorne, chainaxes x5, LC x1 (inside the raider) Decimator - butcher cannon x2 Plague marines - x5, PGx2 Helbrute - fist, reaper AC Terminators - x5, pair of LC, heavy flamer, icon of khorne Heavy Support Land Raider - havoc launcher Predator - havoc launcher, TL lascannon, lascannon sponsons Fast Attack Spawn - x5 Going off memory here but his list was something like: HQ Yarrick Knight Commander Pask in LR vanquisher Command squad (not sure if these are HQ or what) x5 Command squad x5 Troops Conscripts x30 Regular troop squad x10 Chimera Regular troop squad x10 Chimera Elites Vet squad x10, x3 meltas chimera Stormtrooper squad (whatever the new ones are called) Fast attack Vendetta Heavy support Leman russ executioner x2 Leman russ punisher x2 He rolled and won to setup first and so he did. He told me that first turn goes to whoever finishes setting up first which I wasn't sure about but I took first turn anyway. We deployed lengthwise with a few smaller industrial buildings and objects and then a large factory ruin to my left and a smaller ruin to my right near his deployment zone. Everything I set up here I set up with the intent in mind that my opponent would be going first. I set up my regular helbrute and LR behind a large watertower opposite his two russ executioners and pask's vanquisher. With the decimator, contemptor and CSM rhino in the middle. Then my footslogging plague marines are just inside the ruins, along with the predator currently hiding from pask and spawn waiting to sprint up the side. He sets up his vet squad and one regular guard squad chimeras on either side of the big factory ruins with a company command squad in between, followed by the huge conscript blob, yarrick and the two punishers (all within 6 inches of yarrick). Finally the two executioner russes, a company command squad, the scions squad, a regular guardsman squad and pask's vanquisher (which I'm trying to hide from) are setup in his left corner opposite my helbrute and land raider. First turn, I move my helbrute forward a bit into the watertower to get entrenched and move my LR around the side (mistake but I'll talk about that later). The helbrute fires and kills several of the scions and then the land raider splits fire with his havoc launcher and heavy bolter at the scions which kills the squad. The LR then fires its lascannons at the far left executioner which wounded it for 2 wounds. Unseen in the photo my decimator, contemptor and rhino advance while attempting to stay behind cover. The plague marines advance into the building, just barely managing to get the plasma guys up to the 2nd level and line of site to fire. The predator rolls out and sets its sites on pask's vanquisher while the spawn start their dash around the ruins towards the chimeras. The contemptor is out of range, the decimator attempts to chip away at the russes (also a mistake) with its butcher cannons and the rhino fires its havoc launcher at the conscripts killing a few. The predator manages to wound the vanquisher and bring it down to 9 wounds. Finally the plague marines fire two plasma shots at the chimera and put a wound on it. His turn he bails out a squad of guardsmen and moves the chimera towards the center of the board and fires at the plague marines but doesn't do any damage. His vendetta arrives and takes a few potshots at the decimator. The conscripts and yarrick move up slightly. He fires his punishers, chimeras and conscripts at the CSM rhino dealing 6 wounds to it. On the other side of the board, his executioners move up slightly as does pask's vanquisher and unload into the land raider, dealing 4 wounds to it and ending his turn. I move my land raider to the other side, thinking that I might be able to get them into combat with the conscripts (really they were way too far). I bring my terminators in this turn right in front of all the russes planning to distract them at least, possibly kill one. The LR again splits fire with HB and HL at the command squad ahead in the ruins which kills them and its lascannons at another russ putting a few more wounds on it prior to being charged by the terminators and further putting a few more wounds (down to 8). The helbrute fires at the chimera for no damage. Middle of the board, the contemptor and decimator move up and both fire at a punisher, wounding and bringing it down to 9 wounds. The CSM bail out of the rhino while they can and then fire at the conscripts, killing 4 and then charging. They lose 1 to overwatch and kill another 9 guardsmen who then kill one more marine. They fail morale by 5-6 (even with yarrick's leadership). The predator takes a few more shots at a punisher, wounding it for 2 damage (this thing was a huge letdown for me this game). The plague marines move futher into the ruins and line up their shots, split fire at the conscripts killing a few and plasma guns at the punisher (which fails to do any damage). The spawn race up the side (I'd forgotten that running was a thing until this turn). This picture I think was taken before he took his turn. He moves his troops and chimeras away from the spawn towards the center, the punishers move up and so does yarrick. The conscripts disengage from the fight with the CSM. Everyone essentially fires at the CSM squad, I use my "In midnight clad" strategem but still lose 6 guys. He also fires the two chimeras at my rhino and puts another two wounds on it (only 2 left). He then charges yarrick at the two remaining CSM guys killing one, the champion then passes his morale check with a 1! He keeps his executioner in combat with the terminators (which puzzled me a bit) and moves up his vanquisher and remaining executioner which then, along with the chimera, fire everything at the land raider and put another 4 wounds on it. The vendetta moves up and fires at the decimator dealing 2 wounds. The russ fails to hurt the termies again in CC and the termies put another two wounds on it and end his turn. By this point its really close, I've taken out a few of his squads but he's about to kill my CSM and rhino. I