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  1. I've started a new season of Crusades in various groups and for the Custodes, my Crusade is inspired by the Warders of the Vaults of Rython from the Heresy era. Current Roster is: Shield Captain - From the Hall of Armouries Knight-Centura - Raptor Blade Enhancement Custodian Guard Squad (5-man) Allarus Custodian Squad (3-man) Telemon Heavy Dreadnought Vigilator Squad (10 man) Most of the list will be filled out with the rest of the Forge World models that I have, Caladius, Achillus, Galatus, Pallas, Sagittarum, and Venatari. This thread is going to serve two purposes, Army display (I'll get pictures of that I have so far later today), and battle reports through the crusade.
  2. I'm setting up my first Crusade army, and going through the Requisitions, I read Renowned Heroes and had some questions on it. My question is, how does one go about giving enhancements to characters? Is the only way to get them through Renowned Hero? If that's so, then do I not include their normal points cost in a character's Points Value? Or is the Renowned Hero requisition supposed to be in addition to any enhancements we decide to purchase when adding a character to our Crusade Force?
  3. Greetings battle-brothers, I present you a Crusade list for an upcoming campaign. Please review it. Unfortunately I am locked with the models since those listed are the painted models I have, being Power Level though I can modify the loadouts easily. Batallion Phobos Captain Phobos Lieutenant with Ex Tenebris Primaris Chaplain - Warlord Master of Ambush, Litany (insert here) Troops: 10x Infitrators (Helix Adept, Comm Operative) 5x Intercessors with Bolt Rifles 5x Intercessors with Bolt Rifles Elites: 3x Aggressors with Boltstorm 1x Redemptor Dreadnought with Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Power Fist, Flamer, Rocket Pods Ranged Support: 3x Eradicators
  4. Unfortunately I have not yet thought of a cool name for my crusade. Black Templars were the army I chose when I first entered the hobby in the summer of 2016. At its height my army's size was pretty moderate, amounting to around 2000 points in total. I was far enough along, however, to be discouraged by the release of Primaris marines the following summer, and my painting progress ground to a halt. I have not played since 7th edition, and I only ever played around five, maybe six games to begin with. It took me a while to accept Primaris. Not that I ever hated them (well, not the Tacticus guys at least), but the timing simply discouraged me. The lack of melee didn't help either. I put the Templars on the backburner. "Oh, I'll start an AdMech army too!" "Oh, I'll paint any Primaris I buy as Deathwatch, and keep my Templar force oldmarines-only." "Oh, the Emperor's Spears are getting a transfer sheet, that will be my Primaris chapter!" Then, the KT starter set released in August 2018, and I decided I would abandon the main game. I jumped from one KT idea to the next. AdMech, then Deathwatch, then Alpha Legion, then Iron Hands. I finally came to my senses a round a year ago, realizing I should've gone with Templars from the beginning as they were my first, and one true love in 40k... Then I was indecisive regarding the paint scheme. "How should I paint the Aquilas, the weapon casings? How should I base them?" The procrastination and indecisiveness continued* After 9th edition and Indomitus were announced I decided that I would jump back into the main game, as the new minis were perfect for Templars, and at this point I have a sizeable primaris army. This is my current (built) inventory**: HQs: Marshal Degwin - Terminator Marshal w/ Combi-Melta & Power Fist Marshal Alcuin - Indom. cpt w/ relic shield & MC Power Sword Chaplain Merovech? Mozgus? - Indom. Chaplain Castellan Segwall - Indom. Lt. w/ neo-volkite Primaris Castellan w/ Power Sword Troops: 3x Auto Bolt Rifle Intercessor squads (5 men each; Sgts have chainswords) 2x Bolt Rifle Intercessor squads (5 men each; Sgts have PF) 5x Assault Intercessors (Plasma pistol sgt) 5x Assault Intercessors Elites: Primaris Ancient Bladeguard Ancient Judiciar 1x Bladeguard Vet squad Primaris Apothecary Terminator squad (5 Terminators. They're from SM Heroes Series 2, so unfortunately I can't use both my Cyclone Missile guy and my Assault Cannon guy at the same time) Ven. Dreadnought w/ Lascannon & Heavy Flamer Ven. Dreadnought (unbuilt; I'm thinking Assault Cannon & Storm Bolter) Ironclad Dreadnought (unbuilt; Hurricane Bolter & Chainfist w/ H. Flamer or Melta? Should I give him Assault Launchers and/or Hunter Killer missiles?) Redemptor Dreadnought w/ Gatling Cannon and Stormbolters (haven't decided on secondary weapon) Heavy Support: 3x Hellblaster squads (5 men each); 2 have normal Plasmaguns, 1 has the Assault variant 1x Eradicator squad Land Raider Crusader (this will ferry my Terminators about the battlefield whenever I field them) Fast Attack: 1x Outrider squadDedicated Transport: Impulsor w/ shield domeKits I want to get in the future: Primaris Chaplain on Bike Primaris techmarine Gravis Cpt. w/ MC Heavy BR Multipart Assault Intercessors (1x-2x) Heavy Intercessors (I don't see myself getting more than 2 squads) Multipart bladeguard vets (2x) Gladiator repulsor tank (Will prob. build as long range Las variant) Storm Speeder (will prob. build as Melta variant) Firestrike turret? idk Multipart Outriders, whenever those come out *Sept. 2020 update: ... have continued ** Updated with recent additions and wishlist
  5. Someone suggested elsewhere the idea of a Holy Crusade army - with a small core of SoB leading a regiment of Imperial Guard. This idea really appealed to me but I'm looking for some advice with regard to implementing it: Firstly, which SoB units to use as the leaders of the crusade. I was thinking St. Celestine and maybe some Priests, but are there any other units I should consider? Second, any suggestions regarding the IG part of the army? I'd like to use primarily infantry but I'm wondering how best to kit them out to represent their being led by SoB. Should I use Meltas and Flamers? Also, should the sergeants have melee weapons or such? Any specific IG units you think would work for this theme? Finally, any other advice or suggestions for this theme? (I've posted this on the SoB section as well, hopefully that's okay.)
