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Greetings to you all! I have for many a year been plucking away in the WIP thread, but as most of the things I put there are actually finished by the time I post, I thought it a bit more apt to have a thread here as well - and as there is not far from though to action, thus it is done now. The aim of this thread is for me to post pictures of the various B&C permissable armies that I usually work on and the units belonging to them, which I finish. Currently, I have the following armies in my possession: Dark Angels (1st, 2nd and Battle Company) - about 5000 points total Chaos Space Marines (Death Guard, World Eaters, Black Legion & Fallen Angels) - about 4500 points Chaos Daemons (Tzeentch, Nurgle & Khorne) - about 3000 points Imperial Guard allies (Death Korps of Krieg) - about 400 points Grey Knight allies - about 400 points Tyranids - about 8000 points As you can see, there is plenty of potential for varied things to be shown and displayed here - and I look forward to sharing with you all. Thus, with no further ado, I bid you welcome to my thread of finished works from the forge of Master Ciaphas! Faithfully, Master Ciaphas
- 192 replies
- Chaos Space Marines
- Forge World
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Bit of a preface, I’ve been collecting Horus heresy for a long time. As seen here; it has grown somewhat since 2017 and I stopped posting because work blocked access, which was my only computer at the time. Since then I’ve had two kids and although my free time has been Reduced it didn’t stop me collecting ultramarines and thousand sons. I had an excellent campaign which followed the prospero black book which I will show here. It involved all the major engagements from the book. however my first love is the sons of Horus and the events on Istvaan III, so kids willing I can get the campaign going soon and play ˋCometh the Red Angelˋ. In which Angron defies Horus and makes plantfall to assault the loyalists. hopefully this will be more interesting to people on here and get feedback rather than nothing on instagram. heres some later sons of Horus.
- 46 replies
- World Eaters 30k
- Sons of Horus Legion
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trying to figure out all the current rules for them their codex. and were they in a warzone as well? which warzone?
- Death Guard Legion
- Chaos Space Marines
- (and 2 more)
Finally able to put together a crusade roster after many years of living vicariously through the exploits of others on the boards. Most of the meat and potatoes being done (prior to the new Dex), so now it’s on to the characters elites and other fun stuff Squad 1 Squad 2 The Plebs More to come as they get painted up....
Right now I'm suffering from a huge Nurgle affliction. I have a pre codex Deathguard army but hadn't done anything new for them in years. I made a Nurgle Ork, was asked by Pandorasbitzbox to paint one of his possessed (plague child), i've seen amazing Nurle work right here on B&C and then watched the Cinematic Trailer for Inquisitor Martyr with all the exciting Nurgle goodness in that. My fall was complete. For anyone that still hasn't seen the trailer.. The Helbrute had to be made... There aren't any stills yet but there is this pic too to help... This guy has a cannon from the plague hulk but I prefer the look of the assault cannon style gun. I love all the horns on this guy and think he's a great Nurlge Helbrute. Although bizzarely ruggedly handsome. He's supposed to be a hulk not a hunk. Aside from that he's great. Here's my efforts... The horns come from the maggoth lord kit. I had that kit lying around for ages intending to do a Morback (Le Blog de Kouzes) Maulerfiend. I could see there would be a lot of spare horns but I couldn't tell which ones would be spare. I quickly put the maulerfiend together and started putting those horns to good use. The one in the trailer has a rockin' bod'. So i used a spare Daemon Prince torso to replicate this. I have also tried to get him to be taking a step like in the trailer. I'm not overly happy with this so might try again or forget the stepping all together. I thought I would use the hades autocannon from the Forgefiend but these are a little big. Then i found two Space crusade dreadnought assault cannons! Space Crusade being my first introduction to GW about 25 years ago. Here he is with the gun in place. I still need to straighten out the ends of the barrel and put some spikes on there. Possibly it's a tad long too. In the meantime I discovered the Gatling Psilencer from the Dreadknight kit could make a great end of the gun. Pandorasbitzbox has a spare he's kindly said he will give me. Although it has 7 barrels and this one 6, is that a psign? I would need to redo the whole gun but lets see. Here's a size comparison next to a kheres assault cannon that i nearly used. Got a lot of Nurgle stuff planned now. Maulerfiend Forgefiend Contemptor and I will get started on all those new Deathguard models at some point too.