figure I need to change tactics and really get up close and personal. I move my helbrute and land raider really close to the russes. The LR fires everything at pask dealing a few damage and the helbrute does as well. The decimator and contemptor fire at the furthest punisher and deal a few wounds and then charge the closest one, bringing it down from 9 to 1 wound remaining. I move my rhino back trying to save it and fire the havoc launcher at the conscripts, which he saves both wounds. The plague marines split fire at the conscripts and the russ, killing a few consctipts. The predator fires at the furthest punisher and fails to wound it. The spawn arrive around the corner and eat the command squad. Yarrick finishes off my champion. His vendetta flies into the action and fires at my spawn, putting a few wounds on it as do the chimeras. His vet squad kills 2 plague marines. The punisher and conscripts fire at the rhino finally finishing it off. Pask and the executioner fire at the land raider doing another two wounds and the chimera fires at the helbrute but fails to wound it. Yarrick decides to charge the decimator for some reason and fails to harm it. The contemptor finishes the leman russ and consolidates towards the land raider and pask's group. My terminators finally manage to kill the executioner with perfect timing. The berzerkers bail out, the terminators move forward behind the two remaining russes, the contemptor moves within charge range and the helbrute moves as close as it can get. The LR finishes off pask who then explodes and kills two terminators and hurts the chimera for a couple wounds. The helbrute and terminators fire at the chimera but fail to wound. The contemptor charges and destroys the final executioner and the helbrute charges and wrecks the chimera. Plague marines move down to try to take out that vet squad, the spawn move forward to charge their next target and the predator targets the last russ on the field. The predator hits and wounds twice but rolls 1 for both damage rolls, leaving the russ with TWO WOUNDS LEFT! The plague marines fire their supercharged shots at the russ and fail to wound, killing one plasma guy. The spawn charge the russ and roll 1 for their attacks, failing to do anything (really wanted it do die....). yarrick does one wound to the decimator and the decimator does one to him. At this point we call it, he's lost almost all his major tanks and for the most part all that would've been left was sweeping left with my forces. Conclusion: As my second game of 8th edition, it was a lot of fun. Once again, I underestimated how hardy vehicles are and was a littel scared to move my units closer which could have sped the game up some in my favor I think. Those guard tanks are incredibly tough to kill though. The land raider actually did a lot which was a surprise for me since usually chaos land raiders tend to suck. My predator was a huge disappointment but I think that was due to poor rolling. The contemptor was awesome, singlehandedly destroyed a couple russes although I think I will try out a different weapon next time, probably a soulburner. It was hard to judge the decimator's effectiveness because I wasn't using it properly.
I'm gearing up for a Guard project, and virtually all the figures I'm using are metal. However, as some of them have come to me second-hand, I'm not 100% sure what bases some of them should come with... Specifically, Ogryn. I would therefore be grateful for any help and/or thoughts on the following please: > The old 2E Ogryn came on square bases. Were these 40mm or 50mm square? I know the bases always looked a bit big for the models back then, but the models are still fairly hefty. > The later metal "Cadian" Ogryn came on round bases. Were these 40mm? > The current plastic Ogryn come on 40mm bases I think - correct? > The "Cadian" metal Ogryn are pretty damn beefy, and look a bit squashed on 40mm round bases. Has anybody here tried putting them on 50mm round bases? > If I use 50mm bases for the "Cadian" metal Ogryn, besides occupying a slighter larger footprint, do the bigger bases present any game issues I might be overlooking? I think the 50mm bases look roomier and less tippy. I don't play in tournaments, and I only have 6 of them anyway. Thanks in advance for your help and comments. :)
- 8 replies
- Ogryn
- Astra Militarum
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- He did nothing wrong! Cheers, Thoth
- Thousand Sons
- Dark Angels
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Black Templars were my first army, and I have around 5000-6000 points now, and I still intend to add to it slowly over time. However after looking into the lore around Armageddon, I wanted my second army to be Steel Legion. ✠ THE BLACK TEMPLARS ✠ THE STEEL LEGION (WiP)
- 3 replies
- Black Templars
- Imperial Guard
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Friday: the day when the work week finally surrenders to the sweet Siren's Call of the Weekend! What better way to celebrate that than a brand-new Glacial Geek Battle Report?! This week my Dark Angels take on the Astra Militarum! The orders were clear. This planet needed to be razed to the ground. The entire populous had been declared Hereticus. But the guns of the tank regiment were not firing. Their Tank Commander stood beside his tank, the dead body of the Commissar sprawled out on the ground beside him. He looked across the field at the children playing soccer and smiled. "Sir," his adjutant injected, shaking him from his reverie, "We have confirmation of a Dark Angels Battle Barge arriving in orbit. No communications from them yet." The Tank Commander sighed, "I don't expect we will be getting any after the Commissar's last message." He glared down at the body, a grimace still locked in his lifeless face, "Ready the tanks. Today we fight for the people of this planet." Will the former Imperial Guardsmen be able to hold off the Dark Angels assault, or will the might of the Unforgiven prove too much for them to weather? Watch and find out!