  6. Someone suggested elsewhere the idea of a Holy Crusade army - with a small core of SoB leading a regiment of Imperial Guard. This idea really appealed to me but I'm looking for some advice with regard to implementing it: Firstly, which SoB units to use as the leaders of the crusade. I was thinking St. Celestine and maybe some Priests, but are there any other units I should consider? Second, any suggestions regarding the IG part of the army? I'd like to use primarily infantry but I'm wondering how best to kit them out to represent their being led by SoB. Should I use Meltas and Flamers? Also, should the sergeants have melee weapons or such? Any specific IG units you think would work for this theme? Finally, any other advice or suggestions for this theme? (I might post this on the IG section as well.)
  7. Greetings Brothers. So I've been working on my Crusade for a long time now and i thought it was about time i shared some of the results with my fellow crusading brothers. I've been lurking on this forum for ages now but have never had the confidence to post my work i haven't really came up with a back ground for them unfortunately but i hope you guys like what I've done so far this isn't all of my Crusade i have about 5000 points or more in different stages of being painted and about another 10000 or so not built. my army so far: about 4 Emperors Champions Chaplain Grimaldus High Marshall Helbrecht 3 Marshalls 3 Chaplains 4 Castilians/Lieutenants 1 tech marine 1 set of Command tanks 6 venerable dreadnoughts 3 ironclad dreadnoughts 2 sword brethren with jumpacks/vanguard veteran squads 4 contemptor dreadnoughts 12 Crusader squads 6 stabby 6 shooty (20 shooty neophytes) 2 assault squads 2 devastator squads sadly only 1 land raider crusader 1 las plas predator ( the forge world one but not actually ) 2 drop pods 2 rhinos probably several things I've forgotten and about a million other things that are WiP. i will aim to keep this up to date as regularly as i can with WiP photos and finished projects i hope you guys will help keep me motivated.
  8. From the album: Sacramentum Crusade

    The crusade badge of the ongoing Sacramentum Crusade. It symbolises the inevitable victory of the eight pointed cross attained by the blood that is shed. Naturally, this has brought the crusade and it's leader Marshal Elias to the attention of the Ordo Hereticus. Sanguine maltese cross argent.
  9. From the album: Acadian Crusade bat-reps

    A quick fight over the new table (still not finished) a highly unorthodox game. 40k 7th edition Black Templars in the AOD Crusade detachment vs 30k Alpha Legion. 3000pts/side Forgot the mission name, but it was the one where you get 3vp for your own DZ, 5vp for no-mans-land and 7vp for the enemy DZ. All were contested and so he won 1VP to 0VP which was earned by the player who destroyed the most enemy units. It was rough on my BT list since it was far from optimized, and his AL list is well tuned vs our local meta that apparently is a bit rough.
  10. From the album: Acadian Crusade bat-reps

    A quick fight over the new table (still not finished) a highly unorthodox game. 40k 7th edition Black Templars in the AOD Crusade detachment vs 30k Alpha Legion. 3000pts/side Forgot the mission name, but it was the one where you get 3vp for your own DZ, 5vp for no-mans-land and 7vp for the enemy DZ. All were contested and so he won 1VP to 0VP which was earned by the player who destroyed the most enemy units. It was rough on my BT list since it was far from optimized, and his AL list is well tuned vs our local meta that apparently is a bit rough.