- 165 replies
- Nurgle
- conversion
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Well I got bored and made this abomination more as a challenge to myself to make it more nurgly since I wasnt really of a fan of the leviathan's normal close combat arms so really wanted a true siege weapon and a huge wrecking ball is as siegelike as I could think of, truly a fun model to convert Note: I have a very bad very feeling he may not actually be a true FW model as I got him from Ebay through a seller who claimed otherwise i apologise if so Here is a counts as Plague Hulk I am working on as well
Prot Quickie-Batrep: Renegades vs Deathguard (pictures!)
Prot posted a topic in + HERETIC ASTARTES +
Hey guys, Works been insane, so I haven't had time to do batreps of my games but I wanted to really try the new Renegades rules and I was a little disappointed. I thought this Deathguard matchup would actually favour my setup.... it was a fun game and I thought I'd share some of the highlights/lowlights! Unfortunately I'm super short on time and gotta run to a meeting so please excuse the brevity of this... The game was Maelstrom (2000 points). He got to go first, and his army being Deathguard was largely footslogging, with a Pred, and 2 Helbrutes. Lots of Poxwalkers of course, Typhus, and a large contingent of it all was of course from the Dark Imperium box set. One thing I realized I missed was he had 10 Termies I believe. They were obviously not "deathguard" but played as such with a good mix of plasma, and an Autocannon. Otherwise nothing unusual in his list... a Plague caster, plague marines, etc. My list roughly was: Huron Sorc Exalted Champ (MoN, plague blade thingy...artefact, wounds on 2+) Cultists x 3 squads (one was 13 dudes, extra points) 7 Possessed (had to proxy some Mutilators in there, I'm expecting stuff in the mail.. Vorbak) Landraider w/Havok 4 Spawn 3 Oblits (always have, always will use these guys). I had a second detachment (outrider? Fast attack one) Daemon Prince, MoK, set of talons, wings, 5 Warp Talons 6 Bikes, Chainswords, 2 with bike mounted Meltaguns (maybe should have went with flamers but realized I had no decent AP shooting in this list). Champ w/Poweraxe (bad idea) I think the Spawn were in here. Baledrake. My army: My army is an ecclectic gathering of missfits from my old metal Huron (missing a thumb!) to some Thousand Sons cultists, World Eater models, and some Crimson Slaughter stuff (Ex. Champ and LR). His first turn is largely uneventful, but he does have a full Lascannon Pred.... that thing just rips into a piece of my Landraider...... it losses a lot of wounds, but is just ONE above being in the second damage tier. This stings, but I get away without giving up fist blood. First turn using my Renegade 'skills' I simply advance everything. He's making a play for the center of the table with his Poxwalker farm and Typhus in the middle of it... Now I've played with my own Deathguard enough to know that the Poxwalkers are a giant tarpit, so I shoot them from a distance and pull back my Cultists but I know he needs cards (objectives) in the mid / my zone of the table. My Landraider moves, and completely blanks on hitting his Predator which has the psychic -1 to hit power on it (wouldn't have mattered anyway). \ - First turn assault? Maybe... but it was ugly. So really uneventfull but I do get first blood from my Oblits coming in the right flank and pounding something down... can't remember what. The inevitable Poxwalker blob is advancing to my edge. - I watch his Helbrutes take quite the toll on me..... combined with the Predator, my Landraider is down to the first damage rating, but I still haven't hit a thing with my Landraider. - I clearly have no shooting, but my army is built to advance, and assault. I forgot something... T1, my Baledrake flew up with my Spawn advancing, and the Bale Drake assaulted a squad of Plague marines, but the Spawn did too even with a command point re roll and the Baledrake got owned by a fist and the other dudes. - So I realized the Mid is totally swamped.... It's going to grab all the objectives, and sit in the middle and stick the joint up like a clogged toilet that can't be drained.... this forces me to move the bikes off the flank, and 'block' the middle..... - Trying to 'unclog' the toilet. - With things really blocked up in the middle at best I bought some time. The right side was now only flanked by my Daemon Prince, and Oblits (bikes left them alone). - My Daemon prince alone was a bad move. he charged into a squad of plague marines, and the way my shooting was going, I couldn't kill anything so I thought what the heck and did a charge with him into the