- 3 replies
- Dark Angels
- Space Marines
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- It is the 35th Millennium - The Imperium is in turmoil. Faith wars with rationality as the Ecclesiarchy and Administratum tussle for power. In disgust, the Ur-council of Nova Terra has led a fifth part of the Imperium into secession, striking out to forge a new destiny of their own. Seers speak hauntingly of the half-remembered terrors of Old Night, as warpstorm activity increases across the galaxy. The veil grows thin. Against a galaxy in flames, as mankind falls on itself, the Blood Angels stand as bulwark in the east. Even as the eyes of man turns inwards, the Angels strike out at the gathering horrors of the galaxy. - The Alien Wars begin - +++ + What are the Alien Wars? + + The Alien Wars Setting + The Alien Wars is a project that invites you to make a model (or more) that fits into the Nova Terra Interregnum of M35, a period of instability in the Imperium that saw the resurgence of Xenos threats against a divided Imperium. What is the Nova Terra Interregnum? Find out more by jumping to this post. The broad groupings are: Xenos – major and minor; the Xenos are in the ascendant across the galaxy. OrksThe orks of the Charadon Empire Eldar Saharduin Ymgarli Fomn Secessionists – Imperium Minor; those loyal to Constantium/Nova TerraThe Nova Terran Imperium Principal worlds of the Nova Terran Imperium The Frateris Constantium Old Imperials – The Greater Imperium; loyal to Ancient TerraThe Mechanicus sub-cults The Inquisition: the Chiron Cabal Astartes – Studiously neutral – mostly... This is a broad brief; intentionally so, because there's very little written about this period of 40k history. There are a few hints here and there, but it's very open for your ideas. I encourage you to think in the Rogue Trader spirit – the galaxy of the period is full of mystery and potential; and you're more free than ever to come up with something new and exciting, with every opportunity to do something that you've always wanted to do. +++ + How do I get involved? + Build your model (or models) and share it: Here in the thread – I'd love this to become a repository of people's ideas. On the + Death of a Rubricist + Facebook group On Instagram, using the #alienwars hashtag. Painted models, with a short piece of colour text (~500 words) explaining how they fit in the setting, are the gold standard. +++ [+Original first post+] +++ + Squad Raphael, Third Company + (Or, in the mannered language of Baal circa 191.M35: 'The Wards of Furiel under Lord Dahavauron, Prince of the Erelim; 3rd Strateia of the Host of the Angels of the Blood.') Sinistro a Dexter: Brother Donato (Duhael 4:12) Brother Malatesta (Durbael 2:17) Sergeant Raphael (Furiel 8:04) Brother Farnese (Shemhamphorae 1:20) Brother Barbarigo (Durbael 4:11) Sinistro a Dexter: Brother Lucian (Abacyel 3:12) Brother El-Aster (Ambriel 1:01) Brother Mephisto (Rashin Rast 2:05) Brother Thaddeus (Saditel 4:04, called the lost) Brother Engel (Narieal 4:10) +++ Wait, what? A lot of the above likely sounds like gibberish! The naming scheme above is a development of one I made up for my May You Live Forever project, the details of which can be seen here. The plan The army I'm building is a modern take on the Blood Angels Third Company army from WD139, one of the first issues I read, back when I was a nipper. This is a bit of a love letter to 40k, then and now; and combining what I think is the best of both. The originals: My interpretation so far: +++ [Original first post]
- 599 replies
- Orks
- Sisters of Battle
- (and 7 more)
Someone suggested elsewhere the idea of a Holy Crusade army - with a small core of SoB leading a regiment of Imperial Guard. This idea really appealed to me but I'm looking for some advice with regard to implementing it: Firstly, which SoB units to use as the leaders of the crusade. I was thinking St. Celestine and maybe some Priests, but are there any other units I should consider? Second, any suggestions regarding the IG part of the army? I'd like to use primarily infantry but I'm wondering how best to kit them out to represent their being led by SoB. Should I use Meltas and Flamers? Also, should the sergeants have melee weapons or such? Any specific IG units you think would work for this theme? Finally, any other advice or suggestions for this theme? (I've posted this on the SoB section as well, hopefully that's okay.)
- 9 replies
- Sisters of Battle
- Imperial Guard
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In an all abhuman regiment (as in one that hasn’t been broken up into auxiliary units to be attached to other regiments), who would have overall command? Would an officer be brought in from outside the regiment? Would the senior commissar have command duties? It would practically have to be one of those two in the case of stuff like ogryn or ratlings, but if the abhumans in question had the faculties for it, would the Munitorum (or Ecclesiarchy, or Inquisition, or anyone, really) actually condone an abhuman officer being in command of anything? The thing is, there really isn't any concrete fluff to align with here. While there have been a few references to full abhuman regiments, beastmen being particularly of note, there have been zero details as to how such regiments function or are commanded. So in the end, I suppose it’s really a question of what would make the most sense. Thoughts? Theories? Suggestions?