  11. From the album: Acadian Crusade bat-reps

    A quick fight over the new table (still not finished) a highly unorthodox game. 40k 7th edition Black Templars in the AOD Crusade detachment vs 30k Alpha Legion. 3000pts/side Forgot the mission name, but it was the one where you get 3vp for your own DZ, 5vp for no-mans-land and 7vp for the enemy DZ. All were contested and so he won 1VP to 0VP which was earned by the player who destroyed the most enemy units. It was rough on my BT list since it was far from optimized, and his AL list is well tuned vs our local meta that apparently is a bit rough.
  12. From the album: Acadian Crusade bat-reps

    A quick fight over the new table (still not finished) a highly unorthodox game. 40k 7th edition Black Templars in the AOD Crusade detachment vs 30k Alpha Legion. 3000pts/side Forgot the mission name, but it was the one where you get 3vp for your own DZ, 5vp for no-mans-land and 7vp for the enemy DZ. All were contested and so he won 1VP to 0VP which was earned by the player who destroyed the most enemy units. It was rough on my BT list since it was far from optimized, and his AL list is well tuned vs our local meta that apparently is a bit rough.
  13. From the album: Acadian Crusade bat-reps

    A quick fight over the new table (still not finished) a highly unorthodox game. 40k 7th edition Black Templars in the AOD Crusade detachment vs 30k Alpha Legion. 3000pts/side Forgot the mission name, but it was the one where you get 3vp for your own DZ, 5vp for no-mans-land and 7vp for the enemy DZ. All were contested and so he won 1VP to 0VP which was earned by the player who destroyed the most enemy units. It was rough on my BT list since it was far from optimized, and his AL list is well tuned vs our local meta that apparently is a bit rough.
  14. From the album: Acadian Crusade bat-reps

    A quick fight over the new table (still not finished) a highly unorthodox game. 40k 7th edition Black Templars in the AOD Crusade detachment vs 30k Alpha Legion. 3000pts/side Forgot the mission name, but it was the one where you get 3vp for your own DZ, 5vp for no-mans-land and 7vp for the enemy DZ. All were contested and so he won 1VP to 0VP which was earned by the player who destroyed the most enemy units. It was rough on my BT list since it was far from optimized, and his AL list is well tuned vs our local meta that apparently is a bit rough.
  15. From the album: Tempest's Sororitas

    48PL Sacred Rose, Guardians of the Gate for our Crusade.
  16. Hi all, Some new bases arrived today and as such I have decided that I need to introduce you all to my crusade. As such I hereby Declare the beginning of the righteous Sanctus Crusade! The crusade was formed from the remains of numerous other completed crusades which had been denied the honor of fighting on armageddon due to their diminished numbers. Each finished crusade provides the expertise from their previous campaigns and adds new elements of warfare with which they are accustomed to, as such these elite warriors of mankind have come together under a new marshal to wage war upon the enemies of mankind. This marshals name: Mortus Helstrom, the aim of this campaign is a simple one: the recovering of sacred artifacts in the name of the emperor and smiting all that oppose him. So this model isn't finished converting yet or even glued to its base so is far from finished but gives a general gist as to what he should turn out as, without further ado I give you Marshal Helstrom! http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah78/Btemp93/temporary_zps0fef7366.jpg?t=1419601794 http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah78/Btemp93/temporary_zps7d441f68.jpg?t=1419601801http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah78/Btemp93/temporary_zps7a8bdf8c.jpg?t=1419601800 Stay posted I have alot of things to post up! TEST IMAGE http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah78/Btemp93/20170321_103634_zps3jda8ndz.jpg
  17. "lost in the warp for 11 years" EDIT: Obviously i have made this my Black Templars WIP/PLOG... so enjoy /EDIT I already made a post in new members, but I feel I need to report directly to the fortress monastery! Hello y'all. I have played black Templar since 1999. Shut it down in about 2004 with the dissolution of my immediate circle of gamers. Getting back into it now. So I've been lurking for a while on this board. Y'all have given me a lot of inspiration. I will be rebuilding my crusade. With the acquisition of 2 tactical boxes, 2. BT upgrade boxes and a stern guard box folded into my existing forces I intend to build 4 crusader squads. For lack of better terms 2 shooty and 2 choppy. Fully 9 initiate and one sword brethren The shooty squads will have bolters, a heavy bolter, a special weapon and the sb will have a matching combi weapon and power sword all in a rhino. The choppy squads will have 5 neophytes with, 9 initiates and a sb, all with bp/cs except imbedded power fist special weapon and sb with power sword and matched combibolter. Both in their compulsory LRC. Leaving room for an HQ in the LRC. I will have 6 sword brethren built all with power swords and combi weapons. 2 plasma, 2 melta and 2 flamer. Also 6 special weapon initiates, 2 each of plasma, melta, and flamer. Seeing a pattern? Plan is to move in matched combo and special to the appropriate squad depending on my enemy. Throw in 2 HQ, i have several Marshalls chaplains techmarine and emperor's champion. Should be a fun fluffy army. Sadly almost everyone I saw at the local 40k night were playing marines which will get old, and require I declare any "loyalist" opponents excommunicate traitoris before the match... Lol Almost forgot, I have a predator, some land speeders, enough initiates for a devastator squad with 4 missile launchers, and a dreadnaught all for support... Guess I need anti air cus that is a thing now...