plague dudes, but wiped them out in a turn, which left me in the open.... My Oblits were ignored, he was afraid of the D.P so his Predator opened up on my DP and wiped it in a turn. (with I think a Helbrute's help) - The other Helbrute took my LR down to 1 HP! - So my right flank is gone... I have a couple of Oblits left, but although they are rolling 'average', they really aren't putting a dent in any infantry because of the layering of saves... Resilient saves are being made at an alarming rate. - Everybody out of the bus. - I think I got this a bit mixed up... .sorry. This is turn 2 on the left flank... my LR limps to a halt, Huron and the funky bunch get out with the sorc. - Anticipating a big push on this side, I deep strike the Warp Talons to meet up with the Spawn and Possessed for a giant multi assault... the likes of which I wouldn't be able to do in most Turn 2 games. I was easily as far as I needed to be with Renegade rules. - The Sorc casts Warp time to make sure the Warp Talons cannot miss their CC charge. Sorc also casts the cancel invuln saves power, but it is canceled. Huron casts the +1 Strength, toughness, attack thing on him self... get this, he rolls two 6's. And Perils! I use a command Point, re roll one of the 6's... it's another 6. So now I roll yet another 6 as the result and he's down by 3 wounds! Ugh. - This was a sign of bad things... the assaults go off, but I can't damage anything. Warp Talons kill 2-3 guys, Spawn kill a few guys, but Huron does little, and the Possessed do squat. Their random attacks (thanks GW for more random) roll a 1 for three combat phases... they seemed like a horrible waste of points. - I lose almost as much as he does, but my inability to kill anything is worstened by the fact that THIS is the main thrust of my army which I have carefully planned to take out a third of his army with, but I bounce hard. - So we made it... now what? - The Deathguard hit back just as hard, but I don't have near the resilience. Typhus opts to leave the Poxwalker farm to help out... by my calculations with my overload on this side, I foresaw Typhus coming in, but what I didn't see was that very little of his stuff would die. - I still have the upper hand in this side, but not for long..... I would roll another 1 for the possessed, and the Warp talons would hit and wound about 8 times on his last Plague Marine. He would save all of the wounds from all squads on that one Plague champ with armour or Disgustingly Resilient. Then fist them back, causing a few deaths. - The Helbrutes wade in and I somehow kill one with Spawns, but they wreck the squad in return (I think I interrupted). Everything is fading here on my end. Huron killed one dude. - On the right side of the table I lose an Oblit, and this keeps his Predator busy and distracted from my 1 wound left Land Raider. - The mid is going badly now.. the Bikes were holding on okay, but shooting all those combi bolters is what they do 'well'... not assault... and his Termies came down.... The bikes were smoked as the Pox walkers retreated, and the Termies came in shooting, and hitting... I survived the first combat turn, then I faded. - Huron's last stand? Typhus joins the fray, the Plaguecaster is in, and a Helbrute vs Huron, a spawn, and the Exalted Champ. - So Huron is the first to die...easily to Typhon, he never had a chance. - The Exalted is put down to one wound and does very little in CC. Even against a character. The saves/DR saves are too strong. - The Spawn dies. - The Bikes are removed by Termies - My Warp Talons (down to 2) + my last 4 Possessed still cannot kill one Plague Champ in the ruins. he saves with armour, and DR saves, and I can't get through all those saves and T5. Of course the Possessed rolled a 1 again for a tremendous 4 attacks. END GAME: - His turn has him hunt my Sorc down with his plague caster. He got to swing first, but really the Smites added up over the game and I took a bit of a beating in the psychic departement. - In his turn the Helbrute, and Typhus had easily overwhelmed Huron, Exalted Champ and Spawn, so at this point they have rolled over into the Warp Talons and Possessed. I see what's coming so I blow my last CP's on an interrupt. It doesn't make a difference. He's got me down to a few Warp Talons and 2 Possessed. Of course now I roll a whoping 2 attacks each for the possessed, but the Toughness/saves/DR saves prevent me from killing that last Plague Marine yet again... unbelievable. - So Typhus, and the Helbrute, and the single PM overwhelm the Warp Talons, and 2 Possessed. Huron is dead, the Sorc is dead, the bikes are gone, DP is dead, Baledrake gone... all I have is a 1 wound LR, A few