- 23 replies
This is Colonel Volkov, my Tempestor Prime for my Storm Troopers army. I comissioned @BlackSalander on twitter to sketch him close to how the Forgeworld Horus Heresy books do. This is the miniature that inspired him: Ran
- 4 replies
- Imperial Guard
- Astra Militarum
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Cleansing of Ioria Campaign - Phase 3 Sieges and Decisive Battles The final scene in the Crusade to cleanse Ioria commences! Regiments and Inquisitional parties participating in this phase are to proclaim their attendance by providing the Administratum the required details on their forces and its representative as well as listing the unit and associated value. Vows may be performed in the tradition of your regiment or Inquisitor, or follow the registered standard: I, , hereby pledge the forces of [REGIMENT/WARBAND/ORDO] under [COMMANDER/INQUISITOR] to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of [uNIT] at [POINTS] will do their duty no matter the cost. The phase begins immediately, and vows may be made at any time during the phase's run. Phase 3 will end at 2200 GMT/B&C time on Sunday the 2nd of April, make sure your vow is done by then! Participating regiments and Ordos that have already given their background pieces don't need to do so again as this will have been recorded from phase 1. As a reminder the bonus FOC choices for phase 3 are: HQ, Heavy Support and Lords of War. As before a single FOC unit is eligible even down to the components, whether that is an entire Scion Platoon, a single Taurox, a Platoon Command Squad or an Infantry Squad and their dedicated transport Chimera for example. Signal your participation in this grand endeavour with this sig image: Campaign: Cleansing of Ioria Phase 3 - Imperial Guard ID Recruit Regiment Commander WIP Points Completion 1 brettfp 42nd Savlar Chem Dogs Capt. Slip Saveryx WIP 185* Completion 2 Jam Master Flex 82nd Cadian Armoured Group Knight Commander Pask WIP 535* Completion 3 Mactire Midgardian 12th Commissar Thedren Voalt WIP 55* Completion 4 our_baz E Company of the 7th Levallosian Life Guards Colonel Leukas Prins WIP 140* Completion 5 elmo 711th CCAB [Redacted] WIP 40* Completion 6 GKTerminator First Firestorm Sentinels Lord Edric Shade WIP 460* Completion 7 Cap'n Heckus Agamemnos Prime Planetary Defense Force Colonel Bolivar Hesk WIP 85* Completion 8 WarriorFish 144 Arukan Lord Commander Firionel WIP 40* Completion Campaign: Cleansing of Ioria Phase 3 - Inquisition ID Acolyte Ordo Inquisitor WIP Points Completion 1HodConclave of Holy FireInquisitor Larine BladeauWIP150Completion2Jam Master FlexOrdo MalleusInquisitor IlseWIP95*Completion3HondaCOHORT:110011ARTIKUS-110011WIP360Completion4ArkanissOrdo HereticusLord Inquisitor ArkanissWIP382Completion
Evening all, So I've finally bitten the bullet and decided to begin an army different to Space Marines. However, not being a filthy xenos lover or a dodgy heretic, I've decided to turn my attention to the sledgehammer of the Imperium, the Astra Militarium...or the Imperial Guard, as should be known. Being an adult with income has finally meant I can live my dream of having an army of Vostroyans. So I've stockpiled the figures, and slowly started to batch paint the's taking a while. I'm not going to lie. First four are done:
I have a question for all you foot sloggers out there. Do you prefer veterans or infantry in your lists? How do they stack up next to each other? What upgrades/support do you give them and what role do they have in your armies? Personally, I take a healthy amount of plas-vets in my Vostroyan list and have them slap around whatever comes into range. Really, they form the core of my army with the rest of the list supporting, buffing or protecting them.
Hi, I was wondering if there was any lore on Imperial Guard regiments being raised from Knight Worlds. Or more specifically Imperial-aligned Knight Worlds. They apparently do pay the Imperial tithe, though I'm unsure if Guard regiments would be raised from such worlds. I have not found any indication of such so far in the lore. I've been working on my own homebrew Knight House, and I wanted to make sure. I am aware that one can do anything with their homebrew lore, but I was wondering if there was any precedent for Imperial Guard regiments being raised from Knight Worlds.
- 6 replies
- Imperial Guard
- Astra Militarum
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EDIT: due to the B&C going down during the ETL some posts with updates were lost, chiefly the Vendetta ones. They have since been re-uploaded to page three. As promised, here is my ETL WIP topic (source vow). It was nice to have a free weekend (and I was only slightly hungover on Saturday) so I've managed to get quite a lot done (praise the Omnissiah). Here are four of the tanks, dry assembled for completeness: This is the state of the Vendetta, somewhat less to show despite the time spent on it but it is definitely a kit to assemble and paint in parts. That's not to mention the occasional questionable nature of the instructions and kit... Anyway, just another quick picture to prove my start I get the feeling maybe I'm missing a step by doing models from scratch but I reckon I've caught up nicely now. If you're wondering where the other Chimera is she's currently drying from the undercoat. Like the Hellhound she's an old school model, it was a nice bit of nostalgia at first but quickly wore off after what felt like the 100th wheel I've elected to magnetise the models too, so there's technically also a Hellhound/Bane Wolf and Demolisher/Punisher too (maybe I should have decided sooner, my vow is missing out on a whole 10 points! ). Some of the GS holding the magnets is still curing so I'll take some pictures of them and the missing Chimera when I next get the chance. I'm also planning on magnetising the Vendetta, which will be using the Forge World upgrade kit.