  18. ++++ BREAKING NEWS ++++ SERPENTIS CRUSADE LAUNCHED ! Squad Horatius was despatched to the Serpentis system following rumours of unusual events and manifestations in the Serpentis system. Their latest report confirms that there are significant psychic manifestations in-system but the cause remains unexplained. The scale of events is system wide and a large force will be required to cleanse the xenos or witch-craft invasion. PHOTO: Squad Horatius in action on Serpentis II. High Marshal Helbrecht has assigned Marshal Orion to lead a new crusade, the SERPENTIS CRUSADE, to follow up the reconnaissance and cleanse the system without prejudice. NO PITY, NO REMORSE, NO FEAR ! +++++++++ Design of the Crusade banner and badge is in progress during the transit of the warp and will be published in the Eternal Crusade when returning to real space on the approach to the Sepentis system. +++++++++
  19. This is my Crusade Thread; basically a mix of kitbashes, painting logs, battle reports and short story pieces, chonologing the growth of my home-grown crusade. Hope you enjoy something amongst all the nonsense BIG EDIT: Photobucket broke all my pictures... they are back up again, but not sure if this is permanent. In the meantime, here is my library in case you really want to see anything particular: http://s1287.photobucket.com/user/matzeke/library/?sort=3&page=1 First, some background info on the crusade: (For WIP, scroll down to pictures) The brethren of what is now known as the Renascibilitas Crusade were thought lost by their fellow templars when their flotilla vanished into the warp while pursuing a particularly destructive pirate fleet of twisted Eldar sadists, after a long and bitter campaign to push the Xenos back. After many years had passed, the return of these missing brothers came as a surprise. More surprising was their reluctance to discuss exactly where they had been, or why their numbers had dwindled. This information was deemed only for the ears of the high marshal himself. Since their return, the fiery and stoic force have remained distinct from some of their younger and more excitable chapter-brothers. Nevertheless, they demonstrate an unswerving loyalty to the will of the Emperor, and hold strong to some clear truths: The Emperor is the single greatest triumph of mankind and loyalty to him and his design is their highest priority. The Emperor's wisdom is to be respected. He chose to employ certain sanctioned psychic individuals to further his great goals, yet he decreed that his loyal marines should be free from that great burden and temptation. Those battle-brothers who have forgotten this are derided and scorned publicly, and rarely trusted or tolerated on the battlefield. 'Friendly' warning shots have been fired, as have less-friendly ones. This suspicion extends to all pyskers to some degree, but while essential tools of the imperium (astropaths etc) are tolerated within strict boundaries, the reckless use of battle-psykers means that inquisitors and librarians are viewed as one step away from the Xenos and the Heretic. This hasn't stopped the pragmatic leadership of the crusade from working with various chapters, inquisitors and members of the ecclesiarchy, but more than one ally has found that the templars can be fickle in their support. The crusade brothers are closely bonded themselves, likely due to their unspoken experiences in their missing years. As an old brotherhood, they remember the old ways, and the emperors truth. They respect the greatest man to have walked the galaxy, ritualising and dramatising their faith in his mind and design. They crusade in the name of man, not of a god. Their faith and zeal burns bright, a cleansing flame in the dark.
  20. Our gaming group has begun a crusade and have gotten the first couple of odd kinks out in the first two weeks, so now I'm comfortable starting to share the results and narrative were(I'm) attaching to it. We started at 500pts, but those are really too small for what we like so shifted to 1000pts. In august were going to 1500pt games, then September 2000pt games. We have a few players who cant make every week so we will also keep running smaller games too when we can. So here is the set up. Going to play another pair of game tomorrow so should be fun. The ork codex dropping will update things, but we figure it'll be grandfathered in whatever points they were for the total list and adjusted for the games. if other stuff comes up so be it, its a game well figure it out. So we have between 4 and 9 players for our crusade and I'm looking forward to playing and updating you all on it. Ill take some pictures of either glorious victory or valiant defeat for a proper battle report tomorrow. We may also do a big 2v2 game as well have 2 ork players and the 2 chaos players, and if we do Ill sit on the sidelines and do the battle report for that one.