random squads of Cultists and 2 Obliterators so I call it. POST GAME: - This was a hard one to take. I came to a few realizations: There's no point being the first into the fray if you can't remove saves, or do the wounds necessary to overcome the math. T5 is a really difficult hill to climb for this army. I was into him early, and fast, but this was actually to HIS advantage. He hits harder, and outlasts my army with sheer resilience. My army does not hit hear hard enough to be confident against something like this. It was like chopping down a tree with a rubber mallot. - The DP was good. Huron was bad. The Sorc was 'okay' but underperformed this game. The Exalted was 'good' but perhaps a bad fit here... I didn't feel like I had anything take advantage of him. I feel like he's better suited for WE. (I just had crappy attacks at every level). - The Bikes were bad. Bikes just kind of ... hang around. I used them out of the gate in 8th and didn't like them. They went down in points so I thought I'd try them again.... not too impressed. - Oblits. Probably tied for the DP with effectiveness. I misused him but got a glimpse of what he does and it could be good for my World Eaters. It was an enjoyable game... I was outshot, outlasted, out assaulted, and I had no board control after T2 which is game over in Maelstrom.... but it was fun. I really enjoyed playing my own Deathguard and enjoy playing against them.- 29 replies
- battle report
- Death Guard Legion
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- In the embrace of the great Nurgle, I am no longer afraid, for with His pestilential favour I have become that which I once most feared: Death. Kulvain Hestarius of the Death Guard The Dead Walk Among Us… (hyperlinks to finished models in here…when that happens) Greetings! Some of you might have come across my Night Lords WIP, Yes, shameless plug, while they will still be my main focus, I figured now would be the best time to start a little idea I had. I plan to make a small force for each of the Gods, sooo, First up, Papa Nurgle and friends! With the Death Guard in full swing for 8th edition, I’m going to start building a few for myself. If that wasn’t enough, I’m going to be fiddling around with “True Scale”; I want these guys to stand out a little more than the obvious Blue and Green contrast they will have when on the field with my Night Lords. For now, I’ll just be cutting legs and adding a bit of plasticard to make them taller. The fluff for these guys will be that they are part of Typhus’ Plague Fleet and are nobody special. That might change as things in the Galaxy change and ramp up, but only time will tell… (I know, sounds very Tzeentch…but “only death and decay will tell” didn’t sound right-ish…) Typhus: I’ve had this guy painted for a while now. The struggle will now be trying to remember how I painted him for my future DG. Some quick work on a Squad Captain: I have this guy named and I’m really giddy to explain how I came up with the name (it’s nothing special lol)…but I feel like once I share I’ll have zero interest to build/paint this guy. So for now his name will be, B3th. Well. That’s all for now, CC always welcome and thanks for stopping by!
Hi Guys, I started a Nurgle renegade chapter post a few months back and was going to run my mini's as a renegade chapter called the Rotlords. I've decided since to just run them as standard Death Guard adn have painted them as such. I try my best to make them look as filthy as possible, Cleanly painted Nurgle models do absolutely nothing for me and Papa Nurgle I'm sure! So to start once again here is Defecatus, some buys and a Noxious blight bringer.
- Nurgle
- Chaos Space Marine
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Hello everyone, I am looking to expand my list of paints to get better results painting not just my Death Guard but also some monster models from Scibor and HiTech. It's colors for the flesh/skin that I am thinking the most about as I'd like to get different effects: rotting, flayed, bruised, ulcers, warts, sores, eczemas, etc (at this point I'm just writing whatever skin-related anomaly comes to mind but you probably get the idea). So far I have been painting my Plague Marines and poxwalkers with Vallejo's Non-death Chaos set of paints and some other extra colors here and there (but they are mostly basic ones so I don't think a comprehensive list of those is needed). I was thinking about getting Vallejo's Special Effects Set since it seems it can be great for the flesh effects but I'd like to hear some opinions about it first if possible. Or see what other possibilities from Vallejo or Citadel are out there. Thank you beforehand!