- 62 replies
Thought it might be considered a dereliction of duty if I failed to get a WIP up and running for my ETL vow(s). First 9 grunts completed More foot slogging to continue over the weekend. For the Emperor.
HiMyNameisHarry aka DarKHaZZl3 and I will be your in-flight entertainment for the duration of my hobby life A while back I had several WiP topics of various themes, and needless to say, it was a bit of a ball ache. So instead I've decided to throw everything into one pot in an aim to get more feedback and possible praise for being semi-awesome not making a complete mess of things! In between my own stuff (which honestly is mainly not 40k orientated these days) I do take on commission work... While this won't strictly be 'Armies of the Imperium' based, I don;t want to set up another topic, so they'll also live here There is quite a back catalogue of posts, so bellow are the links to each of the categories on my blog if you want to keep up to date on any specific project. +--EDIT--+ A while back the B&C had a huge update. In this overhaul they have trashed the blog section of the website. A such my hobby blog posts have all been deleted, and therefore the links I have posted will no longer work and thus have been removed (I think I got them all anyway). So from now on, any links to written blogs will take you to The Underhive Hero. But all/most of my images will still be hosted here on the B&C! +--EDIT--+ I don't post much online anymore... that is something I am looking to get back to. You can find almost everything on my instagram, or on my commission page, depending on what it is (links in sig) Cheers for checking this out, Comments, Compliments and Constructive Criticism all welcome. I Hope you enjoy the ride +--ACTIVITY LOG (Recent first)--+ UPdate 29/08/2020 = 30k Ultramarine Commission complete ! part1 (Page 9). Update 27/08/2020 = 30k Ultramarine Commission wip (Page 9). Update 14/08/2020 = The Great Unclean One Commission Complete! part 2 (Page 9). Update 09/08/2020 = The Great Unclean One Commission Complete! part 1 (Page 9). Update 06/08/2020 = Teaser: The Great Unclean One Commission part 2 (Page 9). Update 05/08/2020 = Teaser: The Great Unclean One Commission part 1 (page 9). Update 28/07/2020 = Abaddon the Despoiler Commission Complete! (Page 9). Update 10/02/2020 = Corvus Corax Commission Complete! (Page 9). Update 10/02/2020 = Teaser: Corvus Corax Commission (Page 9). Update 06/07/2019 = Leam Russ Commission Complete! (Page 8). Update 05/03/2018 = Teaser: Leman Russ Commission (Page 8). Update 30/01/2018 = Solaris Reaper Space Marine - Single Miniature (page 8). Update 17/07/2017 = Imperial Knight project. Testing Terryn (page 8). Update 20/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Triumvirate (Page 8). Update 11/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Prayer of completion (Page 8). Update 06/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - The Ecclesiarchy (Page 8). Update 03/02/2017 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Buttery biscuit basecoat (Page 8). Update 07/10/2016 = Salamanders. PK FIRE! (page 8). Update 03/10/2016 = Salamanders. Coil, coil melta, and trouble. (Page 8). Update 16/09/2016 = Salamanders. Armour up! (page 8). Update 05/09/2016 = Adeptus Mechanicus. Knowledge is power - Project complete (page 8). Update 30/08/2016 = Adeptus Mechanicus. A warm fuzzy glow (Page 8). Update 27/08/2016 = Adeptus Mechanicus. Darkness (Page 8). Update 22/08/2016 = Salamanders. Annihilation! (Page 7). Update 19/08/2016 = Salamanders. Don't lose your head! (Page 7). Update 12/08/2016 = Salamanders. Bon Anniversaire! (Page 7). Update 15/04/2016 = Salamanders. Devastator Ready! (Page 7). Update 06/04/2016 = Salamanders. A Fiery Red Head. (Page 7). Update 28/03/2016 = Salamanders. A Prophecy is Fulfilled. (Page 7). Update 16/03/2016 = Salamanders. Unto the Anvil! Finally! (Page 7). Update 01/03/2016 = Imperial Knight project. Paint Factory (Page 7). Update 16/02/2016 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Fly on the wings of.. green stuff (Page 7). Update 16/02/2016 = Imperial Knight project. Manufactorum (Page 7). Update 23/01/2016 = Imperial Knight project begins! (Page 7). Update 28/05/2015 = Inquisotr Coteaz reboot. Always TBT; Cloak, Fur and the Force (Page 7). Update 20/05/2015 = Inquisotr Coteaz reboot. A man of the cloth (Page 7). Update 16/05/2015 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Layers of Dakka (page 7). Update 14/05/2015 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 16. Lamp Post Perfected (completed) (Page 6). Update 06/05/2015 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 15. Look for the lights that shall guide you home (Page 6). Update 23/10/2014 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Faith is out shield; having a big ass wall helps (page 6). Update 14/10/2014 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle - Paint dat Dakka Dakka (Page 6). Update 01/10/2014 = The Not-So-Mighty Imperial Navy - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 6). Update 22/09/2014 = Brown. Grey. Red. Black. Forever - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 6). Update 14/09/2014 = Layers. Layers Everywhere - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 6). Update 07/09/2014 = Inquisitor Coteaz reboot. IT HAS PAINT! (Page6). Update 31/08/2014 = All its Base are Belong to Me - Terrain Project 5. Downed Aquila (Page 5). Update 28/08/2014 = Inquisitor Coteaz reboot; Throwback Thursday? Already hit a snag (Page 5). Update 24/08/2014 = Unto the Anvil a Little Too Hard eh? Terrain Project 1 - Land Speeder FINISHED (Page 5). Update 12/06/2014 = L'Ordre Des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Marble; The Basework of Basses + Grey Knights/ Inquisition sneak peak (Page 5). Update 20/05/2014 = In Your Underhive, Destroying Your Buildings. Terrain Project 1 - Land Speeder (Page 5). Update 07/05/2014 = It Came From Urban Space. Terrain Project 5 - Downed Aquila (Page 5). Update 05/05/2014 = Urbanising the Urban Board. Terrain Project 4 - Imperial Building (Page 5). Update 01/05/2014 = Sutorīto Kurētā. Terrain Project 3 - Street Crater (Page 5). Update 29/04/2014 = Gun Speeder? Land Emplacement? Terrain Project 2 & 1 - Gun Emplacement + Land Speeder (Page 5). Update 30/03/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 14. Dusty streets. 