  21. Today, I had my first game in our crusade group. We are 18 players with the following factions: Imperium: Space Marines (Bellatores Aerea - Ultramarines Successor) Space Marines (Pit Hounds - Ultramariens Successor) Space Wolves Imperial Guard Night Lords (Apparently the player has an explanation for that, but I haven't heard it yet) 2 x Adepta Sororitas Dark Angels (myself) And one still undecided since he didn't have time to jump in at the beginning - I will be a jumper next week Rebels: Adeptus Mechanicus (Torchbearer, with Custodes mixed in) Adepta Sororitas Blood Angels (actually War Hounds, pre-Heresy World Eaters lost in the warp) Death Guard Genestealer Cults (Bladed Cog) 2 x Necrons 2 x Tau My crusade list: 1 RP - Relic: The Armour Indomitus 1 RP - Relic: Mace of Redemption 1 RP - Warlord Trait: Inexorable 1 RP - Specialist Reinforcements: Paragon of the Chapter - Brilliant Strategist 1 RP - Warlord Trait: Imperium's Sword HQ: Captain Duma, Primaris Captain with master-crafted auto bolt rifle, master-crafted power sword, Rites of Initiation, The Armour Indomitus, Paragon of the Chapter: Inexorable, Brilliant Strategist (115 pts, built for toughness) Interrogator-Chaplain in Terminator Armour Artemius Grohm, with storm bolter, Mace of Redemption, Imperium's Sword, Canticle of Hate (100 pts, melee support and oomph) Elite: Redemptor Dreadnought Nestor with 2 storm bolters, Onslaught gatling cannon, Icarus rocket pod, macro plasma incinerator (185 pts , fire support and lieutenant role via CP) 5 Deathwing Knights, squad Anafiel (235 pts, deep striking with chaplain to end overbearing threats quickly) Standard: 10 Intercessors with bolt rifles (200 pts, I decided to play a single squad because they will earn exp as if one even if combat squadded, and are more difficult to completely wipe out, i.e. more resistant to battle scars)Heavy Support: 5 Hellblasters with assault plasma incinerators, squad Larathiel (165 pts, for MEQ hunting, and overcharged WftDA backup vehicle popping) A second warlord trait is possible due to Specialist Reinforcements being interpreted as allowing the Paragon of the Chapter and similar stratagems, the organizers ruled that codices have precedence over the base rules. Last week I had a practice game against a Space Marine player from my own faction, since we were both severely out of practice, him having played last in 5th edition and myself only having played one or two games in 8th, last time was 2 years ago or so. It was a blast, and we learned a lot, and I ended up tabling him in turn 3. This week's pairings were as follows: Space Wolves vs Tau 1 - Space Wolves win Space Marines vs Rebel Adepta Sororitas - Adepts Sororitas win Space Marines vs Tau 2 - Tau win Dark Angels vs Blood Angels - This was my game. Read the results below List for game 1: Captain Duma 10 men Intercessor squad Redemptor Dreadnought Nestor 500 pts Opponent - Warhounds: 1 Smash Captain with Teeth of Terra, Speed of the Primarch and Imperium's Sword 4 Sanguinary Guard 5 Assault Intercessors with PF sergeant Contemptor Dreadnought with Multimelta 493 pts As you can see, I played against the Warhounds, represented by Blood Angels rules, which I find pretty fluffy, and he was a pleasant opponent. Like myself, he hasn't played a lot of 9th edition yet and was only marginally experienced in 8th. Again, we learned a lot together. We played the Tech Relic mission from Plague Purge, with additional hidden mission markers - You can investigate a terrain piece as an action until you find a piece of tech or similar. After setting up the four mission markers, my opponent first set up his Contemptor in a corner and I decided to completely deny him that flank and set up my Redemptor in the opposite corner. He proceeded to set up the rest of his army in the middle of his zone and I huddled up in my corner to make full use of my captain's aura. My intercessor squad was set up in two combat squads, one in cover and in range of one of the mission markers. I won the roll-off and took first turn. My agendas were Angels of Death (+3 exp for all units on the field if the enemy is tabled) and Know no Fear (+2 exp for each tally mark on successful morale tests) Turn 1 DA: In the command phase I activated Wisdom of the Ancients on the Redemptor to give captain & lieutenant rerolls to the whole huddled army. I moved one combat squad and the Redemptor up out of cover to give him a juicy target. The other combat squad searched the mission marker and uncovered the tech relic on a five, giving me the idiot ball. My intercessors took pot shots at his assault intercessors, causing a single wound. The Redemptor had line of sight to the sanguinary guard and completely deleted it thanks to devastator doctrine and good rolls on my part. Turn 1 BA: He moved up his captain into a LOS blocking ruin in the center board, and his assault intercessors towards my bait squad. His Contemptor trundled up from his awkward position and searched one of the terrain pieces on the way. His shooting consisted of five heavy bolt pistols, causing one wound on my intercessors. He then charged my captain with his, and reached my bait squad after losing one model to Overwatch fire. He decided to start combat off with his captain and I activated the Armour Indomitus so he bounced off after causing a single wound. I spent two CP to interrupt him at this point, and killed two of his assault intercessors, leaving him with only one to attack me, who managed to cause a single wound (after I saved a PF attack on a six) and losing me the wounded model. My captain's counterattack unfortunately failed to wound completely. His assault intercessors