- 8 replies
- Nurgle daemons
- Death Guard Legion
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Hello all, I'm starting this thread to document the progress of a returning player getting to grips with a new iteration of a Death Guard Army. First, a little backstory to my Plague legion.... Only the most fanatical of Nurgle’s worshipper’s may hope to gain the Grandfather’s favour. To that end, the Fetid Hand will never rest until each and every one of them have been witnessed by the Bringer of Plagues Himself. These warriors, clad in bone white plate and oozing the numerous blessings of Nurgle, are amongst the foulest of His followers. They are distinctly puritanical in their approach to the spreading of plague, not in the least content to sit back and let the spread of contagion gradually occur throughout the planets they turn their putrid gaze to. Instead, they seek to disperse their diseases with a disciplined fervour that is quite at odds with the majority of their heretic brothers. The Fetid Hand take great delight in seeing their foes brought to their knees by the holy plagues that Nurgle has gifted, and will continue to spread the word of decay until they themselves are welcomed back to the bosom of Nurgle. The idea behind my Death Guard are that they are, in essence, worshippers and priests of Nurgle. In the future, I plan to add either a detachment of Renegades and Heretics who would act as a more diverse cult of worshippers than the single Chaos Cultist unit allows, or a detachment of Chaos Daemons which would also reflect the religious nature of my warband. Anyway, on to some photos! Balgroth, the Fallen Chaplain Had a metal space marine chaplain lying around, so of course I had to putrefy him. The main modification I made was to replace his mace with a staff-like weapon.
- 13 replies
With my mothers heart surgery last month, and her upcoming cancer surgery next week; I've not had much time (or honestly inclination) to do any painting. I've only done a little more than I had before, but I seem to be stuck. I'm working on the Tentacles, and something about them just isnt working... Screamer Pink Red Tone Wash Drybrush Screamer Pink Drybrush Pink Horror line highlight of a very watered down Cadian Fleshtone. I could really use some input, thoughts, suggestions. Either how to fix this, or I guess even another way of doing them... I dont know if I want to go with a more fleshy color or stick with this darker tone. Please help
There are lots of useful topics about the Death Guard scattered across the Bolter & Chainsword website. While most will occur in this forum, other related topics are bound to spring up elsewhere, especially in the Forge forums. In addition, plenty of external websites will include content that is useful for fans of the Death Guard and other Heretic Astartes warbands devoted to Nurgle, including blog posts, videos, etc. Since we can't pin every useful topic, this topic is intended to provide a handy resource for players of the Death Guard and other Nurglish Heretic Astartes. If you know of a topic, external site, or video that you would like to see added to this resource listing, please reply with a link to that topic, external site, or video. If the moderators agree that the submission is both relevant and useful, it will be added to the listing. If you see a link that you think is no longer relevant or which is broken, please post a reply notifying the moderators of the issue. We'll do our best to keep this resource listing updated, fixing broken links and removing those that are no longer relevant.
- 3 replies
- Death Guard Legion
- Chaos Space Marines
- (and 2 more)
In the embrace of the great Nurgle, I am no longer afraid, for with His pestilential favour I have become that which I once most feared: Death. -Kulvain Hestarius, of the Death Guard Fellow brothers of the XIV Legion, the time for war is near, for soon we march to the gates of Terra itself and cast down the Emperor of Mankind and anybody who stands between us and our goal. The banners of the Plague God fly high in his pestilent glory, and uncounted warbands are gathering together preparing for the battles that face us. This is a call to arms for all that are loyal to Nurgle and our gene father Mortarion, make yourselves known so you can join the names of your brothers and you will be remembered for all time as the Chosen of Nurgle, his favoured sons, his Plague Lords, join us in the Dance of Death and soon we will be at his right hand and rule all that we can see... (what the curtains??) I, Slave to Darkness, sworn to Nurgle and former Deathguard Legionnaire, send forth the 'Maggot Kin' lead by Festimius the Septile, to do battle with the followers of the Corpse God, victory shall be ours, as only Death and Decay is certain. (Pre) Heresy Companies 1st Great Company - commanded by Calas Typhon 2nd Great Company - commanded by Ignatius Grulgor (Slave to Darkness) 3rd Great Company - commanded by Tamadas Dion (Disease) 4th Great Company - (Reserved for Chaeron - awaiting details) 5th Great Company - 6th Great Company - 7th Great Company 5th Battalion - commanded by Centurion Moab (Kilofix) Post-Heresy/ Warbands Maggot Kin - commanded by Festimius the Septile (Slave to Darkness) Dread Walkers - commanded by Ambulon (Teetengee) Putrefactors - commanded by ??? (Incinerator950) The Scourge - commanded by The Lich King (ArcticPaladin) The Disciples of Nurgleth - commanded by Kyphas Sadistra (Disease) The Stonebreakers (Iron Warriors 22nd Great Company) - commanded by Plaguesmith M
- 533 replies
- Death Guard Legion
- XIV Legion
- (and 3 more)