12 - 6. (Page 4). Update 28/03/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 13. Streets awash with...wash (Page 4). Update 27/03/2014 = Terrain Project 2 - Gun Emplacement. (Page 4). Update 25/03/2014 = Terrain Project 1 - Land Speeder (Page 4). Update 21/03/2014 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: List revised (Page 4). Update 03/03/2014 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: First shot at a new(ish) dex list (Page 4). Update 15/01/2014 = Killing Them With Kindness part 2 + L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Proof of concept (Page 4). Update 13/01/2014 = More distractions. Killing Them With Kindness. Part 1 (Page 4). Update 11/01/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 12. Light. Camera. Lamppost - The pun I should have used before (Page 3). Update 07/01/2014 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 11. Lights. Camera. Inaction (Page 3). Update 19/12/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 10. Follow the Grey Slab Road (Page 3). Update 09/12/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 9. Turn to Grey (Page 3). Update 20/11/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 8. Base! Done! (Page 3). Update 12/11/2013 = Gaming Board Project. Stage 7. A Strong Learning Curve (Page 3). Update 12/11/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Completion and Hiatus (Page 3). Update 21/10/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: The Final Superior + Gaming Board Project. Stage 6. Paving the Way to Completion (Page 3). Update 26/09/2013 = Salamanders: Trial of the written word, or, concept army lists (Page 2). Update 17/09/2013 = Fission Mailed - Reasons for delay (Page 2). Update 07/09/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Rank, File, Speech and Flight. Infantry built (Page 2). Update 23/08/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: By Faith and Microwaves. Metla Squad complete (Page 2). Update 14/08/2013 = Gaming board project. Stage 5. Testing sand + L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: Retribution. + Something else (Page 2). Update 09/08/2013 = L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: A chip off the old marble block. (Page 2). Update 06/08/2013 = B&C Database error: Posts repaired. (Page 2). Update 00/00/0000 = L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: Worst model ever finished! (Page 2). UPdate 00/00/0000 = Gaming board project. Stage 4. Detailing the street (Page 2). Update 00/00/0000 = L'Ordre des Angles - The Sisters of Battle: Worst model ever! (Page 2). Update 00/00/0000 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Anti Air Guns for Nuns (Page2). Update 00/00/0000 = Gaming board project. Stage 3. Curb your enthusiasm (Page 2). Update 03/07/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Roster ready + Game board project. Delayed. Stage 2.5 (Page 2). Update 19/06/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: The shoulder pad conundrum (Page 2). Update 18/06/2013 = Game board project. Stage 2. Building the layout! (Page 2). Update 15/06/2013 = Game board project. Stage 1. Planning (Page 1). Update 12/09/2013 = Cautiously Joined Istvaan V (Come All Who Dare) Under the Banner of the Salamanders (Page 1). Update 30/06/2013 = L'Ordre des Angels - The Sisters of Battle: Schemes, banners and the task ahead (Page 1). -DH-
- 219 replies
- Sisters of Battle
- Inquisition
- (and 8 more)
From 775 to 777.M41 the Segmentum Solar was beset by wars and insurrection. Renegades and aliens took advantage, contributing to the rising anarchy. As part of the force sent to end the so-called Fourth Quadrant Rebellion, the Dark Angels were one of four chapters that deployed their full might. The industrial colonies on Derren's World suffered an unusually high frequency of psychic phenomena, witchcraft and sporadic demonic incursion. For eighteen months the forces of the XVIIth Grensvan Dragoons, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus and the Dark Angels fought shoulder to shoulder against the most insidious enemies of mankind. The official records remain sealed by the Ordo Malleus, existing only in a securely warded vault on Titan. But even they do not tell the whole story. Other tales have been suppressed by other authorities. This is one of them. My friend Robin and I have been meaning to have a large-ish (ie more than 2000 points) game between my Dark Angels and his Imperial Guard for some time. When our schedules aligned and we set the date I hinted that I'd bought the Cypher dataslate and could provide the model too. We agreed to bring 2500 point forces and randomly select one of Cypher's Altar of War missions on the day. The Hunt was