failed the morale test and he was left with only the sergeant. My morale test was automatically passed, giving me a tally mark for later. Turn 2 DA: Weee! Tactical doctrine. All my models were in engagement range, except the Redemptor. In the command phase I activated Wisdom of the Ancients again and put the Redemptor back into devastator doctrine with Brilliant Strategist. The Redemptor moved into position to attack his captain. Shooting in close combat with Fire Discipline wounded the assault intercessor sergeant once and failed to wound his captain, whom I subsequently charged with the Redemptor and crumped out of existence with five wounds and only two saves on his part. His sergeant managed to wound with the power fist, but I saved again on a six and killed him with the rest of the attacks, leaving only the Contemptor on the table. Turn 2 BA: He moved up his Contemptor, shot and killed one of my intercessors and successfully charged them from 11" range. They were killed unceremoniously but this left him wide open for my coming counterattack. Turn 3 DA: Still in tactical doctrine, and I again put the Redemptor into Devastator doctrine + Wisdom of the Ancients. My surviving combat squad of intercessors moved with the tech relic into firing position, and managed to take off 3 wounds off the Contemptor with their bolt rifles. The Redemptor only managed to cause two more wounds with an overcharged macro plasma incinerator. However, that was quickly rectified after I charged into close combat and ripped him apart, tabling my opponent after 1h20min. I used my remaining turns to search terrain pieces until I also had one of the rewards. Final tally: 100 VP for me The reward I found is an orb that gives an additional one exp per game to the unit I give it to. I decided on Nestor. 1 + 3 (Angels of Death) + 3 (Marked for Greatness) = 7 Exp for Duma - level up, he is now Keeper of the Unseen Ritual (1 Battle Tactic stratagem per game costs 0 CP) 1 + 3 (Angels of Death) + 2 (Know no Fear) = 6 Exp for the Intercessors - level up, they are now Impassive Sentinels (5+ FNP in range of mission markers) 1 + 3 (Angels of Death) + 1 (3 destroyed units) + 1 (artefact) = 6 Exp for Nestor - level up, he gains Enhanced Engines (+2 Move, +1 charge and advance rolls) Furthermore, as victor bonus, I get to choose a single weapon enhancement, with which I decided to upgrade my captain's master-crafted power sword to give +1 Strength (making it a Heavenfall Blade light) Next time, I'll probably remember to take pictures, but this time I was too excited for my first game of 9th I don't know yet what I will do with my next RP, since we will remain on 1000 points max games, but I will give it some thoughts. I might just raise my supply limit to have a bit more flexibility in the lists. Next week's pairings are as follows: Imperial Guard vs Death Guard - Death Guard win Night Lords vs Necrons - Postponed Adepta Sororitas 1 vs Adeptus Mechanicus - AdMech win Adepta Sororitas 2 vs Necrons - Necrons win Dark Angels vs Genestealer Cults - Dark Angels win I will be playing as a jumper, i.e. out of competition, earning no experience and not utilizing the exp and battle honors I already gained this week. There are some special rules in play that I will explain if they become relevant.
  22. Hello, After setting up a couple of narrative based campaigns for my hobby group prior to 9th edition, I was very excited to utilize the new Crusade rules. Now that the upcoming Octarius Warzone have my ork players interested in gaming again, I thought it would be fun to host a narrative campaign with the group. I will be using this thread to blog my progress with the campaign as well as my own crusade force. Planning and House Rules Those of us who have played a few crusade games before would no doubt be aware that the starting a crusade army is quite restricting, and that you the player need to get more than a few small scale games under your belt first before building up to a larger army. While this is a perfectly good narrative tool, a good chunk of my players don't enjoy smaller games, and I personally felt that using small armies ruins the grandeur somewhat of a large scale conflict the warzone campaigns represent. With this in mind I've decided to implement a house rule which I feel should satisfy all parties: Buildup Reconnaissance So the first part of my great plan is to use the White Dwarf missions as something of a springboard. Starting from today, my group can create their crusade rosters, and play the previous months White Dwarf Flashpoint with said rosters until either the warzone book releases or we run out of articles (whichever comes last). As the White Dwarf articles describe fringe conflicts to the wider warzone, the battles are small scale and act as "side quests" for a player to achieve in preparation to the full warzone book. Send in the Strikeforce The second part of this plan is something of a safety net should players either not have the time or interest in taking part in the buildup reconnaissance (no judgements, as half of us are currently enjoying an AoS path to glory campaign), and that is simply giving players the choice at the start of the campaign to either use their roster made during the buildup reconnaissance, or to make a new roster with a power limit of 100, rather than 50 (but with the same 5 requisition points limit) which should give players enough to play with to make a large scale force that they're happy to play with. I have opted to make a buildup reconnaissance force, with the intention to play one or two of the special white dwarf games a month, which I will go into detail in my next post.
  23. Hi all, I thought I'd post a writeup of the Crusade game I played yesterday. As noted in the title, it's a text-based batrep as we didn't think to take pictures, but I do have an army shot that I took after the fact (spoilered for mobile convenience). We played Combat Patrol, so fairly small armies. The Khansu Reawoken: Disgraced Prince Rakzan, with the Immortal Pride Warlord Trait and the Guantlet of the Conflagrator relic (model doesnt have a resorb or warscythe so no good relics, and ive always wanted an excuse to try the conflagrator) Coldhowl, a technomancer with no upgrades at all. will probably change that as time goes on and i figure out how crusade works more Coldhowl's Boys, my converted squad of skitarii warriors The Red Butchers, a squad of 5 flayer immortals armed with gauss blasters Serasona's Bouncers, a pair of cryptothralls Serasona's Swarm, a trio of scarabs that will be expanded later the Night Lords: chaos terminator lord with axe and combibolter, the night lords precognitive WL trait, and a net that gives -1 Attack, to a minimum of 1 warp talons with lightning claws raptors with...something. I shot them off the board before they were relevant, and I only remembered the WT's loadout because they were particularly scary a squad of 5 CSM with a missile launcher a squad of 5 CSM with a plasma gun and a power maul Mission: Assassinate Night Lords won the first roll-off, and chose to be the defender. This gave him a larger deployment zone, and the first deployment choice, as well as Combat Restoratives for a 6+ FNP and IWND. He deploys his lord in the center of his deployment zone as he is required to do, and then deploys his close-combat squads fairly aggressively. The CSM with the missile launcher hangs out in a forest at the back of the table, and the CSM with the plasma gun acts as a sort of bodyguard. I deploy my scarabs behind the bastion thats roughly in the center of the table, and deploy my infantry and characters fairly aggressively. As the attacker, I get to choose who goes first, and I have to wipe out those melee squads before they can touch me, or I'm dead, no ifs ands or buts. Lightning claws will shred everything I have. First Battle Round: I have chosen Reaper as my agenda, since I figure I might get lucky and get one unit with two unit kills, or spread the kills fairly evenly over my squads and thereby get to choose who gets it. I reveal my first command protocol. It's Vengeful Stars, and as much as people like to dunk on them, I think this one is honestly one of the most important ones you can choose, especially if you have first turn. I'm playing a Mephrit Dynasty vassal, rules-wise (lorewise we're a vassal of my Naculan, who have some different codes but I do like the Mephrit code and the Naculan have used it in the past). I annihilate both squads of jump troops. My immortals are shooting at -3 AP, or -4 if they're getting sixes, and gauss flayers are actually pretty decent marine killers at -2 AP as well. My cryptek steals my immortals' thunder by sniping the last raptor, so he gets himself a tidy ranged kill. My scarabs hide behind the bastion, whereupon my opponent forgets they're there. On his turn, he moves up and starts shooting. Bolter and missile fire kills the immortals, plus a little help from demon shell from the chaos lord. (I roll really poorly on my defensive rolls this game, I think I made like 4 total saves? And I don't think I passed a single reanimation roll), and overcharged plasma gun fire blows up my crytpothralls--which at least had the added benefit of attracting the bolter fire from my warriors, as he didnt declare split-fire beforehand. Melee is joined quickly. I overwatch with my warriors, killing a CSM, and his lord rolls a 6 on a 10-inch charge before rerolling it with his precognition trait and spiking boxcars to charge in like a freight train. I decide to pile in with my overlord for several reasons, one of which being him telling me that he has a strat to prevent me from falling back, so there is no chance of me pulling my warriors back and then blowing him to hell with a tachyon arrow. Melee knocks Rakzan down to a single wound, but his invul save holds on at the last second. Three warriors fall to the CSM. I swing back, and the bayonets down another CSM, while Rakzan drops the hammer glaive on the chaos lord, knocking away half his wounds with two swift swings. I actually fail a morale test for the first time in quite a long time, as Night Lords have some nasty modifiers, and the Immortal Pride WLT doesn't do exactly what I thought it did, but I only lost one model to it. Battle Round Two: My turn rolls around again. I'm now in the protocol of the hungry void--the melee protocol, for all the good it will do me. My scarabs dart over the bastion, and position themselves for a flanking charge. Coldhowl lobs a few shots from his 'staff of light' towards the CSM in the back forest, but I'm not ignoring cover anymore and they fail to wound. Raksan triggers his gauntlet, but fails to roll any mortal wounds. Now it's charging time! The scarabs dive in on top of my target. I spend a CP to try and detonate one of the bases, and