on! the Tide/SAM_1001_zpsae78506c.jpg Supreme Grand Master Azrael Techmarine Mendeas with servo-harness 5 Deathwing Knights Venerable dreadnought Varon with multi-melta, power fist and heavy flamer Drop pod Squad Shael: 5 Deathwing terminators with heavy flamer, pair of lightning claws, chainfist, thunder hammer and storm shield Squad Matthias: 7 Deathwing terminators with cyclone missile launcher, chainfist, pair of lightning claws, thunder hammer and storm shield Squad Jericho: 6 Ravenwing bikes with 2 meltaguns, veteran sergeant with power maul; land speeder with heavy bolter, typhoon missile launcher; attack bike with multi-melta Land raider with dozer blade, multi-melta, Deathwing vehicle Land raider with multi-melta, Deathwing vehicle Land raider crusader with multi-melta, Deathwing vehicle We rolled mission 1, Turn the Tide. This required Robin to split his army in two. One contingent, of my choosing, would be deployed with Cypher. The second contingent would arrive from reserve at the start of turn 4. Each side would earn one victory point per enemy unit destroyed . I would earn six VPs for wiping out the first contingent by the end of the game or Robin would earn six VPs if I did not. Cypher's special rules also offered up to three VPs to either side so there was a lot to play for. Night fighting would be in effect for the first turn. The sentinel was switched from one group to the other at the last minute, which is why it's in the wrong photo. the Tide/SAM_1002_zps34009237.jpg Imperial Guard main force Company command squad in a chimera 5 stormtroopers with 2 plasma guns Platoon command squad and two infantry squads, in chimeras Heavy weapon squad with 3 lascannon weapon teams Veteran squad with meltaguns, in a chimera [these seem to be missing from the photo] Leman Russ executioner with all the plasma the Tide/SAM_1003_zps4a391e2b.jpg Imperial Guard reinforcements Allied Ordo Malleus Inquisitor with power armour and a force sword 5 stormtroopers with 2 meltaguns Platoon command squad and two infantry squads, in chimeras Heavy weapon squad with 3 autocannon weapon teams Veteran squad with some plasma guns, in a chimera Allied Grey Knights, in a land raider Scout sentinel with lascannon I chose the contingent containing the leman russ executioner and lascannon heavy weapon squad to be deployed, reasoning that I could get the drop on one or both of these and neutralise them early. Robin sensibly castled up behind the tower in his corner and Cypher joined the company command squad in their chimera. The lascannon teams occupied the top floor of the tower and the storm-troopers with plasma guns held the bridge to their left. the Tide/SAM_1006_zpsf80c1bfe.jpg Let's call the top of this photo north, which means I'm advancing from the south-east. Dark Angels turn 1 The Consecrators' land raider and the crusader carrying Azrael, squad Matthias and techmarine Mendeas moved north up the road. The Deathwing knights in their land raider, unwilling to queue, swung to the west side of the large ruin in the centre of the table. With the roar of retro-thrusters a drop pod slammed down behind the leman russ and venerable dreadnought Varon stepped out. Firing his multimelta at the tank's rear he succeeded only in immobilising it. the Tide/SAM_1007_zps8669542c.jpg the Tide/SAM_1011_zpsf542c120.jpg Imperial Guard turn 1 Company command issued an order to bring down the lead land raider and three searing beams flared in the darkness, followed by the longer-lived illumination of an explosion as the lead land raider was destroyed. As the dust settled the scene was lit for a third time as the Leman Russ executioner eliminated all but one of the terminators it had carried. Cypher and the company command squad poured fire into Varon and wrecked the ancient chassis. the Tide/SAM_1012_zps697eb8a2.jpg Dark Angels turn 2 The lone terminator hefted his heavy flamer and began his solitary walk towards enemy lines. The crusader passed him, guns blazing at the storm-troopers and causing the two survivors to break and run. Lascannon fire from the last land raider slew two of the lascannon weapon-teams and the survivor also fled. Squad Jericho arrived from the north to finish what the dreadnought had started, their two meltaguns wrecking the leman russ. Meanwhile the attack bike moved as swiftly as possible from the south and the land speeder typhoon dropped in to the east, trying to line up flanking shots on the line of chimeras. the Tide/SAM_1014_zps98a79004.jpg the Tide/SAM_1013_zpsa92d313b.jpg Imperial Guard turn 2 The heavy weapon team rallied and moved back up the tower. Disgracefully the storm-troopers did not and retreated further. Cypher continued to direct a stream of fire from the command squad, this time at the Ravenwing. The nearby infantry squads and their transports added their own shots and the six bikes fell. the Tide/SAM_1016_zpsaeea2ceb.jpg Dark Angels turn 3 The front ramp of the crusader hit the ground with a bang and Azrael led the charge, leaving techmarine Mendeas behind to continue repairs. Azrael and squad Matthias destroyed a chimera and the squad inside before consolidating towards Cypher. The surviving marine from squad Shael saw a way to avoid being shot with many multilasers and embarked on the crusader through the side door. On the western flank the Deathwing knights advanced in their land raider, the attack bike just behind. The bike lost a wound to a dangerous terrain test here which, in hindsight, I didn't have to take. After turbo-boosting the 4+ jink is as good as the 4+ cover save from the ruins. This mistake would cost me later. Another chimera exploded under a fusillade of laser and melta fire, only the missile team surviving the inferno. the Tide/SAM_1018_zps4d94b29b.jpg Imperial Guard turn 3 The missile team fell back to the table edge and regrouped - in this scenario models in Cypher's army cannot fall back off the table before turn 4. Responding to the land raider, a veteran squad equipped with meltaguns disembarked from their chimera. They disabled the tank's right sponson but did nothing to delay the knights. Both surviving chimeras and Cypher's unit poured everything they could into Azrael and squad Matthias on their left, downing three. the Tide/SAM_1019_zpsa8354a8f.jpg Dark Angels turn 4 The Deathwing knights charged from their land raider. The overwatching meltaguns hit home but the energy was dissipated by the knights' shields and they unsurprisingly crushed the veteran soldiers. One of the land raiders finally finished off the lascannon weapon team in the tower while the attack bike failed to hit Cypher's chimera. Azrael and squad Matthias wrecked the empty chimera in assault but made slow progress towards Cypher. the Tide/SAM_1020_zps44f01bad.jpg Imperial Guard turn 4 Reinforcements arrive, including four chimeras, a sentinel and a land raider carrying a Grey Knights strike squad and Ordo Xenos inquisitor! A squad of storm-troopers dropped in behind my crusader, two meltaguns were trained on the engine block and another tank exploded. The techmarine and terminator inside were unscathed but the two storm-troopers who had succeeded so well were immolated in the fireball! Cypher's tank backed into the north west corner while the newly arrived chimeras focussed their fire, reducing Azrael's unit to one marine with lightning claws. The Deathwing knights also came under intense fire but none fell. The attack bike was not so fortunate and suffered one wound. After taking one from the dangerous terrain test in turn 3 this was enough to remove my most threatening anti-tank unit. We appear to have made a mistake here and allowed the Grey Knights to charge after arriving from reserve. I only noticed when I couldn't make sense of the photos! It didn't help them however as I was able to precision strike the one model with an AP2 demon hammer before he could attack. None of the Deathwing knights failed an armour save. the Tide/SAM_1021_zps6c7789ee.jpg Dark Angels turn 5 Azrael and friend joined the Deathwing knights and swiftly silenced the agents of the Inquisition, while my land raider immobilised theirs. The lone terminator with the heavy flamer finally got to unleash it on the storm-troopers in the centre of the battlefield, despatching the last one with his power fist in the assault phase. The techmarine assaulted a chimera and methodically wrecked it with his two servo arms, the platoon command squad tumbling from the back. the Tide/20140201_173131_zpsba38e42d.jpg Imperial Guard turn 5 Once again the Imperial Guard trained their guns on Azrael, killing the marine with him and leaving the Supreme Grand Master on one wound. The now de-mechanised command squad fired their grenade launchers at the land speeder to no effect. the Tide/20140201_174219_zps2006ff4d.jpg Dark Angels turn 6 Azrael joined the Deathwing knights and they surged forwards, wrecking another chimera in close combat. The techmarine unleashed his flamer and boltgun on the exposed command squad but the officer survived. the Tide/20140201_180019_zpsa1833301.jpg Imperial Guard turn 6 Robin fired everything he had at my dwindling force: one land speeder, one techmarine, one terminator, one land raider, Azrael on one wound and one unwounded Deathwing knight unit. Lots of opportunities to focus fire and pick up some VPs! One of the knights fell but bad dice ensured that the easy victory points remained out of reach. The officer on his own just ran as far from the techmarine as he could. the Tide/20140201_180308_zpsf6a8d787.jpg Dark Angels turn 7 Techmarine Mendeas moved behind a chimera and played his plasma cutter beam across its rear. The tank exploded and between that and the terminator's heavy flamer nobody survived. Azrael and the knights declared a multi-charge against the disembarked infantry squad and Cypher's chimera. The infantry squad was wiped out but two knights failed to even glance the chimera's armour! Imperial Guard turn 7 The lone terminator from squad Shael was brought down by the scout sentinel. Autocannon fire from the heavy weapons teams wrecked the land speeder. Azrael and the knights continued to resist all Cypher's firepower. the Tide/20140201_182953_zps7317ab09.jpg Cypher remained at large and a bloody toll had been paid by the Imperium for the Unforgiven's grim quest, but who had won? I had destroyed 6 chimeras, one heavy weapon squad, two storm-trooper squads, one platoon command squad, two veteran squads, two infantry squads and a leman russ for a total of 15 VPs. I had lost two land raiders, two Deathwing squads, one dreadnought, one land speeder, one attack bike and a Ravenwing squadron, giving Robin 8 VPs. He earned another 6 because I had not destroyed all of the first contingent. Cypher still being active was worth D3 VPs and Robin rolled... 1. After seven turns and more exploding tanks than I can count we had drawn with 15 victory points each. [Edit] Included details of the opposing army! With thanks to Alan Bligh for the Fourth Quadrant Rebellion.
- 3 replies
- Cypher
- Dark Angels
(and 5 more)
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