roll a 4 on the D6 the strat requires me to roll. Ok, so they get to blow up. I roll a D3 to see how many mortal wounds I deal to him. I. Roll. A. 5. The chaos lord dies in a shower of shrapnel and sacrificial scarabs, as he is unable to pass any of his restoratives rolls. And that right there is game! Slay the Warlord is worth 40 VP, and I got 10 VP for wounding him the previous battle round. He got 10 VP for killing a unit with his WL (the immortals he gunned down with daemon shell), and we both get 10 apiece for having painted armies, but the way the mission is scored makes it almost impossible for the defender to win unless he keeps his WL alive. We play out the rest of the battle round but the only thing left on the table for him at the end is the missile squad, who tries to knock my cryptek down, but I spike a 6 on his armor save and barely keep him alive to save him from an Out of Action Check. Post-Game: There is much apologizing for wiping a third of his army off the table in one turn, and disbelief at a scarab's blowing up actually doing something useful instead of being marginally better than their melee attack. Rakzan is marked for greatness, which in combination with battle experience and agenda experience (he slew the remaining two CSM locked in combat with me) gives him a battle honor! I opt to give him the +1 Damage melee weapon trait, making his glaive 1D3+1 damage. The Immortals (name subject to change) receive the 'veteran warriors' Battle Honor from the mission reward, giving them native to-hit rerolls of one. All OOA checks are passed with aplomb on my end--the CSM bolter/plasma squad fails theirs, and he opts for a loss of XP, bringing them back down to 0. All in all, I had a lot of fun. My crusade roster also includes a blob of 20 warriors and a royal warden, but I prepped for an objective game rather than a 'kill everything' game and somehow lucked into an opponent with MSU, which allowed me to practice defeat-in-detail. My opponent remarked that he'd forgotten that the scarabs existed, and that I outmaneuvered him with them, so I'm rather pleased with that. Let this be the first of many victories in the Khansu's quest to regain their former glory!
  24. Hail Fraters! After a very, very long hiatus, I have decided to return to Warhammer 40k and have decided to give 9th edition a try. I have not played 40k since the early days of 8th edition, where I soured in the skewed Codices, stratagems everywhere, command point optimization and where it seemed that the way to go was to have as many overlapping auras as physically possible. Having talked with friends who also gave up on 8th, we have decided to give 9th a spin - specifically 9th Crusade rules. To that end, I have gone and bought the 9th Rulebook second-hand, and have also closed a deal for the current 9th Dark Angel Codex second hand. That leads to the first question: 1) Are there any other rule books I need? (Because GW has NEVER been nice enough to have all the rules in one place...) As for the starting armies - since I have no Codex, it is still a bit in the wind, as to what will constitute the initial Crusade force. As I have been collecing Dark Angels since 1992 - and then only seriously since 2001, I could field an army of painted Firstborn...but then what would be the purpose of this thread? Instead I have decided to try out the new toys on the block: the Primaris usurpers. Therefore I spent January 1st putting together all the Primaris that I got in the Dark Imperium starter box back in what, 2017? I only ever managed to finish one of them - a lieutenant, but almost finished the Gravis Captian, the Ancient and the Hellblasters. They are therefore probably the ones that will get done first. Below you can all see what I have to work with for the Crusade coming up: As for their background, it is still a work in progress...but I know that the Firstborn Termintor Chaplain is there to provide spiritual advice to the good, newbie Gravis Captian (and not at all to supervise, monitor and surveil him). My friends will be playing, respectively, Necrons, Sisters of Battle, Grey Knights and Black Templars. In other words - lots of power amour saves. I am really looking forward to painting some Dark Angels again, after not having painted any in years. Till the Sword is reforged! Faithfully, Master Ciaphas
  25. Hey brothers of the Eternal Crusade! I started a Primaris Crusade a long time ago. I painted about 10 models and didn’t follow through as I got distracted by my Krieg force. Now it’s a new year and my brother wants to join in on the 40k fun! He’d previously started his own Successor Chapter but has fallen in love with everyone’s favourite Space Crusaders! We have a deal, he’ll do the modelling and I’ll do the painting. True to form, I started with the model that I’d enjoy painting most! Here’s the Marshal (as yet unnamed) of the Promethean Crusade: Black Templars Marshal Black Templars Marshal Black Templars Marshal Gotta say the new Black Templars range is phenomenal and I can’t wait to do more! Thanks for looking and please let me know what you think.
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